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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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I would love to! I have some time to work now and I'm super interested in this mod.  I can start recording the full version once I know a few things.


Script or just general emotion lines? 

How many lines or voice files?


I can try recording and editing some samples for primal(suck) ~ and of course send you the original samples


~I prefer contact through private messages please!~

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I personally don't like the way sexlab handles animations and really look forward to this one. You, CEO 0S, have my biggest admiration for realizing such a complex and perfect animation framework. The thing that keeps me from using it is, that I'd miss bondage and rape stuff. (LoversLabbers, what have you done to my brain?! ;) ) From what I've seen this is easiely the best sex mod out there. :heart: Great work!

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Thank you so much, I'm very excited. I think your voice quality and having you do custom for it, easily would be the most loved voice plugin that it will ever have, thanks!









(all of these come in 3 tiers of intensity, you don't need them all though as much as you feel like that's just the max, I'll explain:)


Those are the main categories both use, (suck) and regular, each one has 3 degrees, each has 3 degrees: subtle0, subtle1. The higher ones are meant for longer or catching sounds that you don't want played to much due to them being more specific but still want weaved in sometimes.I also need some that are not really sex related but just a reaction to things, like your spank sounds for example were great. Reactions to things like a spank, or getting moved around, little tugs etc and the sound that someone might make under those situations.


I have no spoken dialogue yet but am trying to get some dirty talk / verbal response to some things as a  segment working but I don't have time to focus on that yet so maybe start with the general sounds and if you want to do more in the future I would love that. I'll message you tonight so we have a line of communication. Samples as you go are fine and would be great the pack can be built gradually and expanded.



Thank you and I'm very excited!

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Peoples only know the "Meet and fuck" framework. This is why they don't understand why it is a framework, i'm not even use half of the peoples there understand what is a framework.


You gave them the "press 0 key to fuck", which is only here for testing purposes, this is why they didn't see it as a framework.




Here is the diff with Sexlab, the "quest" decides which animations to play, here it's not the same application at all, it's "all animations" or ... none.

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Thanks perfect I'm going to try it both ways. Let's see what pure getFormID returns on actorbases and actors. Thank you very much both of you I think this will make a cleaner fix then my solution and be better for the future, and unforseen bugs.





Completely unrelated since I'm in a bad mood: some mantra I see here on all loverslab forums: "OSA/OSex isn't a framework"


How the F isn't OSA/0Sex a framework? What other animation system can animators plugin in any scene they wanted with transitions or not, decide from an excessive amount of options how the scene will go down, with UI interaction, full transition and button control, with any mfg, spell, sound, buff, and other cinematic effects they want, without requiring mastery of any esp/esm, for any kind of content, with API generated for any custom scene. It's an animation framework not a e-porn single clip roulette. 


There's nothing else that CAN do that, in fact things that are called a framework can't even take a new single animation without a patching process that's awkward and 99% limiting. OSA is a framework and anyone that preaches otherwise can SMD. Yea it's in development but the potential is there since 1.07 and all variations including now have that potential. That's the whole point of it. Of course having not able to complete a stable draft impacts greatly the ability for me to make a solid platform that people can design on but that's not the point, it's a framework "in development".


If you're animator and make scene wtf can you do with it? Wait for it to be implemented and have no artistic input at all except being able to toss up a single clip that, people can window shop around for, and stuff into a packed random roulette?


Hugging, embracing, custom scenes for exact events in your mod, you want to make a custom fatality, with decapitation, S*** out of luck without a ton of Papryus CK overhead. With OSA all of that is as easy exporting animation and typing into XML. Preaching otherwise that it doesn't have the capacity to do that only limits and discourages people from getting involved and trying for themselves, hence we wind up with OSex being the only available scene or anything else I alone make. It's not fair to the scope of the project, to slander it like that, to discourage people of it's potential, and to the time I and others have spent to make it possible.


This is an animation framework, and there's nothing that comes close in Skyrim, it's not just a sex framework that can roulette tags. I haven't been comparing before but until the slander stops I'm going to from here on out.


Slapping cum texture on an npc with a drone sound palette after randomized scenes = framework

full control in the animators hand of basically anything Skyrim can do with transitions, ui, auto-generated API /= framework

Ok got it....


Ignore those people. 


I really like your mod, even though I don't always post and you might not even notice me. And I believe there are many people just like me.

I am just a small potato >.<.


Actually I think your mod is already greater than just a framework...

