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[WIP] SexLab Aroused v2014-01-24

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I have a good idea. Would it be more realistic if PC gets aroused more easier if he/she is more experienced?


That's pretty much what Time Rate does. 




Is it possible to add an option for lowering arousal depending on the number of sexacts?

For example: every sexact lowers arousal by 30 (or 20 or 10)


My little dragonbornslut is nymphomanic  :D and it seems a little unrealistic to me that her arousal drops from 100 to zero after after just one shag.  :dodgy:

I´d love to see her needing to get banged for several times in order to leave the "aroused debuff zone" (just to enter the next one applied by wear&tear).  :angel:


Anyway, feel free to ignore this request, I´m still gonna use this mod  :)  :)






Weird. My game only reduces it by 20 for every sex act, and I want it to go BACK to reducing it all the way to 0. The only thing I changed was making her an Exhibitionist and turning down the amount of Time Rate you gain after each orgasm. Which, btw, Exhibitionist in my game is broken, too. What do?!



Are you skipping through bits of the scene?  I believe the mod decreases arousal proportionate to how long you spend having sex out of the maximum amount of time you could be having sex for each act.


I use the default time setup. 

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Is there any way I can use this in combat ?

Is there a mod that combined with this will make an npc with 100 arousal go nuts/masturbate/whatever ?


Not sure. I can say the Sexlab Release makes the PC masturbate at 100 arousal. Not sure if it affects NPCs or not (havent tested). 





There is also Sexlab Victim that will make the NPC rape the PC if the NPC arousal is high enough and the PC is naked. Does that count for "go nuts/whatever"?




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Is there any way I can use this in combat ?

Is there a mod that combined with this will make an npc with 100 arousal go nuts/masturbate/whatever ?


Not sure. I can say the Sexlab Release makes the PC masturbate at 100 arousal. Not sure if it affects NPCs or not (havent tested). 





There is also Sexlab Victim that will make the NPC rape the PC if the NPC arousal is high enough and the PC is naked. Does that count for "go nuts/whatever"?






Yeah I did end up trying that, which works fine. I was hoping for something that would work on aggressive NPCs as well.

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Is there any way I can use this in combat ?

Is there a mod that combined with this will make an npc with 100 arousal go nuts/masturbate/whatever ?


Not sure. I can say the Sexlab Release makes the PC masturbate at 100 arousal. Not sure if it affects NPCs or not (havent tested). 





There is also Sexlab Victim that will make the NPC rape the PC if the NPC arousal is high enough and the PC is naked. Does that count for "go nuts/whatever"?







Yeah I did end up trying that, which works fine. I was hoping for something that would work on aggressive NPCs as well.



You really don't have a chance to much of anything beyond fighting when dealing with an aggressive NPC. There are three mods that give an NPC a chance to "relieve their stress" after defeating you in combat: Submit, defeat, and Sanguine's Debauchery. They basically kick in after the combat is over, after all you can't really do anything but fight until you have subdued your opponent. If you are looking for something to change their behavior during the fight, let me ask you if you change yours during a fight when you are aroused? If not, what do you expect the NPCs to do different?


Actually there is one thing, SexLab Enchantress will cause NPCs to have sex with you if you cast a calm spell to stop the fighting. Is that what you are looking for?


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A separate topic, I was wondering where would be an appropriate place to suggest ideas involving character's orgasms. It does seem a little unrealistic that everyone always reach orgasm at the same time, no matter what their initial arousal states were. Aroused already takes care of not having the female orgasm on a blowjob, but there is room for a lot more.


I can imagine a system to decide who cums first, and if both(all) parties are satisfied or not. You start with subtracting each actor's arousal from 100 to see how close each is.

  1. If the sex act is one-sided (such as a blowjob), then just the recipient cums of course.
  2. If it is a dominant or rape act, then the dominant actor will orgasm. Other may also orgasm depending on factors below.
  3. Otherwise the one with the highest arousal will orgasm.

Once you have the baseline on which actor controls the orgasm, you can check who else cums. Multiply the controller's "closeness" score by the modifiers below. If the result is higher than the other actor's closeness score they cum as well. Otherwise they are left unfulfilled.


  1. Relationship rank, modifier is 1.0 + relationship rank *0.1. Someone friendly will work at making their partner cum. Enemies not so much.
  2. Faction modifier: some factions are traditionally more giving than others. Bandits may get a 0.8 modifier. Worshipers of Diabella may be something like 1.5
  3. PC skill (I am assuming NPC skill is not tracked). Add some bonus to allow everyone to cum if the PC knows what (s)he is doing.
  4. Male bonus. If the non-dominant actor is male, and the dominant actor is not, and the male is not in a submissive role (animations may not be tagged to indicate this currently), then a bonus for the male to cum. This is to indicate that the action can keep going until the male cums, but once that happens its much harder to press on.
  5. Rape modifier: something between 0.5-0.8 might be appropriate for a rape victim. The aggressors are unlikely to do anything to help the victim along, and just being raped could negatively impact the victim's enjoyment of course.


