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On 2/1/2023 at 11:11 PM, Miauzi said:

You could also "tie" it to a planter.




Idea... Planter need to be sterilised, if they are not. There is a 10% chance of the Tenctacle will be actively growing in it, approaching it will trigger it. But only for Humans. Synths, and Robots are immune.


Sterilising them is costly, and takes rare resources...


Planters cannot be sterilised without the knowledge from the above Perk Mags, levels 1, 2, 3 Perk Mags will need to be found.


Small Tentacles... need info from Perk Mag 1

Medium Tentacles... need Perk Mag 2

Large Tentacles... need Perk Mag 3


Tentacles can hide in Dirt, during the day. Coming out at night, and animating. Waving in the night breeze, waiting for victims. To lay it's eggs in...





Like this Captured By Mimic video... minus the Chest, instead it is triggered by a Planter, Graygarden, and other settlements with Crops in them, can be very tricky. The plants seemingly targeting Nora, ignoring for the most part, the Settlers.


If Family Planning Enhanced Redux is installed, then getting them pregnant with Tentacle Seeds. Maybe possible random Pregnancies instead...

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26 minutes ago, kakkaohjus said:

How hard would it be to turn these into robotic tentacles? Give non-humanoid bots some sex options.

Anyways the proliferation tentacles is always a welcome sight.




No, really, one of the existing tentacle types this mod provides is "mechanical" (it's just a reskin, but clearly intended to look as robotic as possible without having a completely separate mesh).

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4 minutes ago, MysticDaedra said:

Any tentacle-loving degenerate knows that in one orifice and out the other, while not being very "realistic" (pshaw!), is one of the hottest parts of tentacle hentai. Any chance we could see that eventually from AT?


Seconded, slimy ATWT scenes are hawt, even if they should technically kill you.

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On 3/30/2023 at 3:48 PM, MysticDaedra said:

Any tentacle-loving degenerate knows that in one orifice and out the other, while not being very "realistic" (pshaw!), is one of the hottest parts of tentacle hentai. Any chance we could see that eventually from AT?


I opened up 3ds Max to check if the tentacle mesh was tall enough for that, and indeed, by making the actor bend down a bit it is possible.





Although, as mentioned before, I have a fair few things in the backlog right now, so I'm not sure when I'll get around to adding new animations to AT. I actually wanted to make AT a bit better before releasing it, but I was having trouble finding time to work on it, so I released what I had done.


4 hours ago, deadjester226 said:

I've been thoroughly enjoying this mod!

Just as a thought. Do you think it would be possible to add some oral animations to this? 

Fallout4 3_31_2023 8_01_27 PM.png


Glad you like it!

Indeed, it wouldn't be too difficult to add an additional tentacle to that anim for oral. Although, the same disclaimer as above applies.

Edited by Snapdragon_
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For the next update, I will add a "Dangerous" tentacle type. They will be the same as aggressive tentacles, but will 'weaken' the actor with each animation loop. They can be escaped by spamming a key on your keyboard enough to fill up an 'escape' bar (like how it's done in H-Games). (I'll have to figure out how non-player actors can escape.) Weaken will work in 3 phases: The first 2-3 'weakens' are a grace period, if you escape during this time nothing will happen. After that, it will remove 10% of your action points with each weaken, then once all action points are depleted, it will remove 5-10% health with each weaken. (Will probably add a toggle for whether this can kill.) These will be the types of tentacles that will spawn in the world naturally.

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Ideas... New Dangerous Tentacles.


I just read your post, on the new dangerous tentacles, and have a couple of possible ideas. I you don't like them, then just ignore this post... :)



Reed Tentacles... They spawn in Reeds at waters edges, so they have a physical location. Catching people, accidentally getting too near to them in the water.


Razorgrain, would make a good base model for a spawner. There are also Reeds in-game, you could use.



Mimic Collar... A new Mimic Collar would be a possible addition, if the person is not wearing a Devious Collar. This could add a body and chest armour stripper effect, as the creature wants Sunlight.






Like this Lara Croft Tentacle Adventure video... Either having a struggle bar, or giving the player a 10% reduction in Health Bar, that stacks. each one lasting 3 Days.



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3 hours ago, Krazyone said:

Mimic Collar... A new Mimic Collar would be a possible addition, if the person is not wearing a Devious Collar. This could add a body and chest armour stripper effect, as the creature wants Sunlight.


There are a couple of tentacle parasite "suits" in Devious Devices which are made usable in RC8. I've always wanted to do something with them, like maybe have them slowly "eat" your accumulated radiation, at the expense of not being able to wear normal clothing and armor until you manage to free yourself from their grip through extreme measures like poisoning yourself in order to force them to let go.

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28 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


There are a couple of tentacle parasite "suits" in Devious Devices which are made usable in RC8. I've always wanted to do something with them, like maybe have them slowly "eat" your accumulated radiation, at the expense of not being able to wear normal clothing and armor until you manage to free yourself from their grip through extreme measures like poisoning yourself in order to force them to let go.


That's what you have to do, to get rid of Vanilla Fallout 4 Molerat disease. Poison yourself with a ridiculous amount of Radiation, to cure Molerats Disease.