It's just like an entire new game lollll.


keep up the good work and introducemore function and scenes.

Tho I feel  sorry that i know nothing about coding and I can't really help with anything other then reporting bugs XDDD. :(((((

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There really is no real reason for any kind of competition or a war between 0sex and Sexlab.


They both have sex animations but they do things differently in the background. They have different ideas behind them.

They both have amazing animators. For example i would really love to see Leito doing animation expansion pack for 0sex or conversion of his amazing animations. 0sex has amazing level of player control, Sexlab has amazing level of how to take all control from player (Sexlab Defeat, DD).


I like both frameworks even though i like 0sex more coz of its features. Ashal listened to my idea about panic button in Sexlab, no one listened my idea about animation selector interface but later Sexlab Tools was created, CEO listened to my idea about User Interface and im hoping for that cum anytime addon. :D


Bottom line is both frameworks have some really cool features and guys behind them so any type of a war should just be ignored.

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There really is no real reason for any kind of competition or a war between 0sex and Sexlab.



I agree naturally, but it's hurting my project and there's no need for it, the more I ignore it the worse it seems to get. It's time to draw the line. I know that it's just a view of some and that overall this project has huge support but it's got to stop.


It will hurt the future of mods like this to come if people give in to the lie that this isn't a framework, and it's features deserve no future consideration because of what people preach it's not, it goes beyond OSA.

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There really is no real reason for any kind of competition or a war between 0sex and Sexlab.



I agree naturally, but it's hurting my project and there's no need for it, the more I ignore it the worse it seems to get. It's time to draw the line.



Where is this even happening? People making other threads about it or something?

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FO4 forums generally people bring up OSA features that they like and get slapped down with lies that OSA isn't a framework so none of it's features should be considered in future stuff. I don't care if people don't want to consider it's features in their own projects, I do care about OSA being put down though. Simply saying no I don't want to do that, would be fine, lying about OSA is not ok to me after a point. 


Here's some at a quick glance, maybe you'll see why it pisses me off a little bit. I might be overly sensitive but I don't really care. I play LoL sometimes to relax so my internet habits have developed a bit unfavorable when dealing with certain kind of things because of it.


"But your code as nothing to be called a "Framework", it is more a good mod"


"0Sex is NOT a framework. Is a mod with APIs."


No need for it, those are complete lies. I've done nothing to encourage it in the past. Developers reading that are going to not always know it's BS could reconsider making content for it etc. Development content for OSex is something it needs, and I admit the long development and major changes plays a part in that but it doesn't need more disadvantages then that.




But let's put this all behind us now and forget about it, I'm going to dish some of that back at em,  but none the less I'll try to get in a better mood. Focus on getting a stable 1.08 OSA out so slander like that can't even be said without looking like a complete clown. 

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I really like your mod, even though I don't always post and you might not even notice me. And I believe there are many people just like me.

I am just a small potato >.<.


keep up the good work and introducemore function and scenes.

Tho I feel  sorry that i know nothing about coding and I can't really help with anything other then reporting bugs XDDD. :(((((



Small potatos are ignored only if they have Dyndolod issues (thats new policy) :D

Bug reporting is best way to help anyway :)


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FO4 forums generally people bring up OSA features that they like and get slapped down with lies that OSA isn't a framework so none of it's features should be considered in future stuff. I don't care if people don't want to consider it's features in their own projects, I do care about OSA being put down though. Simply saying no I don't want to do that, would be fine, lying about OSA is not ok to me after a point. 


Here's some at a quick glance, maybe you'll see why it pisses me off a little bit. I might be overly sensitive but I don't really care. I play LoL sometimes to relax so my internet habits have developed a bit unfavorable when dealing with certain kind of things because of it.


"But your code as nothing to be called a "Framework", it is more a good mod"


"0Sex is NOT a framework. Is a mod with APIs."


No need for it, those are complete lies. I've done nothing to encourage it in the past. Developers reading that are going to not always know it's BS could reconsider making content for it etc. Development content for OSex is something it needs, and I admit the long development and major changes plays a part in that but it doesn't need more disadvantages then that.




But let's put this all behind us now and forget about it, I'm going to dish some of that back at em,  but none the less I'll try to get in a better mood. Focus on getting a stable 1.08 OSA out so slander like that can't even be said without looking like a complete clown. 



Fair play. You going to port this to FO4 at some point? Would love to see that.

