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OLD - Sexout Pregnancy- Locked Thread (Do Not Use)

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I'm thinking this issue is actually in SCR if the Pregnant bodies aren't added to the non-removal list for sex, it seems the scripts adding them to the formlist isn't working. Yep just found some reasons why it wasn't working and uploading a fixed or at least improved version of SCR now.

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I'll try it. I'm thinking pg kennel might be causing problems as well now. went back to version 122 for scr and preg and was having the same problems.


So then I started another new game without kennel and pregnancy got broken...


Extremely confusing and frustrating trying to figure wtf is going on...lol


So I'm re-installing... again... gonna run latest scr/preg without kennel and see what happens...


I'm also beginning to wonder if theres something wrong with the tryout plugins themselves conflicting with newer scr/preg


Breeder is about the only one I haven't had any problems with aside from standard bugs...

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For me simply hitting tab (activating the pip boy) after sex has begun, equips the preg body back from invis immediately.


Granted it makes the redius appear in my PC hand, but it does instantly equip the preg body.


EDIT: Also you have to do it once for each body as preg progresses. Unless you reload the game, then you have do it once for each body again. ie. I make it to P2, start sex, switches to invis body, hit tab, P2 will then load as expected and I won't get invis body again for P2 unless I make it to P3 or reload the game.

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New Update 20130202.3beta:


Added SexoutP3GestatingEggDeathClawD && SexoutP3GestatingEggDeathClawBlack for Breeder for DeathClaw changes but haven't called them into use till after next update of Breeder using them to minimise game breakages.

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ok, kennel and brutalrapers are causing some of the problems... just went an hour and a half without either running scr/preg 201 with no bugs/crashes/invisible bodies.


So I'm thinking it's something to do with the timer/undress scripts of those plugins. Still haven't fully tested tryouts and breeder yet though.


sleep/wait rape in brutalrapers definitely causes problems (screws up tfc, and even poses in some cases)

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ok, kennel and brutalrapers are causing some of the problems... just went an hour and a half without either running scr/preg 201 with no bugs/crashes/invisible bodies.


So I'm thinking it's something to do with the timer/undress scripts of those plugins. Still haven't fully tested tryouts and breeder yet though.


sleep/wait rape in brutalrapers definitely causes problems (screws up tfc, and even poses in some cases)

I'm not sure how Kennel's timers and stripping can be causing this because that is all done through basic GECK coding and doesn't require either NVSE or Sexout in any form. The only thing Kennel does in relation to Sexout is use Sexout's calling conventions to call for animations. The only thing Kennel uses that is related to SCR is the Kennel Bindings that the Kennel Slave wears. Other than that, the only reason why Kennel is dependent upon SCR is because it is dependent upon Powder Ganger Tryout which depends upon SCR, Slavery and Legion as well. Any of the sex animations outside the Kennel other than the cook and Hannigan are called for by Powder Ganger Tryout and the scanner that controls all that is is in Powder Ganger Tryout. There are no scripts in Kennel that alter time scales, cameras, poses, or animations. Other than the bindings everything else Kennel uses comes from either Fallout.esm or Sexout.esm and that's it. As for Pregnancy, that isn't even involved with Kennel with the exception of the Pregnancy Patch which involves one simple script that removes the Kennel Bindings from the Kennel Slave when she is in possession of a gestating offspring and that's it.


So, with that in mind, if Kennel is the source of any type of problem, then it has to be either related to Fallout, which we know is horribly bugged to begin with, or to Sexout, which in that case, would lead us back into the argument over the calling conventions. I could see where CallSort errors could lead to game crashes, sex animation scripts to break, and even corrupt saves, but to cause problems with stripping? Stranger things have happened, but I just don't see that.

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Little question about not so little offspring...

Could it be that the matured offspring is rather huge? The caucasian female offspring for example towers way over my female character. Not sure if me being small framed is having impact on my size that much as well but I think the offspring in general is rather huge (had the same issues with Asian females, Hispanic males and females)

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Little question about not so little offspring...

Could it be that the matured offspring is rather huge? The caucasian female offspring for example towers way over my female character. Not sure if me being small framed is having impact on my size that much as well but I think the offspring in general is rather huge (had the same issues with Asian females, Hispanic males and females)

I believe he has them scripted to vary in size so as to lend some kind of variety to them. I have seen them come out shorter, taller, and the same size as the PC.

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Hey Hal, are you aware that the stripping exemption form lists are baked? Things are being stripped when they shouldn't be. I just had one of the gags stripped when it is supposed to be in the exemption form list. I'll bet that's why everyone is seeing invisible bodies while pregnant because they're supposed to be in that list too.

