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Thorpac Body ALPHA release

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I have been around in the tes games since arena' date=' but only surfaced a while after Oblivion came around. Out of tons of mods and after creating countless things and only releasing a handful...after seeing so many so called files of the month, I have yet to see a modder do what Thor and 2pac and the foot making person I forgot his name :P have done in such a short amount of time and with such huge results. From the start it looked top notch and it just keeps getting better! HGEC took forever to come around, we had to deal with a tooth pick body(bab), eshme's body that quickly disapeared, a weird shaped body (cff corwins thing), and roberts male with breasts and no wiener body. This project of 2pac's and Thors has been quality from the start.


I was never really impressed with the Oblvion bodies til HGEC and it's variants came out, with SKyrim it hasnt even been out hardly at all and here we have a body WIP that kicks the crap out of everything else right into outer freaking space. These guys have experience, know how, and the drive. They are the kinds of modders that make me look forward to new things. Sure yes I am on pain pills and drinking, but I mean what I say here! Let them vent, if they seem irritated so what!? Look at what they are accomplishing here. Making things can be stressful, and sometimes gives you a head ache. With stuff like this, whats a few venting sessions? To me it just shows that they love what they do and care about the end result. That, is awesome.:)



That means a lot :D love ur sig btw

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I gotta disagree with that Thor. Sometimes you stare at your own work for so long that you might overlook something that someone else noticed' date=' so it's helpful sometimes for people to point things out.


If you want people not to mention them anymore, just make a known issues list or something for the things you know about.


And well, even someone that knows nothing about modding could point out of the boobs were lopsided or something that you hadn't noticed.


Xun, I haven't seen all your mods. Those that i have, involve tweaking someone else's work, spending 10 minutes on it, whilst the original modder spent 3 months on it.

When you do little bits like that, you have tons of time to 'enjoy' every stupid comment, and even join in. ;p


Some people NEED to point out obvious errors, because they can pretend they are very gifted. At least more gifted that the modder.

This is psychological. They are SO useless, have nothing going on in their RL, they NEED to compensate. :)


The nipples were EXACTLY where 'I' wanted them! The boobs were slightly square shaped initially, because of weighting. Not too bad for a WIP !

I can post a perfect mod, by spending 6 years on it, first. OR ... I can post WIP's to keep MY interest going. If I donn't post anything regularily, I WOULD lose interest.


I could work on a mod, say build a house, and post a brick. A WIP.

Should I then spend 3 months on writing a list of all the things I will do to build that house, to prevent shitbags from saying:


wrong color!

wrong shape!

wrong scenery!

where the fuck is the cement?

how do you install it?

it has caused my pc to crash!

can you build me a car?

is it possible you could make a giant cock out of it?

you are a pervert!

conflicts with my microwave!





According to you, I should spend 3 months on writing out my every intention, and list every bug.


I know some modders crave that type of 'attention'. ... I don't.

Thats why they get thousands of endorsements for a mod that took then 10 minutes, cos they have bags of time to 'soothe the animals'.

I have better things to do. Such as build a mod for ME.


/end of another rant :D



I just want you to know that I've lost nearly all respect for you because of this.


You've personally insulted me, and that's not something I'm going to just accept. I don't care who you are, or if you claim to be my friend.


My work, which is oh so shitty that I do none of which from scratch, let's just take a look at one recent example, shall we? Let's say, my Skyrim textures.


Let me take you through the process... For demonstration purposes, I'm going to take texture sizes down to 512x512...


Stage 1, take normal:





Stage 2, desaturate normal:





Stage 3, colorize and match color to vanilla:





Oh, well shit, wait... let's look at your texture:





Well, damn. That looks familiar. Hold on and allow me to take a moment to bow down to your amazing prowess as the god of modding.


No, no I'm not. That's the joke.


But I'm not done. No, I could stop here because our demonstration is over, but I'm going to go ahead and finish it because the next step is arguably the most important, even if it is just some shitty WIP texture stand in.


Stage 4, mask seams to overlay of vanilla





At this stage it's compatible with all vanilla textures, but the color doesn't quite match vanilla (this is important, cause compatibility matters) and the shadows are far too harsh because it's the result of recoloring a baked norm. Which, by the way, if you don't have the norm for stage 1 you can just bake it yourself. It's not hard. In fact, if you want a much better norm you can unwrap a high poly mesh like Victoria 3/4/5 to a conformulating UV pattern to your mesh you're working with... not too much work... then you bake that norm, and get an amazing norm. It's okay even if it doesn't match up perfectly, cause it's easy to manip into proper place. But that's unimportant and I'm getting a bit sidetracked. We weren't done yet...


