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Star Trek Online Nude Mods - Version 2.15.2

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When I use the desktop shortcut option in the installer, the shortcut seems to cause the gameclient to... puke up German at me... My emotes and other things become German. Some dialogue ends up in German... If I use the regular patcher to launch the game, everything is in English.


I only read Japanese and English. I can read some German but only due to its close relation to English. I have to spend a lot of effort to get my brain into English mode, and the German makes my head hurt.


I cannot replicate this bug on my computer, but try opening the "GameStarter.bat" file in your "..\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live" folder in Notepad and adding the following at the end:


-Locale English


That should force the game into English.



Thank you, no rogue German is popping up now.


It was only certain things, and only sometimes. Like  Obisek's lines in the queued Vault events would sometimes have German subtitles, that seems to have gone away with -Locale English.

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im having trouble with the mod on this latest patch ,, disabled the dances and the stances .... still if i try to get the 1000 day rom ship i crash. issues with dissappearing heads as well.


I got an error about Elachi and then the game CTD.


Also LinaMia, are you the leader of House of Beautiful Orions?

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Version 2.5.0 posted, see first post for download and changelog.

Bugs fixed and new features added. If you experience any issues, please report them and include which mods you used.


Reman hoods and other requested mods didn't make it in this round, but I'm still working on fixing the problems with them so they can work properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm...  This topic doesn't seem to get a lot of replies much these days.  Seems a little troubling for this mod.


Not a lot of replies of appreciation, request for stuff, or even undesirable remarks...  (in theory, even an undesirable remark can be good, if it spurs the appreciators to counter respond in support.)


There is like 3 main things that contribute to the successful acceptance and popularity to nude mods across all games that have a nude modding community.


Flexibility in how much or how little is revealed.

Flexibility on sizing options.

Accuracy and clearing of the mod i.e. texture definition and model polygon definition.


This mod certainty has done well with flexibility in how much or little is revealed upon installation.  There is even the manual option where the user can add or remove the files directly.

Flexibility in sizing is half way taken care of by the games slide bar, so the other half is mod related to the multiplier that comes with the mod.  Would be nice if sizing multipliers would be added to hips and the belly.


But...  The sizing multiplier was also limited by one of the things the mod doesn't have...  A way to increase the polygon count.  The bigger the boobs get, the more distorted they get, the less appealing they become cause there are no additional polygons to the models as is, so the boobs start to become blocky shaped.  If I remember correctly in earlier post of this thread, a vote on max size came up, and the forum posted said limit it to 2.5x because the breast looked bad without additional polygons.


It is a slight set back for this mods popularity.  Not only does it effect boob fetished people, it also effects vaginal fetished and pregnancy fetished people.  You can't form a 3D pussy if you can't add polygons.  You can't make the belly look smoothly pregnant.  You can't form 3D nipples on the breast, much less smooth the breast out to make the look good at larger sizes.


These are the major setbacks in the popularity of this nude mod.


But...  The Mod seems to be getting made, modified and updated almost soley by one person...  Who ever Password is in RL, seem to be the only person who is updating this mod.  Requesting all the desired and successful features to be added to the mod when only one person is updating it also seems unfair...


I don't suppose there are any additional people who have experience with model editing and computer programming software stuff to be able to bridge the gap that is encountered here?

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Sadly, I already got that top when it was being given for free by MMORPG.com, but it's a nice top, I suppose.


That said, Password, is the lastest nude mod working well with the last patch that was out like 3 or so days ago?


Sure seems to work fine on my computer. :)

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I wonder if STO as a whole is hurting some for Cryptic/PW to pull something like this off.


I missed day 1, but I grabbed the tunic and yesterday was the Yellowstone shuttle craft! Which I thought was a frigging sweet give away. I've been eyeballing that shuttle for months but never had the reason to drop the coin on it. Since its not restricted to just dumb shit and uniforms, its well worth keeping an eye on to see what is being offered each day.

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Sadly, there is no known way of model editing or importing custom models for STO. Only model-swapping between things already in-game or editing the scaling sliders is supported.


Most of the time I seen the ability to edit the model usually requires someone to make a new editing software to do it.  But that takes a lot of time.  I believe both WoW and Elder Scroll Modders had to use a tool that was created by someone else.  Knowing it takes a lot of people to get all such tools out is why I placed a note at the end of my last post asking if there was someone else with programming experience.  Unreasonable to expect 1 person to do all the modding, model editing and software development.


Even with model swapping being possible, I anticipate that even if you made a new model from scratch with the additional polygons, the amount of work to getting it compatible and reduce/eliminate bugs concerning animations and other outfits would be a hell of a lot of work that again... would prove unreasonable for only 1 person to work on.


The best and most flexible results would come if some additional person developed a model extraction and editing tool.

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I wonder if STO as a whole is hurting some for Cryptic/PW to pull something like this off.


I missed day 1, but I grabbed the tunic and yesterday was the Yellowstone shuttle craft! Which I thought was a frigging sweet give away. I've been eyeballing that shuttle for months but never had the reason to drop the coin on it. Since its not restricted to just dumb shit and uniforms, its well worth keeping an eye on to see what is being offered each day.


And today was the Nova Refit and that one Gorny ship which has a pretty cool console! Claimed both, discarded the Nova, I just claimed it to permanently unlock it. Wonder what we'll get tomorrow? There's a lot of people saying it'll be the D'kyr on the Fed side. We'll see.

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I'm more interested in the KDF-side unlock. If it's the next rank up Gorn ship, or even the T5 Gorn ship, that would be more than enough to make e buy the third ship and roll a Gorn just for them. I'm already considering it.


I kinda doubt that'll happen, though; I'm not that lucky. My realistic guess is either the Orion Marauder or the B'rel Retrofit.

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I'm more interested in the KDF-side unlock. If it's the next rank up Gorn ship, or even the T5 Gorn ship, that would be more than enough to make e buy the third ship and roll a Gorn just for them. I'm already considering it.


I kinda doubt that'll happen, though; I'm not that lucky. My realistic guess is either the Orion Marauder or the B'rel Retrofit.


You & me both! The Gorn in STO are pretty badass, and getting this Gorn ship is really giving me the idea of buying a couple of extra character slots and making a Gorn Science captain.

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