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When you're corrupted (Succubus Curse), does this mod do something that causes the character to always be treated as naked?

I don't think so.

There is something like that in SD+ though (the Coveted curse).


Okay, thanks. I ran into a problem with SLSF and was trying to figure it out. We're discussing it in this thread.

I don't have SD+ installed right now so it can't be that. 


out. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/54621-sex-lab-sexual-fame-framework/page-14?do=findComment&comment=1693922

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Bug Report & Fixes
These all describe a Sex Change Curse + Allow Transgender + Bimbo Curse + Bimbo Race configured hormones 205a. Curse was initiated with Honey. Default Nord male start. Only this configuration was tested, so hopefully the suggested fixes don't break anything else.
1) No effect procing after Honey sex or "Forcibly Blonde" quest starting without procing the polymorph.
2) Honey prefers pegging.
3) Post polymorph purple schlong.
4) AAAAGH! MY EYES! Nord head stuck on bimbo body post polymorph.
5) Damsel not-so in distress. Stats and bimbo form stat changes seem off.
6) SD+ "Integration" assumes max slave level of six. Bimbo not a perfect slave if default changed.
1) No effect procing after Honey sex or "Forcibly Blonde" quest starting without procing the polymorph.
Bug Description:
Having sex with one of the following three outcomes:
a. Nothing happens. My Nord male is still a guy. No Forcibly Blond quest.
b. Polymorph procs, Forcibly Blonde quest procs. All is as it should be.
c. Forcibly blonde procs. MessageBox displayed. Polymorph does not proc. State of curse is all jacked up.
In "slh_qst_hormonegrowth.psc" I changed this line (around line 975, but I've made some other preferential changes...):
if (Utility.RandomInt(0,100)>60) && (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SLH_iBimbo") == 0) && (GV_allowBimbo.GetValue()==1)

to this...

if (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SLH_iBimbo") == 0) && (GV_allowBimbo.GetValue()==1)

It looks like you wanted to roll the dice on sex with Honey. That's all good. I changed that line for testing sake so I didn't have to sex her up multiple times to test. Low and behold it also fixed outcome c above. I didn't track that down, but I'm guessing the logic breaks down and "_SLH_QST_Bimbo.SetStage(10)" is sometimes being called later leading to the decoupling of it from "PlayerActor.SendModEvent("SLHCastBimboCurse")"

2) Honey prefers pegging.
Bug Description:
If you release Honey from the pillar, she tends to be the aggressor. In SL by default that means that she will come at you with a strap-on nine times out of ten. That doesn't make sense to me given the comments she makes which express a preference to have her holes filled.
In "slh_tif_bimborelease.psc" replace:
SexLab.QuickStart(akActor, akSpeaker, victim=akActor, AnimationTags = "Sex") 


ActorBase PlayerBase = akActor.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
Int PlayerGender = PlayerBase.GetSex() ; 0 = Male ; 1 = Female

sslThreadModel Thread = SexLab.NewThread()
Thread.AddActor(akSpeaker, IsVictim = false) ; // IsVictim = true
Thread.AddActor(akActor, IsVictim = true) ; // IsVictim = true

If (PlayerGender  == 1)
Thread.SetAnimations(SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, "Sex,Lesbian"))
Thread.SetAnimations(SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, "MF"))


