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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01MAY2024

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Other than beauty and the beast, what other fairytails are you thinking of adding?


Also, will we be able to go through all of them or would they be region/culture specific?


Solid question, no definitive answer. :)

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Guest jeroen10j



Hi all i need some help


After about 6 days in game i get an empty event.

I saved and looked and it seems this event triggered


This is the event where Fenris dominates the player.

.1110 Female taken by Fenris (female)

I then manualy runned the event and it seemed fine there.
Any idea's how to fix or should i just uninstall DWNight?
i am using version 1.33 with all dark world expansions

Feel free to ask for more information if you need it


I have just tried disabling all my other mods except dark world, didn't change anything so i assume its not a compatibility issue



What is your version of CK2? Not the mods, but CK2 itself?



I do have an older version now that you say. Version 2.4.5 i'll update and see if it has changed



Yup that fixed it, sorry for being so stupid

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.



Patreon? I'd take part. I was starting to get bored with the game and this mod revived my interest in CK2.

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I like the idea of this mod. I read through the Dark Creatures and Core part of the mod. I was thinking about including some additional event (for own use and to learn of modding).


I would recommend extracting the sex, hunt, fight and rape to the separate events(and include them in core mod). This will everything easier and will make DW modular. You will not have to remember of all possible combinations when werewolf rapes someone etc. I think it could save a lot of work.

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I like the idea of this mod. I read through the Dark Creatures and Core part of the mod. I was thinking about including some additional event (for own use and to learn of modding).


I would recommend extracting the sex, hunt, fight and rape to the separate events(and include them in core mod). This will everything easier and will make DW modular. You will not have to remember of all possible combinations when werewolf rapes someone etc. I think it could save a lot of work.


I'll have to pass on your idea, since it would do the exact opposite of the modular approach I am striving for.


Best of luck on your doing some of your own events. Dark World started by my intending to just add a little CK2 event flavor for myself and quickly from there, so we may see the same from you, which would be awesome.

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On the topic of ideas.

Why not another 'practical' decision for the mod.

We already can make our children into our dynasty,

but have you never been bothered by being stuck as an old bloke or hag,

50+ years old and looking ugly as shit?


I found out from your mods that there's an 'abdicate' thing for events which can be used

to force a title to pass on to an heir, regardless if the ruler is dead or not.

Why not make an intrigue decision (The kind that you would find in the Intrigue Menu) that allows your ruler to 'resign' their title?


So, the way I'm thinking it would work is to set the 'potential' (what makes the decision visible in the menu) to a simple check to verify if the current heir to your main title is of your dynasty, and then the 'allow' (what actually allows you to click on the decision to trigger the event associated with it) to a couple of checks to see if you're eligible to resign your title.

First and foremost, a check to see if the ruler is old enough to resign their title; 40 years old seems old enough. Then some other checks, like not being insane or incapable (insane rulers probably would not want to resign their title, so this is more of a roleplay mechanic, and incapable people can't even speak properly, which the game already enforces so why stop with vanilla ck2).

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On the topic of ideas.

Why not another 'practical' decision for the mod.

We already can make our children into our dynasty,

but have you never been bothered by being stuck as an old bloke or hag,

50+ years old and looking ugly as shit?


I found out from your mods that there's an 'abdicate' thing for events which can be used

to force a title to pass on to an heir, regardless if the ruler is dead or not.

Why not make an intrigue decision (The kind that you would find in the Intrigue Menu) that allows your ruler to 'resign' their title?


So, the way I'm thinking it would work is to set the 'potential' (what makes the decision visible in the menu) to a simple check to verify if the current heir to your main title is of your dynasty, and then the 'allow' (what actually allows you to click on the decision to trigger the event associated with it) to a couple of checks to see if you're eligible to resign your title.

First and foremost, a check to see if the ruler is old enough to resign their title; 40 years old seems old enough. Then some other checks, like not being insane or incapable (insane rulers probably would not want to resign their title, so this is more of a roleplay mechanic, and incapable people can't even speak properly, which the game already enforces so why stop with vanilla ck2).


