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[Mod][Wip] Beeing Female (For Ssl 1.5)


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Sounds like you would appreciate the Hentai Pregnancy mod much more. Try that instead.



I do appreciate it, it's the one I use at the moment (just found this one out), but if this mod allows to toggle features on and off it would make a much better framework for any mod that involves any kind of pregnancy. For example, it would satisfy both Procreation and Hentai Pregnancy users, if you can "turn" it into either one by switching stuff on and off, and you could even make Estrus Chaurus dependant of it for the pregnancy phases.


I would prefer Hentai Pregnancy for this for its simplicity, since menstruation, miscarrigages, etc, could be added as add-ons to it, but I think it'd be better to have a single pregnancy mod instead of four that aren't compatible between each other, like in the case of Hentai Pregnancy and Estrus Chaurus, and this one seems more complete.

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milzschnitte said he would use the StorageUtil plugin in next version or soon. That would also allow stuff like:


StorageUtil.GetIntValue(akTarget, "IsPregnant") != 0 ; target is pregnant


Any mod could do this without adding this mod as a requirement. Would be really cool to make a framework like this that other mods can use and modify.

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For the past week or so, I have been busy fiddling around with this mod and editing it to my taste.


Originally I simply set out to correct the seemingly ever-so-present grammatical and spelling mistakes in the menu and notifications. But when I started to look into Skyrim modding and scripting, I got hooked up on it pretty soon, and ended up tweaking your mod (and a couple of others I am using for my current playthorugh, just because now I know how!) to a considerable degree.


Therefore, not only am I grateful to you for sharing your mod with us, but also for making me take up modding myself. Thank you so much, milzschnitte!



Now, please allow me to list a few of the things I added purely for my enjoyment (as well as for learning how to script in Papyrus), and some thoughts and ideas I came up with. Maybe you will find some of them useful, or even incorporate a few into the official version of the mod; if not, please disregard this as me nagging.


(Fair warning: Wall of Text incoming.)




  • Immersive Notifications

    I added more notifications about things my character might notice about her cycle, pretty much as you did for when a guy is cumming inside her. For example, she might notice when she is ovulating or on her period, or when she'd missed her period entirely. But instead of simply throwing these notifications out there whenever the corresponding event triggers, I added a random chance to most of them; maybe my PC will notice, maybe she won't. (Guess what would be her reaction if my PC had had her period but didn't notice...)

    I hooked these notifications into the low-level message tier, but it might be a good idea to give them their own if you where to add them to the official mod.

  • More and More Varied Effects on an Unborn's Health

    I am still trying to figure out how best to do this, but I split up the spells that where having a negative effect on an unborn child's health into seperate groups with varying effects, such that weak alcohol like ale will have a reduced effect whereas potent liquor like Black-Briar Reserve will do more damage. I gave drugs seperate groups, too, and made them almost lethal to the unborn. (Read: Don't do drugs, especially not when pregnant!) Next on my list are poison effects.

    On the positive end, I made healing spells and potions heal the unborn a bit as well, with stronger ones having a stronger effect.

    I figured that while a child is within its mother's womb, it should be affected by all effects on her, both positive and negative. (Plus, I hated it when my PC lost her first child because she had a run-in with a brutish orc bandit and there was nothing I could do about it... Healing magic to the rescue from now on!)

  • Male Potency

    I added a potency rating to sperm. I set it up to diminish over time, according to the sperm duration setting. Furthermore, the rating can be reduced by a random percentage by washing it out (influenced by the wash-out chance setting), which of course will become increasingly difficult the more time has passed since intercourse.

    The potency rating is used to determine who will be a child's father, with more potent sperm (at the time of fertilization) having a greater chance at succeeding.

    For now, each rating's value is determined purely by chance when adding sperm, but I intend to add modifiers taking into account the male's race's virility, the compatability of both the male's and the female's races, and maybe even tie it to the male's arousal level (using SexLab Aroused).

  • Variable Phase Lengths

    I haven't had time to implement this one yet, but I plan to make the phases of the females' cycle have variable lengths, such that, for example, during one cycle menstruation phase would be a bit longer, during another it would be a bit shorter. It just doesn't seem right to have them the exact same length, down to the very minute, every single time...

