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SexoutSlavers - Enslave NPC and enjoy (deprecated)

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Due to the volume and diversity of things to do on SexoutSlavers2 to reach a final version (and the fact that I underestimated some times to realize :P ) I stop all support on this mod.


I deleted the files and returned it in WIP but if someone wants to take the mod I can provide it, the only requirement I ask to continue or modify the mod is to change the name so that there is no confusion with SexoutSlavers2.

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SexoutSlavers is designed to handle slavery in Fallout New Vegas from taking control of a character to its sale or make it at work.


SexoutSlavers will also require you to manage the maintenance of a slave camp, with its employees, so you have to manage the budget in capsules and food if you want the camp continues to operate.


Another major feature in SexoutSlavers is farming slaves, human or not, to permanently have stock for sale to run the camp. If you have the required age to read this forum you'll quickly understand how it works.


You can enslave a character or creature by injecting a special drug while sneaking or by making him drink the drug. Caution, injecting drug is an aggression and character enters in combat mode.


Once the character is mezzed, it is at your disposal and you can make it a slave, always being hidden. It will follow you and obey the orders you give it by talking to him.


As the will of the slave is not broken, you can only give him simple commands, so you must quickly bring it to camp to break his will. Once the will of the slave is broken you can order him to perform some tasks, depending on gender and age (see after).


Broken or not, you can sell any slave if you find a buyer. In the wasteland not everybody as the same thoughts on slavery so some will buy slave but some people will hate you.


Detailed instructions for each features are given in game in a note you gain when finishing the first quest and by reading the information pages on the camp terminal.


Here is a small list of features available, most options are modifiable by McM (Menu Configuration Manager) :

  • a beginning quest guide you to the slavers camp.
  • you can access inventory of all your slaves.
  • you can enslave humans and creatures and, if animation exists, force male humans or creature to have sex with a female human slave for reproduction.
  • you can, if animation exists, have forced sex with any slave, human or creature, with choice of the type of the action.
  • you can force any human slave or any human allied character to wear a pipboy. If a pipboy is on a human female it will change color if she have ova or if she is pregnant.
  • you can choose what you remove or add on a just enslaved NPC. The same for a NPC in training and some others.
  • you can choose what you want to remove systematically on every slaves. For example letting them with weapons is not a good idea.
  • you have in the camp some beacons where you can order the slaves to wait, forcing them a choice in 3 different radius.
  • you can place (and remove) 10 mobile exterior beacons and 10 interior beacons. They work the same as beacons of the camp.
  • you can choice a beacon to be the container of all items recovered on slaves, when enslaving and when respawning on slave.
  • you can gain a trade agreement with White Gloves Society. When quest finished you'll receive regularly order from them.


When you finish the first quest and reactivate the camp you receive a note and 3 items :

  • one to have permanent access to the camp stats
  • one to place mobile exterior beacon
  • one to place mobile interior beacon
A broken slave can, in addition to be sold, do the following tasks :
  • work at camp to produce food, drugs and collars. The daily quantity of each depends of the number of slaves at work. Collars and drugs can be buyed at the attendant.
  • if male, work at camp to produce sperm. Caution, you need an active doctor at camp to collect and conserve the sperm.
  • If female, work at camp as baby-maker. She will be automatically inseminated on each ovulation if there is sufficient stock of sperm and there is an active doctor at camp.
  • Male or female, it can be a prostitute near a mobile beacon you placed. Caution, the caps gained depends on the number of customers, Atomic Rush is a better place than Goodsprings Saloon.
The camps permits you, by the terminal, to recruit some employees :
  • corpses harvester can be called by radio when you want them to collect a corpse. They will get and sell all items you leave on the corpse and give the caps to the camp attendant. They will get the corpse and give it to the butchers.
  • butchers transform the corpses harvested in food
  • doctor collect the sperm produced and automatically inseminate baby-makers
  • attendant survey the production lines (food, collars and drugs) and sell you the items
  • prostitutes surveyor survey the yields of the prostitutes and collect the caps for the camp. Without them you may collect caps yourself.
  • creature managers survey the creatures parked at camp
  • guards ....................... guard the camp

