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Sexlab Breeder [v1.01]

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All those green tasks on the OP makes me happy. C:


Anyways, the biggest hurdle will definitely be adding a MCM menu to this mod. I have the script and quest started, but actually making a menu (this will be the worst part... preparing all of the code to make the menu itself feels WAAAAAAAAAY out of my league), and then integrating it seamlessly with my mod feels like its going to be a really tedious task. But that's tomorrow's problem, I think. At least having a MCM menu done will make it much easier to start adding in those perk trees I want to do.


Once that is done, and I get the ear and tail meshes and textures I need, 3.0 will be ready for launch. Things are going to be much, MUCH more interesting at that point, and will only get better from here on out.

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Just a few tidbits of information which may or may not help but I figured it was important enough to mention:


Adult Real Werewolves is, as far as I can determine, incompatible with this as the textures from the two mods clash in the bare torso area. 


Be sure to update to the latest version of Sex Lab (Silly me forgot to update to make use of the "Quickstart Method", in version 1.3 I believe it was, that the rape scene requires).


I also am having a slight issue with SOS, which may or may not be related, but it seems to work fine when fully human. For some reason, the NPCs' schlongs are remaining flaccid during sex animations while corrupted. I'll keep ruling out possible causes and run it through TES5Edit later today to see if that solves the issue.


Finally, I want to thank you rangedphoenix for a nicely made mod and I am anxious to see the changes in-action you've been working in the next version (SLA integration especially :shy: ).



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1. The textures and meshes this mod uses are all self contained. Shouldn't be any issue there.


2. Yeah, probably should have mentioned that. I had to use quickstart because I couldn't get actor arrays to work. Almost nobody in the sexlab modding community seems to look at my mod, so I had to make use of this feature instead.


3. SoS is having some issues with the latest version of sexlab, I believe. My mod doesn't touch anything with SoS, so your problem is elsewhere with that.


As for the next update, still haven't heard a word from my friend, and I still haven't started on that nightmare known as MCM.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Converting this armor to just be boots or gloves is NOT possible with the mesh in its current state. If you try doing it, you WILL get huge clipping issues near the feet. I'm not saying I won't do this just because I'm an asshole or anything like that guys. Seriously. I CAN'T do it simple because the meshes flat out can NOT support doing it right now. Are we clear on that now? Good. Sorry if I come off harsh here, but that question makes me sad, especially when it gets asked so much. :(


If you wanted to change the meshes that significantly, you would need 3ds max or blender. Not only that, you would also need to change the shape of the legs to completely remove the "instep" that the paws have so that they would basically just look like human legs that end in a stump instead of a foot. Outfit Studio does not provide enough functionality to completely remove vertices, so yes, you would need to learn one of those two programs. This is part of why I haven't bothered with it. Not only is it a lot of work, it will also produce a visually inferior result. If you want to take a crack at it though, be my guest, I don't really know anything about 3ds max or blender to help you out there though, so you'd be on your own.


Also, once 3.0 comes out, you won't need armor anymore. Instead, you'll just take a flat 25% less damage from ALL sources. Keeping it low for now because...reasons. In the meantime, if you really need armor, you could always use a mage armor spell. Because there are no armor keywords on it, they can also benefit from the perk that increases their magnitude. Plus hybrids don't have a magicka penalty anymore.

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Goootcha ! I should've looked for "feet mesh" in the search panel instead of asking directly like a moron ... 
Another question that may or may not have been asked already : can I only take the full mesh from the mod and use it as a normal armor ? Without the restrictions on equipping items from unused bodyslots ? Unless the restriction isn't a script and comes from the mesh itself ? 
Sorry to annoy you with this, I'm trying to use your mesh while waiting for your 3.0, since I'm a brat without any patience !

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The very first version of this armor I released actually had it as just four sets of equippable armor. That version has been long since lost, however. (I deleted it to remove clutter on my desktop.) Isn't hard to do though, if you know what you are doing.


Still used all the same body slots, it would just remove the armor if you try equipping something that uses the same slot.

