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[Sims3][WIP] KinkyWorld v0.37 [Updated: May 3rd 2019]

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I would like to let onikikay know that I am rather new to the mod but have been following the posts for a little over a week now.  Your English is just fine, unfortunately not everyone in the world is well educated or are rude or forget that we are all human and no one is perfect.  I am a fan of your work, wasn't to happy with some of those comments made.  I felt they were inappropriate considering the amount of work that goes into making a mod and some don't realize that you didn't have to create this for anyone to use except for your personal enjoyment in your game.  They should be giving you thanks and be happy they get to use such a fun mod in their game as well.  I also don't believe you released it too early.  Letting others try it early on with different computers and mods in their games allows you to be able to find out what may or may not work and then in return less work all at once trying to fix all the bugs that there may be if you had released the mod much later.  Sometimes people don't realize that not everything that is suggested is possible to do even if it does sound great.  I am very happy with your mod as of right now, will always be looking forward to new releases to try out for you and let you know how it goes :)


Was wondering if you were successful with my uploads on your computer in getting that world to work?  If not I can try a base game world and see if it happens there and send that instead.  I haven't been able to come up with anything else that may be causing the issue.  I had the mod for at least a week and this never happened so I am not sure if it is something I did and don't realize or if maybe something in the mod is causing it.  Someone in previous messages mentioned if a kinky action was canceled before it started or finished that may cause an issue.  Was wondering from you if that is possible.  If it is, then maybe my suggestion would be for the mod not to take cancel out other actions already chosen by either the sims freewill or the players choice.   In my game I have noticed that sometimes I just can't get my sim to stop trying to do the interactions when I am trying to get them to do something else.  lol  So maybe if it does cause a problem of canceling out the interactions early or during because I do tend to cancel them a lot lol

Thank you for your comments.


I'm sorry, I've forgotten to give you feeedback about your savegame.

I didn't have much time to test it, but have been able to load it and play a bit with. I didn't have any problem but I was using version 0.2 of the mod.

So please, try the new version when animations packages will be available.


The stuck problem with cancelled interactions usually comes from the used jazzgraph. If there's no transition to the Exit state, the State Machine fails and break the interaction instead of just ignoring the state change. I just have to add a transition to the Exit state where it is missing.



I have downloaded the new animations and so far they work great!  I also went and tried that world I sent you earlier.  Tried it with the new release and guess what!  It worked!  YAY :)  So far only 2 windows popped up that I wasn't sure what they ment.  I got a picture of one of them.  Didn't know the key to push at the time of the first one to take a picture but the first one came up in a window and it said this:    Oniki.kinkiMod.Main.Notification_Upgrade_Label                  Oniki.KinkyMod.Main.Notification_Upgrade_Test             I guess a picture capture doesn't capture the interaction label at the top left so lets see if I can remember what it said.  It said something about the sims wanting to preform an interaction saying Kinky Kiss   I couldn't find that anywhere in their pie menus to use.  Each time it came up saying that they grabbed each other like they were going to make out but then stopped right before they would kiss.  They backed up as if the interaction was completed and they got the points for the kiss along with the first kiss moodlet but there wasn't actually a kiss.    I also have a few logs that showed up so I will post them down below.   :)  Other than that, I haven't had much time to test it yet so I will let you know if I see anything else.  Keep up the great work!






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I found the dummy but I can't find the condom machine either. I have soooo much CC that I'm practically digging for gold. Can someone tell me where it's located?


Do a double check in your package folder just to make sure it was put in there.  there was several folders this time to move into that folder :)


I've accidently forgot a file here and there before lol

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I've played with the new version for a little bit tonight and I found the condom machine and the training dummy without any issue.  I had my lady sim purchase condoms and she chuckled when she did lol.  A five pack is pretty good lol  I was surprised I was actually able to use the training dummy for the new purpose, I'm guessing that one is your animation?  Very good.  I suppose that I should have waited though to put the rape as "true" since the animation is not available at this time, I thought you might have thrown one in.  Thankfully no blue screens even when the rape attempts occurred.  One thing though about the rape attempts, my sim has no athletic skill and was able to beat up one of the rapists, just thought I'd let you know. 


You deserve the support, accolades, and help Onikikay!  This is such a big mod and must be a big challenge and I whole heartedly applaud you for continuing this project instead of leaving it where it is.  :heart:

You're quite impatient ;)


Indeed, the animation used by the training dummy interaction is one of mines. In fact it's a very old animation, perhaps the first I ever made. I'm not an animator and prefere to let specialists like Amra72 and Lady666 do the job. The massage table's animation used byt the kinky version of the romantic massage is also one of mines.

I need to fix the condom material, the texture doesn't always appear correctly.


