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Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home (SE/LE)

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CliftonJD: Thanks for the input!  Unfortunately I am one of the ones that gets no dialog from Lets Tie You Up.

I wound up just using the PAHE command to bind the slave; that seemed to work fine.

Moving slaves around was not a particular problem. I had 44 in HSH that I tried to save.

The really tricky part was finding some combination of operations that let me remove HSH, load a save, and successfully resave.

It must have taken me twenty tries, moving a few slaves at a time. Most attempts resulted in an immediate CTD on save.

The magic finally worked though, and I protected all slaves but two. Those I re-enslaved with no apparent problem.

Of course I lost the three HSH slaves - Mirean, Mona, and Melena (sure I got the names wrong).

The only one I valued was the kidnapped bride. She was one of my best trainers - and I will redo the Quests just to get her back.

Resolution: After purge of HSH, clean the save with both Save Tool and Script Scalpel, reinstall HSH, I am back to a 12MB save file and all looks good.

All my trained slaves - are still trained. Life is good - although about 8 hours of it was used up on fixing this.


Musje _ I am sorry I could not come up with any reasons for getting into this mess. Going forward, I will be watching more carefully.

At least now there is no chance of an upgrade related problem.


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CliftonJD: Thanks for the input!  Unfortunately I am one of the ones that gets no dialog from Lets Tie You Up.

I wound up just using the PAHE command to bind the slave; that seemed to work fine.

Moving slaves around was not a particular problem. I had 44 in HSH that I tried to save.

The really tricky part was finding some combination of operations that let me remove HSH, load a save, and successfully resave.

It must have taken me twenty tries, moving a few slaves at a time.

Most attempts resulted in an immediate CTD on save.

The magic finally worked though, and I protected all slaves but two. Those I re-enslaved with no apparent problem.

Of course I lost the three HSH slaves - Mirean, Mona, and Melena (sure I got the names wrong).

The only one I valued was the kidnapped bride. She was one of my best trainers - and I will redo the Quests just to get her back.

Resolution: After purge of HSH, clean the save with both Save Tool and Script Scalpel, reinstall HSH, I am back to a 12MB save file and all looks good.

All my trained slaves - are still trained. Life is good - although about 8 hours of it was used up on fixing this.


Musje _ I am sorry I could not come up with any reasons for getting into this mess. Going forward, I will be watching more carefully.

At least now there is no chance of an upgrade related problem.

next time you encounter an issue where you're tryign to recover the save, but keep getting ctd on save - use the console to save it before you try the normal save - open console and type:

save slaves

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save slaves


next time you encounter an issue where you're trying to recover the save, but keep getting ctd on save - use the console to save it before you try the normal save - open console and type:




Thanks CliftonJD - I always do this. In fact the save that was successful is titled Eureka.

Saves at major milestones always get a title - the HSH install is titled HSH. Same for PAHE.

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I would recommend not to assign any trainers to anyone for now, it looks like the thread+save bloat comes from that routine.


Musje Thanks - but I feel an obligation to keep poking until I find something useful.

I can not think of any worse problem report than "Oh no - save game bloat!"


/ramblemode on

This cought me because I was not watching for it. Script Scalpel is a great tool for keeping track of active threads.

In a typical save I have one to three active, up to ten. Makes it easy to spot a runaway process - if I look.

Same for time to save - if it takes more than ten seconds - look and see what is going on.

Same for multiple "Training completed" messages. I won't ignore them next time.


Things I do watch for are synchronization between HSH and PAHE. I think we have a problem with "Now you will fight for me".


Sophia and Maria are two main slaves I usually have with me. I noticed they were hanging back and not participating in fighting.

Both had dialog options indicating they were assigned to fight, and nothing to indicate they were unwilling to fight.

They did not start participating until I told them "stop fighting" followed by "fight for me now".

Both frequently transition between PAHE slave and HSH slave, typically to train someone.

Looks to me like the dialog flag is out of synch with the actual combat flag.


I think, based on behavior, Respect may have the same problem. At least worth looking at.