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Note these two screen shots. This character is in the first trimester of pregnancy. She does not have the pregnancy body equipped in either of these screen shots. It was added and then immediately removed prior to the first scene (which ended before I could get a screen of it) resulting in an invisible body. The following sex scenes follow closely together and so the pregnancy body was never equipped again prior to the start of the next scene. What is more important to note is what she is wearing and what she in not wearing. The sequence of events unequip a standard gag that is a part of SCR when the player is supposed to speak and then requipped when the sex scene starts. The equip message appears prior to the sex scene starting, but isn't there when the sex actually occurs, which means it is being stripped by the SexoutBegin spell when it is supposed to be in the exemption list. Now, note the shackles on the wrists and ankles. Those are the mesh and textures for the same ones that come with SCR and I made unique ones just for this scene because the ones that come with SCR are tagged to use the biped slots for the hands. When using them with ZAZ animations, it causes the hands to disappear, thus the reason why I created unique ones and giving them different biped slots. So, why is she then wearing them? Because they are added to the exemption form list via script once the kennel quest starts. Same with the collar she is wearing. That is the PGSlaveCollar Loogie created. It was never added to the exemption form list but in the version of kennel I am working on now, it is added in the same script as the wrist and ankle shackles.


Just thought you might like to see this. Pretty interesting stuff.





Is that with the latest update wardminator? I haven't had a chance to test anything else but the penetrator is now being equipped and properly visible during sex called by sexout rapist without my new character having to buy one and set it as safe for sex.

It is the update previous to the most recent one, I believe. I am having a hard time keeping track of which update is which now. :D

Edited by wardminator
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Yep, updating to the latest versions of both SCR and Pregnancy took care of everything. Pregnancy body remains equipped as does the gag. That is what I get for keeping my head firmly planted in my own work and not keeping up with Halstrom. I think he needs to change his unique title from Belly Bun Kicker to Speedy Gonzalez. :P

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I believe he has them scripted to vary in size so as to lend some kind of variety to them. I have seen them come out shorter, taller, and the same size as the PC.

Yeah their final size should vary randomly between 90% & 110%, maybe I should make it 95% to 105% if they seem too extreme.


Hey Hal, are you aware that the stripping exemption form lists are baked? Things are being stripped when they shouldn't be. I just had one of the gags stripped when it is supposed to be in the exemption form list. I'll bet that's why everyone is seeing invisible bodies while pregnant because they're supposed to be in that list too.

Yeah, I'm not sure when I screwed that up a couple of versions back, but as per the latest version it seems to be fixed.


It's wonderful to have things worked on so quickly, but yeah hard to focus. I've restarted characters and reinstalled the game and mods more times in the last month than I can shake a stick at.

Hopefully I can slow down a bit now and get back to finishing a few things like Wardminators Offspring dialogue, the drugs system, Doctor abortions, the Visual Cum system Loogie started, then gradually move all the Preg tokens to invisible ones.


Don't forget to let me know what you think about the Offspring now they have their Levels linked to the Players, some may be a bit overpowered I suspect.

Edited by Halstrom
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I see you looking Hal... :dodgy:

Yeah they should vary randomly between 90% & 110% in size, maybe I should make it 95% to 105% if they seem too extreme.

I wouldn't. I think it's kind of cool having to look up to what is supposed to be my son and say, "Wow, you really turned out to be a strapping young man. Here, carry this M2 for me will ya?" Or to look down at what is supposed to be my son and say, "Wow, you really turned out to the runt of the litter. Here maybe you should take this BB Gun and go radroach hunting while I go take care of some business."

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Probably over complicated if not outright impossible, but it'd be cool if the kids final height variance could be controlled by both parents. Say your character is a 6'8" giant and has a kid with Sunny Smiles (to my knowledge the shortest adult in the game, coming in somewhere around 5'5"). The child then has the potential to be anywhere between 5'1" and 7'2" or thereabouts.

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Holy multi post! What the heck went wrong there?

It does that sometimes when it doesn't post like it should and you keep hitting the post button it ends up multi posting like that. Usually happens when someone has posted a reply before you can post yours.


Heh, you should have seen it when I was trying to post the screen shots a bit ago. Try like 5 multiple posts of the same thing. :P

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It does that sometimes when it doesn't post like it should and you keep hitting the post button it ends up multi posting like that. Usually happens when someone has posted a reply before you can post yours.


Heh, you should have seen it when I was trying to post the screen shots a bit ago. Try like 5 multiple posts of the same thing. :P



Ahh hope that gets fixed  :)

Gah, can't fix this extra quote thing :)

Edited by Halstrom
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Glad to see I'm not the only one having to get used to the new website! :lol:


As for Randomization of offspring, you could conceivably randomize by size using a variable character like I am doing with their looks. I didn't even touch that part to them knowing that you had already built something to control that into SCR.

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It does that sometimes when it doesn't post like it should and you keep hitting the post button it ends up multi posting like that. Usually happens when someone has posted a reply before you can post yours.


Heh, you should have seen it when I was trying to post the screen shots a bit ago. Try like 5 multiple posts of the same thing. :P

Apparently the laws of causality don't apply here...


I've had replies to my post before I've even posted it...lol

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Apparently the laws of causality don't apply here...


I've had replies to my post before I've even posted it...lol

LOL it reminds me of some of the issues Second life used to have for Live Group chat, you might post 4 times and the first post would not appear till after No4 if it ever appeared. It became very confusing with 20 people replying to each other out of synch.

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