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SexoutSlavers - Enslave NPC and enjoy (deprecated)

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Been playing a bit with the mod and the slaves get stuck in some way after being broken. The result is that whatever you tell them they always try to get back to the barrel in the camp.


If you order them to follow close, they walk back to the camp for a while then teleport to the player and then start walking back to the camp, repeating the same over and over.


Telling them to stay at a beacon doesn't work as they also walk back to the camp. Also the only dailog option at a beacon is to stay near it. Don't know if any other are already in the mod, but is so none show up in the dialog options.



The more the mod advance the less there will be stuck problems. Concerning the follow-close it's abnormal, normally it is managed as a priority, try to set Slavers Life V2 last in load order. For now there are few options and no dialog cause I want to secure things step by step. In the next version (today I think) you'll can manage slaves by dialog.



ok with new version going good so far.


the armor that keeps being reequiped are...........


also noticed that they npc keep trying to go back to their orignal spots. looked at their inventory and they still had the d202 training ended item on them. when i removed it from them they stoped trying to go back. also some of the npc keep having the animation tokens staying on them. would be nice to have a item to reset the npc to try to fix any errors like that.


also are u using those hollow rocks at the burning can and the garden for beacons for them to stay around?


also hope u add a option to have the player to be able to donate sperm.



@ prometheus normaly that happens when there are either script errors,mod conflict and u close to your limit on running scripts. try removing some stuff u dont use that uses scripts.



may be due to the slaver mod my sunny companion mod dont work now. well it works but she wont follow u around she always goes home. not sure if slavery mod or not doing it. it worked fine under v1



may have found a very  major problem. all the slaves that i got pregnat myself and not thru the baby maker not showing stomache growth.


on the ones reequiping armor seems that all the ones that reequiping are soilders and mercanarys. so far normal npc not reequiping



Armor respawning is normal. All sort of items (weapons, ammos, ....) respawns on slaves but you don't see the cause I remove them quickly (see the MCM options, all sort of item removing is optional). For armor it is deactivated by defaut cause many modders use armors as tokens executing scripts so if I remove armors I break all mods using them.


I have a double security cause I never remove a quest item. But there is the risk a modder forgot to set a token as quest item.


So checking in McM armor removing is at your own risk, depends of mods you use. The problem with misc items is the same but there are less risks and I checked the option by default.


For the D202TrainingEnded token, it's corrected in the next version. For the sex anims sometimes broken I manage that too, I remove the tokens regulary but perhaps I missed one.


Yes hollow rocks are fixed beacons at camp.


Option to donate sperm is in the game, set a male at sperm maker and he will do the job every 4 hours. See the terminal to have instructions and to see the stock of sperms.


For Sunny, try to set the McM options for removing clothes and for removing Misc OFF to see if she works better. 


Concerning pregnancy i'll see that, but I'm surprised cause e.g. Halstrom token are secure.




Sadly by now only Oblivion seems to have a fair amount of well-done enslavement-mods, as well as a PC-Slaver-Mod (Bravil Underground).


But as you I am quite baffled that by now nobody had tried to create something like Paradise Falls or, even cooler, the Raider's main hideout Evergreen Falls, for New Vegas. Where your toon gets enslaved and, through a series of quests, mistreatments and abuse etc tries to get free again. Or not. As you I myself quite dislike the mods where your enslavement only consists of your toon tied and getting fucked now and then, while your master wanders aimlessly around. Boring. But if Sanguines Debauchery 2 eventually surfaces (it seems all there work goes into that, so no more support for SD1) it might be more to our liking...


But the amount of work involved into a really immersive enslavement-mod...well, I'll just say I cannot mod by I guess it would take a lot of commitment to do something like Player Slave Encounter (Oblivion) for Fallout NV...


As for the mod featured here: It looks quite promising, and I guess at one point I'll give it a try to see what it all contains, though yeah, I prefer my toon to be on the other side of the cattle-prod  :angel:  And apologees for derailing the thread a bit...


I loved Bravil underground and some other mods I don't remamber the names, like the dog brothel and all the pregnancy mods. My objective is to be the nearest from these mods but it's difficult cause I don't work well all graphical things and for coding NVSE is unfinished and lack some options. I did ask for HELP in the title but it seems that the mod community in FNV is now considerably small.


I blocked V1 cause the base method I used (classic one with scripted tokens on each NPC) generate too more lag when your game advance. I now dev with quests which control the jobs and work on one slave at a time and I tested at camp with 50+ slaves and 6 job controllers working with no lag.


