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Yay thanks!


The values are scale values that correspond to those of Racemenu, so if you ware to set breast size to 1 in racemenu they would be normal size.

1.2 is a 20% increase and so on.


The weight works the same way but since weight is a value between 0 and 1 so 0.5 would be half weight.


What I do to setup is go in to racemenu, make the character the skinniest I want it to be, then I pick out some of he scales and write them down as my "Min" scales.

Then I go ahead and make the character as busty and curvy as I can and then those will be our "Max" values.


With my notes I go in to DDEdit and add those nodes and set those min/max scales.

Then DD will Interpolate between them making up a nice character progression.

I like starting out with a normal character and then have the character gain strength and size from feeding, it's pretty fun.


Hope that helps!
Have fun :)

Or do you mean the scale slider in MCM? "Scale Gain"

This is how much of your victims size you will absorb in one draining session, if you set it to 1% you have to drain them 100 times to get all their size.

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Do not trying 1.65RC2 in-game, but download for check... and see there is no sources. Still using 1.5.1 with one question: can you change in HoSLDDThread.psc - function SyncDone():

    if(stage == controller.Animation.StageCount() && !isOrgasming && stage > 0)


    if(stage == controller.Animation.StageCount() && !isOrgasming && stage > 0 && !controller.LeadIn)

because AutoOrgasm Drain starts at last foreplay stage before main animation.


Kind Regards.

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Do not trying 1.65RC2 in-game, but download for check... and see there is no sources. Still using 1.5.1 with one question: can you change in HoSLDDThread.psc - function SyncDone():

    if(stage == controller.Animation.StageCount() && !isOrgasming && stage > 0)


    if(stage == controller.Animation.StageCount() && !isOrgasming && stage > 0 && !controller.LeadIn)

because AutoOrgasm Drain starts at last foreplay stage before main animation.


Kind Regards.

Not using that anymore :)

Using SL 1.6 orgasm event now :D

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Found a bug with DDEdit.exe. It's not saving any changes to the scale value underneath the Max and Min settings. Every time I switch to change another node, the scale reverts to 1.

Wow that's a huge bug! It never actually saved the Change Speed value!

Thank you so much for noticing that, fixed it now.



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I'm having issue activating drain (manual or automatic).  It's been an issue for me since 1.5.  I've tried resetting the mod, editing my saves with cleaners, "clean saves", and even moving the mod to the bottom of my load order.


I see a message when I toggle death on drain, but nothing else happens (no auto drain, no drain effects at all, no message on press of manual button).


Is there some way for me to enable debug logging to console or otherwise increase verbosity of the output?


Also, is there some way to display all the currently mapped hotkeys from within game?  I suspect my problem may be hotkey overlap.

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Awesome, been looking forward to the updated version of this mod  :)


I have a couple of quick questions/requests...


Do the Absorb/Give Beauty spells replicate the same scaling in the external settings file?  Could you add in some Health transference to them?


What is the difference between the Hypnotize and Enslave spells?


Can you set the new dialogue to be able to be activated/deactivated via the MCM?


One other bug/incompatibility which I've had for a while: when enabling "Drain to Draugar" some custom followers vanish on death instead - if they're essential they become invisible!  I'm guessing it may be because they have a custom directory structure?


And I'm personally a little reluctant to play with DDEdit for fear of breaking something  :D

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Crickey! 30 posts since I logged on. That scared me.

Haha, back to topic.


I'm going to wait for the results. You seem to have a nice beta tester, so when there's a new test version, I'm gonna try it, to help with the development.


Keep up.


PS.: Before the wave of posts, I was going to suggest to do something like the WeightMorphs mod by ousinious, that uses the CBBE RaceMenu plugin to scale parts of the body in accordance to actions taken. (in the case of the mod, running to lose the morphs and eating to gain morphs).

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Awesome, been looking forward to the updated version of this mod  :)


I have a couple of quick questions/requests...


