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Yep. Mods that BOSS doesn't know or places not optimal (BOSS is no 100% solution after all - more a helper/guide), needs to be sorted in manually.

i actually sorted all sex mods manually, even tho BOSS now knows most of them, and placed all of them above BOSS sorted follower mods.

Which load order for the sex mods? i just re-use the order, BOSS sorted them in, with the exception, that RP, Defeat and Submit are the last 3, just all together in one massive block.

My save game size? 8.03MB with 218 plugins installed and i've visited 80% of all places over the time.


I don't have any follower mods (I'm a loner), so should I just put mods like Defeat and Submit at the very bottom of the load order, or is there anything else that absolutely would need to go below them?


BOSS does seem to have a way to manually create rules, but I have no idea how it works.

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There seem to currently be 2 mods then has some weird effects when using wih submit submit. when i use sexlab defeat the ragdoll on end does not work, if i use paradise halls when i initiate sex through submit the slave will lose there clothes when traveling thought a door or fast travel. and the only way to fix it is to remove there clothes from there inventory and give them their clothes back.


Sexlab submit will have it's ragoll on end when sexlab defeat is deactivated.

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I don't have any follower mods (I'm a loner), so should I just put mods like Defeat and Submit at the very bottom of the load order, ...

Purewaters comes after follower mods, so if you use this, above Pw is the position you're looking for.


... or is there anything else that absolutely would need to go below them?

The MergedPatch, you can create with TES5Edit and the Bashed Patch from Wrye must be loaded after every mod, which includes sex mods.


BOSS does seem to have a way to manually create rules, but I have no idea how it works.

Start BOSS, click on "Edit User Rules" and there you go.

Not very intuitive, but you'll figure it out after you played around with it.

Or use the suggested BOSS Userlist Manager. Not more intuitive then what BOSS has build in, but more powerfull ... in case you need more control.

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Thanks for the suggestions regarding the BOSS Userlist Manager! I downloaded it and after a bit of fumbling around, I got it working. :D


Now I can keep my various script-heavy sex mods towards the bottom of the load list. I've already noticed that I have had way fewer issues loading my game. I used to have crashes now and again and have to load an earlier save, then load the save I wanted. Don't know if it's completely cured, but so far so good!

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And before i forget: if you add mods to the Userlist, that are by this time unknown to BOSS, those entries might become obsolete, the next time BOSS updates its masterlist.
So it's best to click on the "Edit User Rules" button in BOSS, before starting sorting, as it then scans for now obsolete entries and disables them. Might happen to known sex mods as well, so enable those again and you're fine to go.

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Anyone have any idea what might be wrong when I try to hook up two people to have sexual activities with but when I reach a "spot that looks good" and say this to one of the two following me, they answer "You've done well." and then they just leave... I get a message from debug in the top left corner saying my roll was a sucess, but that doesn't sound wrong.

Thanks in advance.

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And before i forget: if you add mods to the Userlist, that are by this time unknown to BOSS, those entries might become obsolete, the next time BOSS updates its masterlist.

So it's best to click on the "Edit User Rules" button in BOSS, before starting sorting, as it then scans for now obsolete entries and disables them. Might happen to known sex mods as well, so enable those again and you're fine to go.


Hi CG!


I can remember that once upon a time  ^_^, I used the "Edit User Rules" button to teach BOSS my preferred load order. But after updating BOSS some time ago (can´t really tell the exact time or version, actually using Version 2.1.1) this button just disapeared :huh:.

Do you perhaps have any hint how I could get it back again?


Adding a screenshot of my BOSS summary (think the button has been there before)





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Sorry folks, I've been in South Texas on a work site since last Tuesday and only got back home last night (Sunday) at 2300, so haven't really been keeping up with anything related to the mod much.


I'll try to read through recent posts and catchup and see if anything is burning down.

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Thanks for the suggestions regarding the BOSS Userlist Manager! I downloaded it and after a bit of fumbling around, I got it working. :D


Now I can keep my various script-heavy sex mods towards the bottom of the load list. I've already noticed that I have had way fewer issues loading my game. I used to have crashes now and again and have to load an earlier save, then load the save I wanted. Don't know if it's completely cured, but so far so good!

I've had random CTD's immediately on loading a save game, and the only sex mod I use is Submit (And of course the Framework), and they only seemed to have started around the FNIS 4+ / SL Framework 1.20+ period.  I never experienced it in the previous FNIS 3+ / Framework 1.10+ period.


I will notice, that each time I had the CTD, I would notice that female actors would be standing there in that "stiff arms sticking out" like you were looking at them in the model viewer.  If I see that, I'll guarantee a CTD within seconds.  I'll relaunch/reload, and sometimes it does it again, sometimes it doesn't, and so long as they don't have that model viewer look, I never get CTD's.


Of course, I don't use any fancy schmancy

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Thanks for the suggestions regarding the BOSS Userlist Manager! I downloaded it and after a bit of fumbling around, I got it working. :D


Now I can keep my various script-heavy sex mods towards the bottom of the load list. I've already noticed that I have had way fewer issues loading my game. I used to have crashes now and again and have to load an earlier save, then load the save I wanted. Don't know if it's completely cured, but so far so good!

I've had random CTD's immediately on loading a save game, and the only sex mod I use is Submit (And of course the Framework), and they only seemed to have started around the FNIS 4+ / SL Framework 1.20+ period.  I never experienced it in the previous FNIS 3+ / Framework 1.10+ period.