Interactions with characters :

  • for some operation you must activate the character or creature while sneaking (inject drug, enslave, ...)
  • to give order to slaves you must engage dialogue
  • if character or creature don't support dialogue or if slave options don't appear in dialogue, you have a magic key permitting to force a special dialogue (default key is 'D', can be modified in McM).
  • to interact with a placed beacon, you must use 'left-shit'+activate (E)

Slaves production : (new)

  • you can produce new slave by using pregancy as normal, Slave female having vaginal sex during ovulation cant become pregnant. It's the only way for now to have non-human babies.
  • you can produce new slaves by cloning and freeze ova, sperm, babies by the doctor. Collect sperm by affecting sperm-makers, collect ova by having female slave ovulating at camp and speak with the doctor when stock is ok.



CAUTION : don't forget that when you sell a slave it completely disappear from the game so you can broke some quests if you sell some quest NPC.




Requirements :

  • SexoutNG - Core 2.6.81
  • Sexout Common Resource 
  • Sexout Pregnancy  20131028.1 with datas 20130422.1
  • Sexout ZAZ
  • A fresh save

All perfectly installed.


This mod uses intensively NX_Vars so never integrate this mod or any mod depending of it in a bashed patch.

For more informations on the subject read this.



SexoutDrugging is not a requirement but injecting drug on an unconscious character is easier :)


Good game :)



CAUTION : some characters from some mods don't support well enslaving so they can broke SexoutSlavers. The mod contains control procedures and monitoring and sometimes you will be alerted that you did lost a slave (become invalid). It's often the last (or one of the last enslaved) and the problem often happens after cell changing (fast travel or door) so make saves before changing cell.

There is nothing I know to do to resolve that.

Sometime the monitor won't be able to solve the problem and you will be alerted to restart from a previous save.



SexoutSlavers uses no meshe or texture for the characters.


If you have any abnormalities on the characters (transparency or red exclamation point ) you have not correctly installed a prerequisite (eg Sexout Common Resource) . In this case reinstall the proper prerequisites or disable dressing affected by MCM in SexoutSlavers .

No support on this issue will be dealt with here.


Don't forget to read THE tutorial by ritualclarity

[Tutorial] Installation of Sexout Common Resources (SCR)




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FAQ, tips and spoils


I don't find anything near the gas station to advance the first quest

Tip : search for a corpse to loot

The corpse is behing the gas station. Loot it



I don't have a fission battery to activate the solar generator

Tip : search in camp if you find one or go to a vendor to buy one

There is one in the desk supporting the terminal



I can't manage the camp, it's to hard to begin

Tip : First you'll need food, collar and drugs, don't waste your firsts collars

The first thing to do is to have slaves at work, they will produce food, collars and drugs



How can I harvest corpse

Tip : You must recruit at terminal some corpse harvesters and you'll have a new option when activating corpses while sneaking.


How can I train slave

Tip : You can't train slaves by yourself. You must take them near the training beacon at camp and order them to train. The apparels are automatic.

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I release this first alpha version to give you an idea of ​​the type of mod I want to do at long term.


WARNING: This first version is not fully functional but just there to begin testing and report bugs on the parts already developed.


I need and I'll really need alpha and beta testers, do not be shy !!!


In this version you can :

 - find the slaver's camp and become the master, following the starting quest.

 - enslave some chars

 - begin training on them to broke them

 - have a lot of informations by a terminal at camp

 - order to some male slaves to be sperm-giver at camp

 - have a female slave inseminated by a doctor at camp

 - dialog with people about slavery. Beware, all won't react the same.


I need tests and bug infos on progressions of operations from the beginning and on the anims in the camp.


I return to work on the continuation :)


I forget to say that designers who want help are welcome ...

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Great concept. May I ask something? I know it's not my place to make suggestions. It's your mod and I respect that.


