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Running around screwing female npcs and talking them into attending auctions later is fun but I quickly ran out of female npcs to talk to that are not surrounded by default quest crap. Gonna try some mods that add new places here and there to see what happens. I got loot running and it sorted my load order but I still get some odd dialogue don't know if it is related to this mod or not but basically a dialogue option for sex from one of the devious mods is duplicated. I think it has something to do with sexlab dialogues though but not really sure.


I wish there was some kind of lesbo town where the player can get passed around from one npc to another or stuck in a public restraint and used randomly by those town lesbos daily:-)

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Gibt es eine Grenze bei der die Dom kein Geld mehr will? Ich habe die höchste Affinität. Durch den Verlauf ist irgendwann der Zahltag nach den Pimpjob verloren gegangen. Im Log ist nichts ersichtlich. Das könnte auch der Grund sein, warum die Hurenquest anschliessend nur nach einem Barmaidjob wieder gestartet werden kann, weil da am Schluss einkassiert wird.


Als Sklavin: Bei dem Hurenjob Pinkeln wird, wenn man an ein Bett gelangt, das Hinlegen unterbunden und es kommt zum Halt. 

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Gibt es eine Grenze bei der die Dom kein Geld mehr will? Ich habe die höchste Affinität. Durch den Verlauf ist irgendwann der Zahltag nach den Pimpjob verloren gegangen. Im Log ist nichts ersichtlich. Das könnte auch der Grund sein, warum die Hurenquest anschliessend nur nach einem Barmaidjob wieder gestartet werden kann, weil da am Schluss einkassiert wird.


Als Sklavin: Bei dem Hurenjob Pinkeln wird, wenn man an ein Bett gelangt, das Hinlegen unterbunden und es kommt zum Halt. 

Pimp kassiert, wenn du Zwangshure bist, alles oder sonst 500 am Tag, nach ein paar tausend Septims läßt dich der Zuhälter gehen.


Dom Follower kassiert, wenn sie dich liebt, 50%.

Da sie wie ein Standard Follower ist, kannst du dir das Geld natürlich zurückholen - sofern sie gut gelaunt ist und dich mag - aber das quittiert sie mit schlechter Laune.


Wenn ein Job hängt, hilft das Schummel Menü (Controls freigeben, Quest stoppen)

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I noticed the assistant in riften just would not leave my pc alone at all she kept screwing my pc and the client that bound my pc for sex could not get a chance to unbind her so stuck with a blindfold on too. Talking to the client didn't work either.


Maybe if you guys could script the clients to not be in the clubs by default then they come in one or two at a time and leave after they either screw the player or screw a slave or whore npc. The only time they all return at once is to watch a freak show or something like that.

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Hey can we get this feature for when player is whore of an npc? An option to be whore for 12 hours to a client so they pay a lot not just some small amount. This could work in clubs too so the client doesn't have to run back and forth to pay and screw all the time just screw the player over and over. They don't unbind the player once they bind them either until the 12 hours are up but not all clients bind the player it is sort of optional thing. Some clients just want a gf for a day so the client could force the player to kiss them several times and stuff like that in public.

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Awww.... dammit, I found the untranslated parts now which are the slavery parts so I have no idea what the owner is saying dam.



The riften club location doesn't make any sense it seems to be integrated into mercer's house but not really.


Can you tell me where in the mod the dialogue files are for the slavery stuff?

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Here is a first pass. Everything is at least to auto-translated levels. I will begin context translating now. (this means playing while alt-tab-ing every once in a while...)


I'm not sure if people want an update once I finish, or if they would prefer piecemeal updates maybe nightly or after a play session


Install the full Maria files first then just drop this esp over it 



I know that the locations of jobs aren't done yet 

 just reposting to allow people to  find it 


"Can you tell me where in the mod the dialogue files are for the slavery stuff? "



for translation i recommend tesvtranslator 


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Gibt es eine Grenze bei der die Dom kein Geld mehr will? Ich habe die höchste Affinität. Durch den Verlauf ist irgendwann der Zahltag nach den Pimpjob verloren gegangen. Im Log ist nichts ersichtlich. Das könnte auch der Grund sein, warum die Hurenquest anschliessend nur nach einem Barmaidjob wieder gestartet werden kann, weil da am Schluss einkassiert wird.


