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[WIP] SexLab Aroused v2014-01-24

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It is no longer recommended that you use this mod and instead use it's more up to date version that continues to the work started by the original author, redneck2x.

The updated version of this mod that is suggested for continued use, is known as

"SexLab Aroused Redux" and is available by clicking here.














The mod is sub-framework for SexLab that adds simple model of sexual needs to Skyrim.



  • Sexual Arousal - for ALL Skyrim residents. It is based on how much time passed from sex and on exposure to adult content.
  • Lover's Desire - player will find it difficult to focus if aroused.
  • SOS support - sclongs will come to life as response to arousal, hands free.
  • Custom Naked Clothes - in MCM menu you can select clothes that will be considered as naked by the mod while wearing them.

Planned Features

  • NO DIALOGUES and/or ACTIONS in/by the mod, it is utility/framework mod
  • More sexual preferences
  • More variety in NPC stats based on NPC parameters
  • I welcome ideas, requests and feedback


  1. SKSE
  2. SkyUI
  3. FNIS
  4. SexLab

Recommended mods

  1. Brawl Bugs Patch - strongly recommended, otherwise brawls might turn into real fights. The patch is already included in SkyRe
  2. SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 2.03.012+, I use light version

Some mods that use the framework

  1. Lover's Comfort by @redneck2x
  2. Lover's Victim by @redneck2x
  3. A prostitution and player slavery mod by @Heromaster
  4. Devious Devices - Integration. Now with quests! by @Min
  5. Spectator Crowds and Guards by @mainfct
  6. SexLab TDF Prostitution and Pimping by @TheDriedFinger
  7. Immersive Arousal Patch by @luffyboy
  8. SexLab Hormones by @skyrimll


  1. Copy files from ZIP file to /Skyrim/Data/ folder.
  2. Place SexLabAroused.esm after SexLab.esm


  • SexLabAroused.esm
  • SexLabAroused.bsa
  • SexLabAroused.txt


  • Brawls turn into real fights? You might need Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins, the patch is already included in SkyRe. You can also temporary disable cloak effect from MCM menu.


  • Arousal = TimeRate * (DaysSinceLastOrgasm) + Sum(SingleExposure * ExposureRate)
  • Arousal min value is 0 and max value 100, but some times -2 is returned for invalid/blocked actors
  • ExposureRate can be set from MCM menu or by modders, values are 0-10
  • TimeRate decays overtime, having sex increases TmeRate, values are 0-100


  • Each stage of foreplay animation adds +1 exposure
  • Orgasm reduces exposure by "actual animation duration" / "default animation duration" * 20. Tip: extending sex duration would reduce more exposure after orgasm
  • Orgasm time is stored to each actor
  • Rape reduces exposure by additional 10 points to victim
  • Females can only have orgasm (arousal goes down) only if animation is tagged as Anal/Vaginal/Masturbation/Fisting


  • PC arousal increases if one sees naked NPC and visa versa
  • If NPC sees naked PC, and PC set as Exhibitionist in MCM menu, then PCs exposure is increased
  • NPC<->NPC naked arousal is not reliable

Lover's Desire

  • Satisfied - Arousal 0-20 : skills improve 5% faster
  • Arousal 20-49 does nothing
  • Distracted - Arousal : 40-69 skills improve 5% slower
  • Aroused - Arousal : 70-89 skills improve 10% slower
  • Need Sex - Arousal : 90+ skills improve 20% slower
  • Losing Control - Arousal 90+ and Time Rate 70-89 : skills improve 40% slower
  • Addicted - Arousal 90+ and Time rate 90+ : skills improve 80% slower


  • Arousal level of NPC effects SOS "bending".

For Modders

  • See attached demo pulgin - outdated, scripts will not compile but you can get general idea from it.
  • sla_Arousal - is faction that can be used to GET PC/NPC arousal, values are 0-100. It is simplest interface to the mod and all you need to set up dialogues and/or effects. It is useless to SET faction rank since it is constantly being over-written by the mod.
  • slaFrameworkScr - use the script to get/set/update arousal, functions names are self explanatory, if not PM me.