Speaking of which - any chance of getting a training option to raise respect? I can't get some slaves over 50, but I have one at 100 that always gets the "I thought I told you" option.


Speaking of which - there is a bug I won't tell you about involving a loop between "I thought I told you" and "make sure you remember".

I have used that up to 30 times in a row, raising obedience and respect to 100 quite painlessly... Now please forget I mentioned it...

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I would recommend not to assign any trainers to anyone for now, it looks like the thread+save bloat comes from that routine.


Musje Thanks - but I feel an obligation to keep poking until I find something useful.

I can not think of any worse problem report than "Oh no - save game bloat!"


/ramblemode on

This cought me because I was not watching for it. Script Scalpel is a great tool for keeping track of active threads.

In a typical save I have one to three active, up to ten. Makes it easy to spot a runaway process - if I look.

Same for time to save - if it takes more than ten seconds - look and see what is going on.

Same for multiple "Training completed" messages. I won't ignore them next time.


Things I do watch for are synchronization between HSH and PAHE. I think we have a problem with "Now you will fight for me".



Sophia and Maria are two main slaves I usually have with me. I noticed they were hanging back and not participating in fighting.

Both had dialog options indicating they were assigned to fight, and nothing to indicate they were unwilling to fight.

They did not start participating until I told them "stop fighting" followed by "fight for me now".

Both frequently transition between PAHE slave and HSH slave, typically to train someone.

Looks to me like the dialog flag is out of synch with the actual combat flag.


I think, based on behavior, Respect may have the same problem. At least worth looking at.


Speaking of which - any chance of getting a training option to raise respect? I can't get some slaves over 50, but I have one at 100 that always gets the "I thought I told you" option.


Speaking of which - there is a bug I won't tell you about involving a loop between "I thought I told you" and "make sure you remember".

I have used that up to 30 times in a row, raising obedience and respect to 100 quite painlessly... Now please forget I mentioned it...



likely hsh removes the combat flag of the slave for pahe so it doesn't fix until you go back thru the dialogs again


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save slaves


next time you encounter an issue where you're trying to recover the save, but keep getting ctd on save - use the console to save it before you try the normal save - open console and type:




Thanks CliftonJD - I always do this. In fact the save that was successful is titled Eureka.

Saves at major milestones always get a title - the HSH install is titled HSH. Same for PAHE.



you say that as tho you titled it afterwords(if i'm wrong disregard), but what i'm saying is that using the console to save it during times you have those issues will successfully save it regardless of the bloat so the moment you discover you have the issue rather than constant retries and failures - use the console to save it and immediately afterwords it won't ctd when saving normal


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save slaves


next time you encounter an issue where you're trying to recover the save, but keep getting ctd on save - use the console to save it before you try the normal save - open console and type:




Thanks CliftonJD - I always do this. In fact the save that was successful is titled Eureka.

Saves at major milestones always get a title - the HSH install is titled HSH. Same for PAHE.



you say that as tho you titled it afterwords(if i'm wrong disregard), but what i'm saying is that using the console to save it during times you have those issues will successfully save it regardless of the bloat so the moment you discover you have the issue rather than constant retries and failures - use the console to save it and immediately afterwords it won't ctd when saving normal



Actually bloated saves never failed. The fail was when I removed HSH, loaded up the latest save and immediately tried to save it through the console. When that is successfule, I load up the new save - and save it again.  Then I start save cleaning.

Another irritation that may affect both of you: Sleeping HSH slaves always get the "Enslave" option when you want to talk to them.

A current sleeping slave (PAHE or HSH) should not get the option to enslave again when activated.

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We're working on fixing the enslavement option on sleeping HSH slaves.


Respect on slaves should be retained on transfers between PAHE and HSH. The combat thing is probably a simple fix: I think HSH removes the thing that actually makes slaves fight for you, but doesn't remove the accompanying faction that drives the dialogue in PAHE. I'll fix it in the next version.

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We're working on fixing the enslavement option on sleeping HSH slaves.


Respect on slaves should be retained on transfers between PAHE and HSH. The combat thing is probably a simple fix: I think HSH removes the thing that actually makes slaves fight for you, but doesn't remove the accompanying faction that drives the dialogue in PAHE. I'll fix it in the next version


Thanks Musje!


