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[mod] Sexbound Reborn

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42 minutes ago, extratexture2 said:

ah I get it, thanks!

another question: are players/NPCs ever negatively affected by high arousal? the sexbound.config "playerArousalDebuff" option implies they are but I couldn't find where it was actually used



That is not yet implemented. All relevant settings are documented in the wiki.

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4 hours ago, King_Moo_Moo said:

For some reasons after climax (after using Aphrodite's Bow) I just get yeeted into the void.


It says "Detected unnamed asset source" in your SBR Aphrodites Bow Patch folder, which means the patch is installed wrong.


EDIT: Nvm, you also have the mod twice it appears.


Other than that I need more information.

Edited by Erina Sugino
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5 hours ago, Erina Sugino said:


It says "Detected unnamed asset source" in your SBR Aphrodites Bow Patch folder, which means the patch is installed wrong.


EDIT: Nvm, you also have the mod twice it appears.


Other than that I need more information.

Yeah i've been seeing that error popping up on another person's logs, and the only mods they had were Sexbound and Aphrodite's Bow. Unclear whether "Reborn" or normal, but if that's the error message in question, then ouch. I should've known about that one!

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1 hour ago, Erina Sugino said:

You still have two folder for the Aphrodites Bow Patch.

Also, just out of curiosity, does it work if you don't use StarExtensions?

Removing StarExtensions solved my problem.
(Also one of the folder of Aphrodites Bow Patch was empty and I was just lazy removing it)

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22 minutes ago, King_Moo_Moo said:

Removing StarExtensions solved my problem.
(Also one of the folder of Aphrodites Bow Patch was empty and I was just lazy removing it)

So... Star Extension, is now incompatible with SxB? Well that's a twist.

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10 minutes ago, Lordchaosc said:

I wonder if custom animations would be possible in reborn, like solo animations or something like a thigh job animation


I don't know what is supposed to be specifically "custom" about it, but as long as you draw all the assets you can make whatever animation you want.


Solo animations (alongside other new ones) are already in the works, however.

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for some odd reason, npcs i hit with aphrodites bow start in idle, all the scene select options are blank, tho clicking them does change the position, and when leaving the node, the affected npc still performs the animation after leaving, and if i try to rejoin, they no longer raise the climax bar


I also tried on a human npc and the same thing happens. sorry for all the mods in the log btw. cant make heads or tails of most of it tbh
Edit: Its also worth mentioning that lustbound sex toys are a little messed up due to starting in an idle phase causing your player model to disappear, until you click a pose.


Edited by Slaptree
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1 hour ago, Slaptree said:

for some odd reason, npcs i hit with aphrodites bow start in idle, all the scene select options are blank, tho clicking them does change the position, and when leaving the node, the affected npc still performs the animation after leaving, and if i try to rejoin, they no longer raise the climax bar

I also tried on a human npc and the same thing happens. sorry for all the mods in the log btw. cant make heads or tails of most of it tbh
Edit: Its also worth mentioning that lustbound sex toys are a little messed up due to starting in an idle phase causing your player model to disappear, until you click a pose.


I'd assume you have changed the setting "forceAllPositions" to "true". This is currently broken and leads to the strange behaviour witnessed.

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12 hours ago, Erina Sugino said:


I'd assume you have changed the setting "forceAllPositions" to "true". This is currently broken and leads to the strange behaviour witnessed.

seems like thats the case indeed! thank you! although it is still a bit annoying having to choose a position anytime i initiate an animation. is there a config setting for that or is it just how it is for now?

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48 minutes ago, Slaptree said:

seems like thats the case indeed! thank you! although it is still a bit annoying having to choose a position anytime i initiate an animation. is there a config setting for that or is it just how it is for now?


There is currently no setting to automatically choose a position for the player. NPCs (without a player present) can automatically choose positions unless disabled in the config.

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40 minutes ago, wh950211 said:

that thing didn't work.I choose a bed but all animation is lockd.Aphrodite's Bow didn't work too.just display nothing.here is my mod list,anyone can tell me where was wrong?


A: That isn't a log file. Without a logfile we have no actually relevant information.

B: "Doesn't work" is no error description we can help you with. What exactly is going wrong, and what are you expecting to happen to deem it wrong?

C : You have the sexbound-reborn.pak in your mods folder, but also the folder sexbound-reborn-paked in there too. In theory that just means you have no access to the config, but please install your mods properly.

