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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Problems I found on this version.
Seems like the slavery level is slower to progress after slavery level 3, it stops if my char chooses to remain a slave if she chooses it when "Can I go now" dialogue choice shows up.

Queue sex doesn't seem to work, 3somes & gangbangs work just fine though. Otherwise, the submit-resist pop up will keep showing up until sex starts.

The master-follower looks like a very easy way for my char to free herself. She asks her master to follow her after she chooses to remain a slave in the "Can I go now" her master's inventory.

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For some odd reason after updating the camera continually switches to third person. I'm not sure why... its a Clean save and I always add mods slowly. I have FNIS sexy move installed already and i tried disabling Slavetats EventBridge to no avail. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or how to fix this? I'm completely stumped..


This started happening a while ago and I have zero idea why.

It is not happening on my game. I am using Immersive First Person and that does seem to help (some people reported fixing it by installing IFP).




Great job, your mod have been a lot of fun since a long time and I really love it :)


I would like to report a bug.  It is the first time I see that so it is probably related to the new patch or one of the previous one.  It is with the falmers and only if I am enslaved.   So as I said I am enslave, my falmer's owner decide to use me, a falmer animation is called (I see it in the top left corner) then it is replaced with a ZAP one.  My girl perform the animation fut the falmer don't move.  This does not occur if I am not enslaved (match maker or bestiality rape).  I also use Sexlab tools and when pressing H there is no other animation than the ZAP one playing while if I am not enslave I can go through all the flamer one I have available and I have a lot (FB, Anubs and other....).   Thing is it been a long time since I was enslave by falmer so I don't know when this could have started.  This does not occur with any other race enslaving me, only falmer and I have no falmer mod, so I'm at a lost her.  I'll try to get enslave again soon by a falmer to get you a papyrus, I need to get back anyway to get E.L.L.E some parts :D.


Thanks for the great mod. It is an awsome one ;).


Ok, I finally have a papyrus log.   The first time all went well... until my owner was killed by a giant :(:D got mix fillings about that one :lol:.  I moved to another place to get some Centurion dynamo core and the problem came back with some zap animation (Stile a Falmer problem, all other "former" :lol: owner had their animation good... and died tragically :lol:).  The papyrus log is attached, hope this help :).



That issue with Falmer animations is an issue with Zaz Animation Pack and Devious Devices.


Install the latest version of Devious Devices Integration and disable the animation filter for now. 

I don't know if it was fixed yet in the latest version but disabling the filter is now possible in the latest version (and should improve the animation issue).



Thanks for the reply :).  I will try that tonight and let you know.


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With the latest update I can't get enslaved or surrender, it seems like the whole mod just isn't working. Any idea why this is?

Check the text in red in the second post of this thread. Chances are that will help with your issue.


Ah thanks, didn't see that, I'll give it a try!

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Skyrimll, I hope you are not against some shared opinions, how the mod feels to me. Are you planning to add more things for player to do and impact on how slavery is going? Like give a purpose on farming gold for the master except for standing or buying your way from the slavery? It would be awesome if on the money you gathered master could buy some toys, outfits, crosses, wooden ponies and other stuff and force you to use it for his own amusement. Or even move to the special dungeon if you farm something about 50000 septims for him/her. Having more than one slave in his "harem" and depends on your actions she could also dominate you or being your sub when mistress/master is not looking.Also right now it feels too sandboxy, master is not telling you what to do if you dont ask or force him by insults.

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For some reason this mod just isn't working for me, I've got all the requirements (including the Fnis sexy move thing but that didn't solve the problem) but for some reason I just can't seem to get enslaved when I'm defeated and the '\|' key (which is for some reason registered to the '~#' key on my computer) doesn't do anything. I had this mod before and it worked fine, but I uninstalled it and reset my game to vanilla (cause reasons) and when I decided to reinstall the mod although it seems to have installed correctly but it isn't functioning correctly, what can I do???

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Your collar compells you to drop your weapon when attacking your owner.  Spamming this box over and over even tho I never attacked him. coming off clean saves and all that jazz.  Owner punishes me over and over while spamming this box 100s of times.