Stage 5, soften the whole thing:





Stage 6, full fade around all seams to a single color (the norm had opposing colors which would create bad seams):





Stage 7, leg/arm fade:





Stage 8, wrist/hip fade:





Stage 9, back fade:





Stage 10, I faded in my texture from NV:





And a little mention here... the stomach/belly button... it's not some copy/paste from google or someone else's texture.


When I created that, I created it from a high resolution picture OF MY OWN STOMACH.


Here's a small crop of that:





Righto... moving on...


Stage 11, labia minora/labia majora painted on manually:





That's not some picture I stole from google images. I manually painted that so that the gradient would match exactly all the way through the seam.


Stage 12, further detail/define vulva:





On this next one, I repainted this so fucking much I don't even know... I have like 5 different folders of layered work until I got it to this point, where I also have the mons pubis textured.


Stage 13, vulva/mons pubis textured:





I think I ended up making it a bit smaller cause it looks abnormally long (which is the mesh's fault, but that's the faded off a bit one on the labia majora that I haven't even released yet.


And anyways, then we have all the shaving styles...






And then, well... the lingerie that I manually painted:





Which, I don't even have enough screen room to show you all of the layers...












And if you don't think I did most of it manually then fuck you because the majority of it is vectored:





Now let me explain something, about this nude texture of mine...


While that's your "shitty WIP"; this is mine. It's just a shitty WIP placeholder from me, because I'm not going all out on a texture for such a shit mesh with such an atrocious UV that we have right now. Whether that's you that's going to do that, or someone else, I don't know. I don't care. I'm not that great at modeling meshes, so it's not going to be me. I can do it, but I'm mediocre at best. I'm a texture person. But I do know a hell of a lot about anatomy proportions.


You don't know fuck all about me or my work it seems.


Let me tell you... If it takes you 3 months to pump out 1 body mod... You aren't a better modder than someone that did it in 1 day. You didn't put more work into it than they did (rather, you put more time in but that's irrelevant).


What it means is that you are slow. And that's all it means. You aren't somehow superior to other modders because your workflow is inefficient. That's not even how it works.


And the fact that you insult people for not having lives (who, keep in mind you also say spend hardly any time on mods) is laughable [what we're talking about here, is likely people that either don't know how to mod or aren't very good at it in your opinion]. It is they, who in fact, most likely have far much more to their real lives, which in turns translates to much less time for modding.


Tell me, if you have 16 hours a day TO MOD, and yet you spend 10 minutes... what does this mean? Now why would someone do that, if they all all that time? Maybe they don't.


People that spend 10+ hours a day on modding likely have much more pathetic underwhelming lives than those that spend something 0-3 hours on it, and I don't know how you equate it to the opposite of that.


Obviously if someone has other things to do that aren't modding then they can't spend that time modding. That, in essense, is their having a life. So then complaining that people who don't spend a shitload of time modding don't have fulfilling lives... that's just... I don't even.


You're an okay modder Thor. An okay modder. You aren't one of the greats. You aren't Exnem, you aren't RAIAR, you aren't throttlekitty or CuteUnit. These people, they are in different leagues.


Your problem, is that you imagine that you are. No, I dare say that you imagine that you are far better than any of the names I listed. Your condescension... this superiority complex of yours, it will be your downfall.


You don't have to be an inconsiderate braggart prick to everyone around you to be a good modder. This isn't the way that someone keeps fans, and it certainly isn't the way someone keeps friends.


Something that pisses me off about someone like you is that you come in here and ASK PEOPLE for their opinions on their favorite body shapes and examples thereof. AND THEN you have the audacity to come back in and bitch and moan at the very people DOING JUST AS YOU ASKED. What the fuck, man. Really?


I don't know what's going on with your life, or somewhere else, but you really need to chill the fuck out.


Anyways... I'm not done yet.


Let me tell you a little something about the reason most of my mods are just manips of someone else's base works...


I do that because I'm not a fucking idiot. I don't need to spend an entire day or 2 completely redoing something that someone else already did that I could easily change to get the result I want.


Why? Because I mod for myself. I mod for myself, but I release for the community. That's why when I release something like nude textures, I don't just stop at shaved. All I will use is shaved. But I make a dozen different shaving styles, so that people that have other preferences will be able to choose what they want. Variety is the spice of life mang.