Als Sklavin: Bei dem Hurenjob Pinkeln wird, wenn man an ein Bett gelangt, das Hinlegen unterbunden und es kommt zum Halt. 

Pimp kassiert, wenn du Zwangshure bist, alles oder sonst 500 am Tag, nach ein paar tausend Septims läßt dich der Zuhälter gehen.


Dom Follower kassiert, wenn sie dich liebt, 50%.

Da sie wie ein Standard Follower ist, kannst du dir das Geld natürlich zurückholen - sofern sie gut gelaunt ist und dich mag - aber das quittiert sie mit schlechter Laune.


Wenn ein Job hängt, hilft das Schummel Menü (Controls freigeben, Quest stoppen)


Ja eben die Dom-Followerin hat nach einer Zeit aufgehört zu kassieren. D.h. bei mir kann dadurch der Hurenjob nicht gestartet werden. 

Versuch es mit einer anderen Followerin und guck noch mal in den Log.

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Thanks for that, I was asking where in the esp file were the dialogues for the slavery stuff actually but I will check this out too:-)





I am trying to figure out how the items I create with the builder self spell can remain permanent no matter if I start a new game or not?

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I am trying to figure out how the items I create with the builder self spell can remain permanent no matter if I start a new game or not?

 they should be... are you using MO because maria puts it's jsons  in the overwrite and doesn't always pick them up after making changes. I've found that moving them to maria's actual location helps them to be read correctly

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Well I only noticed they are missing if I have a CTD not too long after setting them and the pillory props are kind of confusing because I like to shove them almost to the wall to make room for the user ass to hang out but some anims have the attacker going in from the front too and crashes the game if the thing is too close to the wall and causing collision problems.


I don't use MO but I did get LOOT to sort things out.



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Hey that translation is working great I can tell what the hell is going on now. So the slavery thing it plays out like submissive lola pretty much but with more stuff to do for the owner. I'm gonna go dig around in the CK and see if I can't change things a bit so they read better in game:-)






I dropped a few builder things like x cross and pillory here and there inside an inn at a custom mod area village, next thing I know the npcs are selling themselves for whippings and sex lol.

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I forgot to mention something earlier, during quickstart I was able to change the default pc name of slave to whatever I wanted but after choosing the free option the name slave is still my pc name but not completely. Looking at the skills menu the correct name is shown, looking at a custom mod that names things in a room after the player such as "player's storage box" it shows the correct name but in the soul gem oven III mod while looking at the mod menu the name slave appears and when the apropos mod shows dialogue during masturbation it uses the name slave instead of the correct name. On top of that some npcs come running up and demand sex from my pc as if she is a slave or wearing slave gear once in a while.







Hey zaira can you add a one minute real time delay in the quickstart mod at the beginning? What I mean is there needs to be a delay for all those mcm stuff from other mods to load and time to go into the sexlab mcm and start sexlab.

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I tried these commands to move helgen to a post start state...


setstage mq101 900


completequest mq101


When I go to helgen some thalmor guards are still standing where they are in the beginning and the horse thief is standing there with three stormcloak soldiers staring at me.


The whole town is not destroyed at all so using the quickstart and some fancy console codes does nothing for fixing helgen.


Oh well I guess I can toss out the quick start esp and start the game normally but still end up enslaved and sent to maria training and auctions later.

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 I'm gonna go dig around in the CK and see if I can't change things a bit so they read better in game:-)

DON'T DO THAT... if you just want to fix text use tesvtranslator or even tes5edit but unless you really know what you are doing there is a good chance something will get messed up editing the esp in the ck


and as far as SGO is concerned the mods you mentioned retrieve the player name from different locations

i think if you change the default name in  mariadefaults.json then SGO should read the name correctly

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Ok well haven't tried CK yet but could that name "slave" be triggering the approaches?



I deleted the maria quickstart esp and deleted all my saves which were not much anyway just my pc running around setting things up for auctions etc.


