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[Sims3][WIP] KinkyWorld v0.37 [Updated: May 3rd 2019]

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Is it possible to include a known issues / issues fix section on the original post? I know you are very busy fine-tuning the mod and making sure it fits everyone's needs but it may save time responding to questions. I am still having the issue of not being able to click on anything and I can't seem to find a possible solution even after waiting for it to finish the configuration. I think this would help those of us who aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own. :P


Worst case scenario I will just live vicariously through other members games haha


(Edited to attach XML File)

Sure, I will write a known issues/bugs list.


The initialization process on a new world is very, very long.It doesn't stop when you see the settings menu, It is just starting. Let the game run at normal speed, and wait at least 12 sim hours. On my computer, when I start a new game in Moonlight Falls, which roughly have 65 townies, the process takes up to 24 hours. Meanwhile, I don't do anything in the game, just clicking on the few popups that pause the gameflow. The process can be even longer if you have installed lots of other script mods.


The next release is not far, I hope you'll have less troubles with it.

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And here comes the usual white knight squad to the rescue, because the mod author isn't capable to take some feedback in. Heavens forbid, some constructive feedback and suggestions. How very quaint...


I don't need a white knight squad and I always welcome constructive feedback and suggestions. But lots of peoples seem to forget that this is a Work In Progress project, a very early alpha. I've probably made a mistake by making the mod public too early. I won't do the same error twice.

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Is it possible to include a known issues / issues fix section on the original post? I know you are very busy fine-tuning the mod and making sure it fits everyone's needs but it may save time responding to questions. I am still having the issue of not being able to click on anything and I can't seem to find a possible solution even after waiting for it to finish the configuration. I think this would help those of us who aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own. :P


Worst case scenario I will just live vicariously through other members games haha


(Edited to attach XML File)

Sure, I will write a known issues/bugs list.


The initialization process on a new world is very, very long.It doesn't stop when you see the settings menu, It is just starting. Let the game run at normal speed, and wait at least 12 sim hours. On my computer, when I start a new game in Moonlight Falls, which roughly have 65 townies, the process takes up to 24 hours. Meanwhile, I don't do anything in the game, just clicking on the few popups that pause the gameflow. The process can be even longer if you have installed lots of other script mods.


The next release is not far, I hope you'll have less troubles with it.


Whoa - I didn't know that there is such thing as initialisation process. I always thought that scripts are running smooth just after game loaded. So just abandon sims for a day? And how do I will know that scripts are set up and game is ready to go?

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Is it possible to include a known issues / issues fix section on the original post? I know you are very busy fine-tuning the mod and making sure it fits everyone's needs but it may save time responding to questions. I am still having the issue of not being able to click on anything and I can't seem to find a possible solution even after waiting for it to finish the configuration. I think this would help those of us who aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own. :P


Worst case scenario I will just live vicariously through other members games haha


(Edited to attach XML File)

Sure, I will write a known issues/bugs list.


The initialization process on a new world is very, very long.It doesn't stop when you see the settings menu, It is just starting. Let the game run at normal speed, and wait at least 12 sim hours. On my computer, when I start a new game in Moonlight Falls, which roughly have 65 townies, the process takes up to 24 hours. Meanwhile, I don't do anything in the game, just clicking on the few popups that pause the gameflow. The process can be even longer if you have installed lots of other script mods.


The next release is not far, I hope you'll have less troubles with it.


Whoa - I didn't know that there is such thing as initialisation process. I always thought that scripts are running smooth just after game loaded. So just abandon sims for a day? And how do I will know that scripts are set up and game is ready to go?


You can still play while it is initializing, but the game may be unresponsive for short period of time, there may be big lag when clicking on sims and animations may stop and/or out of synchro.

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But lots of peoples seem to forget that this is a Work In Progress project, a very early alpha. I've probably made a mistake by making the mod public too early. I won't do the same error twice.