Finally, actors that achieve orgasm have their exposure and time rate adjusted normally. Those that don't should have their exposure increased by 1-3 times what they would have by just witnessing the act.


Alternate exposure increase: calculate the exposure increase above and the total arousal factor. Then bump up the time rate by some smaller factor than actual sex would provide (say 2 instead of 5). Reduce the exposure again to put the total arousal back to what was calculated in the first step. This should result in someone repeatedly denied becoming more needy over time.


If this isn't the appropriate place to suggest this, please point me in the proper direction.




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Is there any way I can use this in combat ?

Is there a mod that combined with this will make an npc with 100 arousal go nuts/masturbate/whatever ?


Not sure. I can say the Sexlab Release makes the PC masturbate at 100 arousal. Not sure if it affects NPCs or not (havent tested). 





There is also Sexlab Victim that will make the NPC rape the PC if the NPC arousal is high enough and the PC is naked. Does that count for "go nuts/whatever"?






Yeah I did end up trying that, which works fine. I was hoping for something that would work on aggressive NPCs as well.


Let me guess, you play Corruption of Champions? :P


It would be pretty cool if that kind of thing was implemented, maybe with a new skill and/or spells. Even if you use submit, you are never going to rape every enemy, a more passive sexual victory would probably be a boon for a lot of sexually themed characters.

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My character has got herself into a bit of a pickle. My fault, I think...

I was experimenting, to try to see what the different arousal, exposure, time etc settings did on the puppet master. So I set them all on max, and she immediately raped a guard in Falkreath. Problem is, when I tried to turn the values down, all the sliders (actually the whole left pane) for my character has disappeared. So now she's permanently on arousal 100.

When I click on there, I get the NPC's levels, and these have moved into the left pane.... Anyone know what is going on?

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Does the arousal go down if a character has sex through animated prostitution? Ans does the arousal of the NPC affect their willingness to have sex with the AP mod. I'm still new at this so sorry if the answer is somewhere I did not see

To my understanding, Aroused hooks into the SexLab animation routines. So any mod that uses SexLab to enable sex will be counted by Aroused. Conversely any mod that doesn't use SexLab won't be counted. Does AP have a SexLab dependency?

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Does the arousal go down if a character has sex through animated prostitution? Ans does the arousal of the NPC affect their willingness to have sex with the AP mod. I'm still new at this so sorry if the answer is somewhere I did not see

To my understanding, Aroused hooks into the SexLab animation routines. So any mod that uses SexLab to enable sex will be counted by Aroused. Conversely any mod that doesn't use SexLab won't be counted. Does AP have a SexLab dependency?



AP from Nexus does not have a Sexlab dependency, and will not play nicely with the Sexlab mods on Lovers Lab.  I ditched AP for the Radiant Prostitution Tweaked mod from LL for just this reason.


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Hey Redneck2X, I have a suggestion for you.


In Lovers... whatever the mod was called. Desire? Needs? Aroused? Something like that. The Oblivion version of your mod always used to have an ini file for customizing how arousal changed, and I always used to put it so that being raped turned my character on more, instead of reducing it.


You should add a toggle in the menu that swaps rape to increase arousal instead of decrease it -- some people/characters have rape fetishes, and having more arousal stat is a hindrance, not a help after all. c: Getting raped to reduce arousal could actually help you, so if it just turns you on and doesn't make you orgasm, it's still a punishment. I just thought that would be a nice touch, to have that 'option'. It could even be something that happens dynamically if your character gets raped a lot or something. Just a suggestion, based on Oblivion's similar mod.


Or value customization could work.


Edit: Fixed a typo.

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Currently I don't believe Aroused has that sort of detail. For a sex act, everyone will orgasm and have their arousal drop if their genitals were involved (They weren't wearing a chastity belt nor exclusively giving oral). It doesn't matter if they are having sex with a loving spouse or being brutally raped, they will cum if it is physically possible.


See my post on the previous page for some ideas on how to add a system to determine if each participant actually cums or not. One thing I did not consider is the possibility of a participant not cumming, yet having arousal drop due to turn off from the subject matter. Currently Aroused has 3 ways that arousal can increase.

  1. Passage of time (could go up or down depending)
  2. Viewing sex acts and nudity (no preferences are implimented, all are aroused equally)
  3. Being set exhibitionist and being seen nude.