  • Randomization

    You surely have noticed that I mentioned adding randomization and variance to some elements of your mod, because in my eyes that is what it (that is, the beta release you published) is lacking.

    Now, I understand that from a developmental point of view it is beneficial to know the exact length of a given phase or whether or not a certain event will trigger, but I would humbly suggest that you think about leaving a few more things to chance. It adds to the overall enjoyment not to know exactly what will happen next. At least for me, that is...

  • Damage and Perks

    I had an idea about the perks reducing the damage done while giving birth. How about you make them rewards for giving birth and/or for completing certain quest, like consulting a midwife?

    The first tier could be awarded i) when the PC consults with a healer/midwife of some sort (alchemists, priests, etc. Danica in Whiterun comes to mind.) about childbirth, maybe does a little quest (Although I have no idea yet what that could or should involve...), and/or ii) when giving birth the first time. The rationale to the latter is, that the first birth is often the hardest as the female body has yet to fully adapt itself, and the future mother's personal inexperience and resulting fears only add to her sensibility. Further tiers could be awarded for giving birth multiple times and/or by completing additional quests.

    This would neatly circumvent an issue that arises when one uses other mods that alter the perk trees as well, because in this case the damage reduction perks could be inaccessible. Without the perks, multiple childbirth in its current form is almost surely bound to be lethal to the mother. Same goes for mods that reduce or even eliminate automatic health regeneration, like many of the overhaul mods do.

    I was playing with my favourite mods, which replace the standard perk trees, so I couldn't take the damage reduction. Although my character was lying down in a bed and had her full 270 HP when birthing started, she would suffer so much damage that she died bearing the second child; even when reloading over and over again, she would die invariably, although sometimes she got as far as the third child, yay!

    I could have lowered the damage level in the settings, sure, (In fact, I went a step further and edited the damage values themselves.) but "Normal" setting shouldn't mean "Doomed to die when unlucky enough to be pregnant with more than one child" in my eyes.

    So, to give anybody's PC a chance to survie, it would be a good idea to i) reduce the birthing damage, ii) make it scale with the PC's current health, iii) make it stop at 1 HP, such that at the very least it won't be lethal anymore, and/or iv) make the perks (or other damage-reducing options) available to the player. A combination of (slightly) reduced damage and rewardable perks (or other damage-reducing options) would seem the best solution to me, since unassisted childbirth could cause the mother's death.





All in all, you did a terrific job. The overall architecture is solid and although I encountered a bug occasionally, I am enjoying my current playthrough with this mod immensely.


Come to think of bugs... I would gladly report on the ones I found, but to my shame I forgot to take notes before I squished them while adding my alterations. Maybe I will do a diff and get back to you, but then again, I am having too much fun playing Skyrim again, which to a great degree is your fault, so...


If you were interested in the alterations I made, however, maybe as a starting point for your own take on my suggestions *hint*, just leave me a message and I will send it to you.



Well, I am looking forward to the next (beta) release. Keep up the good work!

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I found a bunch of new bugs.


New sperm was not being added. Deleting Beeing Female and reinstalling fixed that problem.


After that I got a new problem, I couldn't become pregnant! Even with the conception chance set to 100%. Also worth noting with this problem is that the old sperms which were past their expiration date were not being deleted but the mod counted the correct number of viable sperm. I think it knows that the sperm were bad, but because it did not delete them those were the ones it tried to use which because they were bad would not allow the mod to make me pregnant.


When I used the debug method to make my character pregnant, the time between labor pains was between 1-2 days for each stage instead of 24 hours for the entire labor ordeal.


I am not sure if this is a problem only unique to dark elf mothers with darkelf Archmage fathers but there it is.


Just to add to this problem, even after a fresh install still having the problem of old sperm not being deleted by the mod (but the old sperm does become greyed out) and not being able to get pregnant. The only way it gets removed is if I use the anti-sperm essence that removes exactly one sperm with each application no matter how high or low I set the chance for the anti-sperm to work.


According to the debug pane, there is no phase where my character can become pregnant as the check box that says your character can become pregnant this cycle does not get checked during either the ovulation or luteal phases. I'll have to play around more with it tonight.


I was also thinking that the mod should use Procreation's wording for when sperm is deposited, so instead of saying "sperm from YYY has been deposited" or whatever it will say "YYY is coming inside you."