Edited by Erina Sugino
LL stop adding emotes ffs
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34 minutes ago, ArthurTheBud said:

Hello there. I had the same issue about the action wheel not showing up. I removed the POV 4.0.2 mod from my mod folder, and the action wheel still didn't show up. I tried getting an NPC into sexnode and interacted with it. Same result. Here is my log, and I hope it helps.


starbound.log 80.08 kB · 0 downloads

Boo! PoV surprise! (Draconis PoV mod includes the whole of the old PoV mod that you just removed, thus, will cause issues with Reborn! To fix this, you can remove all folders except artwork from within it.)



Literally all the mod needs to run if you install a updated PoV. Dunno why they included the whole old PoV code again ?

So yeah, that is a problem that the mod creator for the Draconis PoV should fix, but at least i'm glad some people are making more PoV assets.


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2 hours ago, red3dred said:

Boo! PoV surprise! (Draconis PoV mod includes the whole of the old PoV mod that you just removed, thus, will cause issues with Reborn! To fix this, you can remove all folders except artwork from within it.)

  Hide contents


Literally all the mod needs to run if you install a updated PoV. Dunno why they included the whole old PoV code again ?

So yeah, that is a problem that the mod creator for the Draconis PoV should fix, but at least i'm glad some people are making more PoV assets.


Man, that... really surprises me. I should get a new glasses.... It works now. Thank you very much!

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On 4/27/2023 at 9:52 PM, Erina Sugino said:


Because I wrote my own dialogue for them long before publicly starting on Reborn, hence all the files are part of my local files and not their own mod as they should be, and for the release of Reborn I just threw them out thinking "Should work fine", but they are still in all the configs so the mod tries to load them but there is nothing.

so is there anything i can do in the files to fix it or is that it a whole level of fucked that i would have no clue on how to fix. btw i do have the neki adapter installed 

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1 hour ago, fatex11 said:

How preggo works? my char had almost 300 orgasms/cum etc etc but not getting preggo



Assuming you are using default settings (and your character is female to begin with), every couple in-game days you'll get a status effect in the top left titled "Unsafe Day", indicating your character is currently ovulating and able to get pregnant. This state lasts for one in-game day. During and only during this timeframe you have a 50% chance to get pregnant each time a compatible male partner climaxes inside you. By default setup, the only two races natively compatible with each other are Apex and Human, otherwise only same species partners can get pregnant.


28 minutes ago, whatdafq said:

so is there anything i can do in the files to fix it or is that it a whole level of fucked that i would have no clue on how to fix. btw i do have the neki adapter installed 


Go to the sextalk plugin config and the config file for each and every single individual position and removing anything that has anything to do with "Neki". That should potentially fix it. Other than that, there are also a couple random Neki race specific scan descriptions flying around for some of the items, but they shouldn't affect anything.

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:09 PM, VAAlucard said:

I'm trying to make a Defeat-style mod for the game using SxB:R but not having any luck. I just can't seem to get my wrap my head around how to get it to work. I was drawing some inspiration from the original SxB Defeat but definitely wanted it to handle things differently. I'm gonna scrap what I have and start from scratch. If anyone that is more experienced at making StarBound mods has any tips for me, i'd appreciate it.

Unfortunately, I have completely scrapped my work on a viable "Defeat" style mod. I unfortunately lack the time, patience, and know-how to successfully pull it off. It seems like the issue may have been in handling the transformation of actors into animation nodes (this thought appears to have been confirmed by the what i read in the Changelogs for SxBR on the main page. Thank you Erina for the awesome work btw). My idea was to set the transformation on a timed delay in order to give other mods that may affect damage scripts a chance to operate first and the sequence would be finished by my "Defeat" style mod.


Unfortunately, this did not work. I had it set up so that upon an actor hitting "0 HP" would be locked as a "furniture" item for 5 seconds before being transformed into a node.

At first this resulted in the actor freezing in place and then either instantly dying after 5 seconds or staying frozen indefinitely. I fixed that issue, it ended up just being a minor mistype in the script. However, another problem reared it's ugly head. What usually ended happening after i fixed that error of stupidity was that the actor, upon being transformed would die but leave behind an a copy of themselves as a transformed node. With NPCs that would have been fine if not for the fact that those nodes would stick around indefinitely. Of course with where PC was concerned, it would create a copy of the PC with the actual PC respawning on their ship. That created node would also stick around indefinitely ( left my computer running for a full 12 hrs while i was at work just come home and be greeted by the PC-copy still being there. I tried adding lines of script to get the "Copies" to despawn after a 60 second timer but it didn't work either.


My hope is that this new iteration of SxB Reborn has fixed the issue where nodes created by Defeat were invisible and uncontrollable. I also hope that someone can either pick up and fix the current "SxB Defeat" or create a better one. Even if it were to mean that I had to throw some money into a commission.

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