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Radiant Prostitution 3.2.2 (29-Oct-2015)

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Looks like passive solicitation settings are broken in 3.2.1 version. If M-F Approach Chance less than 100% so no male clients at all. Same with F-F approach and so on.




P.S. Is it safe to do downgrade to 3.2.0 without making "clean save"?

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Looks like passive solicitation settings are broken in 3.2.1 version. If M-F Approach Chance less than 100% so no male clients at all. Same with F-F approach and so on.




P.S. Is it safe to do downgrade to 3.2.0 without making "clean save"?


In the mean time setting it as both works since they will approach you as well if you don't talk to them first.

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Well the other guy and prostitute did have sex alongside for about 4 or 5 rounds then it never gave the flag to get dressed and return to the innkeeper.


Edit: Here was the papyrus log for it I believe.


Edit 2: Papyrus 0 is the one that had the issue with camp threesomes.


Thanks, investigating this now.



Looks like passive solicitation settings are broken in 3.2.1 version. If M-F Approach Chance less than 100% so no male clients at all. Same with F-F approach and so on.




P.S. Is it safe to do downgrade to 3.2.0 without making "clean save"?


Thanks for reporting this. However, this bug was introduced in 3.2.0, not 3.2.1. (Rewrote the function that validates a client during passive solicitation, to more accurately represent the MCM gender and race settings.)


Since rolling back to 3.1.0 may well cause problems for you, here's a hotfix for 3.2.1. After a quick test it seems to work fine now, but let me know if there are still any issues.

Radiant Prostitution 3.2.1 PassiveApproach Fix.7z

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Well the other guy and prostitute did have sex alongside for about 4 or 5 rounds then it never gave the flag to get dressed and return to the innkeeper.


Edit: Here was the papyrus log for it I believe.


Edit 2: Papyrus 0 is the one that had the issue with camp threesomes.


That looks pretty bad. The Papyrus.1.log, does it include log output after having finished the home quest?


Edit: I got my answer by checking the timestamps of Papyrus.0.log. You have a script from the home job that's stuck in an infinite loop. I'm not yet entirely sure how that happened, but it was likely due to a SexLab animation being terminated in an unusual way, causing the AnimationEnd event to not be broadcasted. This is also why you never got the quest update to return to the innkeeper.


About the infinite loop, that'll be fixed in the next release and will apply retroactively to you.


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Just some quick feedback. Please note beyond this mod and a few other LL stuff I have nothing that affects the base game beyond textures, the unofficial patches and skeleton related mods.


The House Delivery quest where you compete with another prostitute in a creampie-off has a tendency of dropping the player through the floor before resetting them back into the building.


The House Delivery quests has an occasional issue of sending you to houses such as Nazeem's which are perpetually locked, meaning you can't communicate with the client because it's classed as trespassing.


-"I'd would recommend something else"

Should be "I'd recommend something else."

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The House Delivery quest where you compete with another prostitute in a creampie-off has a tendency of dropping the player through the floor before resetting them back into the building.


I don't think this is specific to Radiant Prostitution, as I've seen it happen occasionally with SexLab animations started by other mods. It's possible that starting 2 animations simultaneously might make that glitch more likely to occur, though.



The House Delivery quests has an occasional issue of sending you to houses such as Nazeem's which are perpetually locked, meaning you can't communicate with the client because it's classed as trespassing.


Indeed, this is something I've been battling with for a while. In the meantime, all you can do is go back to the innkeeper and tell him you couldn't do the job.



-"I'd would recommend something else"

Should be "I'd recommend something else."


Will do.

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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.

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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.



I get the freezing issue on the Natural quest too. The biggest offender for me is the Companions quest. After two or three turns the game crashes with some C++ error. It always happens during the companions version of The Natural.

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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.



I get the freezing issue on the Natural quest too. The biggest offender for me is the Companions quest. After two or three turns the game crashes with some C++ error. It always happens during the companions version of The Natural.