My suggestion is will there be any chance to reverse this idea role wise? Make the PC the slave and the NPC the master(s). If that was the case your mod would be outstanding. This is just my opinion though. :P

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Great concept. May I ask something? I know it's not my place to make suggestions. It's your mod and I respect that.


My suggestion is will there be any chance to reverse this idea role wise? Make the PC the slave and the NPC the master(s). If that was the case your mod would be outstanding. This is just my opinion though. :P


There are other mods here which permit the PC to be enslaved :)


This mod will handle the slavery of NPC and that revolves around, like selling slaves for many uses including cannibalism, create slaves according to orders placed by customers ...

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u know ill help; u test it.  it was perfect timing since had to restart my game for fonv since changed some stuff with my mods.


dont forget to list the changes from v1 to v2 so know what changes are and what to expect.


only thing i see so far is that the quest to add the battery to solar panels bugs. even before u complte it it goes into completed.


also add the option for the pc to be the sperm donar. on my game its only women i  enslave. right now onlooy problem i have is cant figure out how to have them come harvest bodies and animals



had my becons bug out if  i reloaded a save near them dont know why.

also add a note on who to go to to be able to sell slaves

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First it will not be compatible with v1, I completly changed the method I manage slaves, so it's better to start a dedicated save to do the tests.


I'll look a the battery think, I repered some bugs with the terminal initialisation, I'll correct that quickly.


For beacons, I do not know, it's in place but I have not tested much, for the moment I want to focus on the camp and make it work perfectly.


I foresee a lot of features, that's why I booked 2 posts for the doc, but I will develop gradually because I want that each is well tested.


I also want a mod that is not too easy even if a lot of documentation will be provided by the terminal or by notes given to the player.


For example, to instruct a slave to be a sperm-giver you must be close to the medical centre of the camp. I do not want to put a big sign saying "this is here",  I want the player to think about a bit and discussed with employees. Same for the slaves at work, there is a field with plants to grow, they will work here. Same for having a slave inseminated, speak to the doctor.


I must constantly seek balance between difficulty and user-friendly.


For now, a part of factionning is in place. While a slaver, you'll see different reaction speking to the NPC. Some will be indifferent, somme will attach you and other will accept to become allies. Here too, I don't want the mod spoil all, the trick is the more a faction is close to the NCR and the less it like slavery.


For now you can't sell slaves but the more a NPC will be slavers-freindly and the more it will be a potential buyer. Other will place order to have fresh human flesh. I think you know in game a restaurant giving human meat to eat :)


But all that is not to test, only what is indicated in the second post must be tested principally the camp and it's animations. I tryed with 20+ slaves and had no lag for example.


The next steps will be simple slave selling, prostitutes and corpses harvesters, don't know in which order I'll integrate. I'll add fonctionalities in the post as I integrate them and done a minimum test.


Thanks for your answer.

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thanks for clearing up what u wanted tested that helps alot.


1.  remove that toilet from base slaves keep trying to go sit and stay for days in it.

2.  the slaves in my game at base only stay around the fire barrel at the toilet.

3.  if u assign a slave a job like baby maker cant chose another job.

4.  the base fridges are marked as red so get neg karma if u take from them

5. u cant sneak and drug them at same time. so makes it hard to capture hostiles.

6.  out of 40-50 npc i tried to give a druged  drink they all reject it(dont know if its in or not yet)

7. change how u power the solar array. was only luck i found it. i was looking for a electrical type box but was just a rock on base lol.

8. the butcher table is hovering causing the butcher to get stuck in middle of it sometimes.

9. there is a occasional crash when i enslaved a child(may be mod conflict not sure doesnt happen every time)

10.  remove the move along text from the bot if u can its way annoying every time he walks by u he says it.


thats all i see so far. gonna test the beacons some. i placed one  in sload but couldnt get a activate message. was gonna bring slave to test it but game froze on loading zone(not your mods fault).  ill see on my next enslave ment if i can put a slave there.

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thanks for clearing up what u wanted tested that helps alot.


1.  remove that toilet from base slaves keep trying to go sit and stay for days in it.

2.  the slaves in my game at base only stay around the fire barrel at the toilet.

