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"What mod is this?" VI

The Matrix Prime

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Hey, anyone knows where can I get the top she's wearing?






Osare HotPants.




Thanks a lot!



Holy Cow! Anyone know where the rest of the outfit is from also?



The top is Osare HotPants, the belt and the potions on her left leg are from Shredded Triss Armor , the pants gloves and boots are from West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor , the arm warmers are from Osare Culort Outfit, the "robotic" hand this character uses is a bit different from the one in the West Wind mod tho, if you want to use the one she uses I guess you could get her follower mod and put the gloves on your character.

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Anybody got a name/link for the armour in this pic?



I too am curious as to where to find this outfit.... it's very beautiful..


I would love to know this armor also........



I know exactly what this is, and indeed I agree.


It is the Devil Hunter outfit from Vindictus, jianeddie on 3DM game converted it to Skyrim.


Reuploading this on my dropbox since I cannot find the original link at the moment.




Thanks a lot! Now if someone would convert this to 7b... ;)




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any idea about her clothes  / panties (not boots) and hair (in special the hair looks so cool)?






since you asked for the clothes and hair I will asked the rose in her eyes






though I think her name is zero from drakengard 






I did try to search google.. but no luck : v.

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any idea about her clothes  / panties (not boots) and hair (in special the hair looks so cool)?






since you asked for the clothes and hair I will asked the rose in her eyes






though I think her name is zero from drakengard 






I did try to search google.. but no luck : v.



You can find the rose here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35902/?


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any idea about her clothes  / panties (not boots) and hair (in special the hair looks so cool)?



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since you asked for the clothes and hair I will asked the rose in her eyes






though I think her name is zero from drakengard 






I did try to search google.. but no luck : v.






any idea about her clothes  / panties (not boots) and hair (in special the hair looks so cool)?






since you asked for the clothes and hair I will asked the rose in her eyes






though I think her name is zero from drakengard 






I did try to search google.. but no luck : v.



You can find the rose here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35902/?



Really thanks guys

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Not sure if I should ask here for this (i'm kinda new here)

I'm kinda just looking for a mod that allows you to bang NPCs but....nothing too weird. You know what i mean Cause there is a lot of weird stuff on here.

Nothing that changes the game too much, just lets you have sex with the girl characters in the game but no BDSM stuff, or slaves or any other weird stuff.

As a noob, and after hours of looking, Where oh where can one find that please? :)

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Not sure if I should ask here for this (i'm kinda new here)

I'm kinda just looking for a mod that allows you to bang NPCs but....nothing too weird. You know what i mean Cause there is a lot of weird stuff on here.

Nothing that changes the game too much, just lets you have sex with the girl characters in the game but no BDSM stuff, or slaves or any other weird stuff.

As a noob, and after hours of looking, Where oh where can one find that please? :)


there is a mod on this site called sexlab framework... but there is some bestiality elements in it but you turn those animations off in the mcm menu :)...

you need a separate mod to trigger the animations i recomend using either sexlab enchantress or sexlab matchmaker you can find both those mods on this site...


enjoy ;)

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yea just tried, its just the rose, nothing about the hair or the chest pieces/ panties there.







wish really can get that pieces.

So we looking at private mod? Private right? Boots from Mabinogi Hero White Shark Robe, Panties could come from any mod had Panties . Shirt and Black Jacket from old Oblivion outfit converted to Skyrim, remove Pants added Panties. Give this mashup B+. :lol:

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Not sure if I should ask here for this (i'm kinda new here)

I'm kinda just looking for a mod that allows you to bang NPCs but....nothing too weird. You know what i mean Cause there is a lot of weird stuff on here.

Nothing that changes the game too much, just lets you have sex with the girl characters in the game but no BDSM stuff, or slaves or any other weird stuff.

As a noob, and after hours of looking, Where oh where can one find that please? :)


there is a mod on this site called sexlab framework... but there is some bestiality elements in it but you turn those animations off in the mcm menu :)...

you need a separate mod to trigger the animations i recomend using either sexlab enchantress or sexlab matchmaker you can find both those mods on this site...


enjoy ;)



I am gonna be a sneaky bastard here and also recommend working girl.

 It is a very simple prostitution mod, and is great for "noob". I once started with it, and thought it was great, since it helps you get started and show the various animations. It is also very good for new characters, since you earn money for sex. And as far as I know, there are no BDSM or agressive animations.

 Hope this helps!




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i may get some flak for this but if anyone wanted this mod but was unable to get it



Did you click on the words "S7B Lady Keaira Bombshell"?


It's a mediafire link.

yes, yes I did, I can assure you it works, I can post some pics as proof, that site that I linked to first has a lot of wonderful 7b conversions that all work. I would be so very saddened without that site and some of the other blogs I watch for unique Japanese mods.
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i may get some flak for this but if anyone wanted this mod but was unable to get it



Did you click on the words "S7B Lady Keaira Bombshell"?


It's a mediafire link.

yes, yes I did, I can assure you it works, I can post some pics as proof, that site that I linked to first has a lot of wonderful 7b conversions that all work. I would be so very saddened without that site and some of the other blogs I watch for unique Japanese mods.



Eh, just sayin'. But all the 7B conversions from that site are originally from here, Loverslab :P


Mistermane converted that and you can find Mediafire and Mega links on his tumblr along with all the other conversions.


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I would like to know what oily texture is being used here, or any oil texture just like this. I already tried sporty sexy sweat and some other oily skin textures but they weren't like this one.

and what armor + body. :D


Urg. Just go to this blog. Warning: It's in Japanese.


The armor is Ageha Armor Collection. The body used is UNPBO from this thread. You can find the UNPBO version of the armor in the thread.


As for a comment up their… I really want to slap a 'D-' onto his face but frankly I don't know the armor either. 

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