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Hey, remember about my funny problem with the threesome? I tried again and again and the second npc keeps smacking the first, so I uninstalled defeated and that seems to fix the problem. Guess they aren't fully compatible.  I'll test it some more and thanks for update :P 

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  • For the Ambush:
  • Success results in you automatically robbing/raping the victim. Failure results in them going hostile.

Any way just to kill the target silently? 



You could always sneak attack them.  This is a sex mod, its main purpose should be obvious :P

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  • For the Ambush:
  • Success results in you automatically robbing/raping the victim. Failure results in them going hostile.

Any way just to kill the target silently? 



You could always sneak attack them.  This is a sex mod, its main purpose should be obvious :P


This is pretty much the direction I took.  The Ambush has enough bonus multipliers that, unless you are a relatively new character with very low skills, you have a very high chance of succeeding.  To make it an auto kill would get hugely OP'd, so I will leave stealth kills to the default game.

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Hey, remember about my funny problem with the threesome? I tried again and again and the second npc keeps smacking the first, so I uninstalled defeated and that seems to fix the problem. Guess they aren't fully compatible.  I'll test it some more and thanks for update :P

I don't run Defeat, so I can't comment on it, but I know a lot of people run both, and many even run the player surrender portions of both simultaneously, and as far as I know, they work together just fine.


Submit uses a custom hotkey, and 100% of the files I use are custom created scripts and/or .ESP files.


I haven't followed Defeat's development in a while, but last I looked, Goubo used the "Action Key" to activate different things, and I'm sure he used his own set of custom created scripts and/or .ESP files.


If ran in a purely manual mode, neither mod should conflict, despite the similarities in their natures.


If ran in an automatic player surrender mode, based on dropping below a certain HP% level, that is about the only situation of possible conflict, as both mods could potentially try to take over at that point if both HP% thresholds are set too close to each other.  The same holds true if you run SD.

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Is Submit compatible with Defeat, or is there a way to have the two become compatible with the settings in the menu? Both mods are really great and I hoping to be able to play them both.

See last reply.


However, I know both mods have been made modular in nature, so you can literally use whatever parts of each you prefer.


If you like Submit's system to smack NPCs down, but prefer Defeat's system for player surrender, then you can just turn off player surrender in Submit.


If you like everything in Defeat better and just want to have access to Submit's consensual dialog options, you can turn off all of Submit's combat related options.


Both myself and Goubo have tried to make our respective mods as modular as possible for maximum interchangeability if ran together.

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Does anyone get a talk text during sex animations?

I thought it might be sexlab 1.24, but after using match maker the text talk doesn't appear.


I usually get it when using the dialog or rape options with submit.



I always considered that a glitch, since it seems to happen at random.

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Does anyone get a talk text during sex animations?

I thought it might be sexlab 1.24, but after using match maker the text talk doesn't appear.


I usually get it when using the dialog or rape options with submit.



I always considered that a glitch, since it seems to happen at random.


I can't say that I have ever noticed that *during* animations. :huh: But the screen shot is pretty clear.


At any rate, once the animations start, it is fully in the realm of the Framework, so there is nothing I can do about that.

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While I like this mod, I can't use it as I would like. Role playing outside in front of guards seems to be taken quite seriously by said guards, they seem to want to attack me, beat me, put bounties on my head, tar and feather me - all because I asked some little chippy to role play like I was a thief on a B & E job...  Now I will NEVER be able to show my face in the Bannered Mare, never again!


Please fix this wee puritanical streak that your mod seems to inject into all guards...  Aela and I want to play!

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While I like this mod, I can't use it as I would like. Role playing outside in front of guards seems to be taken quite seriously by said guards, they seem to want to attack me, beat me, put bounties on my head, tar and feather me - all because I asked some little chippy to role play like I was a thief on a B & E job...  Now I will NEVER be able to show my face in the Bannered Mare, never again!


Please fix this wee puritanical streak that your mod seems to inject into all guards...  Aela and I want to play!


Actually the Bannered Mare has no guards :P You can basically do whatever in there, I use the bannered mare all the time because many follower mods place the followers in there xP  But yeah, the guards not condoning public sex is a feature xP

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  • For the Ambush:
  • Success results in you automatically robbing/raping the victim. Failure results in them going hostile.

Any way just to kill the target silently? 



You could always sneak attack them.  This is a sex mod, its main purpose should be obvious :P


This is pretty much the direction I took.  The Ambush has enough bonus multipliers that, unless you are a relatively new character with very low skills, you have a very high chance of succeeding.  To make it an auto kill would get hugely OP'd, so I will leave stealth kills to the default game.