I have to admit I'm rarely commenting on anything posted anywhere but in this case I had to make an exception. I've been following your work nearly since the beginning and I think I've read nearly every comment since then. Lately I've noticed that there are a lot of suggestions or problems based on a few simple misunderstandings:


1. Many people seem to read the first page like this:


[sims3] [Don't know what this WIP is but does not matter] KinkyMod

... a lot of gibberish / nonsense... -> skipping it



The only way to solve that problem would be to send them back to elementary school to learn how to read ;)


2. a lot of questions are based on not reading and not understandig what the mod does and does not


This topic has nearly 60 pages and therefore its a bit time consuming to read it all. Many things were already asked and answered a lot of times. The Function "Search this topic" on the upper right corner of the page is probably a bit dusty from underuse...


My suggestion would be to update the first page to include a strong reminder that this is a WIP, more information / a simple documentation of the essential elements, a hint to the search button and a few "if you're new to this mod, read this before you even think about downloading it" notes ;)

That way - I hope - questions like "but I clicked that strange string containing blowjob and it gets rejected! Every time!" shouldn't surface that often anymore...


the scoring system

It's one of the biggest "didn't read, don't understand" problems. What a lot of people don't understand is that the possible actions of your mod are not connected to any other action a sim does. For example: When people are able to use EAs romantic interactions like kissing, woohooing or whatever they assume that these actions also raise the arousal scoring / skills of Kinkymod. They don't understand that thats not the case (YET - can it be done? *). And so the chosen interaction in Kinkymod fails despite everything works by EA scoring.


*Would it be possible to use the existing romantic interactions and use them directly to have some "foreplay / romantic" interactions which affect the arousal scoring? Otherwise I'd pull all of EAs romantic animations and create a new package and integrate them into your XML format... A xml category romantic / foreplay and a pie menu entry would probably be easy enough to try...


Last but not least, the praise! :D Because you earned it. I really enjoyed what you've created so far and the anticipation of your next release is always killing me. I agree that releasing a mod this size in early stages allows for a lot of very different opinions about what direction the mod could or should go and to a huge ammount of problems to encounter and fix. And with rising popularity (2500 dl hits!) one can only hope that most of them are willing to read more then they are willing to complain ;) A new first page should help in that regard. If you want I could try to write one...

I don't agree that releasing the mod at an early stage was an error. Your ambitious project pushed the whole adult modding community into a new creative phase with more and more people willing to create animations to add into it. Stay strong in your vision of your mod and keep it the way you like it, because the more fun you have with the mod, the more fun we will have with it :D

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The initialization process on a new world is very, very long.It doesn't stop when you see the settings menu, It is just starting. Let the game run at normal speed, and wait at least 12 sim hours. On my computer, when I start a new game in Moonlight Falls, which roughly have 65 townies, the process takes up to 24 hours. Meanwhile, I don't do anything in the game, just clicking on the few popups that pause the gameflow. The process can be even longer if you have installed lots of other script mods.


The next release is not far, I hope you'll have less troubles with it.


Whoa - I didn't know that there is such thing as initialisation process. I always thought that scripts are running smooth just after game loaded. So just abandon sims for a day? And how do I will know that scripts are set up and game is ready to go?


In fact, the initialization process of the game (not KinkyMod's one) continue after loading. Sims are instantiated household per household during normal gameplay (active household is instantiated first, of course). When a sim is instantiated by the system, KinkyMod has to perform its own process. When a household is instantiated the game become a bit unresponsive, that's why there may be lags. And the bigger the household is, the bigger the lag is.

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But lots of peoples seem to forget that this is a Work In Progress project, a very early alpha. I've probably made a mistake by making the mod public too early. I won't do the same error twice.





I have to admit I'm rarely commenting on anything posted anywhere but in this case I had to make an exception. I've been following your work nearly since the beginning and I think I've read nearly every comment since then. Lately I've noticed that there are a lot of suggestions or problems based on a few simple misunderstandings:


1. Many people seem to read the first page like this:


[sims3] [Don't know what this WIP is but does not matter] KinkyMod

... a lot of gibberish / nonsense... -> skipping it



The only way to solve that problem would be to send them back to elementary school to learn how to read ;)


2. a lot of questions are based on not reading and not understandig what the mod does and does not


This topic has nearly 60 pages and therefore its a bit time consuming to read it all. Many things were already asked and answered a lot of times. The Function "Search this topic" on the upper right corner of the page is probably a bit dusty from underuse...


