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FalloutTTW QuestOverhaul

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@jaam:  Hah...that requires me to make an account on the Beth site ("But Daaaaaaad, I don't waaanna have to follow another forum." /whining).  : 3  I didn't think that the forums were really active there.


@pr0nsax:  USE.  MY.  MOD.  That way I'll know if it's not working for other people.  :D

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@pr0nsax:  USE.  MY.  MOD.  That way I'll know if it's not working for other people.  :D


But, but... there is no sex involved in that mod! ;) You need to learn how to sell your stuff better... it's all about the packaging!


I mean, if the free option instead was a random NPC (human or beast, any faction depending on if you're in NV or DC) approaching you and telling you that they get a ride for a ride (yeah I can do bad puns too!) then it would be much more interesting. ;)

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I just thought of another quest that could be overhauled.


What about the Nuka Cola Quantum challenge with Sierra Petrovita (or something like that)  in which you have to obtain 30 bottle of Nuka Cola Quantum?  Pretty sure you would deserve something a bit more rewarding that a pie. Also IIRC there was a guy there that you could seduce if you use the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk on him and offer to engage in a threesome with him.

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Guest tomm434
But, but... there is no sex involved in that mod! ;) You need to learn how to sell your stuff better... it's all about the packaging!

Agreed. Someone should add an NPC who can send player to TTW station... for a price...




What about the Nuka Cola Quantum challenge with Sierra Petrovita (or something like that)  in which you have to obtain 30 bottle of Nuka Cola Quantum?  Pretty sure you would deserve something a bit more rewarding that a pie. Also IIRC there was a guy there that you could seduce if you use the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk on him and offer to engage in a threesome with him.

maybe maybe... :)



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There are lots of possibilities in the D.C. Wasteland. In the Republic of Dave when you help someone become the new president, maybe the winner could give you a reward for inspiring them to put their name in the election. Get a personal reward from Machete in Canterbury Commons if you finish the Superhero Gambit Quest. Speaking of that quest, the PC could also sleep with the AntAgonizer after getting her to give up her life of crime and/or "cheer up" the Mechanist after telling him he's hurting the town more than saving it. Just some thoughts. I am anticipating this big new quest you got though :)

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Puzzled and a little bit stuck on the big town quest, I've made the mutants all nice and friendly, get the various dialogues with them,  I can get as far as reds cells, and then I'm stuck. Theirs a super mutant wondering around that i can't talk to which is i assume the one I'm after.


If i let smaller talk run up it gives me only the standard mutant dialogues, with smaller talk off I get the "talk "e"" prompt but hammering the key has no effect.


More or less everything up to date as far as i can tell with on exemption - ttw is V2.4 not 2.6 is this the missing item? i'd like to know before i go through the fuss of upgrading ttw and re-installing all the mods



excellent mod otherwise, all the other encounters are addins are running smoothly give me another reason to play TTW.

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Guest tomm434

1. You using 1.06NOTSOHOTFIX version?

2. Have you got any mutants overhaul mods?

3. Try the solution earlier in the thread(start greeting via console).


If you are using last version of the mod(notsohotfix), then you have some esp which overwrites mutant records(unticking "allow player dialogue" in process). Try moving Quest overhaul to the bottom of the load order first.

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Guest tomm434

And I'll be fixing this issue with next update. I'm planning to do optional feature to talk to mutants, using different button so they start greeting conversation. Thus if user has any mutant overhaul mod he wil use this method but if not, he will just start dialogue in normal way.

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1. You using 1.06NOTSOHOTFIX version?

2. Have you got any mutants overhaul mods?

3. Try the solution earlier in the thread(start greeting via console).


If you are using last version of the mod(notsohotfix), then you have some esp which overwrites mutant records(unticking "allow player dialogue" in process). Try moving Quest overhaul to the bottom of the load order first.


1) yes


2) No


3)  idea such a thing was possible via the console found the command you mentioned - startconversation player 000000c8 that did the trick (pun not intended)



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Guest tomm434

Yep. I already made what I was talking about - Button which you can set to start mutant dialogue! You'll be able to set it yourself and switch it off if you don't need it.