And one more:  At the slave auction, the dialogue entry "I have to leave now" is repeated twice.

I think that is the last one.  For now...


After the reinstall, everything is peachy. For now.

I yanked Melina away from the slavers and bumped all her stats. Now she is a killing machine, and she is on her way to being a primary trainer.

I have serious concerns if I enslave a HSH NPC and later remove the HSH mod like I had to this time.

I think the PAHE clone cell ref will be pointing to a null entry, which may have been responsible for some of my CTDs.

This time I did not even enslave Mona and Merian, just in case. Melina will get - special handling.

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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?

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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


either something went wrong in the enslavement process so the factions weren't cleared or the bandits belong to another faction from the invasion mod you mentioned in the pahe thread

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Just being curious: the requirments in description page says it need "Paradise Halls Extended", but according to PAH description page on Nexus (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29886/?), that mod is not compatible with PAH 0.7. So should I use PAH 0.6 or you meant Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe)?

the mod wasn't around for pah 0.7. the version quoted as incompatible is strec's 0.7.31

notice that's not layam - pahe and home sweet home were both made for layam's 0.7.3


you can get the full version here:


Thank you!


After read this sentence from the description of pahe: "6.2.2 both contain the required pah files needed to run"

I realize I do not need the mod from Nexus at all.


pahe + PAH HSH works fine.

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Just being curious: the requirments in description page says it need "Paradise Halls Extended", but according to PAH description page on Nexus (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29886/?), that mod is not compatible with PAH 0.7. So should I use PAH 0.6 or you meant Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe)?

the mod wasn't around for pah 0.7. the version quoted as incompatible is strec's 0.7.31

notice that's not layam - pahe and home sweet home were both made for layam's 0.7.3


you can get the full version here:


Thank you!


After read this sentence from the description of pahe: "6.2.2 both contain the required pah files needed to run"

I realize I do not need the mod from Nexus at all.


pahe + PAH HSH works fine.



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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


Do you have Deadly Wenches installed? This mod causes all manner of aggro issues apparently.


Bandits should work fine, and for most people they do. I always grab 1 or 2 of them if I run into a camp myself. No aggro issues thus far.


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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


Do you have Deadly Wenches installed? This mod causes all manner of aggro issues apparently.


Bandits should work fine, and for most people they do. I always grab 1 or 2 of them if I run into a camp myself. No aggro issues thus far.




No I do not have Deadly Wenches.


It seems the enslavement was not complete due to enslaving them out of a dungeon. Just my guessing, after running a slave through a city after enslaving there were no longer any aggroing issues with the restless hunter or the mines.


Oh and to answer my own question and to possibly help others wondering, yes you can turn in 3 of the same slave for the auction quest. I handed in 3 male khajiit and all 3 got credit and the auction went off without a hitch.

(Just don't forget to swap out their slave collars for auction pendants after they are put in the cages. Messed up the auction and had to wait another day hehe.)





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I've got an issue where I cannot put a slave in cage. I set up the cage, with Cell and Home inside the actual cage, and then using dialogue :


You're going to stay here for a while -> Attend me slave -> this is your cell from now on. (or something similar) while standing in the cage, she then freely walks through the wall, though and decide to cook and such. Any help ?


I looked up things and apparently tehre is supposed to be different dialogue about the cell, but I doublechecked and nothing else mentions the cell in my dialogue options.

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I see. Thats propably where is the problem. She has to have over 70 submission in order to Cell dialogue to appear?

Because I tried all dialogs and subdialogs and there is nothing about "staying in cell" :/



Doublechecked that there is no dialog option to send her to her cell. She is freshly caught slave and I am trying to put her in cage I've put in my home from a token, using all steps in your "how to".

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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


Do you have Deadly Wenches installed? This mod causes all manner of aggro issues apparently.


Bandits should work fine, and for most people they do. I always grab 1 or 2 of them if I run into a camp myself. No aggro issues thus far.




I have to stand up for Deadly Wenches. I have always run PAHE with them and have never had an aggro problem with them - anywhere.