Another thing is the school paint red menstrual blood. OMG it gets everywhere! On my thighs, my chest, my hands, my neck, my head. So gross! I think the color needs to be both darker and the blood should only get on my thighs instead of all over my character's body. Just ewe. And maybe this could be tied into Private Needs which instantly elevates your character to absolutely filthy and have the blood stay there until your character bathes.

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After that I got a new problem, I couldn't become pregnant! Even with the conception chance set to 100%. Also worth noting with this problem is that the old sperms which were past their expiration date were not being deleted but the mod counted the correct number of viable sperm. I think it knows that the sperm were bad, but because it did not delete them those were the ones it tried to use which because they were bad would not allow the mod to make me pregnant.



Just to add to this problem, even after a fresh install still having the problem of old sperm not being deleted by the mod (but the old sperm does become greyed out) and not being able to get pregnant. The only way it gets removed is if I use the anti-sperm essence that removes exactly one sperm with each application no matter how high or low I set the chance for the anti-sperm to work.


According to the debug pane, there is no phase where my character can become pregnant as the check box that says your character can become pregnant this cycle does not get checked during either the ovulation or luteal phases. I'll have to play around more with it tonight.






This mod calculates your character's chances of getting pregnant once at the beginning of each follicular phase. If a randomly generated number ranging from 0 to 100 lies below the threshold specified in the mod's settings, then a flag is set, otherwise it's switched off. If this flag is set at the end of the following ovulation phase and there is active sperm inside her, then your character will get pregnant.


You can check (and toggle) the flag's status in the Debug / Cheating menu, it's the "Can become pregnant this cycle" option. Or, you could set the chance to 100 percent and wait for (or skip forward to) the next follicular phase.

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I dont know if anyone else has had this problem, but my weight stays the same even after ive given birth. Anyone have an idea on why thats happening?

(even after the recovery phase)

Other than that, a great mod, Much better than procreation. However, another feature i would ask to have is to be able to lower the days on the phases to 1. I mean not all of us wanna be preggo for THAT long (2 days? Phew) XD



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After that I got a new problem, I couldn't become pregnant! Even with the conception chance set to 100%. Also worth noting with this problem is that the old sperms which were past their expiration date were not being deleted but the mod counted the correct number of viable sperm. I think it knows that the sperm were bad, but because it did not delete them those were the ones it tried to use which because they were bad would not allow the mod to make me pregnant.



Just to add to this problem, even after a fresh install still having the problem of old sperm not being deleted by the mod (but the old sperm does become greyed out) and not being able to get pregnant. The only way it gets removed is if I use the anti-sperm essence that removes exactly one sperm with each application no matter how high or low I set the chance for the anti-sperm to work.


According to the debug pane, there is no phase where my character can become pregnant as the check box that says your character can become pregnant this cycle does not get checked during either the ovulation or luteal phases. I'll have to play around more with it tonight.






This mod calculates your character's chances of getting pregnant once at the beginning of each follicular phase. If a randomly generated number ranging from 0 to 100 lies below the threshold specified in the mod's settings, then a flag is set, otherwise it's switched off. If this flag is set at the end of the following ovulation phase and there is active sperm inside her, then your character will get pregnant.


You can check (and toggle) the flag's status in the Debug / Cheating menu, it's the "Can become pregnant this cycle" option. Or, you could set the chance to 100 percent and wait for (or skip forward to) the next follicular phase.





Can I ask why this method was chosen instead of calculating the chance at the end/beginning of each day of the ovulation phase and with x/y chance of being fertilized during each of the luteal days? (where x is the number of days into the luteal phase and y is the total number of luteal days for the luteal phase) once the egg has reached the tubes and also when it has reached the uterus?

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I dont know if anyone else has had this problem, but my weight stays the same even after ive given birth. Anyone have an idea on why thats happening?


(even after the recovery phase)


Other than that, a great mod, Much better than procreation. However, another feature i would ask to have is to be able to lower the days on the phases to 1. I mean not all of us wanna be preggo for THAT long (2 days? Phew) XD


Maybe you want Hentai Pregnancy instead of Beeing Female?


The idea of the mod is really to make it easier to RP a female character and humans have prolonged pregnancies. The point therefore isn't so much giving birth as it is making your character more like a real woman. This is also why the entire cycle is part of the mod and not just the pregnancy part. The more you try to gut the mod the more you rob the mod of its purpose.


