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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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I'll post this instead of edit the first one


So, after like 30 more seconds since I posted about how my char. gets insta-heal. It decided to work for some reason. The screen fade to black, my char. is tied up but no collar. From then to now, I still don't know how the script works in appointing a master, because my char's master is someone that is actually far from her. Yes, he uses bow & arrow but I thought you made it so that it is basically impossible to be enslaved by them. She was stabbed by 1 guy & shot at by 4 guys, 1 of the 4 guys became her master so yeah... I saw you mentioned that the reason sex after enslavement is gone is so that some other things like whipping could happen. I don't know about other people, but nothing happened to my char. at all. I was being optimistic by waiting for about 5 minutes, still nothing happened. So I want to see if my char. can just get up & run away, and it turns out she can.



But hey, the dialogue works, it seems Death Alternative also spawned in some NPCs on their own. I have no idea what they are going to do because they immediately ran away & stand still in the corner.

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If you push the K key with the console active (` key) it still reads that as a surrender attempt and brings up the to agressor, sanguine, resist box - realised why i kept seeing the message when i was trying to cheat in some black smithing ingredients on the black smithing menu

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Because of the insta-heal. I spawn bindings on my char. to get the "I need a strong hand" thing to work. A lot of whipping going on there. Since your mod make events random so I don't know what's up with that. Please option also resulted in whipping, passive dialogue also resulted in whipping as well. I also found something interesting, my char. can slide around while dancing. Other than that, her master will run away during the dance, making my char. can run away by not running away. They are in Whiterun so it must not be about aggressive level.

Oh, the NPC that is her master is from a Real Traders mod, so maybe it's their relationship level?

Other than that, seems Sexlab will still only play Normal animations again. Appropos & Victim knows the sex is supposed to be a rape so it's OK, I'll have the aggressive ones on Normal then.

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how to start/ get into sanguine's world ? :-)


That should be in the manual but here it is again.


You can get to Dreamworld after you have been enslaved once, escaped and slept once after that.


The 'surrender to sanguine' option will not teleport you to Dreamworld if you have not gone through the above sequence first.

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Because of the insta-heal. I spawn bindings on my char. to get the "I need a strong hand" thing to work. A lot of whipping going on there. Since your mod make events random so I don't know what's up with that. Please option also resulted in whipping, passive dialogue also resulted in whipping as well. I also found something interesting, my char. can slide around while dancing. Other than that, her master will run away during the dance, making my char. can run away by not running away. They are in Whiterun so it must not be about aggressive level.

Oh, the NPC that is her master is from a Real Traders mod, so maybe it's their relationship level?

Other than that, seems Sexlab will still only play Normal animations again. Appropos & Victim knows the sex is supposed to be a rape so it's OK, I'll have the aggressive ones on Normal then.


Passive vs anger dialogues is what I will be working on next.


The ranged limit has been removed by the switch to DA. Distant NPCs with magic or arrows can now enslave you.

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I've noticed that my inventory tends to not be removed, and during animations, a strap on keeps getting added out of nowhere. But I did find a work-around for now! Just had to leave Limited Removal in SD+ unchecked, and the Strap on option in sexlab  unchecked too. That seems to work for now. Other than that, it's working wonderfully for me! Also, that manual was immensely helpful for figuring out how to deal with DA.

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Gave the pdf a quick read. So I have to use Defeat as well? Now I'm depressed lol


So I tried this version again 1 more time to see if anything will happen when after char. is enslaved. It did, whipping! Seems like whipping is the main thing of this version lol.


I'd be lying if I said I am not aware of people who asked for Death Alternative integration, but I don't like it, that mod itself ruins the stake of losing for me that's why I never bothered to use it. SD increases the stake of losing which is why I like it. But with Death Alternative, my char. can crawl away when she's defeated? No fun at all. (Plus that she'll only be whipped for losing makes it even less fun) OK, I know I can increase the bleed out damage multiplier now but my char. can still try to run away then. Again, not fun. If it's a seamless integration, I would've welcomed it. As in, the enslavement still works like it did before Death Alternative, but now with other options from Death Alternative. But I get it, it's still in the works, still lots of things to be done, I guess I'll reinstall the old version until the next update.

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Gave the pdf a quick read. So I have to use Defeat as well? Now I'm depressed lol


So I tried this version again 1 more time to see if anything will happen when after char. is enslaved. It did, whipping! Seems like whipping is the main thing of this version lol.


I'd be lying if I said I am not aware of people who asked for Death Alternative integration, but I don't like it, that mod itself ruins the stake of losing for me that's why I never bothered to use it. SD increases the stake of losing which is why I like it. But with Death Alternative, my char. can crawl away when she's defeated? No fun at all. (Plus that she'll only be whipped for losing makes it even less fun) OK, I know I can increase the bleed out damage multiplier now but my char. can still try to run away then. Again, not fun. If it's a seamless integration, I would've welcomed it. As in, the enslavement still works like it did before Death Alternative, but now with other options from Death Alternative. But I get it, it's still in the works, still lots of things to be done, I guess I'll reinstall the old version until the next update.


DA scenarios are completely configurable.. you can disable them and only keep SD's enslavement if you don't like the rest.


I can assure you that whipping is not the only option when you are enslaved. 

Actually, the options are still the same as 1.16, so going back to that version will not give you a better experience once you are enslaved.


I am just about to post a new release with a few fixes for what has been reported since Friday. You may want to give that one a look before uninstalling it.

