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I have actually had a idea for a quest I have been thinking should be kind of a fun start. I am just to bad and stupid to make mods myself.

It's similar in a way to Rannveig's Fast quest. Its the one where Sild the Warlock trap people to experiment on them in the Rannveig's Fast nordic ruin.


My idea is:

You can captured when you are walking in the wilderness (does not have to be shown)

You wake up in a cell where a mage and his assistant are talking about the experiment (where the mage is annoyed over how the assistant is so stupid and he is the best he got since he was kicked out of the college).

The experiment itself is about turning normal humans into part man part monster creatures with an extreme sex drive. It should explain something like Dagi-Raht Race mod.

The assistant rapes you to activate the magic and when the transformation is complete the assistant is to tired and stupid to forget to lock the door.

You sneak or kill your way out and the story starts.


Interesting idea. If I did that, I think what I'd want to do is make a couple of modlets that use the same basic scenario, using the race mod as a dependency, so they work for the different "beast" style races. That way it could directly reference the specified race and be a lot less generic.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, it's certainly possible to do that without making another mod a dependency. Hmm... I might do some experimentation this weekend...


To be fair here. A man-monster hybrid does not need to show any signs on the outside. Your insides and though pattern can be changed without changing your look, the race dependency is just to make it fit into the story even more that there is cat-man hybrid mods (even more then already). As your edit say. This is 100% possible to do without any dependencies at all. Remember that the "experiment" is just an experiment, no one knows exactly what will happen and what will and will not work in the end. You will be gone before any conclusions are made.

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Interesting idea. If I did that, I think what I'd want to do is make a couple of modlets that use the same basic scenario, using the race mod as a dependency, so they work for the different "beast" style races. That way it could directly reference the specified race and be a lot less generic.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, it's certainly possible to do that without making another mod a dependency. Hmm... I might do some experimentation this weekend...

I had to post here to show my interest in this.


While I usually don't care about human or even characters ever since I completed my first playthrough with Generic Male Nord Hero #251 back in '12, the idea of playing as a character that used to be a regular human/mer but is turned into a beast race would be interesting indeed, specially if it comes with some kind of quest or at least the transformation is referenced to in some way.


What kind of beast races would you implement/make compatible with such scenario, though? Full-beast ones like Khajiits or Lykaios? Or half-human ones like the Dagi-Raht? I'll admit I would like to have the former as an option, but the latter can surely work as well. Just asking in case this leads somewhere and ends up making it to the mod  :shy:.


BTW, I wanted to take the chance to say this: great work on the mod so far! I haven't really used it in any of my "main" playthroughs, because none of the starts quite fit my characters, but I do have tried the starts for the sake of it, and I have to say I'm impressed. Kudos  :lol:.

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To be fair here. A man-monster hybrid does not need to show any signs on the outside. Your insides and though pattern can be changed without changing your look, the race dependency is just to make it fit into the story even more that there is cat-man hybrid mods (even more then already). As your edit say. This is 100% possible to do without any dependencies at all. Remember that the "experiment" is just an experiment, no one knows exactly what will happen and what will and will not work in the end. You will be gone before any conclusions are made.

Well, if we're going that route, it's really just a generic start with some unique dialogue.

I'm instead thinking something like some mage who wants to gain the "power of the beast" by mating with that beast, and become the hybrid himself. He/she wouldn't pick just any elf or human-looking character, this would be something specific to Khajiit, Argonian, and mod-added beast or semi-beast races. So he/she goes around capturing these beastial races in order to mate with them and, I dunno, through the power of friendship passion gain their "mystical powers."


I had to post here to show my interest in this.




While I usually don't care about human or even characters ever since I completed my first playthrough with Generic Male Nord Hero #251 back in '12, the idea of playing as a character that used to be a regular human/mer but is turned into a beast race would be interesting indeed, specially if it comes with some kind of quest or at least the transformation is referenced to in some way.


What kind of beast races would you implement/make compatible with such scenario, though? Full-beast ones like Khajiits or Lykaios? Or half-human ones like the Dagi-Raht? I'll admit I would like to have the former as an option, but the latter can surely work as well. Just asking in case this leads somewhere and ends up making it to the mod  :shy:.


BTW, I wanted to take the chance to say this: great work on the mod so far! I haven't really used it in any of my "main" playthroughs, because none of the starts quite fit my characters, but I do have tried the starts for the sake of it, and I have to say I'm impressed. Kudos  :lol:.


