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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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Something is wrong on your side.

I activated all Dark World Modules, the Dark World 1.25 unofficial patch, Realistic Battles, Sketchy Cheat Menu, Harem Times (that's the Coretex version of Harem Kings), Christianity Mod and CK2 Plus.

I made a new character and played for like 3 or 4 month. I had no problems whatsoever.

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There are a lot of issues sometimes depending on what portrait packs you do (or don't) have installed. What DLC are you/aren't you using?


But these issues are graphical in nature. Missing, double, moved/moving or "Frankenstein" portraits in the case of some Portrait DLC missing which shall be altered by a mod to be exact. Nothing even close to cause myriads of empty conversion boxes and CTD's.

Bigger DLC are not touched by this mod and the mods he said he is using so these are ruled out as possible source of that failure.

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Something is wrong on your side.

I activated all Dark World Modules, the Dark World 1.25 unofficial patch, Realistic Battles, Sketchy Cheat Menu, Harem Times (that's the Coretex version of Harem Kings), Christianity Mod and CK2 Plus.

I made a new character and played for like 3 or 4 month. I had no problems whatsoever.


This is the issue. Dark World Reborn doesn't have the brothel in it yet. You're getting the brothel that comes with Christianity.

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Yea after reading this last page.. one.. Im impressed my version of Harem actually worked with also CK2+ and the Christianity mod running as well.... Mine is kinda build around working with DW.. but.. not really for the other 2.. there are some possible similar files/duplicate files with HT, CK2+ and Christianity that makes me wonder which mod is winning out and/or how well they merge together during a live game.  But good to see theres no immediate issues regardless.

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The last official version is 2.5.2.


@Coretex If it is running without any flaws I do not know. I did not convert to the harem religion so essentially what I meant is "I ran those mods and CK2 did not crash, I could normally play." Honestly Harem Kings is not my kind of mod :P. But in retrospect, yeah it should work regardless since Harem Kings does not alter existing events/decisions/religion but adding new ones.

With the Christianity Mod there are a few conflicts with original CK2, but not Harem Kings. The behaviour of some CK2 Files is altered, but at the very least the traits are working (Exhibitionist, Lustful and other sins are virtues (albeit Temples still see them as sin)).

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# .1010 Fenris hunts (Fenris)
character_event = {
    id = DWNight.1010
    hide_window = yes # Nothing to see here
    is_triggered_only = yes # triggered by targeted decision
    immediate = {
        if = { # If it is an adult female, that isn't an alpha bitch, Fenris will dominate her
            limit = {
                FROM = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    NOT = { has_character_modifier = dw_alpha_bitch }
            FROM = {
                add_character_modifier = { name = dw_werewolf_bitch duration = -1 } # Fenris makes her a bitch to be bred
                character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 } # Check to see if she gets knocked up
                opinion = {
                    modifier = dw_opinion_ima_bitch # She recognizes Fenris as her dominator
                    who = ROOT
            opinion = {
                modifier = dw_opinion_my_bitch # He recognizes her has his cattle
                who = FROM
            break = yes # We exit out of the immediate block
        # Anyone else is killed. Alpha bitch, child, etc. To Fenris if you're not a supporter or a breeder, you're better off dead.
        FROM = {
            death = {
                death_reason = death_murder
                killer = ROOT

I'm looking at this event, and after a while, I feel like I need to look up the entire mod files, but one thing I could tell straight away is why all male rulers are dying like crazy.


So far, from what I can see, all actions that might interrupt the event before it reaches the "DEATH" method are triggered by an if limit IS_FEMALE = YES, which excludes males. This means the males are being provided no means to be spared.


EDIT: oops late to the party aren't I. Well I'm still leaving this just because.

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# .1010 Fenris hunts (Fenris)
character_event = {
    id = DWNight.1010
    hide_window = yes # Nothing to see here
    is_triggered_only = yes # triggered by targeted decision
    immediate = {
        if = { # If it is an adult female, that isn't an alpha bitch, Fenris will dominate her
            limit = {
                FROM = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    NOT = { has_character_modifier = dw_alpha_bitch }
            FROM = {
                add_character_modifier = { name = dw_werewolf_bitch duration = -1 } # Fenris makes her a bitch to be bred
                character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 } # Check to see if she gets knocked up
                opinion = {
                    modifier = dw_opinion_ima_bitch # She recognizes Fenris as her dominator
                    who = ROOT
            opinion = {
                modifier = dw_opinion_my_bitch # He recognizes her has his cattle
                who = FROM
            break = yes # We exit out of the immediate block
        # Anyone else is killed. Alpha bitch, child, etc. To Fenris if you're not a supporter or a breeder, you're better off dead.
        FROM = {
            death = {
                death_reason = death_murder
                killer = ROOT

I'm looking at this event, and after a while, I feel like I need to look up the entire mod files, but one thing I could tell straight away is why all male rulers are dying like crazy.


