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1. There isn't a way to reset the quests when they are finished. You can turn on endless mode to keep the stripping events going, but you will not get the quest scenes until the endless option is tuned off. Best thing to do is keep a save before the event starts so you can see the different outcomes.

-You can try to make a save during the scene in order to make things move a bit faster, but for some reason it has been screwing up for me. Best  to just keep a save before the events.


2. The only slapping/groping outside of the quest events at the moment occurs when your pc is stripped by the stripper(s). Once stripped, and if the option is turned on, standing next to npc's. Once they say their line about whatever your character isn't covering up, they will cross their arms and you will receive a notification that they are looking at you or something like that. After a few seconds, if you are close enough, they will do something to you depending on what is the most exposed. There are only a few animations at the moment, but the feature is relatively knew to the mod.

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First i want to thank you for this mod. Its really great job you did. Though i got one question: did you ever thought to "change over the roles" of characters in it? I mean hero who skilled in pick pocketing can strip naked any NPC in game and wouldnt it be more fun if they start to cover and seek for new clothes as well? Or its to complicated to make?

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Just had to post...  Wow!..  No Spoilers but Thanks for such a fun packed mod :D..  More more more !!


I have not had such a laugh in ages and all at my poor DovaBunny's expence..   Rockin' and highly reccomended for a good side spliting chuckle :D

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I don’t know. I can share an artwork and some screenshots I guess. But I assume that was a tricky question to ask about how’s the progress of the mod after a whole year. Well, bad news is; the release is not close yet. Good news is; it’s not dead and still in development.


v2 had 3 times more content than v1. I estimate v3 having 3 times more content than v2. Currently, amount of content I produced is somewhat equal to v2. I’m thinking about releasing it in two parts. Part one will be about dealing with the seductive girl where part two will be about the mage. (Comparisons I’ve made above was in regards to the first part) You may or may not have to deal with the strippers from Riften, depending on your choices.


Most likely, number of submissive paths will be greater than dominant ones. Overall tone will be the same. There won’t be a “bad ending”, even if Dragonborn could find herself in pretty tight situations. I don’t think the theme of the mod as Dragonborn turning into a slut by total degradation, it’s more like she’s having a really bad day. There won’t be a scene that contains animals/creatures, though you have to have FNIS creature pack installed.


There might be a romance subplot including two main characters from v3 except mage and Riften strippers.


There might be a few other things I need to mention:


About Fallout 4:


I’ve played FO4. It was a fun game and definitely worth the price considering it’s play time. I think it’s a good game. Gameplay was improved, especially the gun play. Weapon upgrades/modifications was very cool. Story wasn’t anything special, but that’s not new. You’re supposed to make your own story. However, with PC having an established family prior to the game makes things a bit weird. I also didn’t like the new dialogue system. Most of the time, I had no idea what my character would say when I choose an option. And sometimes dialogue options had no different outcomes, just giving you an illusion of choice. And they seem to be using the same old game engine :)


I’m not thinking about doing a mod for FO4. I’ll probably play the created mods sometime in the future. So, I’m curious to see what people will come up with using the new mechanics. While having played FO3 and FONW, I’ve never modded these games. Still, most memorable sexy moment for me is from vanilla New Vegas. There was this side quest where you have to gather some junk to build a sex robot. When you build the robot eventually and activate it, it asks about whether you want a test run or not. There were there dialogue options. One of them was a clear “no”. Another was a “yes”. The third option was a confused one something like “wait what?”. When you choose the third option the robot persuades you to do whatever it has in mind, the screen fades to black for a second. After that, robot asks about how was it and there were hilarious options to choose. Most of my inspiration is coming from that little scene :)


About Skyrim Special Edition:


So, the rumors were true and Bethesda will be releasing a remastered version of Skyrim. Probably by borrowing things from FO4. Will the existing mods be effected by that or will the mods still be playable on the new version of the game? Well, I’m not sure, but I think the mods will definitely be effected. I’m not able to speak technically, since it’s not my profession. But I assume additional scripting plugins such as SKSE, current animation export format Win32 and generally 64bit structure will make things complicated. Yeah, people would want to keep playing the version they have right now. With the existing mods, game doesn’t need much of an improvement visually anyway. My concern is that Bethesda releasing an automatic update through steam to make the creationkit compatible with the new version, since they will want to support it, and messing the current mods’ development. It happened before, I remember script files getting compressed after an update. It’s a good thing they’re releasing the game for free on PC if you have all the other expansions for those who want to play it. I hope there isn’t a subtle reason behind it, like bringing back the paid mods somehow. In any case, I’m not keen on spending additional time to port the mod if that’s required. Until hearing what other modders think, I’ll slow things up a little.

Take your time, I'm sure it'll be amazing again i can't wait for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason the Riften Story is bugged. When you get handcuffed or you get to the handcuffed girls My Character just stands there.


already unnistalled the mod and tried to deactivate other. But the witherun story works fine. Just Riften is bugged.


any Ideas how to fix it?

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Hello and thank you very much for this mod! I had fun so far (my dragonborn... (maybe) not so much. xD :D


But I have a quick question about the whiterun quest: 


Maybe I'm imagining this, but wasn't there a way to have an ending that included the whiterun guard to finger/torture the character? And if yes, what dialogues do I have to choose to get that? :3



(Sorry for my bad english ^^ )

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i hope when v3 comes out has a mcm option to reset the mod to replay the events


also the walkthrough location have you thought of adding the house to the world map and if the player walks in without a follower the player can be knocked out and tied to the bed like in the walkthrough


come to think about it tresspssing crimes could be tweaked to be like that instead of a bounty tied and tickled

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Guest Felicia201

Great mod! I've enjoyed it a lot so far, and I intend to see all the possible outcomes when I have free time to play skyrim.