Your mod, your call. I just grabbed that from one of the other similar files and tweaked it slightly. Maybe you want femdom. That would make sense still if she is supposed to be overly aggressive. Just a thought.
3) Post polymorph purple schlong.
Bug Description:
Post polymorph my schlong, temporary as it may have been, was a lovely missing texture purple.
I don't remember the specifics, but I traced this down to requiring a texture not from the latest base package of SOS, but from the SOS B3lisario UNP Addon. I installed v0.9 and my schlong was flesh colored.
4) AAAAGH! MY EYES! Nord head stuck on bimbo body post polymorph.
Bug Description:
The title says it. The male head and head parts remain after the polymorph. I think others have suggested popping over to another race, and then back in the showracemenu that opens up. I don't like this because the stats and perks get set to default instead of using the values that are derived from your character, but altered due to the transformation in "slh_fctpolymorph.psc".
Tentative Hacky Fix:
I'm going to say up front that I'm really unsure about this, but this procedure seems to have worked for me. It required some tweaking in CK and some script changes to "slh_fctpolymorph.psc". Every time I actually do something in CK besides compile a script... I just don't know man. It's like the thing is voodoo. I'm never sure if anything is reproducible with it. I'm obviously a CK noob here, so take this all with a grain of salt.
In CK:
a) ObjWindow -> Character -> Race -> _SLH_BimboRace -> Face Data -> Check "Override head part list"
b ) Also change "Eyes _SLH_FemaleEyesBimboLightBlue" via dropdown to "_SLH_FemaleEyesBimboCustom" as the LightBlue ones seem to stick too far back and down in the head. It looks messed up with the original setting.
c) In "slh_fctpolymorph.psc" -> "function bimboTransformEffectON(actor kActor)":
There is an if statement that reads "If (GV_allowBimboRace.GetValue()==1)". Inside that if statement you call "kActor.SetRace(PolymorphRace)" before you go into an if...elseif... that looks like...
If (isActorMale) 
; Do not switch sex for female -> bimbo
HRTEffectON( kActor)

TGEffectON( kActor)

StorageUtil.SetFloatValue(kActor, "_SLH_fWeight",  0.0)
StorageUtil.SetFloatValue(kActor, "_SLH_fBreast",  0.9)
StorageUtil.SetFloatValue(kActor, "_SLH_fButt",  0.9)

ElseIf (!isActorMale) && (GV_allowBimbo.GetValue()==0)
; Allow sex change if bimbo effect is OFF
HRTEffectON( kActor)

TGEffectON( kActor)

ElseIf (!isActorMale) 
; Allow sex change if bimbo effect is OFF

TGEffectON( kActor)

... which results in calling "HRTEffectON(kActor)" and "TGEffectON(kActor) resulting in the sexchange and schlong happening AFTER the race change. I found that HRTEffectON and TGEffectON needed to happen BEFORE kActor.SetRace(PolymorphRace) and so I stuck them up there for testing. Obviously, you'd need to do it better than that for shipping, but for testing purposes I commented out the "If (isActorMale) section above and just slapped them in there.

Here is the really messed up part. The above works, but if you make any changes to the face they get overridden as a result of the "Override head part list" checked on the race just as soon as you exit showracemenu, reverting you back to the face defined in CK. I'm kind of OK with this as by lore it is a curse that Honey comments about which makes you identical to her. This assures it... as if you were cursed. I'm not sure about scripted face changes, but I'm guessing they are going to get overwritten too. I could be wrong though. Regardless, I thought people would still want to tweak things in showracemenu despite the stat consequences, so out of frustration and ignorance I did this in CK.
d) Actor -> _SLH_BimboRace -> _SLH_BimboVictim -> Checked "Is CharGen Face Preset"
Woah! OK, so this moves Honey out of the Actor list and into the Presets. This can't be good. In testing though, there she is at the pillar. Everything still works as normal, and now the head change works, and if I make adjustments via showracemenu they stick. That's got to break something, but I haven't seen it in my limited testing. Now, I haven't tested this yet, but the "Bimbo" property on "slh_fctpolymorph.psc" is filled in with "_SLH_BimboVictim" which is used in the main polymorph function. I'm thinking if I fill that in with "_SLH_BimboPresetF" maybe I can get the same thing going without moving "_SLH_BimboVictim" into a preset. That just occured to me while writing this, so I'll start with a fresh unpack and test it unless you beat me with a clue stick and tell me that this is a foolish route to take. I'm sure you've messed with this a bunch.
5) Damsel not-so in distress. Stats and bimbo form stat changes seem off.
Bug Description:
This may be a feature and not a bug, but here goes. The default male Nord stats on MP, HP, and ST are 100, 95, and 100 respectively at start of game. If you visit honey, go throug the TF, don't mess with racemenu thus resetting to _SLH_BimboRace default stats you end up with a Bimbo that is much stronger than your Nord at MP225, HP118, and ST325! If you mess with showracemenu and default her stats they are MP150, HP150, ST250. Clearly something is happening here to get two different outcomes. I was signing up for being cursed into helpless oversexed damsel, not a buffed bronzed bimbo!
Suggestions on fix:
In "slh_fctpolymorph.psc" in "function bimboTransformEffectON(actor kActor)" you have code that looks like this.
kActor.SetActorValue("health", (actorHP/4 + HP))
kActor.SetActorValue("magicka", (actorMG/4 + Magicka))
kActor.SetActorValue("stamina", (actorST/4 + Stamina))