Do the Absorb/Give Beauty spells replicate the same scaling in the external settings file?  Could you add in some Health transference to them?


What is the difference between the Hypnotize and Enslave spells?


Can you set the new dialogue to be able to be activated/deactivated via the MCM?


One other bug/incompatibility which I've had for a while: when enabling "Drain to Draugar" some custom followers vanish on death instead - if they're essential they become invisible!  I'm guessing it may be because they have a custom directory structure?


And I'm personally a little reluctant to play with DDEdit for fear of breaking something  :D

Yes Gain/Drain beauty follows the same pattern as the config file. I could add health gain to them but I think it's probably best to keep only visual things in the Drain config, using the "drain speed" setting effectively does the same thing regarding health.


Enslave will make you instantly gain highest relationship rank with the NPC.

Hypnotize will do what Enslave does but with also adding a Spacecraft buff and increasing the arousal modifier for sexlab aroused.


Yeah might add the dialog stuff to an option if I get around to it.


Hah, play around with it! There is nothing to break ^^ (In the next release where the reset button is fixed lol)


Crickey! 30 posts since I logged on. That scared me.

Haha, back to topic.


I'm going to wait for the results. You seem to have a nice beta tester, so when there's a new test version, I'm gonna try it, to help with the development.


Keep up.


PS.: Before the wave of posts, I was going to suggest to do something like the WeightMorphs mod by ousinious, that uses the CBBE RaceMenu plugin to scale parts of the body in accordance to actions taken. (in the case of the mod, running to lose the morphs and eating to gain morphs).

Hah sorry for the spam :)

I think most of the worrying things have been fixed and the version I have now is feeling pretty solid for what it is, not much progress towards new features but an improvement to the system.


Ah yeah that's pretty cool, the current system I built works of the Node Scales in the body mesh and a Json config file for the properties. I think I will stick to my own system tho.


I think I will compile up and make the official release tomorrow :)



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Crickey! 30 posts since I logged on. That scared me.

Haha, back to topic.


I'm going to wait for the results. You seem to have a nice beta tester, so when there's a new test version, I'm gonna try it, to help with the development.


Keep up.


PS.: Before the wave of posts, I was going to suggest to do something like the WeightMorphs mod by ousinious, that uses the CBBE RaceMenu plugin to scale parts of the body in accordance to actions taken. (in the case of the mod, running to lose the morphs and eating to gain morphs).

So I looked at WeightMorphs, and this works alright apart from one thing where if you update the wright your Spell casting will be turned off so the spells wont work great.

It does however look really fucking nice using the Body slide settings and just keeping the "Weight" node in DD Edit makes a nice smooth body progression.


So I'm still having the problem where scaling pelvis, thighs, or calves is causing my legs to get longer. Have you checked with Expired to see how he scales those nodes in racemenu  without causing the legs to get longer?

Yeah I noticed this issue too, It's sort of solved by combining this with the WeightMorphs, but from what I can see RaceMenu only performs the same function calls I am already doing for changing. Unless there it is already a combination of WeightMorphs but cant find anything that would make it different in the race menu.


Sadly I don't have much more time to work on this, but at least the combination of weight morphs makes it manageable :)


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I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but i updated to 6.5 and in the MCM about page it still shows version 5.  is this a bug or are there some instructions on how to update SL Deadly Drain.


PS thanks for an awesome mod!

if the MCM is still showing 5 you need to update using the following method:


Uncheck SL Deadly Drain.esp

Start the game

Save the game

Check SL Deadly Drain.esp again

Launch game


Now it should have been cleaned out properly.

Thanks! :D


Does this new version use NiOverride? There are no sources, so I searched through PEX-files and there are NetImmerse calls at least in the HoPhysicalDrain.pex file.

Yes, it uses NiOverride, it also has NetImmerse for non unique actors and there is an option you can check to use NetImmerse instead of NiOverride if you wanted to. ^^


Using body slide and just the weight update makes a pretty great effect actually.

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