I just auctioned 8 Deadly Wenches off at Restless Hunter. Went without a hitch. Mixture of Vampires and Nords. Redguard or two.


In fact my only aggro ever was a male specific type of Vampire. I am still suspicious of Dremora too.


Well - I did have someone aggro from a whipping during training. Not the trainee - a bystander. That was different than a guard aggroing.

Have not seen that since. I always tell the trainer no whipping now.

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Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


Do you have Deadly Wenches installed? This mod causes all manner of aggro issues apparently.


Bandits should work fine, and for most people they do. I always grab 1 or 2 of them if I run into a camp myself. No aggro issues thus far.




No I do not have Deadly Wenches.



It seems the enslavement was not complete due to enslaving them out of a dungeon. Just my guessing, after running a slave through a city after enslaving there were no longer any aggroing issues with the restless hunter or the mines.



Oh and to answer my own question and to possibly help others wondering, yes you can turn in 3 of the same slave for the auction quest. I handed in 3 male khajiit and all 3 got credit and the auction went off without a hitch.

(Just don't forget to swap out their slave collars for auction pendants after they are put in the cages. Messed up the auction and had to wait another day hehe.)



that's why i said to send me the enslavement log of those slaves

i think the bugs you had with those bandits who had issues may have been the same bug musje already sent me




Ok I am having a problem with faction specific mobs

it has happened twice thus far. both were vanilla bandits. No mods alter these two guys nor are they from a mod. I bring the first one to a mine to do some hard labour, and as soon as I hand him over he attacks the guard and the guard kills him.


Second guy was taken to the restless hunter for the auction, again as soon as I hand him over he attacks and the guard there kills him. both times there was no red dot on the compass to indicate he had been reset to hostile npc.


This is really weird as it makes the screening process for slaves limited. As it seems I cannot use any bandits.


Oh and just a quick question for the auction quest do I need to choose different options from the list to make the quota or can I just hand in the same type as many times as needed?


Do you have Deadly Wenches installed? This mod causes all manner of aggro issues apparently.


Bandits should work fine, and for most people they do. I always grab 1 or 2 of them if I run into a camp myself. No aggro issues thus far.




I have to stand up for Deadly Wenches. I have always run PAHE with them and have never had an aggro problem with them - anywhere.


I just auctioned 8 Deadly Wenches off at Restless Hunter. Went without a hitch. Mixture of Vampires and Nords. Redguard or two.


In fact my only aggro ever was a male specific type of Vampire. I am still suspicious of Dremora too.


Well - I did have someone aggro from a whipping during training. Not the trainee - a bystander. That was different than a guard aggroing.

Have not seen that since. I always tell the trainer no whipping now.


that's good to hear - i'm beginning to wonder if we need a tally of the settings from the users who are having issues with it

there's a number of settings in the immersive wenches - if the bugs don't come until 1 of those settings are changed from the defaults that would explain it


the vampire aggro fits the profile already witnessed at the felglow slave camp - problem is i've never narrowed down which vampires it was. if its the dlc vampires, i might need to make a patch for those


i've never sold any dremora before

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I see. Thats propably where is the problem. She has to have over 70 submission in order to Cell dialogue to appear?

Because I tried all dialogs and subdialogs and there is nothing about "staying in cell" :/



Doublechecked that there is no dialog option to send her to her cell. She is freshly caught slave and I am trying to put her in cage I've put in my home from a token, using all steps in your "how to".


If they are below 70, they should stay in the cell by default; that's why there's no dialogue for that. I did notice that they tend to wander sometimes. I had to set the slaves routine to "sandbox around themselves" in s small radius, since I cannot program to find a cell marker first, then sandbox around that. The sandboxing routing doesn't respect the radius parameter on "found" markers and the slave will just stand in place.

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CliftonJD - the Vampire I had problems with was a Nightmaster. Based on the physical appearance, I would say he was from Dawnguard. Ugly SOB.


Something strange about that. The WIKI says you have to be 65 or higher to encounter a Nightmaster (lvl 65). My PC on this run is 50.

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