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WickedWhims v180a [2024-05-20]

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1 hour ago, AchievementGET21 said:

Ok, so I downloaded the mod and when i click on my sim, there is a change to nude option, but when i click it, it has a censor bar. I have a feeling i did something wrong, but dont know what


You probably installed the streamer mode file. It even has "censorship" in the name.


4 minutes ago, FoxyFålcón said:

I just updated WhickedWhims to the latest version, and now the Kinky mod doesn't work anymore.  I get a last exception error

Can't help you with that if you're so secretive about what's wrong. ?


Post your lastException.txt file.

If you installed some of ColonolNuttys mods, you should know that they might not be compatible with the newest WW version unless updated, too.

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1 hour ago, knottypibble said:

Is there any possible way I could get the previous version (147f)? Some mods that depend on this haven't been updated and I didn't realize that and now I'm having issues.. rather than uninstall a whole buncha mods I'd rather just reinstall one. Thanks!



here you have the link for version 145f. advice for the future. always wait a bit before updating. watch, drink coffee, wait ;)

so that the waiting doesn't get too boring here is some entertainment:






145f is either a typo or i have the wrong page, sorry. should be 147f, right?

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8 hours ago, Downloader said:

Don't know if this is important but my males always have underwear on by default, I have to hit the X to strip it off then it changes to the default selected penis unless I literally choose a naked lower non-default as underwear.   Its always been like that for me, for males or females* and I thought that was the way it was intended.  Once setup that way, e.g. underwear or naked they keep whatever I set it too. 


I tend to use all outfit slots in all categories (*shakes fist at sky while shouting* "NOT ENOUGH SLOTS!") and as I don't sleep in any clothing IRL I leave one underwear slot nude on most sims. 


* = in the case of nude lower, not in penis lower :blush: 

Found the problem.....it was the redapple.net mod.....remove it penis's appear....put it back in black pants return....contacted her on discord....

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33 minutes ago, Kashked said:

What does the "Unique appearence" reward trait actually DO? Does it make your sim just generally more attractive to more sims? I've tried googling to no results.

Every world is different, populated with varied looking Sims, and many opportunities to find a match. If your game has mostly similar looking Sims, that will establish a very strong common style, making Sims that stand out that much more unique. But if your game is filled with very distinct looking Sims, standing out isn’t enough to get noticed.
Each and every attractive attribute has its value. If everybody has long beautiful hair, then there isn’t much value in having long beautiful hair. That creates a great opportunity for any Sim that is bald, making being bald so much more rare. Having rare style means that you stand out, and if someone likes your bald Sim then they will be so much more special for them.


I think that explains very well what is intended. 

I took it from the Wicked Whims page, they're not my words.

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1 hour ago, Derydlus said:

Кто-нибудь может предоставить более подробную информацию об этом изменении?


  • Нагота Происшествия
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Голый апокалипсис)))

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Been having an issue with peeping sims. Despite having applied the trait to a few sims, there's only a few lots in the game that'll let them spawn/appear, regardless of what type of windows are being used. One in Forgotten Hollow, one in Newcrest, one in Windenburg and one in Sulani. Any other lots regardless if they're base game or custom won't let them appear. With the most recent updates, the only way to have them appear is to VISIT that lot. As soon as I play that lot, the spawning stops.

Only thing that's happened was the two original peeping sims died from lightning so then I manually applied the trait to others.

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11 hours ago, FoxyFålcón said:

I just updated WhickedWhims to the latest version, and now the Kinky mod doesn't work anymore.  I get a last exception error

Not a WW problem.


If a mod is heavily keyed to a specific version of another, don't go blaming that other one when it updates and the first does not.

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Stupid question no doubt but, are there any compatible alternate prostitution mods besides Nisa’s Wicked Perversions (NWP) that just does prostitution? 


I'm just tired of trying to get everything to work nicely with everything else with every patch, as such I'm thinking of just dropping NWP and Basemental Drugs (BMD).  


The last thing I want to do is cause offence to these authors because they are all fantastic additions to the game but really the only functions of these mods I use are...





Prostitution work for some male and female sims and the 'Sensually Tight' trait for 'virgins' but sometimes on non virgins also.  None of my sims will ever lay eggs or any of the other additional things the mod does.






I tend to just grow, sell and smoke weed on some sims, I would love to use it for smoking tobacco since it was added publicly but the addiction system and autonomous chain smoking that makes your sim stand around like a muppet for hours on end was just too much of a massive pain in the ass. 


The only real reason I have it was its required for NWP but since I only use NWP essentially for prostitution and have no desire to use all its other features...



Anyway, like I say, don't want to cause offence to the various authors, the work is greatly appreciated however, I would like to simplify things a little when well over half the features of these addons are just not used by me and never will be. 


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4 hours ago, FoxyFålcón said:

I just want to know what causes the LE.

Mis-matched mod versions between WW any any other mod that uses WW for a base.

WW updates and the other dependency mods break.

Always keep a few older WW versions around so you can revert back one version if things go bad. 


People should stop jumping on WW updates as soon as they come out.

Especially if you are using Nisa's and Kinky mods.



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6 hours ago, FoxyFålcón said:

I never blamed WW.

It's just that if you post on a WW help thread, it's as if you are asking for WW help.  Which this isn't.  There are a lot of posters who aren't as aware as you that come out of the woodwork every update demanding fixes to WW when the real issue is that they haven't updated their other mods yet.  After a while it makes people a little hair-trigger on that issue.


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