Version History
v20140123, requires SexLab 1.32+
- Some fixes arousal notifications
- Fixed time rate faction updated in real time and not only after orgasm
- More improvements to reset spell
- Exposure now decays overtime just like Time Rate
- Females can only have orgasm (arousal goes down) only if animation is tagged as Anal/Vaginal/Masturbation/Fisting
- Added soft check if actor is wearing item with zad_DeviousBelt keyword, if true then actor can not have orgasm
- Added slaFrameworkScr.GetMostArousedActorInLocation() returns last most aroused actor in current location, can not be player, still need to verify cell/location/none before doing something with actor
- No longer checking GetVoiceType() on OnCrosshairRefChange, if referees to ash piles then script halts, maybe Skyrim bug. Many thanks to @rizof

v20140122, requires SexLab 1.32+
- Changed to "Scriptname slaUtilScr extends slaFrameworkScr", backward compatible, modders use slaFrameworkScr to interface
- Added GetActorDaysSinceLastOrgasm and UpdateActorOrgasmDate, depreciated GetActorDaysSinceLastSex. The idea is to restore option to rest time arousal by some event(orgasm)
- Added more strings to translation files
- Few modifications to reset spell


v20140121, requires SexLab 1.32+
- Fixed SexLab default gender display in MCM menu
- Changed notification for low arousal after PC has been raped
- Created quest that will handle internal arousal updates, in theory the object should run on different thread so the mod should get stuck less often
- Renamed sla_Util quest to sla_Framework, added "Scriptname slaFrameworkScr extends slaUtilScr", it is backward compatible, I recommend to use new naming
- Added reset spell. To get spell at console type: "player.addspell xx083BFD", replace "xx" with SexLabAroused load order hex code, you can find it by typing "help reset"
- Some minor fixes


v20140103, requires SexLab 1.32+
- Default Exposure Rate for old NPCs is -1 of default set in MCM and +1 for young/eager NPCs, based on NPC voice type
- Holding status key for more then 2 seconds would lunch PC masturbation
- If puppet actor is not selected then, most aroused actor in current location is displayed in MCM menu status. Available for modders via slaUtil.slaMostArousedActorInLocation, can not be player, need to verify cell/location before doing something with actor


v20131230 BETA, requires SexLab 1.32+ (will NOT work with older versions)
- Time since last sex is GET from SexLab API, much better way then using 3 factions.
- Time Rate and Exposure Rate is now stored with StoreUtil.dll. Modders can still use factions directly ONLY TO GET values, set/update only through API
- Time rate is decaying exponentially : It is reduced by one third within time set MCM menu
- Orgasm reduces exposure by ("actual animation duration"/"default animation duration")*20
- Lock Arousal now locks full arousal and not only time since last sex, I actually can not lock the time since it is now managed by SexLab
- Removed "Custom Naked Armor" page and removed "Current Armor List". Now only items with "ArmorCuirass" and "ClothingBody" keywords are displayed and can be toggled.
- "Naked" armor tag is attached directly to armor formid with StoreUtil.dll, much better and faster way to work with armors
- Fixed last naked actor is re-checked for clothes
- Some changes to API function names
- Now default gender preference is take from SexLab Sexuality, can override with MCM


v20131222, requires SexLab 1.3+
- All creatures seeing naked PC/NPC will get aroused
- Few bugs fixes to "time rate"
- Can select satisfaction duration in MCM menu
- Fixed spamming of notifications
- Switched support to SOS 2.03.012+, older versions are not supported


v20131212 Experimental, requires SexLab 1.2+
- Arousal = "Time Rate" x "Hours Since Last Sex" / 24 + SUM("Exposure" x "Exposure Rate")
- Changed static "Time Rate" to dynamic for all actors (PC NPC), the rate effects how fast arousal is increasing over time.
* Having sex more often then set cooldown would increase time rate by set value in MCM
* Having sex at lower rate then cooldown would decrease time rate by "hours since last sex"/"Time rate cooldown"
- Had changed default "Exposure Rate" to 2.0, actors with eager voice will have rate 1.5 higher then default. Values for each actor can be overwriten with MCM or API
- During player controlled sex exposure will go down (-20) if sex duration is greater then "time rate"*2, otherwise will increase (+5), notification would appear
- Added exception for Werewolfs, dogs, wolfs, draugrs, falmer. If they see naked PC/NPC then they would get aroused.
- Cloak effect goes down temporary during PC sex and combat
- No more firing invisible arrow to get NPC arousal status, one script less
- Better arousal notifications, which will reappear each 8 game hours, one script less
- Again tweaked Lover's Desire, added more descriptive names
* Satisfied - Arousal 0-20 : skills improve 5% faster
* Arousal 20-49 does nothing
* Destructed - Arousal : 40-69 skills improve 5% slower
* Aroused - Arousal : 70-89 skills improve 10% slower
* Need Sex - Arousal : 90+ skills improve 20% slower
* Losing Control - Arousal 90+ and Time Rate 70-89 : skills improve 40% slower
* Addicted - Arousal 90+ and Time rate 90+ : skills improve 80% slower