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Thanks perfect I'm going to try it both ways. Let's see what pure getFormID returns on actorbases and actors. Thank you very much both of you I think this will make a cleaner fix then my solution and be better for the future, and unforseen bugs.


My only concern is what I see in the CK notes on GetForm (used to call the form you've retrieved with GetFormID).


"As the FormID is intended to be a 32-bit unsigned integer and Papyrus uses signed integers, this function is not reliable for forms from higher-ordered mods. Specifically, any FormID with the MSB set (load order 0x80 and above) will fail to return a valid object."




Edit:  Dyndolod dammit!

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This is wonderful thank you so much to you and Migal for helping me with. Perfect, this should clear everything up and it's nice to have more people willing to poke at the papyrus to find better solutions. Thanks!


The reference ID is going to generate a unique series of numbers for them? I avoid alias in this but that would get their alias ID or I guess actor ID as an actor form as opposed to an actorbase?





I believe there might be a way I can develop the two in sync so it's basically the same thing on two different games. It would take very little additional development time and the wishlist of tools I'd need to make that happen isn't very demanding and most likely will happen. I've made a quick mock up of OSA just running placeholder animations to see what's missing and what I would need to complete.


It looks like all the pieces are there except for 2 points:

1. I need a way to remap my animations to FO4's skeleton (which most likely will be possible at some point soon.) and tools to export into FO4's format which also is in the works I think.


this would unlock most of the functionality and I could have something the day the tools are available. (This would be similar to 1.06)


For full OSA on par to Skyrim 1.08 it would need UI connectivity which would take some SKYUI stuff and maybe more FO4SE. I'd have most likely rewrite the actionscript from actionscript 2 to 3 which might not be so bad. A couple small sections would have to be written but the UI could potentially go right in. To explain at this point OSA could work as a flash website game, it just has no output display which is what it uses Skyrim for, as a high-end 3D display basically, it can pretty easily plugin from one thing to another.


With a couple lucky breaks it might be able to go right in in a very short time frame after the tools are available but I most likely will not take it on if I can't remap the animations or I might do just a framework side that can take OSex scenes but will not be making OSex myself for it. (Only if I can't bring my animation work over, since I'm over a year into heavy animation time there's just to much to start over at this point)



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I personally don't like the way sexlab handles animations and really look forward to this one. You, CEO 0S, have my biggest admiration for realizing such a complex and perfect animation framework. The thing that keeps me from using it is, that I'd miss bondage and rape stuff. (LoversLabbers, what have you done to my brain?! ;) ) From what I've seen this is easiely the best sex mod out there. :heart: Great work!


Umm you do know that you can use both 0sex and Sexlab+bondage stuff at the same time right?


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I personally don't like the way sexlab handles animations and really look forward to this one. You, CEO 0S, have my biggest admiration for realizing such a complex and perfect animation framework. The thing that keeps me from using it is, that I'd miss bondage and rape stuff. (LoversLabbers, what have you done to my brain?! ;) ) From what I've seen this is easiely the best sex mod out there. :heart: Great work!


Umm you do know that you can use both 0sex and Sexlab+bondage stuff at the same time right?




No I don't. :blush: Thanks for informing me about that.

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The reference ID is going to generate a unique series of numbers for them? I avoid alias in this but that would get their alias ID or I guess actor ID as an actor form as opposed to an actorbase?



I suspect SFLL and Pip are both bigger Papyrus studs than I am and they may have further information, but yes, if you toss the actors involved into a couple (or however many) quest aliases at the scene's beginning, you can get their ObjectReferences by using GetReference on their alias.  The problem is, I'm not sure it's a value so much as a pointer, at least for your purposes.


Papyrus was designed under the assumption that all the scripting you do would be in Papyrus.  So, you can store an Alias's ObjectRef in Papyrus with GetReference, but how do you pass what was stored outside to Actionscript?  If you remain in Papyrus, it's already stored.  It doesn't have to be a legible value.  It just has to exist as an illegible property or variable with a legible name identifying it.


I'm wondering why you can't just assign your own invented ID number to each actor in a scene.  You could definitely pass that outside of Papyrus.  Sort of like, 

Actor 1 = Game.GetPlayer()

Actor 2 = Targeted partner actor


Then send those actor vars as ints to the external engine for processing and send them back when a Papyrus reaction is needed.  You would know something identified as 1 was meant to operate on Actor 1, etc.  You'd just hard code the correlations with IF statements like,


If ReturnArray[1] == 1

  ; doin' actor 1 stuff



Or, am I being too simple-headed?  Admittedly, I haven't passed squat outside Papyrus.  But, I'm feeling rather good anyway, because according to something I recently saw, I'm a big man, if you understand my meaning.


