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[mod] Noxbestia's Darkest Perversions

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I personally have never played in the India region, even though I have the dlc for it. I find myself having very little interest over in that area, so don't feel so ashamed or anything. You are correct in saying that it is complex, for India has always and will always be complex. I have nothing against the people there at all, but I wish that region was never added because maybe then the game would run better.



What I'm getting at here is I personally kinda hope you don't do too much work in that area. Of course this is your mod and you do you, but I probably will never touch it.


No worries about it being India-centric.  There is a section you can get to that lists the views on a kink based on society (generically speaking separated by fudal, tribal, and nomadic but not tied to any specific regional views), the main religious groups (plus the satanists and the Yiffics), and whatever NPC you are talking with (based roughly on whether they have said kink or not and their scores in that kink top vs bottom -- I'm still working on that code so we'll see what happens to that part).  


@Ashra XIII reported, "After choosing the last option, I got a "Nox_Rape" series of events which kept looping forever, and forced me to reload."  That was her actually hitting this feature when it shouldn't have even been active yet.  Fortunately, I have already written a lot of the text for this and just have to get everything coded in and figure out a few code challenges.


EDIT: chose a kink from the list here and I'll paste in the text for it as an example.  :)

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CK2 Pregnancy Mechanics Changing


For those of you who have not been closely following the modding changes announced for 2.8, there are some cool things coming, including the real use of variables.  So no more having to write 20 if statement's to react to different variable values.  Yay!


One thing that could be totally awesome, or that could break my MOD to pieces in the impregnate change.  They are redoing the impregnate command so multiple pregnancies is no longer possible.  They may also be making it so same sex pregnancy is no longer possible.  However, they are also adding an unsafe_impregnate command that will still allow multiple pregnancies.  It is my hope and dream that this new command will also remove some of the forced logic and I can actually have women impregnating men.  If they give me that, oh, I am going to go crazy with it.  I imagine a harem of nullo men being impregnated by my horse_dicked futa who has both a knot and feline barbs!  <disturbing grin>  (For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I'm kinda warped.)   :P


Anyway, this thrice damned illness will not go away.  On the plus side, I have been working from home which means I ahve been working on the mod more.  On the negative that means my tenuous grasp on focus is fairly shattered.  Late last night I was researching what Zoroastrians and Hindus think of bestiality and ended up buying and reading a lot of the eBook "Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes - a no bullshit guide to world mythology."  (It is hilarious, BTW!)


I'm sorry to say that I have no ETA for the next preview update of, let alone the full release of it.  Know that I am working on it daily and making progress.  I might try to stop being so OCD and try to get the next preview out with a lot more placeholders instead of final content, just to make sure that the mechanics are working an no has to reload from a save anywhere.  (I hate it when that happens to me!)


All for now... Noxie



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The incoming modding xhanges look indeed awesome. I'm drroling at using variables as commands and conditions values and the new if-else_if-else branches.


When were tbe pregnanciy changes mentioned?


Also, wait, futas can gain animalistic features in your mod? I need to play more odthen with it then. Or is that only for the beast-bred race?

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The incoming modding xhanges look indeed awesome. I'm drroling at using variables as commands and conditions values and the new if-else_if-else branches.


When were tbe pregnanciy changes mentioned?


Also, wait, futas can gain animalistic features in your mod? I need to play more odthen with it then. Or is that only for the beast-bred race?


I don't fully remember the status so I may not have all of the code in place yet, but a canine (werewolf, wolf, demon wolf, kitsune) breeding with a neko should produce a child with both barbs and a knot.  Those trait do exist in current code and that is a desired feature.  I may have put the code on hold until after I make my dynamic furry race generator, which is on hold until sometime after is finished.  I am pretty sure futas can already have knots in my mod, but that may be because I often make futa werewolf characters.


