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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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So far this has been a lot of fun.  I have been having one problem, about half the time my PC gets sent to Sanguine's Dream world I get a CTD, it's right after the sound effect plays.  Is anyone else having this problem or is this a common problem that has a fix?  I had a ctd when I ended the quest "I night to remember" but uninstalled Dangerous Nights and that seemed to fix it.  If this is a common bug with a fix?  Would be great, otherwise I will try to create a log and get it over to you.


The last thing I would suggest and this is something that has always bothered me, is at the end of a Night to Remember when you go into that grove there is a party going on with Sam.  Is there anyway to spice up that party?  The vanilla looks totally lame, this is Sangueine we are talking about, it looks like a scene from a dive bar.   Maybe in game when he transforms from Sam to Sanguine the party can change into an orgy.  Just a thought.  Any help with this bug would be great and let me know if you need a log.


One other thing which might help with the kill move problem.  What I do is run Sexlab Submit and enable "submit on death" then close the menu, till I get the notice it's on and then I go back into the MCM and then disable the mod itself.  The submit on death stays on but the mod Submit doesn't.  As a result I never get kill moves. Not sure if that will help anyone but it works for me.  Also if you are doing that make sure you have a few heals otherwise you will be stuck hunched over.

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Probably has been reported, but a search for fire turned up nothing:

In case you start dialogue with another bad guy and ask for help getting away from your master if you chose the "die by dragonfire" response SD+ wants to trigger a punish scene, but nothing happens. The bad guy comes to you, and it says whipping start, then he stands still before you for about 30 seconds and then SD+ shows that message telling punishment is over.

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Hello, i've been away for some time, so i dont know if this has been fixed: but whenever i get sent to mistwatch, my previous owner starts attacking me. Also, he's set to essential....


EDIT: apparently, i fixed it upgrading to latest version....but i think there is another bug now: my equipment does not disappear from my inventory. (i am not sure of that, need more tests)

That's not a bug, it's a workaround to avoid losing essential items. For RP purposes, pretend it's all gone and drop everything once you escape.



So, that thing was removed? I kinda liked having to track down the enemies, and having to do it quick....will it be re-added? Perhaps making it a function activable from mcm?



As I recall, the function to save essential items broke some time ago. I believe Skyrimll has said he's planning to figure out a fix, but it's been awhile, so I could be misremembering. 

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Ok, tried it again, very few CTD. This time i don't tried to play normal, but instead i played in sort of a "What happens if i do that?" style. After my first enslavement i slept and landed in Sanguine's Dreamworld, there i talked to him but i did NOT ask him to let me go, i just wanted to see what happens if i stay a while. Well, nothing happened, so i wandered around and found a chain somewhere, pulled it (while my hands were bound together on my back) and landed in the Meadery near Whiterun. Seems like i found the secret Teleporter of Sanguine.


Then i added Sanguine's Collar to my inventory (with player.additem). Nobody will see me naked or will rape me if i don't wear that Collar (maybe it would be a good idea to force the PC to wear it and lock it after the first visit of Sanguine's Dreamworld, if that is possible?) and only if i wear that Collar i have the chat option to ask for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..")


Then i found a funny bug (not sure if its a bug in SD+ or sort of a hiccup in the game). I was in Ivarstead, entered the Vilemyr Inn, put on Sanguine's Collar and asked the Innkeeper for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..."), he said yes, then i could read that i'm enslaved, but the girl which serves the drinks and plays the lute was stripped, was wearing a collar and bindings and was then fucked by the Innkeeper, then i loaded a savegame from before i asked the Innkeeper again and could repeat this "game" again and again.


So, after a few hours i was enslaved 7 times, visited the Dreamworld only 1 time and found only 1 bug (that thing in Ivarstead). I will later travel back to Ivarstead and will try this again, just to be sure that its really a bug.


Edit: Just started the game and checked if the bug happens again and yes, the Innkeeper in Ivarstead will enslave another girl if the PC asks for it, but now some people can see the PC naked and rape her, so Sanguine's Collar isn't needed for that. Only the Chatoption "I need a strong hand..." is still missing without wearing that Collar.

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Suggestion for next update, though I don't know if this would be possible.


The slave should have to perform some menial tasks to earn food and drink (like washing bandits clothes, emptying slop buckets or maybe cooking) after all why keep a slave and do those tasks yourself


This, this would be great.

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In the original SD, I recall being practically immortal as long as the mod was activated. Even with some tinkering in the MCM menu, there was still no way for me to get properly killed (not even the kill command could kill my character!), when all I wanted was a rather small chance of actually being enslaved (5% HP threshold) whilst still able to be killed by normal means (such as an attack that takes all remaining 7% HP for instance) as opposed to being immortal 24/7.


Does SD+ remedy/allow this?