For the error with the weight I would suggest switching it from weight determined to skeleton determination after giving birth which should reset it, saving, loading and then switching back to weight. Or if that doesn't work then build a new body afterwards to reset.

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Seems i doesn't found out the problem THETS25 is talking about. For some reason the NPC will lose the child sometimes.

I doesn't found time to continue developing.... i hope next weekend (i think Sunday) i can release the next beta.

I think i know what the Problem is... It seems the NPC is only pregnant for the time she got sperm inside.

At now i got some Problems and a lot of work in Office.... sry for that....

The testing cost so much time..... i'm lucky that "Random Sex Mod" was released.... realy helpful for testing NPC.



@Skyrimfloo: Sry that would be to many Options and the mod is planed to continue Procreation - not Hentai Pregnancy. This is not a competition.

And it would be to difficulty to add those many Options and keeping the Performance. Each Option is slowing down the performance.


@MuonShaan: Thanks for the great Feedback and the great ideas.

About the Midwife... hehe i was already planing a midwife and in the very first Version (before i decidet to make a complete new mod) i made a cave near Riverwood .... and in this cave there is a tempel with a midwife. When the Player was giving birth - the midwife was running to the Player and casting a heal spell.

But then i decidet to make a complete new mod ... and this time without changing the any cell / map. But it is a good idea for a following mod.

Maybe you can help me with the mod soon, if you want :-)


@h38fh2mf: i'm using your StorageUtil and it's working realy good. Had some Problems with changing all variables to the new System. It's a bit slower then my Array-Method, depending on how many NPCs are saved - but i will use it anyways. When 100 female NPCs are saved it takes up to 10 Seconds to get a list of all Females a male Player has "sperm added" when casting the Beeing Female Spell on a male NPC. This is a bit Long :)

When i find some time i will PM you some Infos

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I have to comment... I really like where this mod is heading, and am enjoying using it. Haven't really had any problems with it just yet. Though, I do perhaps have a small suggestion. If memory serves, don't Argonians lay eggs, instead of live birthing? You think it would be possible to have it so they Lay an egg instead of having a live baby (like a modified/enlarged chicken egg or something)?

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Maybe you want Hentai Pregnancy instead of Beeing Female?


The idea of the mod is really to make it easier to RP a female character and humans have prolonged pregnancies. The point therefore isn't so much giving birth as it is making your character more like a real woman. This is also why the entire cycle is part of the mod and not just the pregnancy part. The more you try to gut the mod the more you rob the mod of its purpose.


Why would adding more flexibility to the mod rob it of its purpose? This one has a good deal of options that Hentai Pregnancy doesn't, and you might like most of them but would rather be able to modify the lenght of a pregnancy, to disable fertility cycles or any negative effects. I doubt that the purpose of this mod is to force us to play in a particular way that we can't change (unless we don't use it).


Of course, that's up to the creator, but as I said before, this mod would make a great framework for pregnancy-related mods. Maybe that's not the intention, of course.

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Maybe you want Hentai Pregnancy instead of Beeing Female?


The idea of the mod is really to make it easier to RP a female character and humans have prolonged pregnancies. The point therefore isn't so much giving birth as it is making your character more like a real woman. This is also why the entire cycle is part of the mod and not just the pregnancy part. The more you try to gut the mod the more you rob the mod of its purpose.


Why would adding more flexibility to the mod rob it of its purpose? This one has a good deal of options that Hentai Pregnancy doesn't, and you might like most of them but would rather be able to modify the lenght of a pregnancy, to disable fertility cycles or any negative effects. I doubt that the purpose of this mod is to force us to play in a particular way that we can't change (unless we don't use it).


Of course, that's up to the creator, but as I said before, this mod would make a great framework for pregnancy-related mods. Maybe that's not the intention, of course.



I really don't think the intention is to make a framework for pregnancy as there are already mobs that do that. The intention was to make your character more like a real woman. That intention can be found by looking at the functionality of the mod itself. A player can use the mod for their entire play through, have sex nonstop and never once get pregnant by using the two forms of birth control that the mod makes available to the player, the . They do so by practicing I also should emphasize that even if this were a pregnancy mod, it would have a focus on pregnancy and not on giving birth. Your suggestion would rob this mod of its soul.