v20131209, requires SexLab 1.2+
- Removed check for "Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm", since can not check official "Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp" but only fixed one
- Added PC as default puppet actor, no more Puppet Master blank page after update
- Added gender preference selection in MCM menu
- Added possible fix CTDs thanks to @TMPhoenix


v20131203, requires SexLab 1.2+
- Fixed no more notifications in menu mod - thanks to @volfin
- Added automatic check if "Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm" is installed
- Added MCM option to enable/disable custom naked clothes for NPC, by default works only on PC. If enabled creates more stress on papyrus
- Added sla_Naked faction, for modders if -2 then "not naked", if >=0 then naked
- Many optimizations


v20131130, requires SexLab 1.2+
- Added SOS support
- Changed : sex now reduces arousal by -20 * "arousal accumulation rate" (previously by -15)
- Sex end event is OrgasmEnd (previously AnimationEnd)
- Restricted 'naked' clothing scan only to PC, otherwise too much stress on papyrus
- fixed some bugs and improved debugging messages


v20131001, requires SexLab 1.2
- fixed bug that was introduced by adding sla_Aroused_Locked faction


v20130929, requires SexLab 1.2
- Some fixes to match API changes in SexLab 1.2
- Set player as initial puppet, fixes blank MCM screens on first run
- Added sla_Aroused_Locked : arousal of actor will not change if member of the faction


- Added translation file to MCM menu
- Again tweaked Lover's Desire
* 0-19 gives +5% magica and stamina regeneration
* 20-49 does nothing
* 40-69 skills improve 5% slower, +5% to speechcraft
* 70-89 skills improve 10% slower, +10% to speechcraft
* 90+ skills improve 15% slower, +15% to speechcraft
- NPCs with no exposure (==-2) will get random initial exposure at range 0-50
- Added new faction "sla_ExposureAccumulationRate", each NPC/PC can have unique accumulation rate
- Added MCM menu that displays items to be removed, so actor would be considered naked
- Added MCM menu that displays current worn items, and allows to toggle items as naked
- Added firing status spell ('N' default) on NPC would show NPC status in MCM
- Added firing status spell ('N' default) on NPC would allow to edit NPC arousal values


- Changed Arousal formula to : Arousal = TimeRate * (HoursSinceLastSex / 24.0) + ExposureRate * Sum(SingleExposure * ExposureAccumulationRate)
- Changed arousal now changes form 0-100
- Modified desire spell
* 0-14 gives +5% magica and stamina regeneration
* 15-29 does nothing
* 30-49 skills improve 5% slower
* 50-69 skills improve 10% slower
* 70+ skills improve 15% slower
- Improved sex observer arousal, for each stage sex stage observing NPC gets +1 exposure (+2 if Sultry/YoungEager voice type)
- If PC finishes sex before 0.8*'animation time' , then PC partner/s is unsatisfied and get +5 exposure
- Rearranged MCM menu


- Extracted arousal from Lover's Comfort
- Added notification key selection
- Added disable cloak effect, needed to disabled temporary if having trouble with brawls
- Added enable disable toggle for "Lover's Desire" spell
- Added Player Exhibitionist option
- Added each stage of foreplay animation adds +1 exposure
- Changed at sex end exposure is reduced by 15
- Changed cloak effect cooldown rate to each 20 seconds

Ashal for creating SexLab framework
​All modding community for creating utilities, tools, documentation - non would be possible without your support.
Do what ever you want with the mod.


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Is arousal also increases if an NPC sees another NPC naked? Does it matter how many actors are seen naked?