So far, from what I can see, all actions that might interrupt the event before it reaches the "DEATH" method are triggered by an if limit IS_FEMALE = YES, which excludes males. This means the males are being provided no means to be spared.


EDIT: oops late to the party aren't I. Well I'm still leaving this just because.



Yes, they're supposed to die. The whole issue though isn't .1010, it was the decision that was for some reason firing constantly instead of annually.

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Don't know about you but I find it kinda hard to believe an ancient werewolf hunts once a year and depending on luck he fucks a female or kills a male/child.

Old and experienced as he is Fenris isn't able to target a female and avoid the 'error' of hitting a male/child?


I would suggest a small change on the event, namely the moving of the death into an additional if case when some male "hero" jumps to the help of the female rape target while as failsafe the outcome is empty.

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Don't know about you but I find it kinda hard to believe an ancient werewolf hunts once a year and depending on luck he fucks a female or kills a male/child.

Old and experienced as he is Fenris isn't able to target a female and avoid the 'error' of hitting a male/child?


I would suggest a small change on the event, namely the moving of the death into an additional if case when some male "hero" jumps to the help of the female rape target while as failsafe the outcome is empty.


Personally I feel like there should be a way to keep males and childs from dying 100% of the time, like making them into Omega Werewolves (you know, like in a real pack there's Omega wolves, the sub ones at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the alphas); otherwise, assuming there are no eligible females, you would have random people dying every year, which is a bad thing.

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Moving the "random Male Death Encounter" into an if case of the "found fitting female" and having the fail save blank would result in Fenris either kill a male or fuck a female (as it is now) but if he does not find a fitting female (one that is not werewolf bitch by now) there won't be any male death as the "heroes" won't jump onto punching a huge furball packed with long teeth and sharp claws to impress the ladies anymore.

With the simple CK2 RNJesus it could be further enhanced that only males with high martial skills, special traits or spouses/lovers would interfere and another RNJesus would dictate the outcome (like 70% death, 20% maimed, 5% wounded, 5% saved the girl).

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Personally I feel like there should be a way to keep males and childs from dying 100% of the time, like making them into Omega Werewolves (you know, like in a real pack there's Omega wolves, the sub ones at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the alphas); otherwise, assuming there are no eligible females, you would have random people dying every year, which is a bad thing.



Feel free to edit it yourselves for your own tastes, as from my perspective, Fenris isn't interested in mankind at all, and as a result he himself would never make an Omega Male. Man isn't worthy enough, and if it wasn't for the corruption that limits their ability to have female werewolves, he'd not even waste his time with human females.


If you think it should be different, the onus is on you to make your game different.

Don't know about you but I find it kinda hard to believe an ancient werewolf hunts once a year and depending on luck he fucks a female or kills a male/child.

Old and experienced as he is Fenris isn't able to target a female and avoid the 'error' of hitting a male/child?


I would suggest a small change on the event, namely the moving of the death into an additional if case when some male "hero" jumps to the help of the female rape target while as failsafe the outcome is empty.


Don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe that you find it hard to believe that at least once a year, THE master werewolf somehow finds himself unable to either sate his blood lust or take a woman. You're basically requesting a chance that he's blocked 365 days a year.


And I also don't see any male 'hero' worthy enough to stop him, and if I were to add a check for one, it'd be more in tune to result in him BOTH killing a male and raping a female, as he'd gut the foolish mortal male before moving onto the pitiful female dick sleeve.


Of course, you're free to alter it to fit your own tastes though.

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The werewolf trait, and associated werewolf bitch and omega male modifiers, don't seem to be passed on currently.


We are still in the early stages of this module so give it time.



It's all good. I really did manage to overlook that, so I'm glad it was mentioned. I'll mark it for an update on my next pass through.

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Tonight (in about 1 - 2 hours from now), I'll be posting the initial release of the Dark World Court and Commerce mod.