3.  if u assign a slave a job like baby maker cant chose another job.

4.  the base fridges are marked as red so get neg karma if u take from them

5. u cant sneak and drug them at same time. so makes it hard to capture hostiles.

6.  out of 40-50 npc i tried to give a druged  drink they all reject it(dont know if its in or not yet)

7. change how u power the solar array. was only luck i found it. i was looking for a electrical type box but was just a rock on base lol.

8. the butcher table is hovering causing the butcher to get stuck in middle of it sometimes.

9. there is a occasional crash when i enslaved a child(may be mod conflict not sure doesnt happen every time)

10.  remove the move along text from the bot if u can its way annoying every time he walks by u he says it.


thats all i see so far. gonna test the beacons some. i placed one  in sload but couldnt get a activate message. was gonna bring slave to test it but game froze on loading zone(not your mods fault).  ill see on my next enslave ment if i can put a slave there.


1 - ever the same problem with packages in Fallout, specially with sandbox package, they works a moment and after a time they stop. I corrected that in next version by forcing and EvaluatePackage every 2 hours, if it doesn't do the job i'll change to 1 hour or 30 mn.

2 - same, must be corrected in next version

3 - there are no baby maker in v2. Don't play the 2 versions together you'll have problems, there are really different mods.

4 - They are owned by the doctor, you don't need to act with them, they store the sperms and babies frozen.

5 - The process to enslave is to inject drug while sneaking, waiting the NPC to be mezzed and enslave it. Injecting drug is an agression and NPC will start combat. You have 1 or 2 seconds to retreat before it begin to search you. (you also have a debug entry permitting injection whitout considering agression and a MCM cheating option making drug acting immediatly).

6 - Yes, it is active but there is a calculation (with a random part) based on many parameters so it's harder, near impossible at the beginning, and will be easier at you advance in level or when you find NPC who trust you. Don't try at goodsprings, they hate slavers :P


;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating chance to add a drink

set iTargetVal to 0
set D202QstTopNonSlaves.bWillAttack to 0
debugPrint "Begin dialog with %i %n" rTarget rTarget

set iTargetKarma to rTarget.getAV Karma
debugPrint "Karma %g" iTargetKarma
set iTargetConfidence to rTarget.getAV Confidence
debugPrint "Confidence %g" iTargetConfidence

set iTmpVal to rTarget.getAV Perception
debugPrint "Perception %g" iTmpVal
set iTargetVal to iTargetVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to rTarget.getAV Intelligence
debugPrint "Intelligence %g" iTmpVal
set iTargetVal to iTargetVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to rTarget.getAV Luck
debugPrint "Luck %g" iTmpVal
set iTargetVal to iTargetVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to rTarget.getAV Survival
debugPrint "Survival %g" iTmpVal
set iTargetVal to iTargetVal + iTmpVal 

debugPrint "Target val %g" iTargetVal

set iPlayerKarma to Player.getAV Karma
debugPrint "Karma %g" iPlayerKarma
set iPlayerVal to 0
set iTmpVal to player.getAV Perception
debugPrint "Perception %g" iTmpVal
set iPlayerVal to iPlayerVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to player.getAV Intelligence
debugPrint "Intelligence %g" iTmpVal
set iPlayerVal to iPlayerVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to player.getAV Luck
debugPrint "Luck %g" iTmpVal
set iPlayerVal to iPlayerVal + iTmpVal 
set iTmpVal to player.getAV Survival
debugPrint "Survival %g" iTmpVal
set iPlayerVal to iPlayerVal + iTmpVal 

debugPrint "Player val %g" iPlayerVal

set iTmpVal to player.getFactionRelation rTarget
debugPrint "getFactionRelation val %g" iTmpVal