At some point the artist needs to not listen to her critics who would rob her work of its meaning, expression and experience.


This reminds me of one of DIlbert's experiences with his marketing department:



Vice President: Here's that marketing department you were so enthusiatic about.


Dilbert: I wouldn't say enthusiatic.


Manager: Their first recommendation is we gear up full-speed ahead to market the underwater barbecue.


Marketing Guy #1: Now, first of all congratulations. We LOVE this! Just a couple of thoughts. One: does it have to be underwater? And two: does it have to be a barbecue?


DIlbert: Isn't that the whole point?


Marketing Guy #1: Is it?


Marketing Guy #2: I think we need to lose the underwater part.


Marketing Guy #1: And the barbecue part.


Marketing Guy #2: It goes.


Marketing Guy #3: 86 it.


DIlbert: But then how do you barbecue underwater?


Woman #1: <creaming bloody murder>


Marketing Guy #1: Sorry we couldn't hear you. Your comments were drowned out by a loud shriek from next door.


Marketing Guy #3: We're afraid that when it comes out of the box it will make a squeeking sound.


Dilbert: You mean from the stryofoam packing material?


Marketing Guy #1: It's a loser noise!


Marketing Guy #2: That sound tested extremely low.


Many people: <screaming and gunfire>


Dilbert: Are you trying this marketing thing anywhere else in the company? Or just here?


Marketing Guy #1: All over! It's spreading like a virus. <in the window behind MG#1 you can see engineers being thrown over the side of the building>


Dilbert: I gotta go. <DIlbert walks out of the room and down the hallway, seeing a mob of people trying to kill each other with flaming torches and weapons made from office supplies. He barely runs out of the building before it catches on fire and explodes>

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I really don't think the intention is to make a framework for pregnancy as there are already mobs that do that. The intention was to make your character more like a real woman. That intention can be found by looking at the functionality of the mod itself. A player can use the mod for their entire play through, have sex nonstop and never once get pregnant by using the two forms of birth control that the mod makes available to the player, the . They do so by practicing I also should emphasize that even if this were a pregnancy mod, it would have a focus on pregnancy and not on giving birth. Your suggestion would rob this mod of its soul.


How would my suggestion rob the mod of its "soul" if all I'm suggesting is that you can toggle features on or off? That's like saying that adding brakes to a bike or making it foldable for easy transport would rob it of its "soul". Not all women are identical, not all have regular menstruation pains for example, and it's funny how you talk about my suggestion being bad when the mod itself can already freeze a pregnancy. How does that affect its "soul"?


All I'm saying is that the mod would be much more user-friendly if you could toggle stuff on or off, which for me seems pretty reasonable. I'm not even asking for new features.


At some point the artist needs to not listen to her critics who would rob her work of its meaning, expression and experience.


And at some point the artist has to listen to suggestions that don't really harm his/her creation and make it easier to use or better overall. I know about arts too, in fact is my career. Your point? As I said, I was just making a suggestion. The author is free to like it or not.


@Skyrimfloo: Sry that would be to many Options and the mod is planed to continue Procreation - not Hentai Pregnancy. This is not a competition.

And it would be to difficulty to add those many Options and keeping the Performance. Each Option is slowing down the performance.


Wouldn't being able to toggle features off increase performance then? I might have expressed myself wrong but I'm not suggesting new options, just that the existing ones could be disabled at choice.


Of course as I just said, not trying to sound rude, just making suggestions. It's your mod after all.  ^_^ Pay no attention to the silly argument.

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I really don't think the intention is to make a framework for pregnancy as there are already mobs that do that. The intention was to make your character more like a real woman. That intention can be found by looking at the functionality of the mod itself. A player can use the mod for their entire play through, have sex nonstop and never once get pregnant by using the two forms of birth control that the mod makes available to the player, the . They do so by practicing I also should emphasize that even if this were a pregnancy mod, it would have a focus on pregnancy and not on giving birth. Your suggestion would rob this mod of its soul.


How would my suggestion rob the mod of its "soul" if all I'm suggesting is that you can toggle features on or off? That's like saying that adding brakes to a bike or making it foldable for easy transport would rob it of its "soul". Not all women are identical, not all have regular menstruation pains for example, and it's funny how you talk about my suggestion being bad when the mod itself can already freeze a pregnancy. How does that affect its "soul"?