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I don't really have any experience with actionscript, so I am not sure what is/isn't accessible.  I did take a look at the MfgConsole console.swf to see it calls injected methods in MfgConsole.dll to get the displayed actor properties.  I do not know an easy way to make those accessible in Papyrus other than asking the author.  Someone with more SKSE plugin knowledge might.


As for getting the mod name from an actor reference... I made this but I almost feel bad for such a lame hack:

string Function GetModNameFromActor (Actor acta) global
    int aint = acta.GetActorBase().GetFormID()
    float modfloat
    int modint
    string tempmod

    modfloat = (aint as float) / 16777216
    modint = modfloat as int

    If modint == 0
        return "Skyrim"
    ElseIf modint > 0
        TempMod = Game.GetModName(modint)
        return StringUtil.SubString(TempMod, 0, StringUtil.Find(TempMod, ".es"))
    ElseIf modint < 0
        TempMod = Game.GetModName(255 + modint)
        return StringUtil.SubString(TempMod, 0, StringUtil.Find(TempMod, ".es"))

    Return TempMod

It works as far as I tested it at the 7F / 80 boundary up to 225 mods.  Obviously it is a truncated float so as you reach 000000 or FFFFFF record ID it has a higher chance of failure, but it got the right mod from my testing.

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this parts looks awesome but beyond me at the moment in setting up:" I did take a look at the MfgConsole console.swf to see it calls injected methods in MfgConsole.dll to get the displayed actor properties. "


Could reduce strain and open up a lot of possibilities maybe.




I'll explain the action script side quickly hopefully it help to see what's possible:


The only way I currently know to interact with Skyrim is that the UI can send a modevent through actionscript. This actionscript for example:

skse.SendModEvent("0SAN"+id+"_Animate", String(animation));


That's not the fancy kind of modevent that you can push endless variables through, it can only send through a string and a float, the basic papyrus type of mod event.


That's the only connection I can make from the UI to Skyrim. Everything that happens in game is a result of the sending mod events.




Almost all of the data is access by loading xml files that hold information on either identity or scenes etc. The one exception to this is actors since I need papyrus to tell me the information when it gets around to it, I'll send a mod event that makes actors gather up information that I need from the game and that sends it to the UI as a string array. From papyrus an actionscript function can be called, that can have an int, string, float, bool or string array passed along with it.




The UI has an actor library, that holds actor objects which is a big actionscript object with lots of predefined properties that get filled in when one is made. When a new actor is sent to the UI a new actor entry is made in the library, for identification purposes the UI recognizes them by the form ID papyrus sent. It communicates back to papyrus to specific actors by sending mod events that have their formID in the name of the mod event. 


(There's also a StageID which is just ticked up one per cast of OSex by the quest script for coordinating stuff between all actors in the scene, works exactly the same as actor formid.) Meant in the future for multiple scenes taking place at once to differentiate them.



The main thing is threading, when accessing an xml you can make the actionscript standby until an xml is loaded so it doesn't barge ahead without the data but when waiting for data from papyrus it's only semi possible and gets really complicated.

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It communicates back to papyrus to specific actors by using mod events that have their formID in the name of the mod event.



That's the weak point, IMO.  GetForm can miss a FormID for a mod in a very deep load order.


I tested it and GetReference returns the RefID.  It is essentially the equivalent of opening the game's console and clicking on an object (or actor), where it's like you selected their reference with PRID.  You could use that instead of FormID and I think it would be bullet proof.  The problem is, GetFormID has GetForm to act upon the FormID value.  I'm not aware of any function to act upon a returned RefID value.  I mean, I don't know that you could do something like,


(12345 as actor)


Becauee the game wouldn't know 12345 was a RefID.


That kind of leaves you reliant on either formIDs or inventing your own actor IDs as strings or floats to pass to the XML.


As for getting the mod name from an actor reference... I made this but I almost feel bad for such a lame hack:


Your lame hack looks like my eureka moments.

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CEO, Are you going to update your front page with your latest mod? because it still has 1.06 and it's annoying sifting through the pages to find what your latest one is, i can't even find it lol. or at the very least somewhere easier to access with your up-to-date ones.


also i think one of the standing animations transitions don't work, i don't know what it's called but its the second part of the standing scene. where the subs leg changes postions, i could never find the keys to transition, after 1.6 is that a bug?