Please be aware that ideas, even good ones, aren't likely to see the light of day any time too soon. I've too much other content that I intend to fit in, that new/fresh ideas are likely to be ignored for the most part.


That aside - this isn't a bad idea, and seems like a different take on what I did for when immortals opted to remove their trait, but the best recommendation I can give presently is to remind me about it in the future.


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Please be aware that ideas, even good ones, aren't likely to see the light of day any time too soon. I've too much other content that I intend to fit in, that new/fresh ideas are likely to be ignored for the most part.


That aside - this isn't a bad idea, and seems like a different take on what I did for when immortals opted to remove their trait, but the best recommendation I can give presently is to remind me about it in the future.




Why, thank you.

If you want, I could even do the whole event and decision for you. (minus event ids, I'll leave those to you)

I'll test it myself on my pc, but some additional bug testing might be necessary.

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Please be aware that ideas, even good ones, aren't likely to see the light of day any time too soon. I've too much other content that I intend to fit in, that new/fresh ideas are likely to be ignored for the most part.


That aside - this isn't a bad idea, and seems like a different take on what I did for when immortals opted to remove their trait, but the best recommendation I can give presently is to remind me about it in the future.




Why, thank you.

If you want, I could even do the whole event and decision for you. (minus event ids, I'll leave those to you)

I'll test it myself on my pc, but some additional bug testing might be necessary.



Fair enough. If you'd be willing to do that, I'd be glad to incorporate it.

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Fair enough. If you'd be willing to do that, I'd be glad to incorporate it.



Bloody hell took me long enough.


Anyways, here it is:

dw_resign_title = {
		is_high_prio = yes
		potential = {
			ai = no
			current_heir = {
				dynasty = ROOT
		allow = {
				age = 40
				prisoner = no
				has_regent = no
				NOT = { trait = lunatic }
                                NOT = { trait = possessed }
				current_heir = {
					has_regent = no
					NOT = { trait = incapable }
					age = 16
					NOT = { age = 40 }
					NOT = { trait = lunatic }
					NOT = { trait = possessed }
					prisoner = no
		effect = {
			abdicate = yes
		revoke_allowed = {
			always = no # Generic setting
		ai_will_do = {
			factor = 0 # Zero chance the ai uses this

the has_regent condition on the current_heir scope might be unnecessary but I left it there just in case I missed any other possible way for landed people to require regents.

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.



Patreon? I'd take part. I was starting to get bored with the game and this mod revived my interest in CK2.



I'd love for him to be able do that, but since Dark World is a modification of another commercial product, not a pure creation of his own, Copyright and Fair Use can be a hell of a lot more dangerous once money gets involved.


With a heavy heart, I have to advice against this until someone with actual knowledge of the war can be found to comment on it.

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.



Patreon? I'd take part. I was starting to get bored with the game and this mod revived my interest in CK2.



I'd love for him to be able do that, but since Dark World is a modification of another commercial product, not a pure creation of his own, Copyright and Fair Use can be a hell of a lot more dangerous once money gets involved.


With a heavy heart, I have to advice against this until someone with actual knowledge of the war can be found to comment on it.



I agree with you. I've plans on starting up a Patreon site when a project I've got makes it further along, but for now everything I do is just a fan based mod, and I'm alright with that.

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.



Patreon? I'd take part. I was starting to get bored with the game and this mod revived my interest in CK2.



I'd love for him to be able do that, but since Dark World is a modification of another commercial product, not a pure creation of his own, Copyright and Fair Use can be a hell of a lot more dangerous once money gets involved.


With a heavy heart, I have to advice against this until someone with actual knowledge of the war can be found to comment on it.



I agree with you. I've plans on starting up a Patreon site when a project I've got makes it further along, but for now everything I do is just a fan based mod, and I'm alright with that.



If this were a kickstarter, which is centered around a project, then I'd agree with the both of you. However a patreon, which is centered around an individual, is just people donating to you monthly. For any reason.