For now I reintroduce all fonctionalities from V1 to V2, secure all that and after the first complete stable version I will be open to any ideas :)

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on the armors the armors that are being reequiiped are stock armors ncr and leather. the only changes to the armor are that the meshes have been changed for sexout pregnacey which dont think ncr is changed but leather is.


on the pregnacey nto showing was working before u added the set babymaker. i have to play a bit more to see if the ones not set as babymakers show. maybe its the symboiote costom. at first i had that checked on in the mcm but unchecked it later. they still ohave the symbiote on them. maybe its blocking the body shape. they are pregnate just not showing. that may be what it is or maybe since they where not impregnated by doc the slavers mod is not regestering it. their arm things show they pregnate just not showing so something blocking it showing only can think of the symboite. im about to play some more ill check the ones i didnt set to babymaker to see. cause cant manualy remove the symbiote it doesnt show as clothes.


yeah mod runs much better than v1. in v1 could only have around 10 in any given area or start lagging.


even if u dont have other modders to help u still got me using it and reportng. also since i play skyrim with 255 mods yes max mods im good at finding which mods cause problems most times lol.



ok they showing preggy now seems the symbiote costom is messign with it a bit.



on the hollow rock point wouldnt it be better to have the one where the baby makers be set more back closer to the fire pit instead?

when checking all their inventorys found this token on 1 d202toksexendcausebug 43.

found one other bug. when i deactivated then removed a beacon with 2 slaves on it once went back to camp they lost the ablity to stay at camp but would stay at another beacon if i set one up. probaly just the script for staying at the beacon hanging.


when i meant pc donating sperm i mean yourself. ill see if im doing it wrong when tried it ealier was no option for myself to donate.

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Concerning pregnancy, inseminated by doctor, inseminated automaticaly as baby makers or having normal sex don't change anything, I just add sperm and cum in the slave and let Sexout Pregnancy do the job. The risk may be I remove an item needed by SO Preg,


Another risk is to wear a non SO Preg agreed clothe, check to remove their clothes.


I'll check.

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Version 1-9-0-3 : attached at this post


  • managing most slaves option by dialog
  • corrected bug making sometimes slaves order to rest don't choose the good beacon
  • adding player sex with slaves, with choice. (Oral seem broken, I'll see that later)
  • added prostitutes (for now they don't do anything cause all the part of management is to dev)
  • beacons you place are now automatically activated
  • corrected the problem of belly size not showing when wearing rags or prostitutes outfits (see note after list)
  • corrected the placement which permits to order to be baby-maker. you must now be at camp near medical center
  • babymakers wears now lactating item at the second trimester of pregnancy (milk is not yet managed)
  • corrected minor bugs

Please read all topics of information in terminal.



Note : concerning belly size growing, don't forget that only clothes recognized by SO Pregnancy permits that (see SO Preg doc). If your NPC may have a big belly size and don't show it, try to make her nude and wait a few minutes.


For now all management concerning caps and food is not developped, will be next week. I tryed to add in the mod all graphical items before doing that.


Note that mod is now a .esm so please insert it last in load order and play with a fresh game to avoid bugs from previous versions.


This week-end I'll play with the mod to note all bugs I encounter. Please post if you found some :)




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This may sound really stupid but i cant figure out how to enslave someone (injecting? how?). 

In V1 of SL you would just go up to someone sleeping, after completing the quest i don't see radio collars in my inventory and the mezzing drug is in misc and i cant reverse pickpocket. I'm sure i'm just missing something. 

Anyway I've rewritten some of the dialogue and would be interested to hear what you think.




Suggested Dialogue Changes:

NPC Dialogue



"What about slavery" -> "What is your opinion on slavery?"

  • "It's a mysterious question" -> "What a curious question?" OR "What a strange question?"

"What do you think of slavers?" -> "What is your opinion about slavers?" OR "So what do you think about those who enslave others?"


"Slavery is a very bad thing. Slavers are evils" -> "Slavers disgust me, I can't think of anyone more evil!"


"Slavery is a bad thing. I don't like slavers very much." -> "Slavery is horrible, why would anyone do such a thing to another person?"


"I don't think slavery really exists." -> " "Slavery" is just something the NCR uses to scare little children about the Legion" 


"Slavers are courageous cause a lot of people hate them." -> "Ahh, those who understand that some are made to serve" OR "I appreciate a person who doesn't moralise property"


"I'm a slaver and need to talk with you"



  • "So you'll die !" -> "You wont leave here alive scum!" OR "I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!"


"What if i told you i knew where you could buy some slaves?"

  • "I'm not people you search." -> "Take your sales-pitch elsewhere." OR "I think you have the wrong person." OR "I'm not interested."