The result of your math takes the original actors HP, MG, and ST, divides them by 4, and then adds the values in the properties set on "SLH_fctPolyMorph" via the "_SLH_Controller" quest. Those properties are HP:100, Magicka:200, and Stamina:300. My thought is that they should be pulled from the original bimbo race instead of just setting those properties to arbitrarily large values. Either that or just doing a kActor.SetActorValue("health", (actorHP/4 * 0.33)) to just take a percent of the original stats, or maybe doing both. Setting the bimbo race values, or those properties very low, and adding a small percentage of the original HP, MP, and ST to reflect the small bit of experience willpower the PC has left. It's really a matter of your personal choice, but it just seemed a little off for the theme.

Anyway, I ended up going the simple multiplication route to all things being a third of the original actors stats. I may have made some other changes a little above in the code, otherwise I'd just post it all. You get the idea though.
6) SD+ "Integration" assumes max slave level of six. Bimbo not a perfect slave if default changed.
Bug Description:
On a previous play in which I had SD+ installed, which I do not have installed right now, I kept running into a problem where my slavery level as a Bimbo was stuck at six... That was weird. I had adjusted my max slavery level up in the SD+ interface. I thought it was a bug with SD+, so I moved it back down. I happened to be cursed as a Bimbo at the time. Because Hormones, and shenanigans. I also couldn't for the life figure out why my slavery level wasn't dropping over time...
In "slh_qst_bimboalias.psc" at the bottom of "Event OnUpdate()"
If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(BimboActor, "_SD_iSlaveryLevel") != 6)
StorageUtil.SetIntValue(BimboActor, "_SD_iSlaveryExposure", 150)
StorageUtil.SetIntValue(BimboActor, "_SD_iSlaveryLevel", 6)

If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(BimboActor, "_SD_iDom") != 0)
StorageUtil.SetIntValue(BimboActor, "_SD_iDom", 0)

The fix should be obvious. Check for max slavery level and set it to that. I don't have SD+ installed, or I would have given you some actual code. I might also recommend either documenting that this feature is part of the mod, or at least giving an in-game notification along the lines of "A wave of submissiveness washes over you. A bimbo doesn't need to think, she needs only to server her master as a perfect slave." ... or something, just to set the tone, and then it won't seem so weird when you get into the role so quickly via the SD+ mechanic.

Allright, that's all. You know, if you had a github... :D Aaaaand I should google first. Ciao!
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Thanks for the extensive details... I will take a look one by one.


The slavery level stuck at 6 is intentional. Cursed bimbos do not have access to slavery level below 'sex toy', which is level 6.


By the way, I do have a github repo :)


For SD+ - https://github.com/SkyrimLL/SDPlus 

For my other mods - https://github.com/SkyrimLL/SkLLmods


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Haha. Yeah, I just posted an edit noticing that you have a github while you posted your response. On the slavery level, that's fine that it is stuck at at sex toy/pain slut level... it should be, but if I recall you can adjust the maximum levels of slavery in SD+, making it take longer to get to the top... could have been some weird mod I had installed. I just remember I had to drop it back down to six levels total in order to make it work again.


I think we'd both prefer a pull request over this forum. Next time... heck... maybe even this time... because I need versioning for this... I'll do it that way.