As long as you don't claim that the patreon is specifically for Darkworld or another mod, no one can touch you legally.


No one could arrest or sue you for me taking $5 out of my wallet and handing it to you. Since patreon is focused on you as a person, and not your work, that's essentially what we'd be doing.

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You should read Fables to get some inspiration on that front. Such a good comic.


In the event that slavery gets added back, is there any possibility of "training" or "seducing" slaves in the same vein as Corrupting the Priestess and Witch Trainer?


Unfortunately it's not a question of inspiration or content. It's more about an investment of time. I can easily say that I won't ever see Dark World come to the full picture that I've got in my head, simply because working on it doesn't provide for me or my family. Therefore it will always loose out when my available time is tight.



Patreon? I'd take part. I was starting to get bored with the game and this mod revived my interest in CK2.



I'd love for him to be able do that, but since Dark World is a modification of another commercial product, not a pure creation of his own, Copyright and Fair Use can be a hell of a lot more dangerous once money gets involved.


With a heavy heart, I have to advice against this until someone with actual knowledge of the war can be found to comment on it.



I agree with you. I've plans on starting up a Patreon site when a project I've got makes it further along, but for now everything I do is just a fan based mod, and I'm alright with that.



If this were a kickstarter, which is centered around a project, then I'd agree with the both of you. However a patreon, which is centered around an individual, is just people donating to you monthly. For any reason.


As long as you don't claim that the patreon is specifically for Darkworld or another mod, no one can touch you legally.


No one could arrest or sue you for me taking $5 out of my wallet and handing it to you. Since patreon is focused on you as a person, and not your work, that's essentially what we'd be doing.



Good point. It wouldn't be too great for marketing, but if you have a patreon that says "buy me a beer so I can keep on working on all my silly shit", there's no legal way for any court to touch you, I guess.

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Modding and earning money for it surely sounds great but there's one major catch. The name of the catch is 'Copyright'.

As long as there's "nothing to gain" most copyright owners (in this case the artists of the pictures) are content with the inclusion into the contributors list.

As soon as there's money involved shit's gonna hit the fan.


Veeeery ugly things can happen in copyright claims and avoiding major headaches by not taking money in the first place could prove beneficial in many cases.

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Modding and earning money for it surely sounds great but there's one major catch. The name of the catch is 'Copyright'.

As long as there's "nothing to gain" most copyright owners (in this case the artists of the pictures) are content with the inclusion into the contributors list.

As soon as there's money involved shit's gonna hit the fan.


Veeeery ugly things can happen in copyright claims and avoiding major headaches by not taking money in the first place could prove beneficial in many cases.

As mentioned, simply don't connect it to the mod. 


I assume Dewguru has a steady occupation. He uses that income to support himself so he has free time to do stuff. Be it with family or his modding. Getting mad at a patreon that is focused around him as a person and not his mods, would be like getting mad at him for having a regular 9 to 5 job.


There's also the fact that Steam Workshop and Nexusmods now have built in system donation capabilities. So it's not like this is some risky idea no one has tried before.


Also, with the money made from donations and patreon, he could hire people to make custom pictures.

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One Time Donation vs. monthly recurring payment.


The 'simply don't connect it to the mod' has to be made 100% legally proof otherwise it can be seen as employment, opening the floodgates to copyright claims.

When there's money involved there is no "simple". Ever.

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One Time Donation vs. monthly recurring payment.


The 'simply don't connect it to the mod' has to be made 100% legally proof otherwise it can be seen as employment, opening the floodgates to copyright claims.

When there's money involved there is no "simple". Ever.



Modding and earning money for it surely sounds great but there's one major catch. The name of the catch is 'Copyright'.

As long as there's "nothing to gain" most copyright owners (in this case the artists of the pictures) are content with the inclusion into the contributors list.

As soon as there's money involved shit's gonna hit the fan.


Veeeery ugly things can happen in copyright claims and avoiding major headaches by not taking money in the first place could prove beneficial in many cases.


in other meaningful news. Great to have you back Dew.

