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Anus for UNP skinny?


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Is there a retexture mod for the UNP skinny body that includes and anus and/or a more detailed and defined vagina?

When my female character is laying spread eagle, her anus is not visible and you can hardly make out her vagina.


The UNPS body needs some mesh/texture reworking to make the female groin and anal region more distinguished. If there is already a fix for this, please let me know and link me to it.


UUNP Special (set to the UNP Skinny shape) with the Fair Skin unp textures should give you what you want (with a working vag).

UUNP HDT Plus (again set to unp skinny) with fairskin & fairskin un7b option to give you a non working vag.


Fair Skin on nexus = http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?

UUNP is now part of bodyslide 2 again on nexus = http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?

XPMSE = http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25971-xp32-maximum-skeleton-extended/

HDT = http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25488-hdt-physics-extension-v1428-latest/


Install via nmm or mo then use bodyslide to build the body, hands, and feet (yes, uunp is a unp bodyslide system).


Note: the anus is just a dot, but the vagina is actually incorported into the hdt plus body and is an add on for the special body.


UUNP Special (set to the UNP Skinny shape) with the Fair Skin unp textures should give you what you want (with a working vag).

UUNP HDT Plus (again set to unp skinny) with fairskin & fairskin un7b option to give you a non working vag.


Fair Skin on nexus = http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?

UUNP is now part of bodyslide 2 again on nexus = http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?

XPMSE = http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25971-xp32-maximum-skeleton-extended/

HDT = http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25488-hdt-physics-extension-v1428-latest/


Install via nmm or mo then use bodyslide to build the body, hands, and feet (yes, uunp is a unp bodyslide system).


Note: the anus is just a dot, but the vagina is actually incorported into the hdt plus body and is an add on for the special body.



yes.. Fair Skin have the Anus texrures post-204983-0-23609500-1430940014_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-19262500-1430940148_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-70434200-1430940187_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-96842100-1430940231_thumb.jpg


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