Dunno if it's already implemented but watching a SexLab animation could increase exposure of bystanders. Now that I'm thinking about bystanders maybe an option if NPCs stop and watch a SexLab animation until it's finished.

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Um confused here... Sound awesome and sorry if this is a stupid comment as I have said in one of my previous post just getting back into pc gaming and completely new to modding so I have no Idea what your doing but wouldn't it have simply been easier to just implement this into a beta test for lovers comfort? I mean maybe I'm way off but from the planned features isn't that what your planning to do anyways?


Edit: Oh and to state again it sounds awesome and I love lovers comfort this will just make it infinitly better from the sounds of it.

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I don't understand why these mods don't just let the player pick from a list of "How Attractive/Sexually Arousing Is your Character Currently?"


And you choose one, like 1 = Not at all 10 = Sexual Bombshell


Trying to code systems for the Mod to decide for you, how sexually attractive your character is, seems like way too much extra work for the mod author(s).

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Is arousal also increases if an NPC sees another NPC naked? Does it matter how many actors are seen naked?


Dunno if it's already implemented but watching a SexLab animation could increase exposure of bystanders. Now that I'm thinking about bystanders maybe an option if NPCs stop and watch a SexLab animation until it's finished.

The watcher's personality (voice type in the ck) ought to be considered as well. The sultry and eager young ones should be affected far more than the old grumpy ones.

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Love this!

I had an idea for dialog: at certain levels of arousal NPC or follower will ask for sex.

level 1- demure query

level 2- direct request

level 3- begging

level 4- dissapointment


Having some constants for boundaries seems good, maybe like what they have for quests in the CK. Like if: 


40 = rape

50 = shag anything that moves


then a modder can implement his own 45 = break into the house

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Love this!

I had an idea for dialog: at certain levels of arousal NPC or follower will ask for sex.

level 1- demure query

level 2- direct request

level 3- begging

level 4- dissapointment


Having some constants for boundaries seems good, maybe like what they have for quests in the CK. Like if: 


40 = rape

50 = shag anything that moves


then a modder can implement his own 45 = break into the house



I was kinda thinking it would be nice to have a plug-in that didn't involve rape or combat sex.

Just a lot of freaky interaction.

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Love this!

I had an idea for dialog: at certain levels of arousal NPC or follower will ask for sex.

level 1- demure query

level 2- direct request

level 3- begging

level 4- dissapointment


Having some constants for boundaries seems good, maybe like what they have for quests in the CK. Like if: 


40 = rape

50 = shag anything that moves


then a modder can implement his own 45 = break into the house



I was kinda thinking it would be nice to have a plug-in that didn't involve rape or combat sex.

Just a lot of freaky interaction.


That's why I thought about a range of values, so its all inclusive. Otherwise its one framework for this or that. The rape thing was just an example.


Edit: There has to be a way to have the two linked, like for lower values its unaggressive while it changes for higher values, to even include revenge for being side-lined.


Edit again: Combat sex isn't about being aroused, its about getting one over your enemies. But then again that's the modders choice. I started a new game so I could use some of the new mods, but Lydia is a whirlwind of death, I'm level 40 and I've only combat raped 2 people. Sorry, that's nothing to-do with the topic but I had to put it in.

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Any thoughts to allowing for the player to masturbate in order to keep arousal under control when needed? Sexout Lust has a function like that, and I have to say it helps maintain immersion (it can reduce arousal by a smaller amount than actual sex, and possibly even have a limitation on how far it can reduce arousal. Because in the end, sex is more rewarding when someone else is involved).


Could possibly tie-in with the Util mod for sexlab that allows for effects to be applied through sex. So that in addition to penalties for high arousal, buffs can apply for keeping it within a low range for certain periods of time, and even possibly even other penalties for having too much sex.


Those are just ideas though, not certain if your wanting to make this it's own system like that or not.

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Looking forward to seeing this implemented across the Sexlab landscape. I've been getting myself acclimated to the bethesda programming environment (SLOWLY!) and ever since you mentioned that this would become a tool all my brainstorming has been based on having it available. Thanks.