I wanted to use one of my animations for the rape interaction if none is found from animators packages but didn't have time to modify the interaction. Moreover, I have to rewrite the Rape interaction to use the new animation system.

Not all rapists are skilled. So that, even the weakest sim has a chance to escape.



Onikikay, patience is a virtue I do not possess.  lol  :P.  Just got home and you and Amra have made it snow Christmas for us.  New releases aplenty! 


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Okay I've just gone through the last few pages and have not seen my issue, so here I go: I have installed 0.2.1 my lady sim gave her intended target a condom (great safe sex so I thought) and every time they go do kinkywoohoo, it's never vaginal or anal it's just fingers or breasts.  What the heck??  I noticed the woohoo vaginal option is gone so that isn't helping.  I also have tried to switch position and select missionary or other vaginal positions and they aren't changing positions.  Did I miss something in the past few pages?  Also, how do I keep my sims from being raped by same gender sims?  I haven't had that issue yet but wanted to know in advance.  :blush:


My lady sim finally got a woohoo but it was a "masturbate on all fours/rape" woohoo.  I didn't even get my first time ever moodlet or my rape moodlet. 


Onikikay, can I have the "woohoo vaginal option" back?  This would help me immensely (can't make babies if no penetration occurs) unless there is a little secret you care to share on how I can achieve the vaginal woohoo method?   :P

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Okay I've just gone through the last few pages and have not seen my issue, so here I go: I have installed 0.2.1 my lady sim gave her intended target a condom (great safe sex so I thought) and every time they go do kinkywoohoo, it's never vaginal or anal it's just fingers or breasts.  What the heck??  I noticed the woohoo vaginal option is gone so that isn't helping.  I also have tried to switch position and select missionary or other vaginal positions and they aren't changing positions.  Did I miss something in the past few pages?  Also, how do I keep my sims from being raped by same gender sims?  I haven't had that issue yet but wanted to know in advance.  :blush:

There's only one interaction now. If you enabled RandomPosition in the settings, the lowest available category is choosen (Teasing or Handjob) to start the interaction. Then the interaction progress up to Vagina or Random if the sims accept. If RandomPosition is disabled, you can select with which Category you want to start and progress manualy by using ChangePosition.

When you tried to change position, did you receive a notification message (WooHooJoin.InteractionFeedback_StageRejected)? If so, your sims probably aren't ready to progress to the selected Category or you exhausted them with too much foreplay.  :blush:


This probably needs more tuning. I was focused on technical problems during the past days and didn't spent much time on tuning. As soon as the system will work without major glitch, I will focus on tuning.


The gender of rapist is random but gay rapists and female rapists are less common. I'll add options to allow the player to configure the service.

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Okay I've just gone through the last few pages and have not seen my issue, so here I go: I have installed 0.2.1 my lady sim gave her intended target a condom (great safe sex so I thought) and every time they go do kinkywoohoo, it's never vaginal or anal it's just fingers or breasts.  What the heck??  I noticed the woohoo vaginal option is gone so that isn't helping.  I also have tried to switch position and select missionary or other vaginal positions and they aren't changing positions.  Did I miss something in the past few pages?  Also, how do I keep my sims from being raped by same gender sims?  I haven't had that issue yet but wanted to know in advance.  :blush:

There's only one interaction now. If you enabled RandomPosition in the settings, the lowest available category is choosen (Teasing or Handjob) to start the interaction. Then the interaction progress up to Vagina or Random if the sims accept. If RandomPosition is disabled, you can select with which Category you want to start and progress manualy by using ChangePosition.

When you tried to change position, did you receive a notification message (WooHooJoin.InteractionFeedback_StageRejected)? If so, your sims probably aren't ready to progress to the selected Category or you exhausted them with too much foreplay.  :blush:


This probably needs more tuning. I was focused on technical problems during the past days and didn't spent much time on tuning. As soon as the system will work without major glitch, I will focus on tuning.


The gender of rapist is random but gay rapists and female rapists are less common. I'll add options to allow the player to configure the service.



Thank you Onikikay, I did have "RandomPosition" set and I did notice an interaction about teasing pop up.  I let it play out and found the cool "woohoo loops" that people were talking about, but it never progressed to vaginal or anal it was all just handjobs or lip service.  I didn't get any reject messages as far as joining in goes and I didn't get any error messages when clicking on change position, they just never changed no matter how many times I clicked lol (no patience).  I appreciate the information and tomorrow night (19 hours) I'll try again.  I just really want to play with my condoms lol :heart:


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Okay I've just gone through the last few pages and have not seen my issue, so here I go: I have installed 0.2.1 my lady sim gave her intended target a condom (great safe sex so I thought) and every time they go do kinkywoohoo, it's never vaginal or anal it's just fingers or breasts.  What the heck??  I noticed the woohoo vaginal option is gone so that isn't helping.  I also have tried to switch position and select missionary or other vaginal positions and they aren't changing positions.  Did I miss something in the past few pages?  Also, how do I keep my sims from being raped by same gender sims?  I haven't had that issue yet but wanted to know in advance.  :blush:

There's only one interaction now. If you enabled RandomPosition in the settings, the lowest available category is choosen (Teasing or Handjob) to start the interaction. Then the interaction progress up to Vagina or Random if the sims accept. If RandomPosition is disabled, you can select with which Category you want to start and progress manualy by using ChangePosition.