Racial transformation can be problematic. I was fairly recently told a way to make it work without buggering up the game, but I can't find it. However, since the problems arising from switching races usually amount to loss of leveled perks or quest reward perks and stuff like that, it wouldn't necessarily be a problem in this case.

The issue here is dependencies. What I meant before when I said it could be done without dependencies was that I can detect the race name and then use that in dialogue, so for example I can look at your race's name for the word "Lykaios" and if I see it, have a dialogue line just for that (so in my above idea, the mage would say something like "Aha! A wolf-man hybrid! I'll fuck that and gain the powers of the wolf!").

I can't transform a character into another race without making it a dependency, so that'd be back to the minimod idea. Which is doable, of course.


I suppose that depending on the lore and a person's RP, something like this could also tie into PSQ and deadly drain type mods. Any sort of "changed by magic" start could use it potentially.

I'm starting to think of a Sexlab Hormones-style thing, but for races instead of genders. ;)

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To be fair here. A man-monster hybrid does not need to show any signs on the outside. Your insides and though pattern can be changed without changing your look, the race dependency is just to make it fit into the story even more that there is cat-man hybrid mods (even more then already). As your edit say. This is 100% possible to do without any dependencies at all. Remember that the "experiment" is just an experiment, no one knows exactly what will happen and what will and will not work in the end. You will be gone before any conclusions are made.

Well, if we're going that route, it's really just a generic start with some unique dialogue.

I'm instead thinking something like some mage who wants to gain the "power of the beast" by mating with that beast, and become the hybrid himself. He/she wouldn't pick just any elf or human-looking character, this would be something specific to Khajiit, Argonian, and mod-added beast or semi-beast races. So he/she goes around capturing these beastial races in order to mate with them and, I dunno, through the power of friendship passion gain their "mystical powers."

This could work indeed, yes. Sounds like a good idea as well.


Racial transformation can be problematic. I was fairly recently told a way to make it work without buggering up the game, but I can't find it. However, since the problems arising from switching races usually amount to loss of leveled perks or quest reward perks and stuff like that, it wouldn't necessarily be a problem in this case.


The issue here is dependencies. What I meant before when I said it could be done without dependencies was that I can detect the race name and then use that in dialogue, so for example I can look at your race's name for the word "Lykaios" and if I see it, have a dialogue line just for that (so in my above idea, the mage would say something like "Aha! A wolf-man hybrid! I'll fuck that and gain the powers of the wolf!").


I can't transform a character into another race without making it a dependency, so that'd be back to the minimod idea. Which is doable, of course.

I see your point about the race change, and the alternative idea of "mage wants to get power from beast races" or something similar sounds pretty good, but perhaps you could *not* force a race change but rather require the player to be a beast race from the start.


Something like, you create your character as a Khajiit or Argonian or Dagi-Raht or whatever, and you have an option to say "I was a human/elf turned into this beast race" and then start from there assuming your character was an human or elf before and stating it via dialogue. It wouldn't be as good as swapping the race ingame to see the actual transformation, but it wouldn't require dependencies or anything like that. Though if you ever decide to make a specifc minimod requiring the race mods, I would certainly give it a try  :lol:.


It should also prevent any kind of bugs or issues caused by the "forced" race switch (but then again, since it would happen barely after starting the game, said bugs wouldn't be much of a problem). It would indeed require a way to check the player's race and set the dialogue accordingly (and I guess it would require the player to be one such beast race to be available or it wouldn't make sense otherwise), but since you said you can do it using the race name, I guess it's an option.


Just throwing some ideas around, though  :shy:.


 I'm starting to think of a Sexlab Hormones-style thing, but for races instead of genders.  ;)

While I know how race-changing can be hard to achieve in Skyrim, I wouldn't mind having something like that  :D.
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Interesting idea. If I did that, I think what I'd want to do is make a couple of modlets that use the same basic scenario, using the race mod as a dependency, so they work for the different "beast" style races. That way it could directly reference the specified race and be a lot less generic.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, it's certainly possible to do that without making another mod a dependency. Hmm... I might do some experimentation this weekend...

I had to post here to show my interest in this.


While I usually don't care about human or even characters ever since I completed my first playthrough with Generic Male Nord Hero #251 back in '12, the idea of playing as a character that used to be a regular human/mer but is turned into a beast race would be interesting indeed, specially if it comes with some kind of quest or at least the transformation is referenced to in some way.


What kind of beast races would you implement/make compatible with such scenario, though? Full-beast ones like Khajiits or Lykaios? Or half-human ones like the Dagi-Raht? I'll admit I would like to have the former as an option, but the latter can surely work as well. Just asking in case this leads somewhere and ends up making it to the mod  :shy:.