I will notice, that each time I had the CTD, I would notice that female actors would be standing there in that "stiff arms sticking out" like you were looking at them in the model viewer.  If I see that, I'll guarantee a CTD within seconds.  I'll relaunch/reload, and sometimes it does it again, sometimes it doesn't, and so long as they don't have that model viewer look, I never get CTD's.


Of course, I don't use any fancy schmancy



Its a bug that happens with no mods too.

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Its a bug that happens with no mods too.

Yep, but with SL installed, it's more frequent and with every SL mod, it becomes even more frequent.

Solved it for me, by changing the load order. i still get CtDs, but only once every hour, which is fine for me.

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Does anyone know how to solve this ?? When ever i play with sexlab submit and better vampires the submit key will trigger the vampire spell and make the player in a standing pose and you will lose full control of the player character.


I have tried placing submit above it under it highest, lowest in the load order list and none seem to work right.

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CGI, regarding the load order, any advice?

You put them right before the followers mod or right after?

Everything before follower mods, so Alicia is the last sex mod and the first follower mod.

So the last 4 are RP, Submit, Defeat and Alicia. So far, it works like a charm.

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Does anyone know how to solve this ?? When ever i play with sexlab submit and better vampires the submit key will trigger the vampire spell and make the player in a standing pose and you will lose full control of the player character. I have tried placing submit above it under it highest, lowest in the load order list and none seem to work right.


On a recent playthrough I was playing as a vamp and using BV with Submit.  I had forgotten about the vamp version of the submission (damn thalmor didn't know what hit her :P ).  Anyway I had no issues like what you are describing.  This is with Submit and BV in the BOSS suggested load order (Submit somewhere above BV).  Maybe mod conflict?  Do you have any other vamp mod that affects vamp animations?  What about the specific settings for BV - maybe one of the BV setting is causing interference?  Were you in 1st person or 3rd person when it happened?  Also, was this a "combat" submit, or was it the "sneaky" version?  Also, what version of Submit are you using (09Nov or earlier)?  Again, for me it worked fine in the BOSS suggested load order.

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Ooh... does Submit work with Better Vampires to make submission result in blood-drinking? I need to try this if so! Does it work with the player submitting to a vampire, others submitting to a player vampire, or both?


Yes and no.  What happens is you get the blood drinking animation, however I don't believe your actual bite count increases (did not see the notice that usually occurs when biting a victim that you see with BV).  I may have missed it, or BV is not catching it but the bite count increases anyway.  Currently I'm playing as werewolf (I never mix the 2 on a single character, it's werewolf or vamp or neither) so I cannot test it again right now.  Also, I never use the player submit functionality (I tend to play male characters and those big burly bandit chieftans can cause a lot of butt-hurt :( ), only the forcing others to submit or the seduction parts of SL Submit, so I cannot comment on the player submit part.

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Ooh... does Submit work with Better Vampires to make submission result in blood-drinking? I need to try this if so! Does it work with the player submitting to a vampire, others submitting to a player vampire, or both?


Yes and no.  What happens is you get the blood drinking animation, however I don't believe your actual bite count increases (did not see the notice that usually occurs when biting a victim that you see with BV).  I may have missed it, or BV is not catching it but the bite count increases anyway.  Currently I'm playing as werewolf (I never mix the 2 on a single character, it's werewolf or vamp or neither) so I cannot test it again right now.  Also, I never use the player submit functionality (I tend to play male characters and those big burly bandit chieftans can cause a lot of butt-hurt :( ), only the forcing others to submit or the seduction parts of SL Submit, so I cannot comment on the player submit part.


Hrm, necks bitten count should increment in the player log thingy.  It did when I tested it many moons ago when I first added it.  Can't say I used it recently.


I have BV installed as well, but I can't say I've actually played a Vamp character.  I just used a console command to race swap to a vamp to test the feature.


But it should reset you to stage 1 and +1 necks bitten.


As to player surrender, you know, I never even thought of if the assailant is a vamp... interesting... guaranteed vamp STD to go with them boinking you silly! :P


Also of note, vamp PC's using the shout will have a reddish cone effect when they use it vs the usual bluish-grey cone of the regular submit shout.

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hi! it's me again! coming back to report another thing that happened to me. it's not a question, more of a observation.


well, I was doing my thing, raping every bandit that I've found on the roads and stuff like this and this one time after the act I asked if the girl wanted to 'make some coin with that body' (using aggressive prostitution here) and she agrees and started to follow me. Then after some time she became aggressive again! but the interesting part is that she became an essential character! I've knocked her down and shes just get up again (full health!) and started to attack me!


So, this is it. dont rape and pimp a bandit! it's not cool dudes!

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hi! it's me again! coming back to report another thing that happened to me. it's not a question, more of a observation.


well, I was doing my thing, raping every bandit that I've found on the roads and stuff like this and this one time after the act I asked if the girl wanted to 'make some coin with that body' (using aggressive prostitution here) and she agrees and started to follow me. Then after some time she became aggressive again! but the interesting part is that she became an essential character! I've knocked her down and shes just get up again (full health!) and started to attack me!


So, this is it. dont rape and pimp a bandit! it's not cool dudes!

I know I set 'bounty' NPC's to 'protected', to prevent other NPC's from killing your bounty before you can turn it in.  Protected NPC's can be killed by the PC, so if they go aggro on you, they won't be immortal.


So if they were set to essential, that may have been the AP interfering, so sounds like possibly mod conflict.

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