It will likely only contain the addition of buildings, with no supporting events at initial release. But it'll be up and as I cycle through updating mods, it'll be easier for me to add content back into it, just like the others.


Regarding the buildings, I'm going to take another stab at better aligning things. After some headaches in decision events, I pulled several buildings into the capital from the cities. I've moved them back to the city, and I've added some new buildings, and multiple tiers for many of them. I've also added a new trade post building (Slave port that specializes in the transportation of slaves), and nomads (Slave wagon for mobile training and slave management). Since there are no events tied into anything right now, you're only able to enjoy the bonuses these buildings bring into play.


So, we've buildings for Castles, cities, tribes, trade posts, and nomads. I've ideas for temple buildings as well, but will hit those down the road.


I won't have tested this (at all) so if you notice anything odd (like I believe there is the chance some may display odd, like Bordello 2 II) - so if they do, let me know.


And remember - I'm releasing this for momentum sake on my side. If you're not interested in adding the buildings without events - then just hold-off on using it for now.

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The werewolf trait, and associated werewolf bitch and omega male modifiers, don't seem to be passed on currently.


We are still in the early stages of this module so give it time.



It's all good. I really did manage to overlook that, so I'm glad it was mentioned. I'll mark it for an update on my next pass through.



Thank you! Happy I was able to help.


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Court and Commerce has been posted.


A glimmer of good news - I don't believe I'll be creating any additional sub-mods.


I believe everything I envision will be contained within those that have been released, so I'm going to be making trips through each of them now and posting updates as I expand on and reintroduce content.


I know I mentioned that slavery would be it's own mod, but I've had a complete change of heart so far and decided to include it within the Court and Commerce mod instead. With the intention of giving folks the opportunity to pick and choose their desired content, I believe I've cut it up about as much as I feel comfortable with.


So, here's to looking forward to what update(s) will be coming out later this new week.

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I tested out the new Court and Commerce mod, and ran all the other sub-mods with it, and everything seemed to work perfectly -- No errors, and no mistakes that I see on the building names/descriptions (I checked just because you mentioned). Great job!


I see that one of the buildings is a wizard tower -- I don't recall this being in the older versions. Do you have plans to expand on this?

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Personally I feel like there should be a way to keep males and childs from dying 100% of the time, like making them into Omega Werewolves (you know, like in a real pack there's Omega wolves, the sub ones at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the alphas); otherwise, assuming there are no eligible females, you would have random people dying every year, which is a bad thing.



Feel free to edit it yourselves for your own tastes, as from my perspective, Fenris isn't interested in mankind at all, and as a result he himself would never make an Omega Male. Man isn't worthy enough, and if it wasn't for the corruption that limits their ability to have female werewolves, he'd not even waste his time with human females.


If you think it should be different, the onus is on you to make your game different.

Don't know about you but I find it kinda hard to believe an ancient werewolf hunts once a year and depending on luck he fucks a female or kills a male/child.

Old and experienced as he is Fenris isn't able to target a female and avoid the 'error' of hitting a male/child?


I would suggest a small change on the event, namely the moving of the death into an additional if case when some male "hero" jumps to the help of the female rape target while as failsafe the outcome is empty.


Don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe that you find it hard to believe that at least once a year, THE master werewolf somehow finds himself unable to either sate his blood lust or take a woman. You're basically requesting a chance that he's blocked 365 days a year.


And I also don't see any male 'hero' worthy enough to stop him, and if I were to add a check for one, it'd be more in tune to result in him BOTH killing a male and raping a female, as he'd gut the foolish mortal male before moving onto the pitiful female dick sleeve.


Of course, you're free to alter it to fit your own tastes though.



Thank you for being pissed.

If you do not want suggestions on how your mod could be improved at all please write so on the modpage.

Same please if you do not want to hear from things that may or may not be a bug.




I see that one of the buildings is a wizard tower -- I don't recall this being in the older versions. Do you have plans to expand on this?


The old wizard tower from Dark World 1.25 was only a single level, provided 0.5 tax and 3 learning.

Your recalling needs to be enhanced :P





I expected Fenris to have the goal of finding a female to make his bitch and thus finding a male to be a failure.

If you insist of Fenris not caring at all if he rapes a female or murders a guy, fine. Maybe believable if Fenris RPG like decided to annually spice up his eternal life by getting an adrenaline kick. But you yourself mentioned mere men are far inferior so the adrenaline kick he gets from either is meager at best.

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