Just had a freeze on that one too. It completed all the animations and I got paid, but as soon as I left it froze on the loading screen.


I've never been able to get past the robbery on the farm, it always freezes on that one.

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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.



Worst case scenario, you could always pick the lock, go in and select the client with the console, then come back out and teleport the client outside using moveto player.


All random quests are called 'The Natural', I assume you mean the one with the fan?


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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.



Worst case scenario, you could always pick the lock, go in and select the client with the console, then come back out and teleport the client outside using moveto player.


All random quests are called 'The Natural', I assume you mean the one with the fan?



The one with "the fan" and the Companion quests both have a tendency to freeze the game.

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Think what might've caused it was trying to talk to the npc between acts thinking it might be done. As for the sex acts I let them do their own thing once they started.


Ah. That may have been it, I'll do some testing to see if I can break it.




I've noticed that trying to talk to a client who is going to go for a repeat will almost always cause problems (freezeup or ctd), in particular if I am just entering dialog options when the (re-)stripping for the next act begins. Sometimes there is a considerable pause between repetitions, but I have found that if I wait a bit, and take a step or two away from the client I can usually avoid that b/c the client will follow if they are done but not if they're going to repeat.


Hope that helps.


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If i clients house is locked, i found  lock -picking it and entering is fine. i half-expected the client to go beserk that i broke in, but because they are the RP client, they just didnt care and the task continued as if they let me in :)

This hasn't worked with the NPCs I've come across unfortunately, the biggest offender around Whiterun is Nazeem.


Also, am I the only one experiencing freezes during the "All Natural" quest? Basically one or two animations will happen and then the game locks up. It doesn't even CTD, it just freezes the game.



I get the freezing issue on the Natural quest too. The biggest offender for me is the Companions quest. After two or three turns the game crashes with some C++ error. It always happens during the companions version of The Natural.



Just had a freeze on that one too. It completed all the animations and I got paid, but as soon as I left it froze on the loading screen.


I've never been able to get past the robbery on the farm, it always freezes on that one.



I just did the companions quest and it took 6+ tries to get through it without crashing, I either crashed as the first animation was about to start, or got a c++ error at the end of it. I got through it finally by getting the first animation started fine (none of the [were]wolves had schlongs, I think 1.60 broke MNC) and then using [End] to skip through animations and get done and out of the warehouse location and back to Vilkas as soon as possible. I didn't get the full reward money for the act (I got about a third I do a home delivery) but I finished the damn thing at least.


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That's a lot of freezing and CTDing going on. D:


Do the Giant and Stables quests not cause any issues for anyone? They seem very similar to the companions one and even use the same function to handle SexLab animations, so I'm a bit lost as to why only one of the three is seemingly unstable. Could you guys provide your Radiant Prostitution debug logs? (they're in the same location as the Papyrus logs, but inside the 'User' folder)

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I've gone through the thread, and can't find the answer to my question.  Maybe I'm just stupid and can't figure it out (that's almost certainly the case), but I'm having an error I can't get past.  Been working as a prostitute for a couple of (game) days, and finally got the offer to do a house job.  I accept, and get an error message.  It says that "no quests are available", and to make sure that the quest is set to ">=8".  I'm an official modding moron, so I'm hoping someone has an easy fix that I'm too dumb to know how to do.  I'm using the latest version of the mod.  If you need me to upload a papyrus log, I will, I just don't know how.


Again, I'm really sorry for the totally noob question, but hopefully someone can help me out.



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I've gone through the thread, and can't find the answer to my question.  Maybe I'm just stupid and can't figure it out (that's almost certainly the case), but I'm having an error I can't get past.  Been working as a prostitute for a couple of (game) days, and finally got the offer to do a house job.  I accept, and get an error message.  It says that "no quests are available", and to make sure that the quest is set to ">=8".  I'm an official modding moron, so I'm hoping someone has an easy fix that I'm too dumb to know how to do.  I'm using the latest version of the mod.  If you need me to upload a papyrus log, I will, I just don't know how.