In Diplomatic immunity quest I was going all James Bond like. Then this WILD MALE guard appears! Long story short I had to reload >.< Worst part is that I can't reload before the scene ends... How about the NPC submits after the ambush instead of instant rape? 





Is Submit compatible with Defeat, or is there a way to have the two become compatible with the settings in the menu? Both mods are really great and I hoping to be able to play them both.


i use both and they work just fine together


Does the consensual threesome work as intended (without beating each-other up)? If so there must be something on my end.

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In Diplomatic immunity quest I was going all James Bond like. Then this WILD MALE guard appears! Long story short I had to reload >.< Worst part is that I can't reload before the scene ends... How about the NPC submits after the ambush instead of instant rape? 


Does the consensual threesome work as intended (without beating each-other up)? If so there must be something on my end.


On the Ambush, I skip the dialog part for two reasons:

  1. I felt it broke up the flow of things if you have to pause for dialog.  As I recall, I also removed the looting window for the Ambush as well several updates ago.  Could be wrong on the last part, haven't actually played Skyrim in a few weeks.
  2. Keeping it silent (no dialog) gives you a better chance of sneaking through caves and such, having your way with unlucky lasses (and lads) that you come across along the way without alerting their friends.


As to the second, yes, I have used consensual dozens of times by now for testing, they have never beaten each other up.

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Had a strange issue that happened. My character was beating the snot out of a guy, she won the fight but her health dropped below the 20% that I had it set for auto submit. So she starts to submit, even tho she won =_= my fault lol problem is.. there were two other women, they take her submission, beat her up, take her gold and her weapon. She's naked kneeling on the floor and that's it. Nothing else happens. I'm not exactly sure what occurred. I figured I'd report it. If you need any more info let me know. I'll see if I can find it in my logs. Thanks!!



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Had a strange issue that happened. My character was beating the snot out of a guy, she won the fight but her health dropped below the 20% that I had it set for auto submit. So she starts to submit, even tho she won =_= my fault lol problem is.. there were two other women, they take her submission, beat her up, take her gold and her weapon. She's naked kneeling on the floor and that's it. Nothing else happens. I'm not exactly sure what occurred. I figured I'd report it. If you need any more info let me know. I'll see if I can find it in my logs. Thanks!!




Eh, was it a brawling contest or a random bandit battle?  If there were aware enemies around, the script seems to have been triggered correctly, since there was still an ongoing threat when you killed one.  If it's a brawling contest, eh... Well... ok, can't say, sounds like a bug xP

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No, no brawling contest. A fight in a cave, I was doing the quest to get Amaren's Family Sword back. I had to reload cause they were just pretty much frozen in position. 




Strange, they should have finished with the submit sequence at least.  Does Sexlab work normally?

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Had a strange issue that happened. My character was beating the snot out of a guy, she won the fight but her health dropped below the 20% that I had it set for auto submit. So she starts to submit, even tho she won =_= my fault lol problem is.. there were two other women, they take her submission, beat her up, take her gold and her weapon. She's naked kneeling on the floor and that's it. Nothing else happens. I'm not exactly sure what occurred. I figured I'd report it. If you need any more info let me know. I'll see if I can find it in my logs. Thanks!!



Just based on that description, it could be any of a number of things.  But, off the top, can you get Devil's 3-way to work in consensual sessions?  I ask this because I had a corrupted save that refused to play the Devil's 3-way at all, no matter what, and as it turned out, it was the save file I was using to test player surrender to 2 enemies.  Lot of wasted time thinking I was doing something incorrectly.


I reloaded another save, got into the same situation, and the Devil's 3-way worked correctly.




That all said, I think I will revisit the player bound stuff, in particular, getting unbound.  Currently, there is a simple script that dictates when you get unbound, which, in the event of something screwy with the animation, might not play, and you get stuck in the kneeling position with player controls disabled.


I think what I will try to do is let you remain bound indefinitely until you push the hotkey, which will make that be the actual trigger to "work free of the bindings"  (Players that opt to not have their gear stolen will still have a period to wait before they can do this.).  This should do two things:

  1. In the event of something not working and you find yourself stuck in the kneeling position, this should toggle "player controls" back on.
  2. By making it require a manual push of the hotkey, *when* you get released is up to the player, allowing you to do so immediately (or after the delay for those with gear steal turned off) or to let your poor character linger in their shame and humiliation or whatever (some people expressed an interest in letting their character be bound longer even when their gear was stolen)
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OOooh you know... I turned off the option for women using strap ons, cause I wanted women to.. well be more lesbian in their actions rather then strapony.. if that makes sense. And I bet that's why the animation didn't trigger!! My game was probably like.. "Well what do I do now?" lol


Also! That new option sounds good! I like :D



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