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Yeah all these pop boxes for the punishments have ruined the mod for me.  I am going back to 3.51 because it had smooth transitions and was just really great.  This is just spamming me with pop up boxes for everything that happens and it has ruined the entirety of the immersion.  Gameplay should not be disrupted in this fashon.  There are much better ways than these popout boxes and I really hope in a future version you do away with them.

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Bro. There's a button that lets u edit posts.


No need 2 spam



Like seriously this has ruined the entire mod for me.

Yeah all these pop boxes for the punishments have ruined the mod for me.  I am going back to 3.51 because it had smooth transitions and was just really great.  This is just spamming me with pop up boxes for everything that happens and it has ruined the entirety of the immersion.  Gameplay should not be disrupted in this fashon.  There are much better ways than these popout boxes and I really hope in a future version you do away with them.


Your collar compells you to drop your weapon when attacking your owner.  Spamming this box over and over even tho I never attacked him. coming off clean saves and all that jazz.  Owner punishes me over and over while spamming this box 100s of times.

Dat irony tho
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Your collar compells you to drop your weapon when attacking your owner.  Spamming this box over and over even tho I never attacked him. coming off clean saves and all that jazz.  Owner punishes me over and over while spamming this box 100s of times.


Are you certain it's just SD+ that's the problem? It sounds more like something else is attacking your owner and being attributed to you. A hostile cloak spell of some sort perhaps?

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Love the mod but having a bit of difficulty getting into slavery mode. I have FNIS sexymoves installed, however I can select surrender to an enemy but it just spams SDSurrender and then never enables the slavery portion of SD. It's a new save so I know it can't be that. I've attached the files and would love some help in getting this to work. 

I've tried to surrender to a giant a few times and he keeps hitting my PC and I either trigger DA or Simple slavery and not SD slavery. I know I have it set high enough in SD so it should trigger but its not. Please take a look at my logs and let me know what I'm doing wrong I'd love to know! 


Thanks a bunch!! 




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love the mod a lot but i have a lille problem with it my female wont open her mount when she is have the wooden bit gags on can any one help me with it or is it just a bug ? :)


ps ... ok i think it is a bug ..i have try all the others gag from Devious Devices and the ZaZ one and the all work but wooden bit gag dosent work  

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Hey having a weird bug in the SD+ Flowering Spriggan Quest. At the part where i should get the head/mask item it works but its not showing on the character model at all the item only shows in the inventory. Also the armor makes my body textures look bit weird/mismatched like when i use wrong body type armor even thou i use CBBE and checked it in the MCM menu also.

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I love the concept of this mod though I cant seem to make any of the features work. I never end up enslaved when defeated and even after reaching lvl 14 and completing the normal Sanguine quest I cant seem to make it to the dream world. And whenever I use the surrender/submit hotkey nothing happens. Perhaps I am doing something wrong and just dont know it, but is there anyone with a idea how to fix this so it runs right?

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So umm along with the TFC cheat problem, I found another bug I think.


The crawl animation doesn't seem to like when I walk left, because I immediately stand up until I'm done moving left.  I have PCEA but they're all deactivated.


Oh, also when I'm force-fed skooma one of my mods, I think either RND or Requiem, adds a random stumble to being high/drunk.  If I stumble while raped all hell breaks loose and it looks like a N64 cart tilt, and I'm completely stuck on the ground unable to do anything at all until I reload an older save. I dunno what do think about that.  I'll have to look in my mod menus, or save scum.

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So umm along with the TFC cheat problem, I found another bug I think.


The crawl animation doesn't seem to like when I walk left, because I immediately stand up until I'm done moving left.  I have PCEA but they're all deactivated.


Oh, also when I'm force-fed skooma one of my mods, I think either RND or Requiem, adds a random stumble to being high/drunk.  If I stumble while raped all hell breaks loose and it looks like a N64 cart tilt, and I'm completely stuck on the ground unable to do anything at all until I reload an older save. I dunno what do think about that.  I'll have to look in my mod menus, or save scum.


I'm actually still not sure what you were talking about with the TFC problem. It apparently caused you problems once but doesn't any more? Does "not animating" mean not during a sex scene, not during punishment, not moving, or T-pose? Are you certain that was SD+ causing the problem?


