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Is there a way to exclude certain factions or Races.


For eg, Draugr.


I was exploring a Nordic rune when I stumbled on 2 draugr chatting about some merchant busting a nut in them.


Another strange thing that happened when I was in the Riften jail speaking to Sibbi.

One of the inmates made a move on "Skeever" even though Bestiality was disabled.

The Skeever politely refused though.


Not for the user... you just need to wait until I have fixed it.

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To stop creatures (like draugr, chickens, etc) from speaking, SKSE has an isPlayable() function that you can call on the actor's race.

I haven't used it, so I can't speak to whether it works properly or not, but I assume it does.


I figure, something like that might fix the issue with non-speaking races talking.

Erm... assuming that all speaking races are also playable... are there any creatures or other races that have speaking roles that are not?

Dragons, yes, and Barbas, I suppose... anything else?



Actually, allowPCDialogue() function is probably a better choice. If the race is allowed to speak, then Sexlife can reasonably be said to use that race. ;)

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Where is the Papyrus log?



The debug log is disabled by default, in order to enable it, open your Skyrim.ini file, located in /My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/


Add/edit the following to this file:

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okay ty :)

nothing there, how long does my game need to run to generate a log?


I only ran it for like 2 minutes.


How do you mean, nothing there? It must something. The log file records even attempt to load the game and CTD or freezing. Maybe you should check your setting in Skyrim.ini again

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OK, I see what you mean by empty since this is what is recorded in your game: "[07/21/2015 - 01:31:07PM] EditorPapyrus log opened (PC)
[07/21/2015 - 01:31:07PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[07/21/2015 - 01:38:12PM] Log closed"


Now, I'm not sure but do you have Papyrus utility installed. If you have SexLab installed then it automatically comes with it. Why it doesn't show anything I don't know, since it should show all your DLCs and mods loadings.

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