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Still fiddling around with DA settings, and not having as much time to play/test as I'd prefer, but a couple of things that seem not to be working as intended:


1-DA's get your stuff back quest always triggers and runs, even when I got my stuff back from Sanguine, there will be a merchant who has no gear but says they have and I have to go through dialog of paying them 0 septims to get the quest to complete


2-trying to get killed-> sent to dreamworld... using animals that don't enslave etc... I have friendly set to 100% in DA MCM and every other option except SD Dreamworld turned off and/or set to 0% with the SD option at 100%, but still, 4 of 5 times I just got moved a bit away from the hostile critters after blackscreen and not sent to sanguine.


Going to take some time to get used to DA (didn't start ahead of time), but, I think, long-run it will be quite cool.


Had some issues with Defeat, but, reading that board, seems that they may be internal to it, waiting for smarter folk than I to clarify.


I like that Sanguine wanders around his realm some now. Like Bunkhouse basement. Coveted seems to be working quite well. Only tried Dance a time or two and I think that other npcs were out of range and once, even my owner didn't want any... forced dance + forced masturbation ;)  that'll teach me to think I'm important.


Thanks lots Skyrimll. Looking forward to the new master/slave stuff too, but, all your effort is yielding sterling results.

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Version 2.01 is out with these changes:


- Added hidden Sanguine Shrine with a spectacular custom statue from @azmodan22 (Thanks!!)


Ratty meadery



- Improved compatibility with latest version of Devious Devices Assets (v2.7.5)

:: Updated slots values

:: Fixed issue with DD collar during enslavement

- Added chance of rape/ whipping/ punishment scene immediately after enslavement

:: To make up from removing rape during enslavement

- Added missing punishments after failed escape attempts and failed pickpocket

- Added missing confirmation from the menu when clicking on SafeWord.


- Fixed: Bad % label on 'chance of enslavement' menu

- Fixed: Changed default value for Chance of Enslavement in SD menu to 100% to avoid confusions at the beginning

- Fixed: DA enslavement scenario stealing items twice - once by DA and once by Sanguine

:: Left only the Sanguine option

- Fixed: Removed some useless message spam about objective updates 

:: Made useless by removal of demerits as a direct measure of progress

- Fixed: Whore and client positions are reversed. Client appears bound for a while before sex.

- Fixed: Hitting the K key in the console will not display the Surrender menu anymore

- Fixed: Updated ambiguous text on Surrender menu

:: The K menu is more about getting you unstuck in the middle of combat than automatically submitting to your aggressor (DA handles submission).

- Fixed: Situation where Devious Devices would not be detected by SD housekeeping because they were still processed by DDi housekeeping after being taken out of inventory by Sanguine.

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I just noticed an odd bug. Whenever I approach someone with the 'You look all alone." dialog, after the animation starts, the enslaved PC is in the aggressor role instead of the victim role. Not unworkable, since I can just turn on Victims Redress and use the plus/equals key to switch the actors, but it's still pretty odd. On the other hand, I no longer need to add gold to the NPCS pockets, which is nice. That was always a pain. 


EDIT: Lol, new update just as I'm typing this... xD

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I have a problem for when i get defeated by a springgan, everything works until a message pops up and says "you feel vines covering your body". i click ok and then it crashes the game. Help me please.


Do you have an advanced skeleton installed like XPMS?


Not having one is usually the cause of crash on Spriggan quest.

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I just noticed an odd bug. Whenever I approach someone with the 'You look all alone." dialog, after the animation starts, the enslaved PC is in the aggressor role instead of the victim role. Not unworkable, since I can just turn on Victims Redress and use the plus/equals key to switch the actors, but it's still pretty odd. On the other hand, I no longer need to add gold to the NPCS pockets, which is nice. That was always a pain.


That's fixed in 2.01 :)

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I just noticed an odd bug. Whenever I approach someone with the 'You look all alone." dialog, after the animation starts, the enslaved PC is in the aggressor role instead of the victim role. Not unworkable, since I can just turn on Victims Redress and use the plus/equals key to switch the actors, but it's still pretty odd. On the other hand, I no longer need to add gold to the NPCS pockets, which is nice. That was always a pain.


That's fixed in 2.01 :)


What wonderful timing! lol

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I've written a guide inspired by comments made here by SkyrimII on the difficulties he has Testing on his Heavilly Modded Game.


Mod Organizer for Mod Making/Testing even if playing using NMM or Wrye Bash


It's a general guide but explains how you can protect a playing game and do Mod Making/Testing the right way which is not on a heavily modded setup with many customised Tweaks and edits.



Only the Mods actually needed should be present,


More mods are added. In a controlled and systematic manner.


Anyway The guide is for all and anyone wanting proper testing proceedures for mod compatibility should check out the STEP Wiki they are the experts at multiple mod testing.

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Gave the pdf a quick read. So I have to use Defeat as well? Now I'm depressed lol


You don't *need* Defeat. The manual has that section because a lot of folks want features like combat sex and unarmed takedowns, and while Submit and Defeat both offer this, Defeat is the one that seems to have a better chance of playing nicely with SD+.


I tried to make that as clear as I could, both by sticking Defeat in the "Recommended" section of the download page, and by explaining it in the manual...but I suppose I should have expected that it would come off looking like Defeat was required to a certain degree.



...Unless you meant Death Alternative...In which case, ya, you need that.

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I would also like to report that weapon sheathing and re-drawing bug. It was not happening when I first downloaded and used the mod, so I can only guess that it must be due to some values changing from the normal base-line. Also, I'm using the XP32 skeleton. I searched around the forum a bit and I noticed that was a constant in the bug reports.


Can you elaborate?


I saw people reporting that issue in Hormones, not in SD.

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Hey, Skyrimll I've checked the PD and set the recommended configurations but when I get to bleedout and the dark red bar is completely diminished it goes black and loads a previous save, sometimes it even crashes. Please help.



Who/what is attacking you when this happens, TwistyReptile?


What is PD?

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