Now I have that DAMMED BUG where if you go through the vanilla start at helgen, the pc is stuck running in place at some random point. WHY does this shit happen I can't find out but I can't get past it. I'm gonna try messing with the helgen quest stages maybe one of them will move my pc into helgen keep and it will work after that.


I tried the console commands epc and also tcl but nothing works at all just get to watch my character arms go inside her body and the whole mess just stand there. All the npcs doing what they are supposed to do but my character is acting like running in place while standing still:-(


All this because the scripting for helgen just can't be replicated to move all the npcs where they are supposed to be after helgen and change helgen to destroyed version. Dam I hate helgen a whole lot right now.

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I managed to get through the vanilla opening by constantly using the player.moveto command on ralof until he was running up the stairs. Once he did that I could use the epc command and follow him. I had to use that command three times before I could jump out of the hole in the tower and then everything was fine. There must be something in those key areas, the chopping block, the bottom of the stairs and the hole in the tower that is affected by scripts.


One thing I learned not to do while riding in the cart was adjust any of the mcm menus at all. The cart goes crazy if any mcm changes occur while riding in it.


I think all someone has to do with the opening is run script commands to disable the npcs that are supposed to be disabled by the opening and set the town to the destroyed version then move the survivors to their spots where they should be somehow.






Zaira you really should consider making USLEEP a requirement it fixes a whole lot of stuff that is normally broken in this game.


Also why is it that dragons reach was renamed in german and the temple of mara too?

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Braucht man nur eine Hurenlizenz für überall? Habe mich in Morthal für eine beworben und wollte dann in Einsamkeit eine weitere kaufen, hatte aber keinen weiteren Dialog dazu. Was genau bewirkt sie eigentlich? Sex in der Öffentlichkeit ist sowiso verboten und Huren in der Taverne funktioniert bei mir ohne Probleme, der Wirt macht keinen schlechten Anschein dazu, ausser einen blöden Kommentar hin und da. 


Ich bin als Sklavin eines Follower unterwegs. Finde ich bis jetzt einer der besten Features von deiner Mod. Es gibt nicht wirklich einen Ersatz dafür ausser Submissive Lola, aber die Mod ist tot.


Würd mich super über weitere Sklaven-Jobs freuen, hene. Kanns kaum erwarten bis das Ausleinen an den Wirt klappt. Habe die Quest mal manuell probiert, aber ich glaube die biste noch am ausbauen.



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Eine Hurenlizenz gilt für alle Städte. Ohne Lizenz wirst du festgenommen, wenn du mit Huren Outfit in der Öffentlichkeit erwischt wirst.


Neue Sklavenjobs sind in Arbeit - da liegt grade mein Fokus drauf.

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can this mod play with the maria eden slavery 1.24 together??

when i install both mod with NMM

there haven no selection on MCM


No,this will not work

ME 1.24 need SL1.59 and ME2.0 needs SL1.6x



1.24need SL1.59? no wonder when i install 1.24 with SL 1.6b, there have no option for the action button

Thx a lot for answer

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I have an idea for the slavery dialogue for this mod:-)


Instead of just having that one option to submit change it up like this...


If npc is not currently following and the player is aroused to a certain level using sexlab aroused, then have a force greet happen AFTER player initiate conversation and the npc says something like "you look like you need a spanking come here!"  from this part it could be either yes or no options and the no option has a high speech check say 75 and if the player fails the speech check then the npc spanks the player. Make a cooldown for this so it doesn't happen again and again maybe once every 12 game hours.


If the player fails this conversations three times the npc says something like "I think it is time you followed me around for a while, as my slave!" then the npc puts the collar on the player and does the normal slavery dialogue and quest start from this mod.


If the player selects the yes option it would be the dialogue already in place for submitting to the npc.



If the npc is currently following the player then the force greet pops up the next time the player talks to the follower.

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The new version is working much better than the previous one.


The payout for the jobs for a forced prostitute seem scaled better. But when I agreed to be a prostitute for Hulda, the payout for whoring averages around 11-22 septims and since you have to give her 500 septims daily, you just end up massively in debt. 

Is that how it's supposed to be? 


Also, would it be possible to make the timer for "slave on a stroll" adjustable?

Right now it is at 4 hours which is really short. 

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