I have one suggestion: I would really love to see you make usage of the "clothes pickpocketing"-concept some time. I mean my dragonborn can steal clothes off someones body without them noticing, why shouldn't an npc have the same ability to strip people naked without them noticing and leave the character oblivious to her state of undress until someone brings it to her attention?

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Has anyone tried resetting the quest stages and dialogue flags to replay the scenarios?

I'll give that a shot and try a few other things (though honestly, there are enough points that you can save or quicksave and reload at that that might be more convenient)


(I did find [probably] all the endings before trying to pick this mod apart.)

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Great mod! I've enjoyed it a lot so far, and I intend to see all the possible outcomes when I have free time to play skyrim.


I have one suggestion: I would really love to see you make usage of the "clothes pickpocketing"-concept some time. I mean my dragonborn can steal clothes off someones body without them noticing, why shouldn't an npc have the same ability to strip people naked without them noticing and leave the character oblivious to her state of undress until someone brings it to her attention?


I'd rather see the NPC's realise they are naked and run off trying to cover themselves than walk about oblivious.

That someone could undress a conscious person without their knowledge is a stretch in itself but that the victim would not notice they were naked... In a place as cold as Skyrim?

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Guest Felicia201


Great mod! I've enjoyed it a lot so far, and I intend to see all the possible outcomes when I have free time to play skyrim.


I have one suggestion: I would really love to see you make usage of the "clothes pickpocketing"-concept some time. I mean my dragonborn can steal clothes off someones body without them noticing, why shouldn't an npc have the same ability to strip people naked without them noticing and leave the character oblivious to her state of undress until someone brings it to her attention?


I'd rather see the NPC's realise they are naked and run off trying to cover themselves than walk about oblivious.

That someone could undress a conscious person without their knowledge is a stretch in itself but that the victim would not notice they were naked... In a place as cold as Skyrim?



You got to remember that people can shoot fire from the palms of their hands, and don't forget it's possible to be so good at sneaking that you can jump around in front of the npc's faces with a lit torch(in vanilla skyrim anyway) and have them not even see you. They would also realize once someone makes fun of them and then they would run off covering themselves in embarrassment, but it only  makes them think they forgot to get dressed earlier.


Each to their own tho.


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You got to remember that people can shoot fire from the palms of their hands, and don't forget it's possible to be so good at sneaking that you can jump around in front of the npc's faces with a lit torch(in vanilla skyrim anyway) and have them not even see you. They would also realize once someone makes fun of them and then they would run off covering themselves in embarrassment, but it only  makes them think they forgot to get dressed earlier.


Each to their own tho.




I'm not expecting super realism, the abilities your PC and even NPC's can have are certainly not based in reality. However, the fact that NPC's do not seem to notice they are suddenly naked is, as MxR would say, un-immersive :P


But as you say, each to their own with regards to how you would like mod to do. I think someone made a cover-up mod that did something similar to naked NPC's using the default cover animation but they couldn't get the npc's to run/walk with the animation. Last time I looked for it I couldn't find it so not sure if it's still about.


Bahow did mention, much earlier in this thread, that he thinks he apply the cover animation/AI to NPC's when they are stripped but I am not sure if that was the PC using the "strip" ability rather than the perfect touch perk.


It's rather moot anyway, I think it might be very long while before RL lets Bahow spend the time he needs for part 3 :(


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I'm really enjoying the mod so far and it's one of the first thing I listed now that I'm completely redoing my skyrim mod setup, great work Bahow! I'm very curious as to what all the endings are and don't have that much time to faff about myself, so if someone could provide something like a list of titles and/or hints how to get them, that'd be great :-).

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I'm really enjoying the mod so far and it's one of the first thing I listed now that I'm completely redoing my skyrim mod setup, great work Bahow! I'm very curious as to what all the endings are and don't have that much time to faff about myself, so if someone could provide something like a list of titles and/or hints how to get them, that'd be great :-).


Following hints to do the titles yourself and simply just doing them yourself takes EXACLTY the same amount of time. So if you have so little time to "faff about", then hints would not help you in any way. Good morning.


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So im probably an idiot, but what are the actual prerequisites to getting any of the girls to strip you? I've had this mod on a few of my saves now, with the hope that I could naturally begin them whenever I happened to visit whiterun, but it hasnt yet worked. Im pretty sure I have the girls wondering around (named random girl? I cant remember but its something like that?), but they've never approached me. Was wondering if there are certain mods known to cause this issue. I have only just installed slaverun for my newest character I started yesterday, so I've given up on having the girl in whiterun to ever work, but surely I can still find out what's interfering with the riften ladies?


You also mention in the description I could have installed it wrong, but i did it with nexus so I kinda doubt it. Unless there's something in particular I need to consider when installing? Might update to 2.1 (have 2.0 at the moment), but I dont think thats the issue. Also It's important to note that these days my skyrim is stupidly script intensive, (hoping starting a new game will help with the script lag) might not be helping the issue.

This seems like such a fun mod, can anyone help?


EDIT: finally managed to fix it, don't know how, but everything is running smoothly.

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In your description you're saying this does not work with mods that change whiterun; does this include slaverun mod?


It's been some days, but nevertheless: i'd strongly recommend slaverun reloaded instead of slaverun. SLR contains all the content of the original with some minor changes like, not changing whiterun and removing all incompatibilities with mods like this one. Plus estimated 100 additional quests and several bugfixes ;)

You should disable the enforcer while you try this mod, or any other quests within an enslaved city, though.

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