"Good, shall we discuss business?"

  • 'What about ?' -> "Yes lets talk."

"Become an ally for me, you'll pay the slaves lesser price and can rape them as you want"


"Form an alliance with me, ill give you a better deal and you are free to do what you want with the merchandise"

  • "I look forward to doing business with you"


"Form an alliance with me, ill give you a better deal and you are free to do what you want with the merchandise"

  • "I have to refuse, i'm not interested in forming any alliances"



Intendent Dialogue (I think you mean Attendant)



"Who are you?"

  • "I'm the intendent of this camp" -> "I'm the attendant of this camp"

"What do you do here?"

  • "For now, nothing, everybody is dead and there is no more caps to do anything. The camp must be reactivated." -> "My primary functions are currently limited, camp reactivation sequence must be initiated"

"How could i reactivate the camp" -> "How do i 'reactivate' the camp?"

  • "It seems solar generator is down. You may try to add a new fission battery to restart it." -> "PROCESSING......... Solar generators - Status: MALFUNCTIONING, Fission cells depleted and need replacing"

"Solar generator is now active. And now?" -> "I've fixed the solar generators, what should i do now?"

  • "I'll execute orders you'll give by terminal and alert you if something is lacking" -> "Preform reactivation sequence at camp terminal"



Reactivation Note



The reactivation process will take some time. The corpses left here will be useful in replenishing our food supplies and we will sell their possessions to gain some start-up caps. Items can be placed in the garbage container which will then be sold by the camp attendant to provide additional revenue.

Remember: The camp will cease to function correctly if funds run out!
For the camp to gain profits we need to restore our network of clients. The primary purchasers of Human Flesh was the White Glove Society and the Crimson Caravan bought our Animal Meat.
Raiders were our main customers for human stock, make sure to not ask them what they do with them.
It is important to keep your eyes open for potential customers, the Mohave is full of opportunities. 
After re-establishing your trade network, details of orders can be found at this terminal.
A note has been added to your inventory explaining what you need to know. Additionally some drugs and collars have also been added, more can be purchased after production lines are stable.
To use the drug, either give a laced drink or directly inject, once mezzed you can enslave the target. That is, if your still alive.

That is all I've rewritten so far if you are interested in me doing more after reading that id be happy to.



  1. Cazadores kill the Intendent and NCR ranger.
  2. Shelf mesh inside terminal.
  3. Cant enter blue tents.
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Enslaving a NPC must be done by left-shift Activate a character while hidden.


Caution, it's an agression and NPC will enter in combat. There is an optional debug option which permits injecting without agression.


After injecting wait a few seconds and the NPC is mezzed. You can now enslave it with left-shift activate. (you have also a cheating option in McM for tests which makes the drug act immediatly).



Making .esm seems to have activated many problems with two majors so I give in this post the .esp version to test.


Majors problems with the .esm :

 - half the work I did ti make the camp as desappeared so I'll move the camp elsewhere (for example Cazadors may be out)

 - some NPC once enslaved don't engage dialog when activated. I'll manage that.


For now do tests with the .esp version attached here to avoid problems and really test (after deactivating the .esm)


Thanks for the dialogs, my english is very bad.




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if u gonna move the camp why not move it over to that hole close to the that cross memorial jus make it almost like a player house.


only other place i know thats got decent enough flat ground would be over at the good springs headwaters. where cass teaches u how to cook.


imo getting all the features to work before u move camp is more important right now.

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An idea would be to turn the camp into a facility or prison. "Slave jail reloaded" has some interesting features and a really interesting quest to show you where it is (and take it over), i think it "babysits" your slaves for you so that may be a way to get around the beacons.

Id understand if you were set on an over-world camp but it would make the mod a lot more compatible to just add an entrance to a complex (like paradise halls for skyrim).


Im with sidfu though, as you said you were not that good at the visual designing element it would be better to focus on the coding functionality.

Really like where this mod is going and gonna look into trying to design a facility for you although i've never done this before i have some basic 3D and animation skills.

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There are constraints I must respect :

 - the first is that I'm not able to design interior cells :P

 - the second and the most important is that I think that Sexout Pregnancy scripts advance only when you are in the same cell or cells near.


So I must have a big camp in exterior with many activities for the player to do in and obligation to come often to make the female fertilities advance regulary.


More, don't forget many activities are planned. I must have a medical center with a place for sperm-givers, I must have a big field to make slaves at work to produce food, a place for butchers, many closed places to have many sorts of creatures for food and reproduction, ........