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Aye, so I would just have to delete the script folder, as well as the ESP (?), take only the bodyslide converter files, the textures and the meshes and create the outfit ? Would it appear in the game that way ? 
I'll see if I can equip what I want to equip after I've edited the file to only get the meshes. 

To explain properly, I'm trying to make some kind of demonic character, so for now I want your meshes to be equipped with a tail and some other bullcrap like wings and shit. Gotta start with that mesh though ahaha 

Thanks for the insight. 

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You don't even need to delete the original stuff. Just need to make an esp file that would have entries for all of the armors. I could probably make an esp like that really quick. If you asked nicely :P


Only thing is that I don't have a lot of free time this week. College homework sucks.

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Time for a much needed status update.


MCM Menu is finally ready to go, I believe. Just needs to be tested.


However, I kind of really need your suggestions guys.


Currently, I have it set up so that there is a chance of "Major" and "Minor" arousal events occurring. Minor events will be the smaller events that will just appear at the top left corner of the screen, while Major events will actually have their own message box. I need suggestions for these events. Otherwise, you're going to end up with some really generic, repetitive events. I know you guys wouldn't want that to happen, so I'm formally requesting ideas once again.


Keep in mind, that minor events need to be short and sweet, as those small messages only allow 42 characters, and the less of them, the better. Major events could be anything that impacts the characters arousal.


Other than that and the ears and tail, I would almost feel comfortable releasing now. Just needs some more polish first. :)


*Edit* Seriously? Nobody has any ideas? Alright then, I'll come up with some stuff. Don't say I didn't warn you guys though.


*Edit2* Going to make a ton of under the hood changes. It should make my life easier in the future. Setting up my mod to work with MCM has actually been kind of a blessing in disguise, because I have a lot more things to consider, so it makes me want to design it even more soundly than before.


*Edit3* Added in a MCM option to start the mod without the rape scene for those of you that might want that. Note that if you start the mod this way, the werewolf scene will NEVER happen.


*Edit4* Somehow adding a MCM menu ended up turning into a project that will completely revamp how this mod's infrastructure will work. Oh boy, hope you guys like bugs, because there will probably be a lot of them in v3.0.


*Edit5* That was a lot of work. Most of this mod has been completely rewritten from what the original was at this point. Regardless, things should work a lot better once 3.0 is out. Also going to buff mask form by reducing how much hp per second it drains. Its just a bit much for low levels now.


Here's a sneak peek of the MCM menu. Don't look too far into the tabs on the side guys, those don't do anything yet, I promise.


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I'm not exactly sure what style of writing you were going for (or if you wanted writing or just ideas). However, I thought I would write a few to see if they would help. I broke them up into Minor/Major, Human/Beast, and Postive/Negative.  





  • You feel lustful eyes gaze upon your body
  • You enjoy the way your new fur feels
  • Being naked sends a tingle down your spine



  • You tease your nipples with your claws




  • Your new form causes discomfort
  • You feel awkward in your new form.
  • Your new bestial senses disturb you


  • Your bloodlust grows





  • Your new form causes a sense of excitement and anticipation to shiver throughout your body. You wonder what these new limbs are capable of, though you realise that you will have to be careful not to hurt yourself.
  • The increased smells, sights, and sounds are almost overwhelming at first. Though once you become used to this assault on your senses you discover that your sense of touch has increased as well… In surprisingly pleasant ways you notice as your new claws begin to wander.


  • Your human sense are overwhelmed by a fragrance that you have not smelled before, its alluring odour calls to the beast inside of you, and you find it that much harder to control yourself.








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I've got two minutes or so before that MCM preview is ready for me to see(assuming the file doesn't break), so is the penalty for using the "non-beastial form" power a thing you'd be willing to put in the MCM configurations? Or just plain ol' who is hostile in your form I guess.

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I've got two minutes or so before that MCM preview is ready for me to see(assuming the file doesn't break), so is the penalty for using the "non-beastial form" power a thing you'd be willing to put in the MCM configurations? Or just plain ol' who is hostile in your form I guess.