set fLuckToDrink to ( iPlayerVal / iTargetVal )
if ( iTargetKarma >=0 && iPlayerKarma < 0 ) || ( iTargetKarma < 0 && iPlayerKarma >= 0 )
set fLuckToDrink to fLuckToDrink - 1
set iTmpVal to player.getFactionRelation rTarget
debugPrint "getFactionRelation val %g" iTmpVal
if (iTmpVal == 1)
set fLuckToDrink to fLuckToDrink -2
elseif (iTmpVal == 2)
set fLuckToDrink to fLuckToDrink +2
elseif (iTmpVal == 2)
set fLuckToDrink to fLuckToDrink +1
set fLuckToDrink to fLuckToDrink * 10
debugPrint "Luck val %f" fLuckToDrink
if (getRandompercent <= fLuckToDrink)
debugPrint "Will drink"
set D202QstTopNonSlaves.bWillDrink to 1
debugPrint "Will not drink"
set D202QstTopNonSlaves.bWillDrink to 0
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating chance to add a drink (end)



7 - You found it so it's ok ;)

8 - I'm very bad as this job of design. I'll try to correct that.

9 - For now didn't finish the child enslaving, I'll do that quick. Must be conflicting in your game with mod v1

10 - This must be corrected, the intendant now must only react when activated by the player.


Concerning the beacons you clearly must have a conflict between old mod and new. Play slaver's life v2 on a safe game without slaver's life v1.


New version to come, time I make the post to say what is corrected :)

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Version 1-9-0-1 : attached at this post


  • corrected the problems with the initial quest and completed some steps
  • moved the camp marker near the east gate to make it activate sooner
  • reduced the frequency of sperm-makers acting, don't want doctor dies cause of drowning
  • regrouped the informations on one unique top entry in terminal.
Please read all topics of information in terminal.
It contains all informations to how to do.
It's also contains what I have in mind, indicating what is avalaible now and what is under developpement and to come.
If you have others ideas, post here :)
edit: in this version you have illlimited caps, collars and drugs.
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i checked and have no files from the v1 slavers life installed. not a single file even a readme i delteed.


my test so far with the beacons failed. with the 1.9.0    wasnt getting a activation choice for the becons but could place them gonna try with new version see how it is.


ok after testing beacons they are buggy. u can place one down it work then the next not. also if u reload a save seems to break the beacons.




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do  u know any mods that might cause conflicts? maybe improved companin sandbox?



looking at the ss notice for whatever reason my guys dont plant new plants and use a broom over there.


btw how do u recommend captureing hostiles. even when put them to sleep or tought it out and drug them directly in combat they stayed hostile.

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For testing, to be well hidden, I use that : http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45002/?


Don't worry with enslaving hostiles at this time of test, you can have plenty of neutral easy NPC to enslave by typing in console 'coc ULGourmand' or 'coc MojaveOutPost' :)


You were right on the impossibility to have a NPC drink, I found a major bug.


I'll release a new version in the day with this bug and other minor ones corrected, permetting babymakers at camp and slave selling.

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Version 1-9-0-2 : attached at this post


  • corrected the problem which did that every NPC had the same dialog. Now they have different options if they like slavery or not.
  • removed some inadequate options on slaves
  • you can now sell slaves which are following you by engaging a dialog with someone well disposed. It will choice a slave following you and pay.
  • you can set babymakers at camp. They will be automaticaly inseminated (see terminal for more infos)

Please read all topics of information in terminal.



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ncr seems to be mostly the scarf they where and occasionaly their armor the others are leathers armors. the khan dont always reequip thou.


on latest update is it a patch or complte file since its onoy 63kb vs 1.3mb for original?



when i play in a bit again ill write down every item that reequips and ill post it.


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Been playing a bit with the mod and the slaves get stuck in some way after being broken. The result is that whatever you tell them they always try to get back to the barrel in the camp.


If you order them to follow close, they walk back to the camp for a while then teleport to the player and then start walking back to the camp, repeating the same over and over.


Telling them to stay at a beacon doesn't work as they also walk back to the camp. Also the only dailog option at a beacon is to stay near it. Don't know if any other are already in the mod, but is so none show up in the dialog options.