My suggestion would be to update the first page to include a strong reminder that this is a WIP, more information / a simple documentation of the essential elements, a hint to the search button and a few "if you're new to this mod, read this before you even think about downloading it" notes ;)

That way - I hope - questions like "but I clicked that strange string containing blowjob and it gets rejected! Every time!" shouldn't surface that often anymore...


the scoring system

It's one of the biggest "didn't read, don't understand" problems. What a lot of people don't understand is that the possible actions of your mod are not connected to any other action a sim does. For example: When people are able to use EAs romantic interactions like kissing, woohooing or whatever they assume that these actions also raise the arousal scoring / skills of Kinkymod. They don't understand that thats not the case (YET - can it be done? *). And so the chosen interaction in Kinkymod fails despite everything works by EA scoring.


*Would it be possible to use the existing romantic interactions and use them directly to have some "foreplay / romantic" interactions which affect the arousal scoring? Otherwise I'd pull all of EAs romantic animations and create a new package and integrate them into your XML format... A xml category romantic / foreplay and a pie menu entry would probably be easy enough to try...


Last but not least, the praise! :D Because you earned it. I really enjoyed what you've created so far and the anticipation of your next release is always killing me. I agree that releasing a mod this size in early stages allows for a lot of very different opinions about what direction the mod could or should go and to a huge ammount of problems to encounter and fix. And with rising popularity (2500 dl hits!) one can only hope that most of them are willing to read more then they are willing to complain ;) A new first page should help in that regard. If you want I could try to write one...

I don't agree that releasing the mod at an early stage was an error. Your ambitious project pushed the whole adult modding community into a new creative phase with more and more people willing to create animations to add into it. Stay strong in your vision of your mod and keep it the way you like it, because the more fun you have with the mod, the more fun we will have with it :D


Hello Michse222,


Thank you very much.


The original flirty/romantic interactions already have an impact on the arousal level, but probably not enough. In the next release the Short Term Context (flirty, seducive, hot) between two sims will increase the scoring for kinky woohoo.


I'm not really a great writter and my english is terrible, but I'll try to improve and complete the front page as you suggested.

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Is there a setting to only allow kinky mod to affect the active family? I want a cutsie world to get fucked up by my rapist and it just seems that NONE of the women in my town are virgins. They're all sluts, basically.


Yeah that's just being realistic. :P

Modern World for ya, all skanky.

Best bet is to add new Sims to the world if you're looking for non tainted Sims.

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I'm not really a great writer and my English is terrible, but I'll try to improve and complete the front page as you suggested.



For some one who's not an English speaker you are doing fantastic I have no problem with understanding everything you do

You are doing a fantastic job with this mod and I really appreciate all that you are doing to make the game a better experience and a much sexier kinky place to be  


SO many thanks for your hard work




CHEERS Lungpaul

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I'm not really a great writter and my english is terrible, but I'll try to improve and complete the front page as you suggested.



Your command of the English language is better than many who's native language is English!  Keep up the great work your doing onikikay.  I would like to apologise for replying to the post that started that little spat or whatever you would like to call it.  I knew I shouldn't have posted anything which is why I said, I wasn't going to.


  I'm going to just stay an observer of the forums for now and will report any bugs I find.  Will send another donation your way after .2 releases.  Thank you again for all your work on this.


Peace! :D

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I'm not really a great writter and my english is terrible, but I'll try to improve and complete the front page as you suggested.



Your command of the English language is better than many who's native language is English!  Keep up the great work your doing onikikay.  I would like to apologise for replying to the post that started that little spat or whatever you would like to call it.  I knew I shouldn't have posted anything which is why I said, I wasn't going to.


  I'm going to just stay an observer of the forums for now and will report any bugs I find.  Will send another donation your way after .2 releases.  Thank you again for all your work on this.


Peace! :D


There is no need to apologise. I appreciate your comments, your help and your support.


Thank you.

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And here comes the usual white knight squad to the rescue, because the mod author isn't capable to take some feedback in. Heavens forbid, some constructive feedback and suggestions. How very quaint...