As for skooma, are you using Skooma Whore? I haven't used RND or Requiem, and I'm sure other mods forcefeed skooma from time to time, but Skooma Whore is the only one I'm familiar with.


Anyway, mod interaction like this unfortunately happens often. Sexlab doesn't prevent any other mods from triggering animations. My guess is in that case that Sexlab started the animation, another mod triggered a different one, stopping Sexlab's animation that never technically finished, so Sexlab never released control. IIRC there's an option in the Sexlab MCM to force-quit animations and return control to the player, but I might be thinking of a different mod...


To prevent this in the future, it'd actually be up to the other mod's author to not trigger any animations while a Sexlab thread is open. Which IIRC Skooma Whore already does, so I guess it's not that one after all. ;)

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I'm actually still not sure what you were talking about with the TFC problem. It apparently caused you problems once but doesn't any more? Does "not animating" mean not during a sex scene, not during punishment, not moving, or T-pose? Are you certain that was SD+ causing the problem?


As for skooma, are you using Skooma Whore? I haven't used RND or Requiem, and I'm sure other mods forcefeed skooma from time to time, but Skooma Whore is the only one I'm familiar with.


Anyway, mod interaction like this unfortunately happens often. Sexlab doesn't prevent any other mods from triggering animations. My guess is in that case that Sexlab started the animation, another mod triggered a different one, stopping Sexlab's animation that never technically finished, so Sexlab never released control. IIRC there's an option in the Sexlab MCM to force-quit animations and return control to the player, but I might be thinking of a different mod...


To prevent this in the future, it'd actually be up to the other mod's author to not trigger any animations while a Sexlab thread is open. Which IIRC Skooma Whore already does, so I guess it's not that one after all. ;)



I mean no scene playing.  If I use the TFC cheat to look around while enslaved, but with no scene playing, it doesn't work and instead disables my mouse input.  I tested it a lot and only being enslaved causes it.  If I TFC cheat while not enslaved it works normally.  If I TFC cheat wduring a scene and while enslaved, it works normally.


The other problem.  Um no I don't have skooma whore.  In SD+ if the captor is a real douchebag and you ask for food he'll occasionally drug you instead.  Actually not sure if it's SD+ or that dialog mod, but that dialog mod is a requirement for SD+ otherwise I don't think anything will even bring up the "master?" topic?


Anyways I tried EPC cheat but no luck. I was flying through the void and bouncing all over the interior cell ragdolling but I was still alive.  It's bizarre.

What I'll probably just have to do is save often and scum getting fed because otherwise I'll croak because I can't leave the dungeon.  Gettin captured by bandits has to be one of the worst things I've tried in Skyrim.

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I mean no scene playing.  If I use the TFC cheat to look around while enslaved, but with no scene playing, it doesn't work and instead disables my mouse input.  I tested it a lot and only being enslaved causes it.  If I TFC cheat while not enslaved it works normally.  If I TFC cheat wduring a scene and while enslaved, it works normally.


The other problem.  Um no I don't have skooma whore.  In SD+ if the captor is a real douchebag and you ask for food he'll occasionally drug you instead.  Actually not sure if it's SD+ or that dialog mod, but that dialog mod is a requirement for SD+ otherwise I don't think anything will even bring up the "master?" topic?


Anyways I tried EPC cheat but no luck. I was flying through the void and bouncing all over the interior cell ragdolling but I was still alive.  It's bizarre.

What I'll probably just have to do is save often and scum getting fed because otherwise I'll croak because I can't leave the dungeon.  Gettin captured by bandits has to be one of the worst things I've tried in Skyrim.



I suppose the freeflying camera thing might be connected to the first/third person switching problem somehow.


As to your being force-drugged, that might happen with SD+, yes. I thought only creatures did that though, but I might be mistaken. Animals often don't know exactly what they're giving you - if you ask for a drink, all a troll knows is that humans drink from bottles, so you might get skooma, beer, a damage health poison, etcetera. :)

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Ok, so a while ago I posted here about a problem I had with error messages when entering Dreamworld.


Turns out I forgot to install DD expansion.

The error is gone, but I'm not constrained when entering Dreamworld.


Am I stupid? 


Is the player even meant to be constrained when entering Dreamworld?


And surrender doesn't work. Nothing happens when pressing the surrender key.

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