BTW, I wanted to take the chance to say this: great work on the mod so far! I haven't really used it in any of my "main" playthroughs, because none of the starts quite fit my characters, but I do have tried the starts for the sake of it, and I have to say I'm impressed. Kudos  :lol:.


Well. You can just force the racemenu to show up during the "transformation" so you can pick the way you want to be transformed.

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Hi Content Consumer,


I tried the Captured Dreams start, with the working my debt off option (tried twice). Both times it gets stuck when Master starts reading the note. She just stands there with the note in hand and nothing happens. This happened on a completely new game.


CD v4.08

CCAS v13

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Hi Content Consumer,


I tried the Captured Dreams start, with the working my debt off option (tried twice). Both times it gets stuck when Master starts reading the note. She just stands there with the note in hand and nothing happens. This happened on a completely new game.


CD v4.08

CCAS v13


This sounds more like something to mention in the Captured Dreams thread. CCAS uses the standard CD quest entry, setting the quest stage to 50 and the global variable to 14. Unless something has changed very recently with Captured Dreams, it should still be working fine.

Quest CDQuest
GlobalVariable CDGlobal
CDQuest = Game.GetFormFromFile( 0x04E321, "Captured Dreams.esp" ) as Quest
CDGlobal = Game.GetFormFromFile( 0x04FED4, "Captured Dreams.esp" ) as GlobalVariable

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So I downloaded the mod, with sexlab 1.62, all the devious mods, simple slavery,fnis, and the ec+ mods. Not all of the options are showing up for me such as the chaurus breeder option.


Also, though I don't think this is a problem with your mod, I tried to select the "dog's chew toy" option but it says that it failed to add actor to thread.


Can anyone help me out?

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So I downloaded the mod, with sexlab 1.62, all the devious mods, simple slavery,fnis, and the ec+ mods. Not all of the options are showing up for me such as the chaurus breeder option.


Also, though I don't think this is a problem with your mod, I tried to select the "dog's chew toy" option but it says that it failed to add actor to thread.


Can anyone help me out?

IIRC in this version the Chaurus Breeder requires Sexlab Stories. Did you install that?

As for failing to add an actor to a thread, that's a Sexlab issue. Specifically, Sexlab doesn't see the dog (or the player character maybe?) as a valid actor. Are you using any mods that change the race of animals, or some strange incompatible player race?


Hey, I would love to be a beta tester. I'm not working at the moment, so I got a lot of free time. :P

Sure thing.

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So I downloaded the mod, with sexlab 1.62, all the devious mods, simple slavery,fnis, and the ec+ mods. Not all of the options are showing up for me such as the chaurus breeder option.


Also, though I don't think this is a problem with your mod, I tried to select the "dog's chew toy" option but it says that it failed to add actor to thread.


Can anyone help me out?

IIRC in this version the Chaurus Breeder requires Sexlab Stories. Did you install that?

As for failing to add an actor to a thread, that's a Sexlab issue. Specifically, Sexlab doesn't see the dog (or the player character maybe?) as a valid actor. Are you using any mods that change the race of animals, or some strange incompatible player race?




Yep SexLab Stories and SD+ gives me the option, but whenever I load in everyone aggros me and I die. Did i forget to install something again?


Also, I was just really dumb and forgot to enable creatures in the Sexlab MCM. Whoops!

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So I downloaded the mod, with sexlab 1.62, all the devious mods, simple slavery,fnis, and the ec+ mods. Not all of the options are showing up for me such as the chaurus breeder option.


Also, though I don't think this is a problem with your mod, I tried to select the "dog's chew toy" option but it says that it failed to add actor to thread.


Can anyone help me out?

IIRC in this version the Chaurus Breeder requires Sexlab Stories. Did you install that?

As for failing to add an actor to a thread, that's a Sexlab issue. Specifically, Sexlab doesn't see the dog (or the player character maybe?) as a valid actor. Are you using any mods that change the race of animals, or some strange incompatible player race?




Yep SexLab Stories and SD+ gives me the option, but whenever I load in everyone aggros me and I die. Did i forget to install something again?


Also, I was just really dumb and forgot to enable creatures in the Sexlab MCM. Whoops!



Not sure about aggressive people in those scenarios. Everyone? Sounds like you've got some mod that alters factions or something, and even then I wouldn't expect everyone to be hostile.  :blink:

Which scenario(s) specifically? For example, I've recently gotten reports that the Troll Slave scenario has a hostile troll, and as far as I can tell that one's no different from the other creatures. Non-undead will be hostile in the Nord Queen scenario. And so on.