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Hey again. :) I'm doing the Sydney quest now and got some issues. If I tell Sydney "Your funeral bitch" I get that message that the mutants drags her off, but then they just stand around. If I talk to Doug he asks me if I have asked her yet, and my only response is "I haven't asked yet" at which he says that they don't have all the time in the world. :)


Another issue I have is that the quest gets stuck between step 12 and 13. After the 2nd sex scene, Doug doesn't say anything. However, if I use the console command to go to step 13 all the rest proceeds as normal. After all is done I get the mutant faction increase reward, and I get to talk to Sydney for the normal quest. The mutants just stand around though, is that intended (Doug is the only one I can interact with).

A third issue is if I chose "I don't know her, either. Do what you think is necessary". Then I get the mutant's drag her off message twice in a row, and then the game is paused. I can move the mouse around, bring up the console, and press ESC to go to the menu, but I can't bring up the pipboy, nothing moves at all, and I can't even quickload because it tells me that's not possible when the game is paused.


I've tested with the TTW mutant balancing disabled btw.


How did you advance the quest via the console like that? i'd like to know as i'm stuck at the same point


I can see how to advance know quests by the console but i don't know how to find the quest id's for mods

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You should add a new way to get Charon's contract from Ahzrukhal.


Also add some ways to get information about Mister Crowley from the different ghouls.


Additional ways to convince the tennants to let ghouls stay.


Convince the shopkeepers that leaves to stay, for sex.




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I do not know if this puts this quest on hold. But i accidentally cleared out evergreen mills earlier and released freddie from his cage. Later on i got the quest a freind in need to go free and talk to him... when i went back and attempted to talk to him i got no chat with him. only my usual chat from smaller talk of how ya doin nods at me etc.. any help would be greatly appreciated? or do I have to say screw it and poison the mutants.


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Guest tomm434

I made another dialogue(which will  be shown if Freddy is not in cage) for the case like yours. I thought it would work. I'll take a look when I have the time. THK for the report.


meanwhile you can type in console


"set "xx037550".freddyreleased to 1 "
"setstage xx037550 30"

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There are lots of possibilities in the D.C. Wasteland. In the Republic of Dave when you help someone become the new president, maybe the winner could give you a reward for inspiring them to put their name in the election. Get a personal reward from Machete in Canterbury Commons if you finish the Superhero Gambit Quest. Speaking of that quest, the PC could also sleep with the AntAgonizer after getting her to give up her life of crime and/or "cheer up" the Mechanist after telling him he's hurting the town more than saving it. Just some thoughts. I am anticipating this big new quest you got though :)


True, true.  Or perhaps a one night stand with Amata should you complete "Trouble on the Homefront" without killing anyone (Her dad must also survive).

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Guest tomm434

Well, I would have done MS16(Trouble on homefront) already if it wasn't that hard and messy. There are lots of possibilities! I mean you can talk to Amata\Overseer first, kill him first, kill Amata(not sure), blow up vault. And I've got 3 possible cases - vanilla one, Player character "dating" Butch and Amata "dating" Butch. Damn. It will get enternity to make it. Now I only implemented(in public version) Gomes greeting sex which won't work if you hadn't started new game since 1.06.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest tomm434






Dear people,

We fixed the issue ourselves so we don't have to wait for Pridelsayer's update.

All voice recordings are done.

Little work remains.

Stay tuned.

Tomm out.



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First of all: nice mod! Sexout finally adds something to fallout 3 now!


However, i seem to have run into a bug during my playthrough, and i thought i should report it!


The first time i started the making friends quest, my speech wasn't high enough, so i added some points to see where that quest would take me. It worked, i reloaded, and figured i would come back once i have a high enough speech. However, when i returned, the quest wont progress. I can talk to marcus, talk to sentinel lyon. The two brotherhood ladies engage with the mutants, but won't engage with me anymore. After the dialogue with marcus claiming he would take me, nothing happens, and the quest won't progress.


(during this time between i did clear out evergreen mills, including freddy. Maybe that has something to do with it)


(even worse though: If i want to continue normally by shooting them up, i get a popup every time a mutant gets shot that the peace is over. I don't feel like clicking popups away every time i engage a super mutant)


Also, reloading the first save from the time it works is broken aswell!

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