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CEO, Are you going to update your front page with your latest mod? because it still has 1.06 and it's annoying sifting through the pages to find what your latest one is, i can't even find it lol. or at the very least somewhere easier to access with your up-to-date ones.


also i think one of the standing animations transitions don't work, i don't know what it's called but its the second part of the standing scene. where the subs leg changes postions, i could never find the keys to transition, after 1.6 is that a bug?


I will 1.08 official is right on the horizon and will be on the nexus. Mostly since these are alphas and demos I want to keep them quarntined a bit so I'm only getting feedback from people that are trying to test and follow the thread closely to know what to look for. Mainly so Kinky doesn't wind up endlessly trouble shooting FNIS installation issues etc. while trying to work out bugs and feedback.


If you mean standing Ovation the second scene (sex standing from behind) it's most likely left shift + 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. Sorry I can't remember it's been a while now since the hot key combinations. The help menu should say it if you do dom(left) alt + num pad -.

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This is an animation framework, and there's nothing that comes close in Skyrim, it's not just a sex framework that can roulette tags. I haven't been comparing before but until the slander stops I'm going to from here on out.


My 10 cents.


It's the internet. So, there will always be someone to represent every misconception. But, fighting back might give the impression that it's a mod vs mod thing rather than some people just not being informed about what 0S is capable of.


Sexlab is a well done, important mod (as is 0S). I think it's worthwhile to consider Sexlabs strengths and understand why it is so widely used. In my view one big reason is that the public facing API is clear, documented and has many options. It allows modders who can use CK but maybe aren't solid devs to easily "make things happen" in their mods.


Keep in mind that not all modders are multi-skilled like you. Some are animators. Some are quest builders. Some developers. Weapon makers. etc. It is a smaller group that is good at many of those. So, a handholding API goes a long way toward making it "frameworky" and accessable to more people.


I would recommend straight up copying the Sexlab API method for method and re-writing those commands to handle things the 0S way. Then, modders could start 0S in the same way Sexlab is started. In fact, once something like that is in place, it shouldn't be difficult to write a proxy mod that would start 0S in place of Sexlab commands in mods that are already written for Sexlab. That would leverage several years of mod building.


Long story short, I think that Sexlab and 0S could actually both be improved by borrowing some things from each other.



I agree naturally, but it's hurting my project and there's no need for it, the more I ignore it the worse it seems to get. It's time to draw the line. I know that it's just a view of some and that overall this project has huge support but it's got to stop.


It will hurt the future of mods like this to come if people give in to the lie that this isn't a framework, and it's features deserve no future consideration because of what people preach it's not, it goes beyond OSA.



Yeah. I think the record should be set straight when possible. But, I've been wondering if the day will ever materialize that animators are going to integrate their work by hand into 0S. I don't question it due to any shortcoming of the mod. Just that, as mentioned above, people don't always have the skills to do it all. Or, even if they do, they just don't want to invest in learning a complex framework.


I'm wondering if you would get more animation contributions if you had an open request for animations and offered to do the implementation part yourself. You would still be benefitting from the framework steps you've taken because it would make your part easier. And the bar would be much lower for potential animators to join up. Something like that might be necessary to at least get the ball rolling on that front.




I believe there might be a way I can develop the two in sync so it's basically the same thing on two different games. It would take very little additional development time and the wishlist of tools I'd need to make that happen isn't very demanding and most likely will happen. I've made a quick mock up of OSA just running placeholder animations to see what's missing and what I would need to complete.


It looks like all the pieces are there except for 2 points:

1. I need a way to remap my animations to FO4's skeleton (which most likely will be possible at some point soon.) and tools to export into FO4's format which also is in the works I think.


this would unlock most of the functionality and I could have something the day the tools are available. (This would be similar to 1.06)


For full OSA on par to Skyrim 1.08 it would need UI connectivity which would take some SKYUI stuff and maybe more FO4SE. I'd have most likely rewrite the actionscript from actionscript 2 to 3 which might not be so bad. A couple small sections would have to be written but the UI could potentially go right in. To explain at this point OSA could work as a flash website game, it just has no output display which is what it uses Skyrim for, as a high-end 3D display basically, it can pretty easily plugin from one thing to another.