I don't need a white knight squad and I always welcome constructive feedback and suggestions. But lots of peoples seem to forget that this is a Work In Progress project, a very early alpha. I've probably made a mistake by making the mod public too early. I won't do the same error twice.



I for one, IMHO, do not think you released it to early to the public.  There are a lot of different computers with different mods than you might use,  who uses Sims differently than you ( the traveler :blush: ) and have given you Ideas you never thought of and  have added them.  When you release the mod  in the early stages these problems and ideas are easier to fix  than trying to fix them on a finished product.   It is a WIP and it IS progressing nicely. So don't get discourage with the few user who are not willing to do what you and try to tear you down.


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I for one do not think you released too early, as stated it is a work in progress and needs the help of gamers too point out problems they in counter as the play. I will think you are doing a great job and love the mod the more I play with a family the more things fall into place. I think this mod is more in tune with real life then say nrass woo hooer as it is not instant but takes time and work to get sims too be ready never meet a person who got turned on like a light bulbs. Keep up the great work onikikay love how your mod is turning out.

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And here comes the usual white knight squad to the rescue, because the mod author isn't capable to take some feedback in. Heavens forbid, some constructive feedback and suggestions. How very quaint...


I don't need a white knight squad and I always welcome constructive feedback and suggestions. But lots of peoples seem to forget that this is a Work In Progress project, a very early alpha. I've probably made a mistake by making the mod public too early. I won't do the same error twice.



Hello OnikiKay, just wanted to say that in my opinion you did *NOT* make the mod public too early!  It is very clear in your postings that the mod is under development, everyone can see "WIP."  What your mod does already is good and what it promises is great, so some may be impatient to see more and more and more, but that does not stop some of us (most of us probably!) from being very happy with you for sharing what you have so far.  I have some issues I look forward to seeing cleared up in the mod but I see "WIP" and know I must wait, which is fine :)


Thank you so much for sharing your work and even your thoughts on how things are going forward.  I found your blog with its teasers and look forward to more things from there also :)  I am still exploring the mod and learning how it works so will save my own constructive feedbacks for later, but I did want to share my very favourable opinion of your work, along with many thanks for expanding the Sims 3 world.  Bravo Oniki :)

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OnikiKay, i accidentaly activated the age transition on my sim. Now she's on menaupose even if change her age to adult. Is it possible to change if ?


Earlier as I was bored, I started xsl to convert the old xml to the new format. Do you think it's a good idea to propose or update of the new format or it must be only to the original author to do it ?



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OnikiKay, i accidentaly activated the age transition on my sim. Now she's on menaupose even if change her age to adult. Is it possible to change if ?


Earlier as I was bored, I started xsl to convert the old xml to the new format. Do you think it's a good idea to propose or update of the new format or it must be only to the original author to do it ?


Unfortunatly, there is no way to revert the process at this time. I'll add a test to restart the cycle if the age transition is backward.


Thank you for the converter.


Amra72 already has converted his work to KinkyMod xml format and Lady666 should be working on it. I don't know about other animations creators, but I don't want to modify their work without their consent.

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Before I properly reply, I just have to ask you (and allow me to get personal for a moment, time being late and all): assuming that you are male and straight, do you get an erection each time you see a top-less girl on the beach ?


No, and I haven't said anything that should give you that impression either. I tried to explain the idea behind the IsRevealing flag, but the more you comment on it, the more obvious it becomes that you simply don't understand the idea behind its use.


First you shot down the idea that people can get aroused by seeing certain types of clothing, and here when I tried to make you view the flag more like the "absence of clothing", the lure of something that you're usually don't see, you seem to shoot down that idea as well. Apparently the sight of bare skin shouldn't cause arousal either.

But then you argue that players should be allowed to decide what is sexy to wear for their Sims or not themselves, "without any (deprecated) tags". What then is sexy clothing, if you can't agree that either clothes or the absence of it can cause an onlooker to be enticed? It seems to me that what you're actually objecting to is the whole idea of letting appearance cause arousal at all. So the exhibitionism skill that OnikiKay introduces, and its effects, is apparently pointless.