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One Time Donation vs. monthly recurring payment.


The 'simply don't connect it to the mod' has to be made 100% legally proof otherwise it can be seen as employment, opening the floodgates to copyright claims.

When there's money involved there is no "simple". Ever.



Modding and earning money for it surely sounds great but there's one major catch. The name of the catch is 'Copyright'.

As long as there's "nothing to gain" most copyright owners (in this case the artists of the pictures) are content with the inclusion into the contributors list.

As soon as there's money involved shit's gonna hit the fan.


Veeeery ugly things can happen in copyright claims and avoiding major headaches by not taking money in the first place could prove beneficial in many cases.


in other meaningful news. Great to have you back Dew.


I clicked on both images and all that came up were blank screens.


Either way, despite people's claims, he CANNOT be punished for owning a patreon if it's not connected to his modding. Again, it would be like someone accusing him of copy right violation by pointing out his actual job. An income that is structured independently is just that, independent.


If someone did try to claim he was making money off of his modding, all he would need to do is show that the patreon is not connected. A fuss could be made, but in the end nothing could be done against him under copyright law.


You guys are being paranoid for no reason.

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Patreon is for the person itself, true.

One thing that is not that obvious about it is copyright owners will have the information about how much money a modder is making who is known to either use or have used his/her copyrighted work.

And it would need serious amounts of work, thought and time to set up a patreon legally safe and sound which is using copyrighted material. Tiny things like handing out the newest version of the mod from the modder to his/her patreons some time earlier can legally be claimed as selling copyrighted material without being in possession of the copyright.


Patreon is good for persons whose work is entirely their own work, without using copyrighted material at all.

If copyrighted material of any kind is used patreon can be a major hassle and can prove very stressful.


Copyright is nothing to fuck with. But as said if no money is involved the consequences mostly are tiny. If money gets involved copyright can transform to a major pain in the butt to say the least.

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One Time Donation vs. monthly recurring payment.


The 'simply don't connect it to the mod' has to be made 100% legally proof otherwise it can be seen as employment, opening the floodgates to copyright claims.

When there's money involved there is no "simple". Ever.



Modding and earning money for it surely sounds great but there's one major catch. The name of the catch is 'Copyright'.

As long as there's "nothing to gain" most copyright owners (in this case the artists of the pictures) are content with the inclusion into the contributors list.

As soon as there's money involved shit's gonna hit the fan.


Veeeery ugly things can happen in copyright claims and avoiding major headaches by not taking money in the first place could prove beneficial in many cases.


in other meaningful news. Great to have you back Dew.


I clicked on both images and all that came up were blank screens.


Either way, despite people's claims, he CANNOT be punished for owning a patreon if it's not connected to his modding. Again, it would be like someone accusing him of copy right violation by pointing out his actual job. An income that is structured independently is just that, independent.


If someone did try to claim he was making money off of his modding, all he would need to do is show that the patreon is not connected. A fuss could be made, but in the end nothing could be done against him under copyright law.


You guys are being paranoid for no reason.





If I were him I'd still confirm with some actual expert that there's no loopholes for the OTHER side to get to him if he becomes too succesful.

I mean, sure, it's technically giving him money so he can make content, not giving him money FOR the content, but still.


And then we get in the other issue:

What if, instead of "per month", he went with the kind of model, Patreon, IMO is actually designed for and which I'd prefer under other circumstances, like "Per Major release"?


[rant]Honestly, I loathe people who just set it to monthly, instead of giving Patrons a opt-in to pay their pledge for something more tangential, I have seen the former excuse laziness and/or just getting paid for yyour name or circumstances way too often[/rant]



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In non-related Patreon news, I plan on having 2-3 minor updates out next week. Exactly when honestly depends on how awe inspiring Stellaris is.


If Stellaris is what I hope it'll be, they'll be released next weekend. If it's not, they'll likely hit earlier in the week.


One might hit tomorrow night (using the recent code donation to the Court and Commerce mod).

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