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So I downloaded the mod, with sexlab 1.62, all the devious mods, simple slavery,fnis, and the ec+ mods. Not all of the options are showing up for me such as the chaurus breeder option.


Also, though I don't think this is a problem with your mod, I tried to select the "dog's chew toy" option but it says that it failed to add actor to thread.


Can anyone help me out?

IIRC in this version the Chaurus Breeder requires Sexlab Stories. Did you install that?

As for failing to add an actor to a thread, that's a Sexlab issue. Specifically, Sexlab doesn't see the dog (or the player character maybe?) as a valid actor. Are you using any mods that change the race of animals, or some strange incompatible player race?




Yep SexLab Stories and SD+ gives me the option, but whenever I load in everyone aggros me and I die. Did i forget to install something again?


Also, I was just really dumb and forgot to enable creatures in the Sexlab MCM. Whoops!



Not sure about aggressive people in those scenarios. Everyone? Sounds like you've got some mod that alters factions or something, and even then I wouldn't expect everyone to be hostile.  :blink:

Which scenario(s) specifically? For example, I've recently gotten reports that the Troll Slave scenario has a hostile troll, and as far as I can tell that one's no different from the other creatures. Non-undead will be hostile in the Nord Queen scenario. And so on.


I think it's the chaurus first who attack me then all the falmer follow suite. The npc don't though. I also tried the enslaved by a falmer but again the chaurus attack then falmer try to kill me

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I think it's the chaurus first who attack me then all the falmer follow suite. The npc don't though. I also tried the enslaved by a falmer but again the chaurus attack then falmer try to kill me




Ah, that sounds like it might be my fault. I might have done something wrong with the factions there. I'll take a look.

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A quick heads-up: LAL has just been updated to 3.1.6. This update fixes a bug where significant delays in progressing the main quest can cause a block if he is killed by, for example, world encounters or interactions with other mods.
I've never personally encountered this bug, but given that many of these starts will delay progress of the main quest for a long time, it's probably a good idea to make sure you've updated to the newest version.
Given the nature and content of the update, my guess would be this is one of those times that you can update mid-game without any problem (though I always recommend a brand new game in any case).

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I've decided to start public beta testing, in the hopes that feedback (both positive and negative ;) ) will help get me off my ass and finish some important stuff.


If anyone is interested in testing the next version of CCAS, and other minimods that go along with it, like the new Ponygirl Farm and Bandit Honeypot scenarios, let me know and I'll add you to the thread.


I'd be interested in this. I'm mucking about with skyrim anyways. Anything in particular you are looking for?

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I've decided to start public beta testing, in the hopes that feedback (both positive and negative ;) ) will help get me off my ass and finish some important stuff.


If anyone is interested in testing the next version of CCAS, and other minimods that go along with it, like the new Ponygirl Farm and Bandit Honeypot scenarios, let me know and I'll add you to the thread.


I'd be interested in this. I'm mucking about with skyrim anyways. Anything in particular you are looking for?



Added. ;)

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Hi there, i have a problem, after character creation (after i accept name) my caracter stands in place and that is all i don't have control, when i press R game asks if customization is complete and the cycle begins. Is there any way fix this?

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I've decided to start public beta testing, in the hopes that feedback (both positive and negative ;) ) will help get me off my ass and finish some important stuff.


If anyone is interested in testing the next version of CCAS, and other minimods that go along with it, like the new Ponygirl Farm and Bandit Honeypot scenarios, let me know and I'll add you to the thread.


Hum... considering that loading into the Mara cell, choosing a random start and derping around for an hour or two testing devices is as close as I get to "playing" Skyrim these days, I think I could test CCAS without altering my routine at all XD


If you're still inviting people, could I help too?

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Hi there, i have a problem, after character creation (after i accept name) my caracter stands in place and that is all i don't have control, when i press R game asks if customization is complete and the cycle begins. Is there any way fix this?

Not sure I understand. What do you mean by "cycle" begins? You mean the actual game?

Does this happen only with CCAS, or does it happen with other alternate start mods too? What about LAL without any other mods?



Hum... considering that loading into the Mara cell, choosing a random start and derping around for an hour or two testing devices is as close as I get to "playing" Skyrim these days, I think I could test CCAS without altering my routine at all XD


If you're still inviting people, could I help too?


Certainly! :)

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