I mod for myself because I used to be one of those people that didn't know how to do anything and would just ask the people could do it, or beg in request forums. I think most people have been there at some point. Request are done maybe 1-5% of the time, and modders rarely ever do what you want. I really don't think you understand this, but these people have it harsh. They're reduced to begging, regardless of whatever pride they have. They just have to eat it and suggest things or beg, because they know they have no clue how to do it themselves. It's a horrible shitty helpless feeling, and I know that everyone that doesn't mod hates it, and a lot of whom probably really appreciate the work we do as modders. That's why it's so shitty for you to piss all over them like that. They can't help it. It's a part of modding, and the community, and you're going to have to understand and accept that, or just keep your mods to yourself. Because it isn't going to stop happening. It's how things are, and it's that way for a reason. I can put myself in their shoes because I still remember it. It may have been a hell of a long time ago on Oblivion, but I remember that helpless feeling. They don't need you to stomp them further into the ground with your superiority. Have some humility for goodness sake!


I learned a long time ago that the only way to get something done how you want is to do it yourself. That's why I mod. Nobody was doing what I wanted, so I learned how to do it and I started doing it myself. Learning how to do it myself was a hell of a lot better than sitting around hoping with no results.


I don't get any satisfaction or gratification out of doing something completely from scratch. A lot of times I actually have to, because the bases I have to work with are unusable, or it would simply be much easier to do from scratch than work off of someone else's shitty base.


That Skyrim texture mod. It's fast, it's dirty, and I got it out there, fast. I didn't spend months making it perfect, so perfect that by the time I finished there would be 10 different better body mods and textures just as good done in 1/3rd the time.


I have Skyrim, and I like to play Skyrim. I don't know about you, but actually playing the game is a lot more fun for me than staring at verts in Blender, or textures in Photoshop.


The only reason I mod is to get something how I want it in the game, and then I go about enjoying the game.


Of course, then we get into a game and life disparity. I don't exactly play Skyrim all day. I don't mod all day either.


I can't classify with someone like CuteUnit, who would go insane Korean gamer style and stay up for days at a time trying to fix a problem until they got it perfect.


Yeah, I'm not like that. I don't put that much time into it. But the work I do, I'm happy with, and I don't think I do a shitty job.


I may not be one of the greatest modders on the scene, but I can tell you, I'm certainly not some helpless incompetent lout that you seem to paint me to be. It's insulting, really.


I mean, come on... You talk to me like I'm incompetent, but you can't even import into Blender. You have step-by-step instructions, including a video walkthrough, that even an untrained monkey could follow. What's up with that? you're having to rely on 2pac, putting him as the bottleneck waiting for all this stuff, but you could just do it yourself if you put in a little effort to learn.


I may not be amazing at modeling meshes or anything, but I don't want to just depend on others. I learn how to do it so I don't have to depend on others.


How many hours do you think you spend just waiting for 2pac to get everything imported and sent back to you that you want, or exported and weighted too?


If you took 30 minutes to learn how to do that yourself, you could cut that chunk of time waiting out and increase your workflow by just doing it all yourself.


I don't even know what you're doing that you need to completely reweight everything every time. Are you taking it in ZBrush or something?


I mean, the UV hasn't changed, so obviously you're either sculpting or some kind of proportional falloff editing, but I'm guessing sculpting, since ZBrush would have to import it as an obj.


Blender has sculpting tools though... You just set the mode to sculpting, then in the sculpt panel change the brush to whatever you want.


I learned Blender in a single day. I used this. It's a wiki book that teaches you how to use it.


Sure, I had a lot of frustrations along the way going from having never modeled before to completely learning how to model and then starting to put it to actual application, but I learned and I did it. Nobody else was going to do what I wanted, so I learned, and now I do it.


I learned to texture because I played a game called There - it's kinda like SIMS, but much heavier on user content and making your own clothes, buggy textures and whatnot. I learned how to do that because I wanted to make my own clothes, because I love designing. That, and well... you got in-game cash with real cash, and you also made in-game cash selling stuff you made. You had to pay to even release stuff, but you generally did pretty good and could survive in-game without needing to pay anymore if you sold enough stuff. And anyways, that's where I started... I don't even know how much money I spent on that damn game lol.


That was during the Alpha of There, and that was in... 2000 or so... So I'm not exactly new to this... I've been at it a really long time. I've had just about every version of Photoshop that's came out.