From the bottom portion of the change log mentioned in CK2 Dev Diary #58: Modding and a bit of optimization we have, "- Added unsafe_impregnate and unsafe_impregnate_cuckoo effects. These can impregnate someone who is already pregnant, while the two old effects are no longer able to do so"

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Shortcuts and 4th Wall Breaks


Rather than spend who knows how many more days researching religious views for each of the kinks that are in my system, I decided to simply leave placeholders for them to be filled in sometime in the future.  There is enough information so that when the next preview goes up there should no longer be any broken parts to the kink discussion system.  Most of the kinks only list the description of the kink, how society views it, how Yiffics view it, and then how I view it.  The rest of the religions and the views of whatever NPC you are engaged in discussion with will have to wait.  


Currently, the descriptions of how I view each kink are rather fourth wall breaking and I don't terribly care for that.  I expect that in time I will rewrite them in such a way as to continue to be honest representations of my feelings towards each kink, while grounding them in the framework of the game's setting.


EDIT:  I would guess some of you are really wondering WTF this kink discussion stuff brings to the game and why I am trying so hard to get it added in before I move on to better stuff.  Well, first, this gives you in-game context regarding the kinks in my kink tracking system as well as more Yiffic lore.  Second, it will give you choices that will let you set positive or negative interest in a kink, should you wish to do so.  This will finally give a player the power to adjust the probability of certain (future) kinky scenes happening, but without having to wait for enough points in a kink for the kink tracker to tell you you are developing x_kink.  As I am working to develop more and more kinky content, this will become more and more relevant and like with the kink tracker itself, getting this in place before I do the content will keep me from having to figure out how to retro-fit everything to make it work.

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Status Update


Today was incredibly productive!!!  I don't want to jinx myself, but I have a good feeling about getting the next preview of out this weekend, possibly even tomorrow though that may be a damp dream on my part with as fast as I have been pumping out code and not testing anything.  Who knows, if I get the next preview out soon enough I may even get enough feedback and play-testing time of my own in to feel comfortable putting the release version of alpha out.  That is unless I discover yet another major missing component that needs done to keep things from blowing up like they currently are.

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I, for one, just want to let you know Nox that I really love how many updates and explanation posts you put up regarding your mod and your thinking on it. It's actually been fascinating to track this through development. I enjoy lots of mods here on LL, across a few different games, but your development cycle has by far been one of the most open.  


Beyond that, I really can't wait to try the next preview version, and no doubt break it in some way. ^_^ Looking forward to it!

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ARRRRRGH!  Nomads!


I was enjoying writing a simple little sex event that takes place in your private baths.  But then my brain went, "Wait! That is well and good for feudal or republic.  What about tribal?  What about nomadic?"


Tribal isn't really a problem if you generalize them.  Specific tribal cultures didn't bathe or rarely bathed, but on the whole tribal peoples were known to bathe more often than the British of the time did.


Nomads on the other hand, in this time period, NEVER bathed or washed their clothes.  They believed such actions could anger the dragons who were in charge of the water.  I did not originally know this, and just learning of it means I can't have some of the scenes I wanted to have for anyone who is playing a nomad without shattering that part of their culture in ways I hadn't intended.  So, what to do...?

  1. The easy solution is just block the whole trap event chain and sex randomizer system from nomads.  I don't like this answer!
  2. Next easiest is block bathing scenes.  I can do that, but... then there are holes in my system.
  3. The correct fix is to write alternate scenes to replace any bathing or swimming scenes.  This is the proper way to handle it, but also additional writing and coding time.

Regardless of how I eventually resolve the issue, I won't let it delay progress.  It just cost me a couple hours of work on a scene I can't use right now.  No big deal, but.... Arrrrrgh!  Nomads!   :@ 


EDIT: For an interesting (albeit somewhat disturbing) read on the subject, click this link.

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I fear this nice mod will take forever to get a functional update. You start alot of thoughts but most thought seems not to get finished :-(

Perhaps it would be better you would finish the actual version before you expand it.

Don´t get me wrong, it´s realy nice of you to make a special beastiality mod for this community but atm this mod isn´t working at all :-(

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I fear this nice mod will take forever to get a functional update. You start alot of thoughts but most thought seems not to get finished :-(

Perhaps it would be better you would finish the actual version before you expand it.

Don´t get me wrong, it´s realy nice of you to make a special beastiality mod for this community but atm this mod isn´t working at all :-(




Did you read my "Status Update" from last night?  I am very close to the next preview of and possibly even the release of this weekend.


