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post your sexy screens here!

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There was a story here but being a kind sensible person I tried to use spoiler tags while still unspoilering 5 images but it fucked everything up. I thought I copied it proper but that fucked up too so now there's no story. I was already displeased due to not having stopped time of day so this looks kinda weird to begin with because of the lighting. To sum up, a good chuch going girl is scammed by an evil doer pretending to be the church's new mascot "Abby the Abstinence bear", injected with Daddy-O and finds out why it's called that as she's forced to many, many orgasms...
















































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2 hours ago, Stormer said:

There needs to be a fkin option for users to block certain users and their "content" like on nexus.... 1 button to block and you dont have to see the ridiculous sh!7 they post :D

there is but you gotta hunt for it, i never remember how to do it but it helps.

Works for users, their posts, and anything mentioning them - so long as it isnt in a spoiler in a repost


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On 9/21/2019 at 8:47 AM, DremoraDream said:

I remember your screens from a while back had some really goood looks for your animations. THe vagina actually looks like its working, is this done thru physics? or is it just the way the preset looks?

well its nothing amazing like physics, i only increase the maximum value of the slider in the Looksmenu morph so the vagina can open wider and adjust the positioning of the actors including the penis direction(with dongs of fallout) so that the penetration looks acceptable for the sake of immersive screenshots. And hey thanks for the appreciation :classic_wink:.

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