So the next time you want to insult me, and look down on me like I have no clue what I'm doing, you need to just shut your mouth.


P.S. My 'better' mods were generally released privately on my private release forum (which no longer exists). I had a ton of original textures, and even ported half of the damn armors in Lineage 2 and Guild Wars perfectly rigged on HFB (my HGEC variant) into Oblivion.


And just so you know... I've been in the modding community a very long time, and I've always been nice and helpful to every user and modder I've come across. I do random requests for people all the time, but it's never seen because it's in mod page comments and private messages.


A lot of the very good modders call me a friend and still ask me for advice or help from time to time, and even more new and upcoming modders.


Heck, in contrast to your basically calling me a worthless idiot (which as you can tell, has upset me a great deal), one of my modder friends (a very well known, very good modder, who I'll leave nameless) has called me a texture goddess and the new Exnem. I mean shit, I don't think I'm that good. But you can see the disparity...


I have a bit of humility and I always try to be polite and help anyone whenever I can. I don't know how much that counts for, but it's a hell of a lot better method of making and keeping friends that'll be willing to help you out down the line than throwing hissy little tantrums and pissing on everyone around you.


Anyways, that's all I have to say. I would have sent it to you privately, but if you're going to insult me in public then I'm at least going to defend myself publicly.

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No need to hit me. I'm already on the floor with "the attack of the too much text" Ok. I'm a shit modder. You are fantasic modder and a wonderful person. Friends still?

In the time you wrote that you could have baked 5 dozen cakes, or made some textures for me. ;)



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No need to hit me. I'm already on the floor with "the attack of the too much text" Ok. I'm a shit modder. You are fantasic modder and a wonderful person. Friends still?

In the time you wrote that you could have baked 5 dozen cakes' date=' or made some textures for me. ;)[/quote']


I was going to say something about how I deserved a better response from you than this, but after seeing this...




We aren't friends anymore.

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We aren't friends anymore.

I was your friend Xun. You were never mine. All you ever did was come blazing into my posts pointing out, in your proffesional opinion, where i had fucked up. Then you posted how i had 'stolen your vagina'

"I recognise that vagina! It's MINE. It took me ages to get it that way, that's why i KNOW it's mine! Now, this is where you fucking explain yourself to me!"


After I did explain myself, you did a couple of textures for me to make up for your rantings. Textures that i didn't want or need.

You made them because you said "Them textures are shit!". So I said "make some better ones then". You did. I put them up.




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HAhaah, I'm sorry but that bit about you stealing someones vagina, I had to go outside I was laughing so hard.

Why bring up CuteUnit,at all. Or ThrottleKitty, even Exnem. I didnt know they were working on your mod Thor. :P Just kidding, but really...

Those supposed comparisons, who cares? I doubt Thor or 2pac honestly gives a rats ass about it, or anyone who really supports this mod dose either. I was reading the thread to soak in all the info and then there it was, an instruction manual to build my own space station in the middle of it all.

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I´m just here for the mod :P


Me too, and when I am healed enough to spend time on the drawing board and mouse, I can actually help out. But that rebuttal of Xun's was like being forced to read a page out of the bible when your a little kid, you just don't want to, but there it is.:s


Ah well, things happen. It's all good and can only get better! :)

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To be fair, I did use the vagina. It was very nice. I was inspecting it for, err, 3 weeks. And then I hit on the idea, if I make hundreds of copies of it, I would have many vaginas. I placed them all on my desktop. I was building a armor mod, and mistakenly used the wrong file.

Easy mistake to make, 100 to one chance of getting it wrong.

Weird part of it was the armor completely covered up the vagina. No user would EVER see it. Only a modder could, by digging into my files. Then I gave the vagina credits to the WRONG person, the person who made the texture WITHOUT the vagina, in the first place!


I'm not making light of stealing anyone's work. It's wrong.

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I´m just here for the mod :P


Me too' date=' and when I am healed enough to spend time on the drawing board and mouse, I can actually help out. But that rebuttal of Xun's was like being forced to read a page out of the bible when your a little kid, you just don't want to, but there it is.:s


Ah well, things happen. It's all good and can only get better! :)



FYI, if you´re suffering from extreme sexual exhaustion you could always learn to use the mouse with your left hand :D


All kidding aside, get well dude :)

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Hm, well after reading the last few pages, wow.