The post before that was talking about taking shortcuts in the text so that I have all the buggy parts working and then I'll fill in the missing text later.


In posts on Wednesday I was talking about getting something finished that needed to be working because it was being hit when people were running this and would lead to a situation where people had to reload their saves.  That is done (albeit with missing sections of text, but it works now).


Many other ideas I have mentioned have also included me saying but they are on hold until after


In the past week or so, I have written nearly 15,000 words of localisation text, and literally thousands of lines of code trying to get to a working as desired state.  


What remains before I put the next preview of up?  As it appears right now, a few hundred more lines of code (a lot of which is copy/paste + edit stuff and I am guessing probably 1-2 thousand more words for the localisation files.  Before posting this I had jsut finished the copy/paste/edit of the code into the 2200s section of NoxYiffy_events.  After I post this, I am moving on to the code for the 2300s section, which again is mostly copy/paste/edit.  There will be some code needed in the 2400s section.  Unfortunately it wont be copy paste but it also shouldn't be too terribly complicated.


So right now, in my time zone it is approaching 17:00 hours.  I will be getting off work in about 10 minutes and can then fully devote the rest of my evening to getting the next preview of out.  Will it make it tonight?  Probably.


Finally, remember that is (I believe) functioning properly, which is currently the "official" release version of my MOD, albeit lacking a lot of the new and exciting stuff I have been working on.

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Upload Now or Edit More?


To anyone still watching tonight, tell me if you want me to upload the new preview version as it is right now, with a lot of localisation trigger words not yet entered, or shall I do more editing and have a slightly cleaner preview version that I upload tomorrow?  Either way, the functionality should be the same, but as it sits right now you'll have more events that read like, "Maybe trapsonname can show you what it feels like the other way around or when you've recovered sistername can ride your cock so you can compare assword and cuntword."

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The Fourth Preview Version of

NoxBestia's Darkest Perversionsα has been uploaded!

This version is compatible with CK2 version 3.7.1 or 3.7.2.






Despite the fact I keep finding things that need fixed and that I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I am missing something big, I have made you all wait too long, so here is an update.  I must reiterate that this is just a preview version, not a full alpha release.  The closest this has had to play-testing is forcing certain events to kick off, so I do expect there to be problems, but hopefully I at least have all the game-breaking problems removed.


There are still many events with placeholder text and some events that really should be in the system are not yet coded in.  If you trigger the trap events, the sex scene randomizer is not yet stocked with the minimum events needed (stages 1-3 have minimums but still needing some stage 4 stuff).  I am still working on that and hope to have that resolved later today or tomorrow.  Finishing those scenes and fixing whatever bugs are discovered from this preview, will be what is needed before I'll call ready for release.


Beyond those missing scenes (a maximum of 10, but possibly fewer) and any predicted bug fixes, I am not working on any new material before the release of  That includes the new werewolf use & abuse events and any attempt at starting to rework my procreo replacement; they will have to wait for after is released.



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SQUEEE a new preview!


BTW, there has been so much talk about what you're working on, I have trouble keeping up with what is actually appearing in this preview and what is a bit further down the road.


Can we get a summary of some sort as to what's in the preview? At the very least, it'd help me know what to seek out for the purposes of testing.




EDIT: Also, does the new Dark World update cause any problems?

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SQUEEE a new preview!


BTW, there has been so much talk about what you're working on, I have trouble keeping up with what is actually appearing in this preview and what is a bit further down the road.


Can we get a summary of some sort as to what's in the preview? At the very least, it'd help me know what to seek out for the purposes of testing.




I have actually lost track of what all is in here and what isn't.  Primarily, this preview still mostly centers around the new trap events and randomizer.  However, the kink discussion system (in draft form) is also there so you can read about kinks.  Either stage 2 or stage 3 events of the randomizer should offer to give that option... except where I forgot to add in the option text.  In that case, it should always be the bottom option to get to that.  Probably going to take a bit more experimentation in some areas.