I found a flat place extreme north of the wasteland 



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i been that area its good but if u put it there u might want to add something for edfense there.


way i understand pregancy works is when not in same cell it keeps track of the preg timer only. once u enter the cell it updates the bodies. ive had preggys in differnt cells and gotten messages about misscarrage or mutation before.


also ive thought of one other feature to had for the selling. add a mark for sell thing so u dont sell the slaves u want to keep.on my game i enslave scripted npc also but its only after i do all quests they have a part of. the scripted ones would want to keep and not sell.

ive had no problem enslaving scripted npc so far with either v1 or v2. only npc that seem to cause issues are thouse in the enclosed cells like the differnt bases around the strip since some of them are destroyed on exit of that space. what happens on that is that the npc will keep trying to warp to u and warp ina nd out around u till game finaly destorys them.


newest verson getting a random crash when finishing sex with slave. might be cause slavers is fertilzing them instanly when u do that and causing a conflict with the preg mod which is a percentage chance.


forgot to mention latest patch the npc reequipping armor has stoped.


yep random crash when finish sex thru dialog with slave. it doesnt do it every time and so far its only been on to impregnate them.ok its any type of sex seems like even when use the rape one still random crash when finish. since dont do t but on slaves that are in ova seems like its from the new update

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Couldn't you just integrate sexoutsex compatibility as it seems to have its own handle for slave sex dialogue with slaves from "slavery simple"?

As i said i am making a facility for you atm with the following concept:

OK so different Vaults had different rules or set ups, A Psychotic vault-tech employee managed to set up a secret vault and make himself overseer.
This vault was run as a slave colony once all the residents had arrived the vault the overseer released a knockout agent (your mezzing drug) into the air system and then put collars on all the residents.

His plan was to have complete control of the vault but eventually they ran out of food, so he started breaking the will of a few residents and training them to be "doctors" and "butchers" so that he could breed his own food and have a never ending supply of people to control.

Eventually the Overseer gets so old that the people in the vault who were not "broken" managed to kill him in his sleep and escape en mass.


Ok so this is where the player comes in, the player hears about this vault through a radio transmission stuck on loop asking for help when they goes to the vault they find a deactivated robot which they then repair, who explains that it serves the overseer (the robot thinks the player is the overseer) the player then has to repair the vault generator so that they can access the overseers terminal which has information on the collar crafting process as well as the recipe for the mezzing drug (also history ect of the vault).

The player can then go to the surface and enslave people and send them to the vault, they can hire people from the various factions to work for them (legion guards/Rogue NCR outlaws/ fiends ect/ mad doctors who want "test subjects") as well as set up a surface camp near the entrance where food can be grown and collected).

This means that the mod will have potential to expand and grow, adding features such as improving the vault which will give incentive to come back (like in After school special) unique npcs, a backstory, lots of "prison space", a medical facility ect ect the possibilities go on and on.

Slavery simple has a mechanic that let you explode collars and would be cool to add too.


In regards to the pregnancy script im sure there is a way to get it working on npcs not in the current cell, perhaps talk to Halstrom about it?

Anyway this is all just an idea and i'm still working on the facility, id be interested in helping with this project.

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the preg just tracks the days when they not in cell far as i know. when u enter the cell while loading it will update their bodies.only bad thing abou ti updating when u zone in is can cause crashes due to if u have to many npc there. for preg npc more than 10 in 1 cell like a player house starts causing lag and crashes. also they npc ai scripts start acting up and they start warping around.


if u want ideas for the base look at tye yagtez memorial player house. basicaly what u describing for the slave base its just like it.


right now he needs to get all features in and working also before he supoer focus on base. right now the most major bug is random crash when personaly imprenating any slave.

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Yeah, I was sort of stuffed there, if I paused the scripts then the lag was huge catching up, and if they had babies while the player was elsewhere they were lost, so I let them run but pause the birthing process. I'm slowing the scripts down to 1/2 hour steps too improve things. The catchup should only be major after fast travel, sleep or wait

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sounds good fallout nv cant handle as many scripts as skyrim can. also the nv engine if funky in everyones top limit is differnent. for me4 140 mods before nv starts acting up yet a freind has a way better comp ane he cant have ut 80.


wouldnt the problem with random crash when impreg a slave be causes by the slavers mod trying too instantly fertlize them but the preg mod saying its a chance causing a conflict?


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I'll have a look at the yangtze player base as you suggested, building the facility may be a fun project to do over the holiday break  :lol: 


the yagz base is nice. i dont use it now cause  currntly there is some bug in it. but it can give u a idea for a upgradeable base.

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Couldn't you just integrate sexoutsex compatibility as it seems to have its own handle for slave sex dialogue with slaves from "slavery simple"?