All I'm saying is that the mod would be much more user-friendly if you could toggle stuff on or off, which for me seems pretty reasonable. I'm not even asking for new features.


At some point the artist needs to not listen to her critics who would rob her work of its meaning, expression and experience.


And at some point the artist has to listen to suggestions that don't really harm his/her creation and make it easier to use or better overall. I know about arts too, in fact is my career. Your point? As I said, I was just making a suggestion. The author is free to like it or not.



Neither a car nor a brake are a piece of art meant to provide the audience with a specific experience, feeling or emotion. A mod called "Beeing Female" which purports to allow user to have their character experience all the vagaries of womanhood is robbed of presenting such an experience when the audience is allowed to change its basic function to a simple 3 day pregnancy mod. You are then changing the focus from an entire experience (watching a play) to a single quip (looking at a billboard advertisement for that play).


There is a huge difference between user friendliness and user experience. User friendliness is making a menu nicer by for example adding a sort feature to an inventory screen. User experience however is more akin to for example making the game instantly beatable by clicking on an extra npc that was added to the escape from the town scene that allows you to move to the last fight with Alduin and watch him immediately die and roll the last scene.


What you are asking for is a change in the user experience and not in the user friendliness.

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Neither a car nor a brake are a piece of art meant to provide the audience with a specific experience, feeling or emotion. 

That's a matter of interpretation, wouldn't you think? A Ferrari driver wouldn't like what you just said, yet he/she might have preferred that it had air conditioner (as a dumb example, I doubt they make them without).
Not all art works the same way, there's a great difference between a painting or a sculpture and a luxury car or a videogame. By the way you talk, one would think that you wouldn't agree with game modifications, considering that they alter the way the artists who created the game intended you to experience it, now wouldn't you. Yet here you are.

A mod called "Beeing Female" which purports to allow user to have their character experience all the vagaries of womanhood is robbed of presenting such an experience when the audience is allowed to change its basic function to a simple 3 day pregnancy mod. You are then changing the focus from an entire experience (watching a play) to a single quip (looking at a billboard advertisement for that play).

And again, that's a matter of interpretation. I could say that a mod that allows you to have a frozen pregnancy doesn't create an accurate experience of womanhood either. Nor is forcing all female character players to experience the same type of menstrual cycle, considering that it varies greatly between women.

There is a huge difference between user friendliness and user experience. User friendliness is making a menu nicer by for example adding a sort feature to an inventory screen. User experience however is more akin to for example making the game instantly beatable by clicking on an extra npc that was added to the escape from the town scene that allows you to move to the last fight with Alduin and watch him immediately die and roll the last scene.


What you are asking for is a change in the user experience and not in the user friendliness.



Sure, because allowing the user to modify his/her experience to a variety of ways that being a female can be, is the same as an insta-win button. You make no sense.

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In regards to all the above posts.I don't see why asking for more player control is such a horrible request. I personally would not want to turn off cool features but having the ability to turn it on and off would not hurt me either. That being said its kind of a mute issue now the mod author said they are not adding it and with good reason too, you guys are just beating a dead horse topic and getting all worked up.


If there was one thing I would like to see added to this mod or as a mod using this as its foundation would be some child care post pregnancy. Like having to feed, cloth etc. the baby. Its already awesome that you got a baby model into the game and are working on this at all of course just adding my two cents of ridiculous requests.

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Maybe you want Hentai Pregnancy instead of Beeing Female?


The idea of the mod is really to make it easier to RP a female character and humans have prolonged pregnancies. The point therefore isn't so much giving birth as it is making your character more like a real woman. This is also why the entire cycle is part of the mod and not just the pregnancy part. The more you try to gut the mod the more you rob the mod of its purpose.


Why would adding more flexibility to the mod rob it of its purpose? This one has a good deal of options that Hentai Pregnancy doesn't, and you might like most of them but would rather be able to modify the lenght of a pregnancy, to disable fertility cycles or any negative effects. I doubt that the purpose of this mod is to force us to play in a particular way that we can't change (unless we don't use it).


Of course, that's up to the creator, but as I said before, this mod would make a great framework for pregnancy-related mods. Maybe that's not the intention, of course.