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This is sounding alot like Sexout Lust.  hmmm some ideas, if you need any.  I am hoping for something to allow more customization.  Such as a way to customize a sexy clothing list for provoking different arousal levels.  Also, maybe a user defined list of sexy clothing and armor (with options), like crotchless wear (with a flag [not needing to strip for sex]), but also boosts arousal, even more so around drunk people. Could go on, such as BJ's not needing to strip as well, or maybe just topless strip (definable in sexy clothing list) half way through the act.  Things like that just to add a little more immersion.  Having a centralized plugin like this might ease the complexity of the already feature rich framework.  You people are awesome!!!

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Love this!

I had an idea for dialog: at certain levels of arousal NPC or follower will ask for sex.

level 1- demure query

level 2- direct request

level 3- begging

level 4- dissapointment


Having some constants for boundaries seems good, maybe like what they have for quests in the CK. Like if: 


40 = rape

50 = shag anything that moves


then a modder can implement his own 45 = break into the house



I was kinda thinking it would be nice to have a plug-in that didn't involve rape or combat sex.

Just a lot of freaky interaction.


That's why I thought about a range of values, so its all inclusive. Otherwise its one framework for this or that. The rape thing was just an example.


Edit: There has to be a way to have the two linked, like for lower values its unaggressive while it changes for higher values, to even include revenge for being side-lined.


Edit again: Combat sex isn't about being aroused, its about getting one over your enemies. But then again that's the modders choice. I started a new game so I could use some of the new mods, but Lydia is a whirlwind of death, I'm level 40 and I've only combat raped 2 people. Sorry, that's nothing to-do with the topic but I had to put it in.



No, no, I see your logic, and it makes sense.

It just seemed a little redundant to have another "rape/attack" type of mod.

I didn't mean to be judgmental.

I agree, if you can make a more comprehensive mod that works- and have options- it's better.

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Any thoughts to allowing for the player to masturbate in order to keep arousal under control when needed? Sexout Lust has a function like that, and I have to say it helps maintain immersion (it can reduce arousal by a smaller amount than actual sex, and possibly even have a limitation on how far it can reduce arousal. Because in the end, sex is more rewarding when someone else is involved).


Could possibly tie-in with the Util mod for sexlab that allows for effects to be applied through sex. So that in addition to penalties for high arousal, buffs can apply for keeping it within a low range for certain periods of time, and even possibly even other penalties for having too much sex.


Those are just ideas though, not certain if your wanting to make this it's own system like that or not.


I tried it out, It's still not ripe yet but at default value "1" I had to masturbate about once a minute to to keep my lust levels down,

(in the UB Bathouse ).

I really liked "SO Lust" and I think this could be very much like it.

There aren't many- or any Skyrim mods I can think of where NPC's can initiate or solicit consensual sex. I'd like to see it.

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This is sounding alot like Sexout Lust.  hmmm some ideas, if you need any.  I am hoping for something to allow more customization.  Such as a way to customize a sexy clothing list for provoking different arousal levels.

That's what i was going to ask too.

SexLab already supports "SexLabNoStrip" keyword. Can this mod detect if a worn armor has this keyword, and if yes, count the player semi-nude?

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Hi, it is a good idea to make a universal system, thanks. I have two suggestions:


Perhaps you could add a on/off key, that puts the whole system on/off ingame for testing and in the case of (suspected) problems. When a on/off key is part of your system, modders do not have to add it individually.


I suggest also to use the familiar number system: 0-100.


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Hi, it is a good idea to make a universal system, thanks. I have two suggestions:


Perhaps you could add a on/off key, that puts the whole system on/off ingame for testing and in the case of (suspected) problems. When a on/off key is part of your system, modders do not have to add it individually.


I suggest also to use the familiar number system: 0-100.


Currently the mod has only two effects, both can be disabled from MCM menu.


Currently values are 0-30, I might switch it to 0-100 at next versions



This is sounding alot like Sexout Lust.  hmmm some ideas, if you need any.  I am hoping for something to allow more customization.  Such as a way to customize a sexy clothing list for provoking different arousal levels.

That's what i was going to ask too.

SexLab already supports "SexLabNoStrip" keyword. Can this mod detect if a worn armor has this keyword, and if yes, count the player semi-nude?



What if "SexLabNoStrip" is attached to buttplug and actor is wearing full armor?



Onlookers masturbating?