When you tried to change position, did you receive a notification message (WooHooJoin.InteractionFeedback_StageRejected)? If so, your sims probably aren't ready to progress to the selected Category or you exhausted them with too much foreplay.  :blush:


This probably needs more tuning. I was focused on technical problems during the past days and didn't spent much time on tuning. As soon as the system will work without major glitch, I will focus on tuning.


The gender of rapist is random but gay rapists and female rapists are less common. I'll add options to allow the player to configure the service.



Thank you Onikikay, I did have "RandomPosition" set and I did notice an interaction about teasing pop up.  I let it play out and found the cool "woohoo loops" that people were talking about, but it never progressed to vaginal or anal it was all just handjobs or lip service.  I didn't get any reject messages as far as joining in goes and I didn't get any error messages when clicking on change position, they just never changed no matter how many times I clicked lol (no patience).  I appreciate the information and tomorrow night (19 hours) I'll try again.  I just really want to play with my condoms lol :heart:



After using ChangePosition, just wait. The current loop must finish before starting the new position.

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Loving the mod so far. Two things tough:


1. Even if sims reject sex just speeding up time and letting them do their things generally results in them having sex anyway. Even the ones I just "creeped" out for wanting sex.


2. Is there a way to prevent the sims from taking off their clothes during sex?


I'm using 0.2V.

Not yet, but I'll add an option to keep clothes.


Thanks for answering. Great job with your mod!


Another question btw:

The "kinky" option won't show up on objects like chairs/beds that come pre-furnished with Lots like this one: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-residential/title/vernon--big-family-home/id/1188328/


I tried three residential/community Lots and none worked. It works when I place a chair myself in it but if I chose the pre-furnished version the kinky option won't come up. Of course only for downloaded Lots. Official ones are all working.

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Loving the mod so far. Two things tough:


1. Even if sims reject sex just speeding up time and letting them do their things generally results in them having sex anyway. Even the ones I just "creeped" out for wanting sex.


2. Is there a way to prevent the sims from taking off their clothes during sex?


I'm using 0.2V.

Not yet, but I'll add an option to keep clothes.


Thanks for answering. Great job with your mod!


Another question btw:

The "kinky" option won't show up on objects like chairs/beds that come pre-furnished with Lots like this one: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-residential/title/vernon--big-family-home/id/1188328/


I tried three residential/community Lots and none worked. It works when I place a chair myself in it but if I chose the pre-furnished version the kinky option won't come up. Of course only for downloaded Lots. Official ones are all working.


If after you've placed a pre-furnished lot you save then reload is the kinky option still missing?

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I would like to let onikikay know that I am rather new to the mod but have been following the posts for a little over a week now.  Your English is just fine, unfortunately not everyone in the world is well educated or are rude or forget that we are all human and no one is perfect.  I am a fan of your work, wasn't to happy with some of those comments made.  I felt they were inappropriate considering the amount of work that goes into making a mod and some don't realize that you didn't have to create this for anyone to use except for your personal enjoyment in your game.  They should be giving you thanks and be happy they get to use such a fun mod in their game as well.  I also don't believe you released it too early.  Letting others try it early on with different computers and mods in their games allows you to be able to find out what may or may not work and then in return less work all at once trying to fix all the bugs that there may be if you had released the mod much later.  Sometimes people don't realize that not everything that is suggested is possible to do even if it does sound great.  I am very happy with your mod as of right now, will always be looking forward to new releases to try out for you and let you know how it goes :)


Was wondering if you were successful with my uploads on your computer in getting that world to work?  If not I can try a base game world and see if it happens there and send that instead.  I haven't been able to come up with anything else that may be causing the issue.  I had the mod for at least a week and this never happened so I am not sure if it is something I did and don't realize or if maybe something in the mod is causing it.  Someone in previous messages mentioned if a kinky action was canceled before it started or finished that may cause an issue.  Was wondering from you if that is possible.  If it is, then maybe my suggestion would be for the mod not to take cancel out other actions already chosen by either the sims freewill or the players choice.   In my game I have noticed that sometimes I just can't get my sim to stop trying to do the interactions when I am trying to get them to do something else.  lol  So maybe if it does cause a problem of canceling out the interactions early or during because I do tend to cancel them a lot lol

Thank you for your comments.