I really don't think the intention is to make a framework for pregnancy as there are already mobs that do that. The intention was to make your character more like a real woman. That intention can be found by looking at the functionality of the mod itself. A player can use the mod for their entire play through, have sex nonstop and never once get pregnant by using the two forms of birth control that the mod makes available to the player, the . They do so by practicing I also should emphasize that even if this were a pregnancy mod, it would have a focus on pregnancy and not on giving birth. Your suggestion would rob this mod of its soul.


At some point the artist needs to not listen to her critics who would rob her work of its meaning, expression and experience.


This reminds me of one of DIlbert's experiences with his marketing department:



Vice President: Here's that marketing department you were so enthusiatic about.


Dilbert: I wouldn't say enthusiatic.


Manager: Their first recommendation is we gear up full-speed ahead to market the underwater barbecue.


Marketing Guy #1: Now, first of all congratulations. We LOVE this! Just a couple of thoughts. One: does it have to be underwater? And two: does it have to be a barbecue?


DIlbert: Isn't that the whole point?


Marketing Guy #1: Is it?


Marketing Guy #2: I think we need to lose the underwater part.


Marketing Guy #1: And the barbecue part.


Marketing Guy #2: It goes.


Marketing Guy #3: 86 it.


DIlbert: But then how do you barbecue underwater?


Woman #1: <creaming bloody murder>


Marketing Guy #1: Sorry we couldn't hear you. Your comments were drowned out by a loud shriek from next door.


Marketing Guy #3: We're afraid that when it comes out of the box it will make a squeeking sound.


Dilbert: You mean from the stryofoam packing material?


Marketing Guy #1: It's a loser noise!


Marketing Guy #2: That sound tested extremely low.


Many people: <screaming and gunfire>


Dilbert: Are you trying this marketing thing anywhere else in the company? Or just here?


Marketing Guy #1: All over! It's spreading like a virus. <in the window behind MG#1 you can see engineers being thrown over the side of the building>


Dilbert: I gotta go. <DIlbert walks out of the room and down the hallway, seeing a mob of people trying to kill each other with flaming torches and weapons made from office supplies. He barely runs out of the building before it catches on fire and explodes>





Thing is though, using this scenario, Skyrimfloo/Marketing Guy appears to be asking for various settings on the barbecue and perhaps some accessories while still doing all of this underwater.


Allowing the barbecue to be configured at a higher or lower setting to get the end result that a user may want is not the same as completely gutting the concept. If anything, it allows more people to fit it into their view of how their dinner should look.


*edit: consistency fix*

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@Skyrimfloo: Sry that would be to many Options and the mod is planed to continue Procreation - not Hentai Pregnancy. This is not a competition.

And it would be to difficulty to add those many Options and keeping the Performance. Each Option is slowing down the performance.


Wouldn't being able to toggle features off increase performance then? I might have expressed myself wrong but I'm not suggesting new options, just that the existing ones could be disabled at choice.



Yes and no.... It depends on the Option. For  state Change:

The State changes always. First the Follicular -> Ovulating -> Luteal -> Menstruation....

It will Change even when there is an off/on Option.

But with an on/off Option i Need to ask first, if the state is enabled or not. in real it takes time to ask someone anything... same to the script. In this case the the script only can skip the state.... It has to activate the state -> asking if the state is enabled - when not - Change the state again and check if this state is enabled.... But that's not all.... i also have to check if any state is enaabled, too.... else it would be an infinity Loop......

So i have to check whenever the state is changing if any state is enabled and if the next state is enabled and the state after next...... this can be realy complicated.

I also have "start" and "finish" all states because almost every state got a a start and end function... checking if the Player is pregnant, checking if the Player can become pregnant, checking for PMS is possible, checking for "will the Player become pregnant now" ....

This would slow down the Performance a lot, just for an "disable state" Option.


Every Option Need one or more If-Statements ... and most of the Options Need a lot of thinking.... "when "ovulating is disabled... how the Player can become pregnant?" .... "what happen when only 1 state is enabled.... does the Player become pregnant after having sex?"... "what happen when all statsare disabled... the mod will be disabled?" ....



@aceneon: crap... your right :) ... ok... let's say... Khajiit and Argonian are Kind of mutated human mammals .... :)

To optimize for argonian would be way to.... ähm... strange. They lay an egg... and then a male Player has to ornanate on the eggs..... that would be way to strange (and funny) ;) ... or is this Methode more for fishes? i don't realy know how argonians are matting.