You will be able to have sex with slaves in the first version. Later you'll be able to order a slave to have sex with another.



As i said i am making a facility for you atm with the following concept:


Noted for future dev. For now the starting quest is done and you will be quickly the master of the camp.


My plan is to deliver a finished stable standalone mod which can be used for add-ons like this.



the preg just tracks the days when they not in cell far as i know. when u enter the cell while loading it will update their bodies.only bad thing abou ti updating when u zone in is can cause crashes due to if u have to many npc there. for preg npc more than 10 in 1 cell like a player house starts causing lag and crashes. also they npc ai scripts start acting up and they start warping around.


sounds good fallout nv cant handle as many scripts as skyrim can. also the nv engine if funky in everyones top limit is differnent. for me4 140 mods before nv starts acting up yet a freind has a way better comp ane he cant have ut 80.


Clearly. When you run scripts on items thay all start working when you enter the cell and are parallelized. This cause lag and it's for these reason I work with formlists and quests permanently doing job one by one on each slave one by one. I never (or rarely) do job on more than one slave at a time. 



Yeah, I was sort of stuffed there, if I paused the scripts then the lag was huge catching up, and if they had babies while the player was elsewhere they were lost, so I let them run but pause the birthing process. I'm slowing the scripts down to 1/2 hour steps too improve things. The catchup should only be major after fast travel, sleep or wait


I worked like that in v1 with many token installed on slaves and doing one job each. I stopped the v1 whern I saw the number of item I had on each slave and that half my code was used to manage delais :D


Typically my problem with pregnancy is this one, for example for baby makers :


A babymakers is automaticaly inseminated when having ovas. So if I quit the camp when she have not ova and if I come back for example 7 days later, I can have missed the ovulation time.

When a baby-maker give birth I want to get the baby to stock it in a frezzed time container (a congelator :P) for future use. If I am to long far of the camp I can miss the birth and comme back when offspring is here.


So I must have the player to regulary come at the camp and rest a few hours. The other way I can work is pirating SO Preg :P to make my babymakers fertility cycle advance when I am not here but I don't  want to do that.



For now the camp is redone, I'm working on forcing dialog for NPC which don't have one. I'll surely deliver a version in current day, I must finish that and test that all is working when transformed in .esm






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Version 1-9-0-4 : attached at this post


  • camp modified
  • initial quest modified
  • corrected a bug making training time too short
  • forcing greetings on NPC without dialog
  • changing some texts in dialogs and notes (thanks to Master.Moox )

I think I can deliver you this version but be cautious it can contains bugs due to changing the camp place.


Begin a fresh start please to test.



Note :

  • anims on the doctor and butcher are not in
  • manual insemination is not in


Please read all topics of information in terminal.



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I worked like that in v1 with many token installed on slaves and doing one job each. I stopped the v1 whern I saw the number of item I had on each slave and that half my code was used to manage delais :D


Typically my problem with pregnancy is this one, for example for baby makers :


A babymakers is automaticaly inseminated when having ovas. So if I quit the camp when she have not ova and if I come back for example 7 days later, I can have missed the ovulation time.

When a baby-maker give birth I want to get the baby to stock it in a frezzed time container (a congelator :P) for future use. If I am to long far of the camp I can miss the birth and comme back when offspring is here.


So I must have the player to regulary come at the camp and rest a few hours. The other way I can work is pirating SO Preg :P to make my babymakers fertility cycle advance when I am not here but I don't  want to do that.



For now the camp is redone, I'm working on forcing dialog for NPC which don't have one. I'll surely deliver a version in current day, I must finish that and test that all is working when transformed in .esm


Hmm, I'll look into it, Fertility cycle should still advance on NPC's not in the Players cell, maybe there's a problem with adding the ova token, I thought the only thing I had blocked was birthing.

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I just looked through all the code and all I was doing was pausing the main birthing script when it detected the player was out of the cell. Fertility & Pregnancy scripts should run normaly and hence cause no lag catching up, what may make it look like it's not running is I only show NPC debug messages if they are within 900 units of the player.

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so far new version no bugs but for the random crash on sex with slave and yes its only with slaves the crash happens. seems to only happen when they in ova.


Don't you have the same thing with other sex mods (try sexoutkey for example) ?



I just looked through all the code and all I was doing was pausing the main birthing script when it detected the player was out of the cell. Fertility & Pregnancy scripts should run normaly and hence cause no lag catching up, what may make it look like it's not running is I only show NPC debug messages if they are within 900 units of the player.


Thanks, Halstrom, I'll a second time, must have missed something ay my first quick look.


Analysing file logs is something hard when file log is too large :P 

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