Sorry, but that's a feature I'm not willing to compromise on.


I would let the mask form spell be changed by MCM options to determine how much it hurts the player, but I don't think that's really possible. Regardless, the hp drain on mask form will be fairly insignificant after a couple of levels in 3.0.



As for re-becoming a werewolf, I now have the tools in place that becoming re-corrupted would be a possibility. I'll have to think about whether its worth it or not to actually do though.



*Edit* I've actually spent a bit of time using my own mod ingame. Yeah, seems I had my head a bit too far up my own ass in terms of difficulty. I've always advocated gameplay over difficulty, but yet, this design is here. I was really hoping to do a cloak or something like I stated in my "future plans" section, but, without someone talented to do that, it will never be a reality. As such, I'm planning on making the following changes:


-Everyone becoming hostile to you will now become a MCM option labelled "hardcore mode". As much as I loved the original idea, it sacrifices playability a bit too much to be fun. However, the option to do it will remain around for those of you who liked it as much as I originally did.


-The hybrid "armors" will regain a couple of keywords. Namely, clothingfeet, and clothinghands (or whatever they are actually called). This should help you frostfall users a bit. Plus it just makes sense, seeing as your arms and legs are covered in your nice, toasty fur. Still debating clothing body.


-None of you will appreciate this change, because its something that was originally going to come out in 3.0. The potions are now (appropriately) hidden inside chests, locked with a master lock. I'm going to try adding keys to both of these chests to NPCs that make sense, so that there are more ways to get the silverlight potion ingredients. I'll also look into a more...commercial means of getting them as well.


At any rate, the first change alone will require significantly more scripting. The third one will also take some work. 3.0 will be delayed even further now.


*Edit2* Yeah...conversations to persuade/bribe npcs to part with the keys isn't going to happen right now. Skyrim's dialog trees are some of the craziest crap I've ever seen. You'll either have to steal the key, or pick the chest.


*Edit3* Finally got around to fixing the first person meshes for all of the armors. You will now see your new claws instead of nothing. It was a surprisingly simple fix...


*Edit4* Scrapping the idea of repeating the quest. Too much work for such a simple thing.


*Edit5* I'm pretty happy with how it is now that I've tweaked it some.  MIght add in 25% frost resist for frostfall users so that cold areas aren't impossible. However, I don't want them to be able to just completely ignore the cold either, I see hybrids staying along the warmer areas of skyrim whenever possible unless they have to do something in a colder region. Gonna have to rework their lore a bit for 3.0 though... Most of what I've wanted to get done for 3.0 is ready to go though. Then again, I doubt anybody is even reading this thread now, so all of these little status updates are probably pointless. Oh well.

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Things are becoming more and more prepared for a release. Putting up a poll to see if people would be interested in the (already massive) update I've been working on without ears and tail, or if they want that as well.


Problem is, I'm not really sure when I will get the assets for them. Without that, I can't add them in. So yeah, its really up to you guys. In the meantime, I'll be adding a few more features, as well as tweaking a couple things, and fixing bugs I find during my testing, for a (hopefully) bug free release. Although, going by the size of this update, I don't think that's going to happen.


*Edit* Adding in some new arousal messages, courtesy of Lucky_Luke... Albeit tweaked slightly to better serve my needs. I think you guys will enjoy them. Also going to tweak a couple of the corruption messages as well. Will probably also have the max arousal masturbation scene being a MCM toggle as well. That'll be easy enough to do.


*Edit2* Well, I'm more or less satisfied with what I've added so far. I would feel comfortable with a release later today, proving enough of you want it now... and something doesn't go wrong. :)


*Edit3* Just for the record, I haven't heard from the person I'm getting the tail and ear assets from in close to a month.


*Edit4* I believe I might have figured out how I can prevent mods from stripping this armor ever again... Provided that they don't try to remove quest items. I can't really test this very well though, since I don't use a lot of mods that do this.


*Edit5* Hm... I only have a few things left that I need to do. You guys can probably count on a Sunday or Monday release. You can look forward to some teasers for future updates in this update too. :3

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