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Not exactly. The Bimbo race is a custom race and is not set to use the default paths and files for the meshes generated by bodyslide. Open up hormones in MO and look in the file tree. You'll see a folder meshes/actors/character/sl_hormones/bimbo/ and textures/actors/character/sl_hormones/bimbo/. Your bimbo meshes and textures are in those folders respectively. You can try just replacing them with the same files generated by bodyslide or from whatever mod you are using. Results may vary, and you may need to edit some meshes with nifskope to get the texture paths fixed, and/or ensure that the right face parts are being used to get what you want in CK. It's not exactly a straightforward process, but I'd suggest just replacing the meshes and textures first and seeing if that gets you close enough to the body you desire. There are plenty of tutorials out there that are a quick google search away that should help you with the rest. Good luck!

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@KandiKain - Thanks again for the detailed comments above. I went through them one by one and made some adjustments.


I decided to leave the preset / face changes alone as that results in too many issues with Racemenu. I am still not doing something right when trying to apply face presets. 


One simple workaround if the face and body are messed up when you go into racemenu is to change the race back and forth between Nord and Bimbo and same with gender (set gender back to the old gender and then to the new one). That usually clears things op.


I did move the sex change / tg transformations before the bimbo curse and race change. I still have to test it out but it was indeed a good suggestion.



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You're welcome. I saw the issues in github. :) Yeah, the preset/face change thing is a complete mystery still. My suggested fix... well I figured out that it doesn't always work... I mean it still does if you check that "override" box, but that's really a workaround, not a fix proper. The weird thing about turning the bimbovictim actor into a facegen preset, which seemed to magically avoid the whole reversion to the settings in CK, is not consistent. It still bugs out sometimes on my box. I just happened to hit a string of it not bugging out on my first few tests.


I've been messing around trying to find the right solution, and as far as the code you've written to perform the necessary <get||set>face<preset||morph> it seems to be correct from my experiments. I made it function on the same race and sex just fine and had no issues using your code to copy a face over from a character of matching race and sex. I do believe that regeneratehead() is NOT working correctly, but even when I changed it over to queueninodeupdate() and it worked, as soon as I tossed in the sex and race variables I was right back to the wrong head issue. What's really strange is how inconsistent it is about copying some of the head parts over. So some of them get changed when you check the head in racemenu, but not all of them. Usually brows and mouth, but not necessarily both get copied over, and everything else ends up being the original parts from the sex/race of the actor.


I tried some other ideas on less terrible workarounds, but none of them have been fruitful yet. I'm really beginning to think that this use case is just something that the engine and SKSE are not equipped to deal with.


Thanks for the workaround suggestion.


One more question. If you could ensure that the transformation went off without a hitch every time would you still pop showracemenu? I ask because in my mind if I could get it there, I'd love to streamline that whole transformation and cut the text boxes. Tell the story visually first, maybe play an animation of the PC freaking out and taking stock of the changes, while Honey reacts with an appropriate animation and exclamation. The same would go for Dremora induced changes. I know that would be a tall order, but if breaking immersion with UI can be avoided I prefer it, and that's what has been driving me to really dig into this issue.

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A new version of Hormones is out (2.0.6) with these changes:


- New: Add button for multiple mods adjustments (auto balance max values) 
- New: Apply sex change before race change for bimbo transformation 
- New: Add menu option to disable debug messages in log 
- New: Add MCM option to trigger succubus / bimbo transformations (for player starts)  
- New: Force refresh of slavetats after race / gender change 
- New: Add slider for chance of being grabbed after sex in public 
- Fixed: Outcasts have no quest dialogues if sex change only (without bimbo) 
- Fixed: Error message when trying to cure bimbo curse 
- Fixed: Check why all items are removed when bimbo cursed applied 
- Fixed: Clumsiness factor should be disabled by setting the slider to 0 
- Fixed: Extreme growth of belly after sex when pregnant 
- Fixed: Fix texture issue with SlaveTats addon 
Note: I am in the process of adding NetImmerse Override support to all my mods. Once that is complete, I will make NiO a requirement for Hormones and the rest of my mods that support body shape changes.
The first change listed here (auto balance of nodes) is an attempt at preventing runaway inflation with too many mods using the same nodes through NiO. In short, it automatically adjusts the max value allowed on each node depending on how many mods you have using a particular node. It seems to be working so far but as usual, this is a work in progress :)
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A new version of Hormones is out (2.0.6) with these changes:


Note: I am in the process of adding NetImmerse Override support to all my mods.
It seems to be working so far but as usual, this is a work in progress :)


Very happy to see update :)

Fun to have hormones overwhelming you...and causing all kinds of crazy results...sometimes LOL.

At this time use it for hormone effects and not the storyline.


I didn't see any mention of the Hormones textures feature in changelog. 

Really liked the idea of getting hot-flush or cold with abstinence.

Seemed I had read before many months ago that there was an issue there.


In my case, I had to disable that feature because I was perma changing color and the alpha transparency seemed to go all the way over even though I had set for lesser impact (hope I am remembering all this right - was quite a while ago I tried this).

I could reset skin texture by going into showracemenu and back out to game, which makes me think it was some kind of NiO update issue.

Hopefully soon I'll have time to retest this fun mod and see if it was an issue at my end.






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Skin color changes are working for me. You have to select a color that isn't too saturated to make the changes more subtle depending your starting skin.


I noticed still issues with hair color turning black, especially when a new game is created. I am still looking into that.

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Thanks! Good to know it should work.

I did actually test various colors as well.  No luck.

Looking forward to testing it again!


Do you mean hair stays black?  Or just appears black for a moment?

I use many NiO layers (makeup and more) and see layers applied quick on a save game load.  Sometimes see the black hair for a second.  Then it's gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the node updates are working so far (I'll let you know if an issue comes up). But I'm getting a problem with the skin color change where once you allow it to change color, if you turn the color change off, you can go into RaceMenu and the color resets to your original color. But the next time you perform a sex act, the update causes the color to revert to the last color you had. 

Is there a way to do this properly so that you can reset your skin color to your original color if you decide to turn off the skin color functionality? 


edit; I realized it works if you do this:

Set the default shape in the MCM.

Then when you reset your character back to the default shape, the color will stay the same until you go into racemenu. Upon exiting, your color stays reset to the default color and if you turn off the  color change, stays set to default color after sex acts. 

I did notice that sometimes the color change doesn't apply to the face hands and feet. I think it happened when I set the value to less than 1.0 for the color shift. 

Does the bimbo curse actually try to do nioverride changes on its own? I noticed when I did a wait for two hours (from 11PM to 1AM) that the breasts scaled larger for a few seconds, and then scaled down a bit (still larger than before though). It seemed like there was some sort of conflict happening there and the couple of other mods I have that do nioverride changes, I have that functionality turned off.

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So, I'm currently having an issue where the body will change fine, but when I equip armour/clothing it'll return to the default (In fact, I think its going even smaller than that). Taking the armour off again will restore it to the hormonified changes, and when I first equip gear it'll show it in that state before defaulting again. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, so I figured I'd pop a message in to see if someone can set me in the right direction.


EDIT: All the gear in question is bodyslided, by the by.


Can provide screenshots, load order, logs, etc. if necessary.

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I'm having a very odd problem with the weight change. The values for slh_gv_weightmin and weightmax are 0, and I don't seem to be able to get them to change even via console. I'm also seeing that problem where body scale settings aren't being saved again. This is in the most current version of the mod on a new game. Anyone have any ideas?

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I must say this mod continues being one of my favorites. I just adore the sex change curse as well as the transgender curse since it plays into two kinks of mine. So once again thank you. Kinda curious if there was a way the curses instead of being from Daedra could be possible to apply by any NPC so the whole safe sex with non-daedra goes out the window (or an MCM option that restricts it to Daedric influence only).

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