Maybe somedays someone will create "being argonian"



@linknut888: 1.000 likes from me to your post :)



@All: The goal of this mod is to integrate the female body and its function as realistic as possible in the game. That's what i'm forcing to - that's what i will do.

For sure nobody wants to wait 290 Ingame Days to give birth... That's why i made the pragnancy 30 Days at all by Default. That's Long enough.

(1 Ingame Minute = 3 real seconds => 290 Ingame Days = 1252800 real seconds = 14,5 real Days.... no one wants to wait 14,5 Days to give birth :-) ... or lets say you are playing 3 Hours Skyrim a day..... that would make 116 real Days you have to wait to give birth... for sure you can Press T and wait 24 Hours.... and that 290x..... that's still annoying)

And i don't got all the symtoms a female got... like painful feets.. swell feets... free drinks in discos ( :) )

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@h38fh2mf: ...very intelligent post!


@Ellisande: I understand your position and from point of preferences I am on your side but Procreation/BeeingFemale would not loose its soul when the player had the ability to tweak various features of the mod. Having the choice what feature to play with and what not is the basic idea of modding. Everyone has a different way of playing Skyrim and some people might want to play with a fully fledged pregnancy mod like Pro/BF installed but can`t enjoy their game when for example the menstruation cycle limits their decisions ingame. Sure they should switch to HentaiPreg in this case cause Pro/BF actually stands for simulating the female cycle but hey, as a BF-mod user you should understand it when people who play with the simplified (but very well done) HentaiPreg sometimes wish for more depth in point of pregnancy related things ^^

...that`s like me wishing for more cleavage outfits when playing Skyrim with the DreamGirl-Body installed ;D

Skyrimfloo only made suggestions...and that`s good because suggestions are needed, especially for mod authors.


@Skyrimfloo: I got your point too, but as Ellisande already mentioned Procreation is originally a menstruation cycle simulator. So making suggestions for disabling the original core of the mod is always a little bit tricky especially when confronting Procreation/BeeingFemale-fans with the counterpart HentaiPregnancy ;D

...And the "Freeze" option is basically the only way to really simulate the real ~90 days per trimester in reality cause BF limits these to 20...so no picking on that feature please ^^

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@All: The goal of this mod is to integrate the female body and its function as realistic as possible in the game. That's what i'm forcing to - that's what i will do.

For sure nobody wants to wait 290 Ingame Days to give birth... That's why i made the pragnancy 30 Days at all by Default. That's Long enough.

(1 Ingame Minute = 3 real seconds => 290 Ingame Days = 1252800 real seconds = 14,5 real Days.... no one wants to wait 14,5 Days to give birth :-) ... or lets say you are playing 3 Hours Skyrim a day..... that would make 116 real Days you have to wait to give birth... for sure you can Press T and wait 24 Hours.... and that 290x..... that's still annoying)

And i don't got all the symtoms a female got... like painful feets.. swell feets... free drinks in discos ( :) )



Oh noooooooo ;D

Actually I am one of the weird people who like to set the full 270~290 duration for pregnancies for realism. Sad to hear that this won`t be possible in BF -.-

So please let the "freeze" feature live then *lol



PS: Sorry for double post.

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Why can't pregnancy duration be configurable, up to 1000 days. I don't see a problem :P


Because then the races of Skyrim would all die out. I am pretty sure that none of the immortal NPCs manage to make it through 1000 days without dying at least once to either a dragon, a roving band of bandits, the pitched battles between Stormcloaks and Imperial soldiers that even occur in the towns, the Dragonborn wantonly murdering innocents in town for her own amusement or because her PMS is making her unusually bitchy that day. You get the idea.


The people of Skyrim evolved to breed like mice or rabbits.

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Ok you win PhilMC .... i will raise the Maximum day value to 100 Days per trimster / replanish phase. (Default will be still 10 Days. this should be playable i think)

And.... omg! i think i know the Problem i had.... i didn't save the "Baby Health" Value i think... so the Baby health is 0% (dead)... that's why the pregnancy stops... i think.... i will Change and test it....


(i realy hope that this stupid fail wasn't the problem.....)

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