Personally... Breast Expansion, to prevent clothing use.  Wearing clothing, makes Nora's Breasts expand slowly, shredding her clothes eventually. Then returning to normal after a few hours.


Reason... creature wants to photosynthesise, feeding off the light.


I'd like a collar, that looks like a green tentacle, that is wrapped around Nora's neck. Like in the above Lara Croft video...



I've seen, and used the Tentacle Parasite suit's mods, there are a few of them. Not including re-textures...

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This mod works most of the time for me. But I do get a frozen green screen from time to time. Some npc's are affected and other are not. Overall its a nice vegetation (!) add-on with a twist, with some needed polish to be added for sure. Has potential for...growth!

Tentacular (3).png

Tentacular (4).png

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15 hours ago, Noskars said:

This mod works most of the time for me. But I do get a frozen green screen from time to time. Some npc's are affected and other are not. Overall its a nice vegetation (!) add-on with a twist, with some needed polish to be added for sure. Has potential for...growth!

Tentacular (3).png

Tentacular (4).png


Yeah, the hypnotic tentacles are fairly buggy in their current state. It's hard to handle line-of-sight changes gracefully with Papyrus because of how slow and non-deterministic it is (which is probably why no modders have tried this before), I will probably need to add an F4SE plugin to the mod to make it work 100% correctly all the time.


As for it not working with some NPCs, it's setup to work with any adult human NPCs, other NPC types are not supported. I know there is a bug though where the tentacle's script will randomly crash for an unknown reason and stop grabbing actors. I will have to figure out why that happens.

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  • 1 month later...

i was roaming around by Abernathy and stumbled across a manhole cover labeled Research Division 67B.  After accepting the waiver, there's just a big, empty room with a door that needs a terminal, but there is no terminal.

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I'm not sure why, but I can't get this to work. I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work but everytime I get the same error message in the console (VIEWER STRINGS NOT AVAILABLE). I put the folder in both the "mods" and "data" folders, I've changed a couple of the .ini files to try to get the game to accept the mod files, and I've changed the "plugins" file to try to force the game to accept the .esp file. I've tried to use new and old tutorials to figure this out but nothing I've found has worked. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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6 hours ago, thr3zims said:

I'm not sure why, but I can't get this to work. I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work but everytime I get the same error message in the console (VIEWER STRINGS NOT AVAILABLE). I put the folder in both the "mods" and "data" folders, I've changed a couple of the .ini files to try to get the game to accept the mod files, and I've changed the "plugins" file to try to force the game to accept the .esp file. I've tried to use new and old tutorials to figure this out but nothing I've found has worked. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Have you tried using a mod manager instead of manually installing? Also, Animated Tentacles depends on AAF, so make sure you have a working AAF setup before you start trying to get this mod going on it.

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7 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Have you tried using a mod manager instead of manually installing? Also, Animated Tentacles depends on AAF, so make sure you have a working AAF setup before you start trying to get this mod going on it.

I do indeed have a working F4SE and AAF setup. As for using a mod manager, I tried importing the .zip folder into Vortex which seemed to work at first. However, when I tried to use the "help tentacle 4" command in the console, it returned the same message:


----OTHER FORMS--------------------

usage: help <matchstring> <filter> <form type>

filters: 0-all 1-functions 2-settings 3-globals 4-other forms

form type is 4 characters and is ignored unless the filter is 4"

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29 minutes ago, thr3zims said:

I do indeed have a working F4SE and AAF setup. As for using a mod manager, I tried importing the .zip folder into Vortex which seemed to work at first. However, when I tried to use the "help tentacle 4" command in the console, it returned the same message:


----OTHER FORMS--------------------

usage: help <matchstring> <filter> <form type>

filters: 0-all 1-functions 2-settings 3-globals 4-other forms

form type is 4 characters and is ignored unless the filter is 4"


I also installed it with Vortex (simply drag-n-drop the ZIP file from my Downloads folder to the "Drop File(s)" target at the bottom of the Mods view, switch to Enabled and click Deploy).


Edit: Note that not seeing it in the help search in console is a sign that the plugin isn't enabled. Double check the Plugins view for AnimatedTentacles.esp and make sure it's in an Enabled state. Also make sure that the Active count in the top-right corner of the Plugins view isn't greater than 254.

Edited by vaultbait
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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:


I also installed it with Vortex (simply drag-n-drop the ZIP file from my Downloads folder to the "Drop File(s)" target at the bottom of the Mods view, switch to Enabled and click Deploy).


Edit: Note that not seeing it in the help search in console is a sign that the plugin isn't enabled. Double check the Plugins view for AnimatedTentacles.esp and make sure it's in an Enabled state. Also make sure that the Active count in the top-right corner of the Plugins view isn't greater than 254.

The mod is enabled in both the "mods" and "plugins" sections and I deployed it multiple times for good measure. The active count is 77 and the light count is 16.

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42 minutes ago, thr3zims said:

The mod is enabled in both the "mods" and "plugins" sections and I deployed it multiple times for good measure. The active count is 77 and the light count is 16.


I'm tapped out for ideas then... the exact same console help command returns a ton of results for me (I just tested it again exactly as you typed it, to make sure). Something's definitely different between how Vortex installed it for me and for you.

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