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You can adjust the damage threshold at which slavery attempts kick in (5% default)

You can adjust the HP buffer (defeault 3x) to 0 (this is handy when one bandit is trying to enslave you while her pals keep firebolting you etc)

There is also a toggle for Player is Essential while weakened (ie, below the threshold you set)


Also, things that can't enslave you will kill you - mudcrabs, sabercats, etc


Being killed, though, takes you to Sanguine's dream realm instead of to a loading screen (SD is a death alternative mod after all). Eventually, after you've been there enough times you will get choices from Sanguine about where to go when he sends you back.


Hope that helps.

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Ok, tried it again, very few CTD. This time i don't tried to play normal, but instead i played in sort of a "What happens if i do that?" style. After my first enslavement i slept and landed in Sanguine's Dreamworld, there i talked to him but i did NOT ask him to let me go, i just wanted to see what happens if i stay a while. Well, nothing happened, so i wandered around and found a chain somewhere, pulled it (while my hands were bound together on my back) and landed in the Meadery near Whiterun. Seems like i found the secret Teleporter of Sanguine.


Then i added Sanguine's Collar to my inventory (with player.additem). Nobody will see me naked or will rape me if i don't wear that Collar (maybe it would be a good idea to force the PC to wear it and lock it after the first visit of Sanguine's Dreamworld, if that is possible?) and only if i wear that Collar i have the chat option to ask for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..")


Then i found a funny bug (not sure if its a bug in SD+ or sort of a hiccup in the game). I was in Ivarstead, entered the Vilemyr Inn, put on Sanguine's Collar and asked the Innkeeper for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..."), he said yes, then i could read that i'm enslaved, but the girl which serves the drinks and plays the lute was stripped, was wearing a collar and bindings and was then fucked by the Innkeeper, then i loaded a savegame from before i asked the Innkeeper again and could repeat this "game" again and again.


So, after a few hours i was enslaved 7 times, visited the Dreamworld only 1 time and found only 1 bug (that thing in Ivarstead). I will later travel back to Ivarstead and will try this again, just to be sure that its really a bug.


Edit: Just started the game and checked if the bug happens again and yes, the Innkeeper in Ivarstead will enslave another girl if the PC asks for it, but now some people can see the PC naked and rape her, so Sanguine's Collar isn't needed for that. Only the Chatoption "I need a strong hand..." is still missing without wearing that Collar.


You'll randomly receive some items from Sanguine when he sends you back, sometimes you get the collar and can use that for the strong hand dialogue.


The chain is meant as a failsafe.  (in case Sanguine is passed out I guess)  Not sure if you get a chance of random gear when using the chain.


I think all you should need for the naked rape option is to have Coveted checked in the MCM, I haven't had that on lately.


I think I've had the slavery from the strong hand dialogue trigger on some else once, haven't had the collar lately either, didn't notice it being repeatable though but I may not have tried a second time.

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amazing mod but when i made a new game

enslavement failed on hit ...and thugs continue to hit me..any solution ??

somthing strange i noticed after being hit and getting Ripe for enslavement note..i get my health regenerated ..is this the problem ??


Usually scripts lagging or some other enslavement/rape mod getting in the way.


If it's not another mod I can usually fix this in my game by editing the papyrus setting in skyrim.ini.  But I'd try the new save cleaner first if you've been adding and removing mods to an save or just remove/disable some script intensive mods.  Nobody seems to agree on what the settings do or what the whether you should change them at all so your milelage may vary.   I usually just try raising the tasklet/update budget setting by small amounts until thing are working better.



Try increasing each by .2 and load up a game and try surrendering to an enemy, rinse & repeat.
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Ok, tried it again, very few CTD. This time i don't tried to play normal, but instead i played in sort of a "What happens if i do that?" style. After my first enslavement i slept and landed in Sanguine's Dreamworld, there i talked to him but i did NOT ask him to let me go, i just wanted to see what happens if i stay a while. Well, nothing happened, so i wandered around and found a chain somewhere, pulled it (while my hands were bound together on my back) and landed in the Meadery near Whiterun. Seems like i found the secret Teleporter of Sanguine.


Then i added Sanguine's Collar to my inventory (with player.additem). Nobody will see me naked or will rape me if i don't wear that Collar (maybe it would be a good idea to force the PC to wear it and lock it after the first visit of Sanguine's Dreamworld, if that is possible?) and only if i wear that Collar i have the chat option to ask for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..")


Then i found a funny bug (not sure if its a bug in SD+ or sort of a hiccup in the game). I was in Ivarstead, entered the Vilemyr Inn, put on Sanguine's Collar and asked the Innkeeper for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..."), he said yes, then i could read that i'm enslaved, but the girl which serves the drinks and plays the lute was stripped, was wearing a collar and bindings and was then fucked by the Innkeeper, then i loaded a savegame from before i asked the Innkeeper again and could repeat this "game" again and again.