Any thoughts to allowing for the player to masturbate in order to keep arousal under control when needed? Sexout Lust has a function like that, and I have to say it helps maintain immersion (it can reduce arousal by a smaller amount than actual sex, and possibly even have a limitation on how far it can reduce arousal. Because in the end, sex is more rewarding when someone else is involved).


Could possibly tie-in with the Util mod for sexlab that allows for effects to be applied through sex. So that in addition to penalties for high arousal, buffs can apply for keeping it within a low range for certain periods of time, and even possibly even other penalties for having too much sex.


Those are just ideas though, not certain if your wanting to make this it's own system like that or not.


I tried it out, It's still not ripe yet but at default value "1" I had to masturbate about once a minute to to keep my lust levels down,

(in the UB Bathouse ).

I really liked "SO Lust" and I think this could be very much like it.

There aren't many- or any Skyrim mods I can think of where NPC's can initiate or solicit consensual sex. I'd like to see it.






Love this!

I had an idea for dialog: at certain levels of arousal NPC or follower will ask for sex.

level 1- demure query

level 2- direct request

level 3- begging

level 4- dissapointment


Having some constants for boundaries seems good, maybe like what they have for quests in the CK. Like if: 


40 = rape

50 = shag anything that moves


then a modder can implement his own 45 = break into the house



I was kinda thinking it would be nice to have a plug-in that didn't involve rape or combat sex.

Just a lot of freaky interaction.


That's why I thought about a range of values, so its all inclusive. Otherwise its one framework for this or that. The rape thing was just an example.


Edit: There has to be a way to have the two linked, like for lower values its unaggressive while it changes for higher values, to even include revenge for being side-lined.


Edit again: Combat sex isn't about being aroused, its about getting one over your enemies. But then again that's the modders choice. I started a new game so I could use some of the new mods, but Lydia is a whirlwind of death, I'm level 40 and I've only combat raped 2 people. Sorry, that's nothing to-do with the topic but I had to put it in.



No, no, I see your logic, and it makes sense.

It just seemed a little redundant to have another "rape/attack" type of mod.

I didn't mean to be judgmental.

I agree, if you can make a more comprehensive mod that works- and have options- it's better.



As I see SexLabAroused is passive mod, meaning it will not start/force any action/dialogue on actor, but only will monitor and provide info about arousal.

Other mods, like LoversComfort in near future, will be active mods that will open dialogues and do some actions.




Is arousal also increases if an NPC sees another NPC naked? Does it matter how many actors are seen naked?


Dunno if it's already implemented but watching a SexLab animation could increase exposure of bystanders. Now that I'm thinking about bystanders maybe an option if NPCs stop and watch a SexLab animation until it's finished.

The watcher's personality (voice type in the ck) ought to be considered as well. The sultry and eager young ones should be affected far more than the old grumpy ones.



Yes arousal of NPC should increase if the NPC sees another NPC, but this feature works not so well, since I am trying not to overload scripts.

For each naked NPC PC gets +1 (or +2 based on sexual prefernces from SexLab) arousal each 20 seconds.


Currently seeing sex from SexLab increases arousal by +3, but it is also some what sporadic, I am still looking for effective method implement it better. 


I will add voice types to arousal.


I don't understand why these mods don't just let the player pick from a list of "How Attractive/Sexually Arousing Is your Character Currently?"


And you choose one, like 1 = Not at all 10 = Sexual Bombshell


Trying to code systems for the Mod to decide for you, how sexually attractive your character is, seems like way too much extra work for the mod author(s).



I hate non quest related dialogues and menus.

So if it is not necessary I try to avoid them, though it is a lot of work.

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Would this mod be a good place to implement a sexual orientation feature?


Like, every male has a x% chance to like males, a y% chance to like females and a z% chance to like creatures, and for females the same (and maybe for creatures, too). The chances could be set in the MCM, and you could finetune the orientation of individual NPCs via a lesser power.


I don't have much experience yet but adding a non-playable item(s) to the NPCs inventory sounds like a good idea to implement this; if you remove the mod the items should be removed without leaving traces.


Then, your mod could check for the orientation of an actor and depending on it show a different reaction to another naked NPC, e.g. if an actor only has the "like males" item a naked female would arouse them less, not at all or even turn them off; similar you could check if a sex act involves an actor the NPCs lusts for.

Other mods could check for the orientation to let NPCs react differently.

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