With a couple lucky breaks it might be able to go right in in a very short time frame after the tools are available but I most likely will not take it on if I can't remap the animations or I might do just a framework side that can take OSex scenes but will not be making OSex myself for it. (Only if I can't bring my animation work over, since I'm over a year into heavy animation time there's just to much to start over at this point)



You might have already seen this. But, the tools are pretty much there: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55609-dev-hkxpackhkxanim-hkx-file-editor/page-6


You need Max 2014. The nif tool Bethesda packed with the CK. Havok Content Tools 2014. It actually exports directly to hkx! No FNIS steps. No converting xml after Max export.


Then in CK and new Papyrus, the graph options look amazingly improved over what we have in Skyrim. I haven't had a chance to test it all. But, it looks like a lot of the transition-work, etc. you built in 0S can be handled in a native structure with the graphs, cutting out all kinds of dev needed to handle timings, etc. On top of that it has keyword type systems so that sets of animations can have different versions that get played (currently used by vanilla game for things like "confident" vs other types of body language). It appears that graphs could be set up to use that same system to handle "moods" during an 0S scene. Again, all natively. So, should be much more smooth/stable than the patching in we've had to do in Skyrim.


I think there is a big demand to transition animations to FO4 from Skyrim. I've even seen a big push to bring in FONV animations. So, I think someone will eventually figure that out.


Meantime, yeah, the UI Script is one of the big missing things right now. I'm hoping the F4SE team releases that soon. I can't figure how close/far they are from that.



Or, am I being too simple-headed?  Admittedly, I haven't passed squat outside Papyrus.  But, I'm feeling rather good anyway, because according to something I recently saw, I'm a big man, if you understand my meaning.



A constant reference of some kind is needed to pair a character with data that 0S saves about them.


I messed around with that functionality and got something working. It seemed like it is a never fail solution. But, I haven't really tested it extensively at all. It could have the limitation you guys are talking about with some types of NPCs. This is how I set it up:


In Papyrus I use this to get the mod name:

String modName = getModNameByFormID( actor.GetFormID() as int )

String function getModNameByFormID(int formID)
     return Game.GetModName(Math.LogicalAnd(Math.RightShift(formID, 24), 255))

I handled the other hex conversion business in Actionscript because I trust it more. This code returns a unique identifier containing the name of the mod the character came from and their unique id in hex:

var formID = 32423423432432; // I had used actor.getFormID() for this number which may not solve the problem...

private function getIdentifier(mod)
   var fullHex = decimalToHex(formID, 8);
   var hex = fullHex.substr(2, 6);
   return mod.split(".")[0].split(" ").join("").toUpperCase() + hex;

function decimalToHex(decimal, padding):String
   var hex:String = Number(decimal).toString(16);
   while (hex.length < padding)
      hex = "0" + hex;
   return hex.toUpperCase();


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This is one of those mods that leaves me in awe.


And I finally got the newest demo working thanks to the sleuthing a few pages back.  It was indeed  hudmenu.gfx.    I had the SIM - Skyrim Interface Makeover for SkyUI running.   Worth removing as far as I am concerned ;)


Back to bonking with finesse.

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I pulled this out of MfgConsole (permission seems to allow, given here):



You are allowed to upload, convert, modify this mod.
You feel free to use this mod to include your mod, No need to contact me.


Comments added are mine and I have never used actionscript before so... fwiw:

// this just strips the target text ""(12345678)" down to 12345678
// should be able to skip this if you are passing a refid already

static function GetStrID(str) {
	var _local1 = "";
	var _local2 = str.lastIndexOf("(");
	if (_local2 >= 0) {
		_local1 = str.substr(_local2 + 1);
		if (_local1.length > 1) {
			_local1 = _local1.substr(0, _local1.length - 1);

// pulled the important information out and refactored this a bit

static function MfgObjData(selectionText) {
	var _local2 = [];
	// external call to skse plugin
	_global.skse.plugins.MfgConsole.GetObjectData(GetStrID(selectionText), _local2);
	// if it is zero there was no data found
	if (_local2.length > 0) {
		var _refname = "name:" + _local2[0].name;
		var _reftype = "type: " + _local2[0].strType;
		var _refid = "ID: " + _local2[0].strFormID;
		var _refbaseid = "baseID: " + _local2[0].strBaseID;
		var _refmodnameloc = "locate: " + _local2[0].locateModName;
		var _refmodnamedef "define: " + _local2[0].modName;
		// not found, shouldn't happen so time to abort
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