A preference system would probably be rather complicated, and thus a lot of work to implement. It will also be difficult to get proper context (how does aroused know if a sex act is a rape or not?) But maybe someone can come up with a good framework. It would certainly make things more interesting.

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If I may, I have a suggestion. Would it be possible to have an on/off toggle for the mod in MCM? Some times, like during a dragon fight, I'd like to see my followers react to the dragon rather than caressing themselves and calling me to other duty. :) I love this mod, thank you very much for your work!

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Currently I don't believe Aroused has that sort of detail. For a sex act, everyone will orgasm and have their arousal drop if their genitals were involved (They weren't wearing a chastity belt nor exclusively giving oral). It doesn't matter if they are having sex with a loving spouse or being brutally raped, they will cum if it is physically possible.


See my post on the previous page for some ideas on how to add a system to determine if each participant actually cums or not. One thing I did not consider is the possibility of a participant not cumming, yet having arousal drop due to turn off from the subject matter. Currently Aroused has 3 ways that arousal can increase.

  1. Passage of time (could go up or down depending)
  2. Viewing sex acts and nudity (no preferences are implimented, all are aroused equally)
  3. Being set exhibitionist and being seen nude.

A preference system would probably be rather complicated, and thus a lot of work to implement. It will also be difficult to get proper context (how does aroused know if a sex act is a rape or not?) But maybe someone can come up with a good framework. It would certainly make things more interesting.


Actually the current version of Aroused does include negative arousal change for rape. To quote the main page "Rape reduces exposure by additional 10 points to victim". Hence my suggestion, I was just merely talking about orgasm for context.

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I'm getting a bug where the status menu always displays Galmar Stone-fist as a target and the puppet master menu has controls for him and not the PC. Meanwhile, I'm stuck at 100 arousal and lydia is all over me. Anyone know how to fix this?

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Help, my PC is stuck at -2 arousal level! And I can't uncheck "arousal blocked" and "arousal locked" under "Puppet master" in MMC menu. (dunno if that's related)

Is your character a child? All children in the game are set to have -2 arousal all the time. Or it could be somethign different, are you using a custom race?
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Help, my PC is stuck at -2 arousal level! And I can't uncheck "arousal blocked" and "arousal locked" under "Puppet master" in MMC menu. (dunno if that's related)

Is your character a child? All children in the game are set to have -2 arousal all the time. Or it could be somethign different, are you using a custom race?



Thanks for the reply! No, not a child or a custom race, just an ordinary Breton.


Edit: I just realised when I hit N to check the arousal level my PCs name doesn't come up. It does for "victim"-status (for the mod Lover's Victim) but for arousal it just says " arousal -2".

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probably Im on right topic so got something to ask. I use sos, lovers comfort and this mod. When I wake up from sleep I get the message "my desires are satisfied" meaning I cant get a high arousal level anyway and cant get in action. I also use RND so I need to sleep each day. What is triggering this? I deactivated mastrubation on mcm in lovers comfort but still cant find any useful solution. Thanks in advance

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My character has got herself into a bit of a pickle. My fault, I think...

I was experimenting, to try to see what the different arousal, exposure, time etc settings did on the puppet master. So I set them all on max, and she immediately raped a guard in Falkreath. Problem is, when I tried to turn the values down, all the sliders (actually the whole left pane) for my character has disappeared. So now she's permanently on arousal 100.

When I click on there, I get the NPC's levels, and these have moved into the left pane.... Anyone know what is going on?


I don't know if this will help, but I've noticed two things that seem to lock up the MCM.


1) Heavy script lag, caused by either

    a) lots of scripts from different mods running or,

    B) SLA trying to arouse an illegal actor, causing script lag.

2) SLA trying to arouse an illegal actor, not causing script lag.


In situation 1, I believe I'd broken it by breaking sex.  Someone died during an act and SexLab wasn't able to recover it.  Pressing 'N' did nothing until several minutes later, then it acted as if I'd been holding 'N' the entire time and the character immediately started masturbating.  This was quite uncomfortable while fighting spiders.  Player controls locked up during sex and wouldn't restore afterwards anyway, so loading a save prior to the sex act that broke SL and SLA worked.


Situation 2 was pretty harmless, overall.  While exploring a tomb with some spirit-like enemies (I think it was the Horn of Jurgen Something Something), I noticed that the 'N' key stopped responding after defeating the first spirit.  I think SLA hung up while trying to affect the spirit's dead ashes, but I have no logs to review.  Once I got back outside into Skyrim, 'N' worked normally and there were no side-effects.


What I think you did is cause waaaaay to much script lag when you basically instaroused every NPC in viewing distance.  If you had another mod that reacted to the arousal, that mod and SLA are having sweet, sweet sex while you wait for them to finish.  I don't think they will.

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