I'm sorry, I've forgotten to give you feeedback about your savegame.

I didn't have much time to test it, but have been able to load it and play a bit with. I didn't have any problem but I was using version 0.2 of the mod.

So please, try the new version when animations packages will be available.


The stuck problem with cancelled interactions usually comes from the used jazzgraph. If there's no transition to the Exit state, the State Machine fails and break the interaction instead of just ignoring the state change. I just have to add a transition to the Exit state where it is missing.



I have downloaded the new animations and so far they work great!  I also went and tried that world I sent you earlier.  Tried it with the new release and guess what!  It worked!  YAY :)  So far only 2 windows popped up that I wasn't sure what they ment.  I got a picture of one of them.  Didn't know the key to push at the time of the first one to take a picture but the first one came up in a window and it said this:    Oniki.kinkiMod.Main.Notification_Upgrade_Label                  Oniki.KinkyMod.Main.Notification_Upgrade_Test             I guess a picture capture doesn't capture the interaction label at the top left so lets see if I can remember what it said.  It said something about the sims wanting to preform an interaction saying Kinky Kiss   I couldn't find that anywhere in their pie menus to use.  Each time it came up saying that they grabbed each other like they were going to make out but then stopped right before they would kiss.  They backed up as if the interaction was completed and they got the points for the kiss along with the first kiss moodlet but there wasn't actually a kiss.    I also have a few logs that showed up so I will post them down below.   :)  Other than that, I haven't had much time to test it yet so I will let you know if I see anything else.  Keep up the great work!




Got the interaction kinky Kiss, must not of played long enough or maybe the sims just didn't get to that point in the relationship :)  I used it this time when it showed up and it worked just fine :) 


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My game is all messed up and this error won't leave. So....maybe I should remove kinky world and see if things are fixed?




My game didn't get to that level as in your firct pic but I did get the blue screen. I thought maybe I did something wrong as I haven't tried this mod out until today. I followed all instructions in the OP.  I'm sure it'll get sorted out and fixed but I do have to say this mod is pretty impressive from what I've played so far.

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My game is all messed up and this error won't leave. So....maybe I should remove kinky world and see if things are fixed?




Did you try the latest version on a new game or did you try it on a existing save that had 1.9e installed?  I have been playing with ver 2.1 now for about 3 hrs and it's been running great.  So far everything is working as far as I can tell.  This was on a new game using Riverview.  Going to try it out on a custom world later today and see how it goes.

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Just tested the kinkyworld for an hour. It's amazing!


My Sims change position during woohoo. It's started with a blow job, then a missionary and ended with a doggy style.


At other scene other Sims join the scene and have a threesome.

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I can't get my sims to have fun. Most I can get them to do (after undressing both) is a blowjob or .showbottom. I have them on the semiautonomous option so they should listen. Any suggestions?


I have mine on full autonomous and the two sims I have been using are best friends and have an exhibition skill at lvl 5.  They seem to do everything regularly.  I also see announcements of other sims going about it as well.  Mostly couples and of course the solo's.  You could try and use Master Controller mod and cheat the exhibition skill up a little or use the kinky mod debug and set the state to Horny.  I also have all the custom clothes that I have downloaded set as revealing so that helps get them in the mood much more quickly.

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I can't get my sims to have fun. Most I can get them to do (after undressing both) is a blowjob or .showbottom. I have them on the semiautonomous option so they should listen. Any suggestions?


I have mine on full autonomous and the two sims I have been using are best friends and have an exhibition skill at lvl 5.  They seem to do everything regularly.  I also see announcements of other sims going about it as well.  Mostly couples and of course the solo's.  You could try and use Master Controller mod and cheat the exhibition skill up a little or use the kinky mod debug and set the state to Horny.  I also have all the custom clothes that I have downloaded set as revealing so that helps get them in the mood much more quickly.



Yeah it's weird. They're married and they get aroused, they have the sex skill both at level 1 (from kissing/bjs only) but they can never interact with the bed or anything. I've seen them horny but it seems like I'm locked out of the other options.

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hmm, I'm really sorry to ask this newbie question (i used the search topic function, but I don't even know what the keyword should be)

So I use this Mod same as animated wohoo mod? is it compatible with each other?

When I first start the game, it gives me Kinky welcome message all right. I can spawn a rapist, if my Sim is a female. But when i use the Kinky option, and choose any option following, they all give me reject answer (on the top right of the screen). is that normal? I guess it's because of relationship level ? But how about that rape option? We still need some requirement for that too?



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