Thank you 2pac4eva7 and thor925 for the body. It's nice to have a good body to use, until mods like Girl Next Door arrive.


However, frankly, I agree wholeheartedly with XunAmarox well thought out post and have no desire to socialize in this thread or offer constructive advice that will be treated as 'begging', because that is a joke.


LoversLab is a friendly place. This thread however, is not.


So thanks for the hard work; but at the same time... damn.


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We aren't friends anymore.

I was your friend Xun. You were never mine. All you ever did was come blazing into my posts pointing out' date=' in your proffesional opinion, where i had fucked up. Then you posted how i had 'stolen your vagina'

"I recognise that vagina! It's MINE. It took me ages to get it that way, that's why i KNOW it's mine! Now, this is where you fucking explain yourself to me!"


After I did explain myself, you did a couple of textures for me to make up for your rantings. Textures that i didn't want or need.

You made them because you said "Them textures are shit!". So I said "make some better ones then". You did. I put them up.




I think your perception of reality is skewed.



  • We had talked a few times.
  • I probably had offered constructive criticism as I always do everywhere (and yes, constructive criticism does exist; I fundamentally disagree with your silly ass outlook that says it doesn't).
  • You stole one of my textures and released it in your mod.
  • I messaged you asking for an explanation (one tends to deserve an explanation for why someone stole their textures, k.)
  • You explained it was a mistake.
  • I told you that you could use them in the mod if you properly credited me.
  • Weeks later you released a different mod... TnT Black Widow. I liked it, so I edited the textures to personal taste. And well, since I'd already done it... I sent them to you and told you that you could add them if you wanted to.* [i was never rude. I was always polite. Our dialog went nothing like that.]
  • At various increments of time you'd randomly ask me if I wanted to work on certain projects with the TnT team. I'd usually say no because I was playing other games and had moved on or didn't have time. On the rare occasion I said yes, that's pretty much where it was left. You never really told me anything after that. I don't know if that's how it really was, if for everyone it was just this kind of "do whatever you want then we'll slap TnT on it"-sort of thing, but that sounded pretty shitty to me. I mean if I'm going to do a solo project, I may as well get credit for it. If I get asked to participate in a project, I expect a specific task to be given, and to work on conjunction with other modders in part of some sort of greater project, not just work independently on my own doing whatever I want without any real direction.
  • Now... that brings us to this forum, which I found on my own through Google. You've been a pretty big prick to me ever since I've gotten here.
    • You ask me to do some feet for you. So okay, I make some feet. They weren't going to part rivers or anything, but I thought they were pretty alright. Good shape, low poly. Result? You tell me they suck, so you aren't using them, you wanted high poly quad-only feet with separate nails, and you hope that doesn't upset me. k
    • constant remarks about people who offer their advice on mods and how shitty and worthless they are and how much better than them you are
    • you say I am one of those people
    • you act like you don't even give a shit that I was offended
    • you "like" a post that trolls me, and basically says "fuck you" in it


Pretty clear how much of a friend you've been. I've helped you or offered my help to you who knows how many times. How many times have you ever helped or offered to help me? Never. That's right. Never.


I've even asked for help, and you've told me nothing. I had to ask 2pac.


* = I do this ALL the time. ALL THE TIME. It was in no sense or form any kind of recompense. Ever seen the normal leopard color forsworn armor? Go look in the Snow Leopard comment thread on Nexus, and you'll see exactly how I do things. Next, look in the leopard glove mod comments, and you'll see why I redid it and ended up actually releasing it. That's just TWO recent examples. Next example, check out a mod something about wolf or wolves dog replacer or something. I did some texture there cause I felt like it. Next example, check out some random Werewolf retexture mod I randomly contributed to. Hell, 4 already IN SKYRIM... and that's just off the top of my head!

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Hey 2pac I made some progress thanks to you! I think it would be awesome if some modderss would just port all kinds of goodness from Oblivion for the new bodies. Everyone has different tastes though. I thought I'd show you what I've been up to...just a mod of Thor's first morph into F-Cup...buggy though :(


Thanks for blazing the trail!! Pure awesomeness:D


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Hey 2pac I made some progress thanks to you! I think it would be awesome if some modderss would just port all kinds of goodness from Oblivion for the new bodies. Everyone has different tastes though. I thought I'd show you what I've been up to...just a mod of Thor's first morph into F-Cup...buggy though :(


Thanks for blazing the trail!! Pure awesomeness:D

Good job. How is it buggy? Pm me


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