Anytime you run though the trap sex event randomizer and you don't end with a sex scene, you can always reset it with the console command: event NOX_yiff.2002 


BTW, There is something that happens when the trap family event system kicks off.  I want to hide more of it, but haven't figured out how yet.  Anyway, two half-brothers you didn't know you had suddenly appear and one murders the other one.  The murderer has ridiculous stats and hates the player, but is a bastard and should not have any claims on your titles.  If you have a mother, the murdered one probably jsut got her pregnant before he was killed.  I have not tried this when the player doesn't have parents (such as a ruler-designed character) so it may blow up in those cases.  The murderer is also a rival and is someone the trapfather will eventually have dealings with because of how the murder traumatized you about your little endowment.  This is an unfinished side plot that wont be in even though the players are all there.  Also, he has a 7 year old daughter who is smitten with the player.  There are no events around this for; just a character modifier.  I had dreamed of an event chain where the player rescues her form her abusive, sick father but I put that on hold when I realized how long it was taking to get the minimums of done.


Arrgh... I'm suddenly thinking of so much more I forgot.  Still fighting this cough and very drained so I need to go nap for a bit then I'll be back to work on this more.


Also not fully written but still possible for as one of the 10 scenes that need added is a sex scene that starts with the player encountering the trap family sister while she is tied by a red fox.  This was to introduce bestiality to the player and be a precursor to werewolf/player/trap family events that will NOT make it into but should be cuming soon afterwards.  It may or may not have things to do with kitsune in a future version.   :P


I know this is vague in a lot of areas, but I hope it helps.  Much of my work has been on getting missing support systems actually functioning, despite having written nearly (probably over by now) 15,000 words of localisation text.  Also, my mod is at an awkward stage with so much mechanics needing to be in place and a lot of content there for the future and/or to support the mechanics.


EDIT: another reason for rushing this out (again) was because preview 3 was so unplayable.  This should at least be playable and you should never ahve to reload form a save.

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Fun little fact: the game complains (in the etror log) about the alpha character in the name of the mod.


Anyway, great woek pulling a new preview. Ans a question, can we expect any additional event pictures when the final 0.4 hits?


Can you copy me that error?  I don't see such an error in my error.log.


As for new artwork, I would love more.  If you have anything you'd like to submit, please do!  It took hours to find the images I already have added in there and I'm only partially happy with them.  I did get a lot more candidates for Yiffic priestesses but I haven't written anything for them but that one event.  


One partial solution to my art problem that I have been considering is anthro art.  I can get almost any scene I can write in furry art with little difficulty.  I have _strongly_ considered populating my mod with furry art and supplementing or replacing the furry art with other art that anyone wishes to submit.  I figured I'd at least wait until I did that furry race generator before I did that.

Ok, so it's still all about the trap stuff? I wasn't sure if any of the canine events were put into the game yet. I'll take a look and see what happens.


I asked above but I think you missed the edit: Does the new version of Dark World break anything that you know of?


I haven't downloaded 1.55 yet so I do not know.  I suppose I had best do that before going on to anything else with

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Dark World Reborn 1.55 Compatibility


Currently, I override two dark world game files.  I have updated my development copy of Darkest Perversions to reflect the changes in 1.55 that I am keeping.  Until my next version goes out, Dark World Reborn's new bestiality rule will not function and anything based on it may be broken.  If it looks like it is going to take me too long to have ready, I will upload another preview to fix this.  


For those that are willing to do a little legwork themselves, I have uploaded a modified copy of dw_scripted_triggers.txt that you can copy over the one located at /mod/Dark World NoxBestia Darkest Perversions/common/scripted_triggers  (Do NOT copy over the one in Dark World Reborn.)


There are other dark world items that I override on a case by case basis.  So far I have not found any conflicts; however, if anyone stumbles across any, please let me know.  The release version of will assume you are running Dark World Reborn 1.55.


EDIT: You should also change the dependency from 1.54 to 1.55 in Dark World NoxBestia Darkest Perversions.mod 


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Missing Localisation in Preview 4


I knew I missed some of the localisation in preview 4 for the option text, but I hadn't realized I missed MOST of it.  My apologies.  I will be working on that while I am also writing the rest of the NINE (or less) new sex scenes I need.  


EDIT: Down to 6½ more sex scenes needed.

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