"Players should be allowed to decide what is sexy to wear for their Sims or not". Yes, but the problem is that your sims don't know that it is sexy! You know, but they don't. It doesn't matter to them if someone is dressed in a thong or in dust and ashes, it is just the same to them. If you have any interest in letting your sims know what is sexy, you need some way of telling them. Which is where the IsRevealing tag comes in. It was created for that very purpose.


Going back to your question above whether I get an erection when I see topless girls on the beach, you appear to have a skewed view of what OnikiKay's new WooHoo motive represents. It does not measure erection, it measures arousal. Which will of course eventually result in an erection if you're a man and healthy, but it is not the same thing. There are many levels before you actually get to that point.

And that is what Oniki is trying to simulate with the WooHoo motive. It's not enough with a single flash of skin to make your sim go crazy with lust, the need has to be built up over time. Eventually the need is released, either partially or completely, and then it starts to build up again, a process that may go faster if it was only partially released. It's part of the simulation.

So, no, I don't get erections just by seeing topless girls on the beach. But nor do the sims. Not from just a single exposure. (We can of course question how reasonable it is that there's no limit to how high arousal can be pushed just from exposures, with no other influences. But that's a concern that we can bring up as the development of the mod progresses.)



do you think that most people seduce their potential mates by repeatedly crawling on all fours, flashing parts or masturbating in front of them ?

Those are other aspects/features that OnikiKay decided to include in his mod. Are you rejecting them as well now? You did call for the "horny system" to tie to actions, both active and passive. Those three examples are active actions.


I would be happy to see other actions as well, and better judgment from the sims in when they use which actions, and on who, but I see no serious problem in having already horny sims trying to get other sims' arousal up as well. (They could actually get a lot smarter in actively using such methods to their advantage. Right now it constantly happens that a super-horny sim autonomously runs up to another sim and first asks to fuck, then for an oraljob, and then for a handjob, without doing anything to actually improve the other sim's disposition. It's like they hope that they'll get their way if they just nag long enough. I would welcome more strategic seduction.)

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Another important release ! Thx a lot.


Just one " totally-newbee" question : do I have to remove animated wooho mod and related packages to avoid problems ?


No need to remove but wait for Amra72 animations update (1.7 i suppose) .. or Lady666


First page about 0.2 >>

+Version 0.2 is no longer compatible with Kinker's xml format and requires specials animations packages. At the time I'm writing this, NO package is available yet, but both Amra72 and Lady666 will release one soon.


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I would like to let onikikay know that I am rather new to the mod but have been following the posts for a little over a week now.  Your English is just fine, unfortunately not everyone in the world is well educated or are rude or forget that we are all human and no one is perfect.  I am a fan of your work, wasn't to happy with some of those comments made.  I felt they were inappropriate considering the amount of work that goes into making a mod and some don't realize that you didn't have to create this for anyone to use except for your personal enjoyment in your game.  They should be giving you thanks and be happy they get to use such a fun mod in their game as well.  I also don't believe you released it too early.  Letting others try it early on with different computers and mods in their games allows you to be able to find out what may or may not work and then in return less work all at once trying to fix all the bugs that there may be if you had released the mod much later.  Sometimes people don't realize that not everything that is suggested is possible to do even if it does sound great.  I am very happy with your mod as of right now, will always be looking forward to new releases to try out for you and let you know how it goes :)


Was wondering if you were successful with my uploads on your computer in getting that world to work?  If not I can try a base game world and see if it happens there and send that instead.  I haven't been able to come up with anything else that may be causing the issue.  I had the mod for at least a week and this never happened so I am not sure if it is something I did and don't realize or if maybe something in the mod is causing it.  Someone in previous messages mentioned if a kinky action was canceled before it started or finished that may cause an issue.  Was wondering from you if that is possible.  If it is, then maybe my suggestion would be for the mod not to take cancel out other actions already chosen by either the sims freewill or the players choice.   In my game I have noticed that sometimes I just can't get my sim to stop trying to do the interactions when I am trying to get them to do something else.  lol  So maybe if it does cause a problem of canceling out the interactions early or during because I do tend to cancel them a lot lol

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