Again, I'm really sorry for the totally noob question, but hopefully someone can help me out.




  1. Make sure you have a recent version of JContainers installed (3.2.4 preferably)
  2. Go to Radiant Prostitution's MCM, Quest Settings, and check the "Currently Registered Random Quest". It should have a value of 9. If not, use "Check for new quests".
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To provide a Papyrus log open up your Skyrim folder (probably Programfiles/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim) and find Skyrim.ini, scroll down to about 3/4 of the way to the [Papyrus] section, find Enable Logging and Enable Trace, change them both to 1. Change them back to 0 when your logging is done as papyrus logging takes up some amount of resources. Your logs are put in My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script.


To fix your problem go to the second page of Radiant's MCM menu with a listing for Radiant Quests, it should be 8 or 9, hit Reregister quests now. If it doesn't work make sure you're using the latest version, as well as the latest version of JContainers; http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24777-jcontainers/


Also drop by my modding guide and read the first page of the thread if you want to expand your modding knowledge a little bit and maybe get a more stable game. :) /Shamelessplug.


Also when WraithSlayer slays his wraiths, he uses Ninjitsu probably.

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I've gone through the thread, and can't find the answer to my question.  Maybe I'm just stupid and can't figure it out (that's almost certainly the case), but I'm having an error I can't get past.  Been working as a prostitute for a couple of (game) days, and finally got the offer to do a house job.  I accept, and get an error message.  It says that "no quests are available", and to make sure that the quest is set to ">=8".  I'm an official modding moron, so I'm hoping someone has an easy fix that I'm too dumb to know how to do.  I'm using the latest version of the mod.  If you need me to upload a papyrus log, I will, I just don't know how.


Again, I'm really sorry for the totally noob question, but hopefully someone can help me out.




  1. Make sure you have a recent version of JContainers installed (3.2.4 preferably)
  2. Go to Radiant Prostitution's MCM, Quest Settings, and check the "Currently Registered Random Quest". It should have a value of 9. If not, use "Check for new quests".


Thank you, Wraith!  Let me try those real quick and I'll let you know :)

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Also when WraithSlayer slays his wraiths, he uses Ninjitsu probably.





It worked, Wraith!  Thanks SO much :)  I really appreciate it!


To provide a Papyrus log open up your Skyrim folder (probably Programfiles/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim) and find Skyrim.ini, scroll down to about 3/4 of the way to the [Papyrus] section, find Enable Logging and Enable Trace, change them both to 1. Change them back to 0 when your logging is done as papyrus logging takes up some amount of resources. Your logs are put in My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script.


To fix your problem go to the second page of Radiant's MCM menu with a listing for Radiant Quests, it should be 8 or 9, hit Reregister quests now. If it doesn't work make sure you're using the latest version, as well as the latest version of JContainers; http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24777-jcontainers/


Also drop by my modding guide and read the first page of the thread if you want to expand your modding knowledge a little bit and maybe get a more stable game. :) /Shamelessplug.


Also when WraithSlayer slays his wraiths, he uses Ninjitsu probably.

I'll definitely read/watch (it's got videos!) it.  God knows I need all the help I can get with modding!


Thanks, guys!  Always nice to get help without being blasted for being a noob.  I really do appreciate it :)  Sure beats my usual mod problem solving method of biting fire and smashing my face into the keyboard.  Thanks again, you lovely helpful people :)

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This mod is great, but I want to ask u if it is possible that u change serving clients/prostitution thing in a way that if you start to serve and then accept to prostitute that u dont swich to prostitution but rather stay to serve. That I think is more in spirit of establishment since inns r of course not a bordells. I dont know if u got advancement of ur skills if u serve but if u dont get then I think u can put that u advance 2 times slower if u only serve food with occasional sex.

In any case I like very much what u have done with mod so far :)

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