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ok with new version going good so far.


the armor that keeps being reequiped are



1. ncr face wrap armor

2. ncr trooper armor

3. ncr bandoler armor


 crimsion caravan

1. leather armor


also noticed that they npc keep trying to go back to their orignal spots. looked at their inventory and they still had the d202 training ended item on them. when i removed it from them they stoped trying to go back. also some of the npc keep having the animation tokens staying on them. would be nice to have a item to reset the npc to try to fix any errors like that.


also are u using those hollow rocks at the burning can and the garden for beacons for them to stay around?


also hope u add a option to have the player to be able to donate sperm.



@ prometheus normaly that happens when there are either script errors,mod conflict and u close to your limit on running scripts. try removing some stuff u dont use that uses scripts.



may be due to the slaver mod my sunny companion mod dont work now. well it works but she wont follow u around she always goes home. not sure if slavery mod or not doing it. it worked fine under v1



may have found a very  major problem. all the slaves that i got pregnat myself and not thru the baby maker not showing stomache growth.


on the ones reequiping armor seems that all the ones that reequiping are soilders and mercanarys. so far normal npc not reequiping

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Great concept. May I ask something? I know it's not my place to make suggestions. It's your mod and I respect that.


My suggestion is will there be any chance to reverse this idea role wise? Make the PC the slave and the NPC the master(s). If that was the case your mod would be outstanding. This is just my opinion though. :P


There are other mods here which permit the PC to be enslaved :)


This mod will handle the slavery of NPC and that revolves around, like selling slaves for many uses including cannibalism, create slaves according to orders placed by customers ...



Well, if thats not your intention I wont try to change your mind BUT:

As far as I know the only mod that has some kind of slavery implemented is Sanguines debauchery. And.. with all due respect, that mods sucks. Its filled with bugs, and the masters dont do anything but the vanilla stuff (which is mostly patrol and start a conversation with a fellow bandit / whatever). from time to time they will hit / fuck you.. thats it.


I wont expand on it since this is not the place for it but what I am trying to say is:

There is no decent slavery mod where you are the slave, and I would gues there are quite a few players (like me) just waiting for one such mod =)

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Well, if thats not your intention I wont try to change your mind BUT:

As far as I know the only mod that has some kind of slavery implemented is Sanguines debauchery. And.. with all due respect, that mods sucks. Its filled with bugs, and the masters dont do anything but the vanilla stuff (which is mostly patrol and start a conversation with a fellow bandit / whatever). from time to time they will hit / fuck you.. thats it.


I wont expand on it since this is not the place for it but what I am trying to say is:

There is no decent slavery mod where you are the slave, and I would gues there are quite a few players (like me) just waiting for one such mod =)



Well, just for the record: Sanguines Debauchery is for Skyrim, not Fallout. New Vegas e.g. has the Tryout-Plugins, which have some enslavement-content, Mavias Dom/Sub + Legion Fortress, the Sewer-Slave-Plugin, and even the Breeder-Plugins feature heavily on enslavement-scenarios. Though, granted, it could be a bit more fleshed-out alltogether...


Sadly by now only Oblivion seems to have a fair amount of well-done enslavement-mods, as well as a PC-Slaver-Mod (Bravil Underground).


But as you I am quite baffled that by now nobody had tried to create something like Paradise Falls or, even cooler, the Raider's main hideout Evergreen Falls, for New Vegas. Where your toon gets enslaved and, through a series of quests, mistreatments and abuse etc tries to get free again. Or not. As you I myself quite dislike the mods where your enslavement only consists of your toon tied and getting fucked now and then, while your master wanders aimlessly around. Boring. But if Sanguines Debauchery 2 eventually surfaces (it seems all there work goes into that, so no more support for SD1) it might be more to our liking...


But the amount of work involved into a really immersive enslavement-mod...well, I'll just say I cannot mod by I guess it would take a lot of commitment to do something like Player Slave Encounter (Oblivion) for Fallout NV...


As for the mod featured here: It looks quite promising, and I guess at one point I'll give it a try to see what it all contains, though yeah, I prefer my toon to be on the other side of the cattle-prod :angel:  And apologees for derailing the thread a bit...

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