So, after a few hours i was enslaved 7 times, visited the Dreamworld only 1 time and found only 1 bug (that thing in Ivarstead). I will later travel back to Ivarstead and will try this again, just to be sure that its really a bug.


Edit: Just started the game and checked if the bug happens again and yes, the Innkeeper in Ivarstead will enslave another girl if the PC asks for it, but now some people can see the PC naked and rape her, so Sanguine's Collar isn't needed for that. Only the Chatoption "I need a strong hand..." is still missing without wearing that Collar.


You'll randomly receive some items from Sanguine when he sends you back, sometimes you get the collar and can use that for the strong hand dialogue.


The chain is meant as a failsafe.  (in case Sanguine is passed out I guess)  Not sure if you get a chance of random gear when using the chain.


I think all you should need for the naked rape option is to have Coveted checked in the MCM, I haven't had that on lately.


I think I've had the slavery from the strong hand dialogue trigger on some else once, haven't had the collar lately either, didn't notice it being repeatable though but I may not have tried a second time.



Well, after restarting the game and loading the savegame everything works fine, except the Innkeeper in Ivarstead continues to enslave innocent girls.


Joining Factions at the end of the enslavement can make this game become very peaceful, only the Dragons, the Falmer , Springgan and the Animals will continue to attack you if you manage to be enslaved one time by every other Faction or is there a limit of how many Factions you can join? I dont know if its possible to switch to a faction instead of joining a faction. At the moment the Vampires and the Bandits ignore me because i'm member of the Vampirefaction (without being a Vampire) and the Banditsfaction (without being a Bandit).

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Ok, tried it again, very few CTD. This time i don't tried to play normal, but instead i played in sort of a "What happens if i do that?" style. After my first enslavement i slept and landed in Sanguine's Dreamworld, there i talked to him but i did NOT ask him to let me go, i just wanted to see what happens if i stay a while. Well, nothing happened, so i wandered around and found a chain somewhere, pulled it (while my hands were bound together on my back) and landed in the Meadery near Whiterun. Seems like i found the secret Teleporter of Sanguine.


Then i added Sanguine's Collar to my inventory (with player.additem). Nobody will see me naked or will rape me if i don't wear that Collar (maybe it would be a good idea to force the PC to wear it and lock it after the first visit of Sanguine's Dreamworld, if that is possible?) and only if i wear that Collar i have the chat option to ask for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..")


Then i found a funny bug (not sure if its a bug in SD+ or sort of a hiccup in the game). I was in Ivarstead, entered the Vilemyr Inn, put on Sanguine's Collar and asked the Innkeeper for enslavement ("I need a strong hand..."), he said yes, then i could read that i'm enslaved, but the girl which serves the drinks and plays the lute was stripped, was wearing a collar and bindings and was then fucked by the Innkeeper, then i loaded a savegame from before i asked the Innkeeper again and could repeat this "game" again and again.


So, after a few hours i was enslaved 7 times, visited the Dreamworld only 1 time and found only 1 bug (that thing in Ivarstead). I will later travel back to Ivarstead and will try this again, just to be sure that its really a bug.


Edit: Just started the game and checked if the bug happens again and yes, the Innkeeper in Ivarstead will enslave another girl if the PC asks for it, but now some people can see the PC naked and rape her, so Sanguine's Collar isn't needed for that. Only the Chatoption "I need a strong hand..." is still missing without wearing that Collar.


You'll randomly receive some items from Sanguine when he sends you back, sometimes you get the collar and can use that for the strong hand dialogue.


The chain is meant as a failsafe.  (in case Sanguine is passed out I guess)  Not sure if you get a chance of random gear when using the chain.


I think all you should need for the naked rape option is to have Coveted checked in the MCM, I haven't had that on lately.


I think I've had the slavery from the strong hand dialogue trigger on some else once, haven't had the collar lately either, didn't notice it being repeatable though but I may not have tried a second time.



Well, after restarting the game and loading the savegame everything works fine, except the Innkeeper in Ivarstead continues to enslave innocent girls.


Joining Factions at the end of the enslavement can make this game become very peaceful, only the Dragons, the Falmer , Springgan and the Animals will continue to attack you if you manage to be enslaved one time by every other Faction or is there a limit of how many Factions you can join? I dont know if its possible to switch to a faction instead of joining a faction. At the moment the Vampires and the Bandits ignore me because i'm member of the Vampirefaction (without being a Vampire) and the Banditsfaction (without being a Bandit).



Maybe that guy in Ivarstead is just that kind of guy :)


One idea I want to explore with Factions is to make joinable factions expire over time (unless your Master is still following you).


I am very quiet for now ... very busy RL and spending the little time I have on Skyrim to fix issues with the new Death Alternative integration. I am trying to figure out the best way to write a quest compatible with DA.


I can register the quest with DA's menu system, and trigger the quests correctly... problem is that the effect of the death quests do not always trigger fully because I am still missing something. I get the message that my own DA quest is kicking in... but sometimes nothing happens. More work to do...


It is worth the effort though... integration with DA will give you an instant mechanism to turn off features you do not want (like spriggan enslavement or even most visits to Dreamworld).

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Hey guys, got the mod working and i'm loving it, real good work but i'm just running into a probably really simple problem. I'm trying to add in my own custom slave outfit and it tells me to go into Meshes/_SD_/......so on and so forth but the problem is when i look into my meshes folder in skyrim i can't find a _SD_ folder, it just isn't there. Any idea what the problem is as the rest of the mod works perfectly fine

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Any ideas on this?  I used TIM to bypass a temporary bug on another mod, had SD+1.15 installed and from that point on I could die again and never went back to the dreamworld.


So I performed a clean uninstall using the MCM option and then installed 1.16.  No dreamworld and can die again even though the mod has been started correctly and claims to be running.

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Hey guys, got the mod working and i'm loving it, real good work but i'm just running into a probably really simple problem. I'm trying to add in my own custom slave outfit and it tells me to go into Meshes/_SD_/......so on and so forth but the problem is when i look into my meshes folder in skyrim i can't find a _SD_ folder, it just isn't there. Any idea what the problem is as the rest of the mod works perfectly fine


To customize the slave outfit, you have to create that folder.


The default folder is included inside the bsa file. You can extract it from there if you prefer but creating it from scratch is ok too.

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amazing mod but when i made a new game

enslavement failed on hit ...and thugs continue to hit me..any solution ??

somthing strange i noticed after being hit and getting Ripe for enslavement note..i get my health regenerated ..is this the problem ??


Usually scripts lagging or some other enslavement/rape mod getting in the way.


If it's not another mod I can usually fix this in my game by editing the papyrus setting in skyrim.ini.  But I'd try the new save cleaner first if you've been adding and removing mods to an save or just remove/disable some script intensive mods.  Nobody seems to agree on what the settings do or what the whether you should change them at all so your milelage may vary.   I usually just try raising the tasklet/update budget setting by small amounts until thing are working better.



Try increasing each by .2 and load up a game and try surrendering to an enemy, rinse & repeat.


thanx for support ..but i got a nice face character in that save any idea how to transfer her face to ne game ??

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Ruined how?  If you die when uninstalling you can use the tim command in the console to toggle immortality on before uninstalling.  If you keep dying afterward there is a fix in a seperate file on the original SD page.

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Ruined how?  If you die when uninstalling you can use the tim command in the console to toggle immortality on before uninstalling.  If you keep dying afterward there is a fix in a seperate file on the original SD page.

got an old save game i want to use ..the save game works great ..but the is only one problem it cannot be launched without the SD mod if i unchecked this mod in mod manger and load this save game it crashes ..

and when i try to enter the mcm SD menu i can't access the menu only an image of red rose shows to me ..so is there anyway to disable the mod while playing in console command and reinstall it again normally ??

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Hi Skyrimll,


Mord Sif and me did some brainstorming.

Is the "force into RaceMenu" still integrated? So why not adding brandings into SD.


I've downloaded Dovahkiin Branded (tint masks) and edited one to be an overlay. The concept looks like this:



click on the image to enlarge




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Hi Skyrimll,


Mord Sif and me did some brainstorming.

Is the "force into RaceMenu" still integrated? So why not adding brandings into SD.




Well, your Owner will nicely ask you if you want to change your look, not really "forced" to do this. I would love it if  the owner could change the hair and haircolor without asking me for example (i dont know if that is even possible).


Another "Problem" is that no NPC will really rape you, its more like forced but "normal" sex. I can see the difference because i changed the settings in Sexlab so that my spouse will not use the rape animation or another "brutal" animation and any attacker would use the aggressive animations only. This is not a problem in SD+ only, as far as i know only Sexlab Submit will use the aggressive animations.

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Ruined how?  If you die when uninstalling you can use the tim command in the console to toggle immortality on before uninstalling.  If you keep dying afterward there is a fix in a seperate file on the original SD page.

got an old save game i want to use ..the save game works great ..but the is only one problem it cannot be launched without the SD mod if i unchecked this mod in mod manger and load this save game it crashes ..

and when i try to enter the mcm SD menu i can't access the menu only an image of red rose shows to me ..so is there anyway to disable the mod while playing in console command and reinstall it again normally ??



No other mods that require SD?  Like Compatibility patch for devious devices  (dd-sd1-compatibility-patch.esp) or a bashed patch or Dual Sheath patch that has SD as a master?


Edit. Oh wait, crash on loading save not main menu?  Try the new save game cleaner, load up your broken save, hit the "fix all #->" button and the "Fix Script Instances button" then save and try and load.

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