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Thanks for your reply! 

8 hours ago, Bane Master said:

Serena is not a valid slave because she does not have the ActorTypeNPC keyword. Given her role in the game enslaving her could cause major issues and I wouldn't recommend it

This makes a lot of sense. I'll stick to the recommended way.



And I tried to replicate the enslaving issue. I had 3 followers with me (Serana, Lydia and Jordis), when I was sent to slave market through Simple Slavery++ 's MCM, Lydia was immediately sold to myself, and Jordis was waiting in the cell with me. After the audition, Serana, Lydia and I were sent to a city (Public Whore) while Jordis is still in the follower list not in the slave list.


Hopefully I got the correct setup for the log:


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First - Great mod. 

Does anyone have 1.04 lying around maybe? I need it to work with Skyrim 1.6.353 and 1.05 has MCM broken on it (Installs fine but then menu gets empty).

1.6.353 its because Experience mod, before you ask.

BTW some humble suggestions of mine:

  • Morality options for using slaves like in Defeat. If master is not a bandit or such it does't make much sense for a blacksmith to use slave in middle of the street. Unimmersive! :P
  • Would be nice to be able to set AIpackages for specific masters/types. Just like you set up outfits. So we can have slave following or just using shackles or field work marker.
  • Events/ways for other mods to hijack enslaved follower before distribution. So we can send it to other quest (like Meat farm or Missives kidnappings).
  • Quest from Innkeeper to track slave down with marker. It's hard to find them now.
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6 hours ago, qui7 said:

Quest from Innkeeper to track slave down with marker. It's hard to find them now.

Bane Master could better comment on this, but I think it was an intentional decision not to make to make it too easy to find a lost follower, especially if an innkeeper is going on stories or rumors and doesn't know an exact location.  An argument could be made that having the equivalent of a GPS beacon to locate a missing person is unimmersive.

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On 10/22/2022 at 7:18 PM, HexBolt8 said:

an intentional decision not to make to make it too easy to find a lost follower, especially if an innkeeper is going on stories or rumors and doesn't know an exact location.

Exactly that - if you want to know the location of a slave without searching  just select them in the Enslavement menu and reveal their Location & Master.


On 10/22/2022 at 12:19 PM, qui7 said:

it does't make much sense for a blacksmith to use slave in middle of the street. Unimmersive!

That's a matter of opinion - I suspect Slaverun users, for example might disagree. I think an argument might be made that some folks would prefer privacy but I'm not sure it's worth the overhead to implement it even if I could work out how.


On 10/22/2022 at 12:19 PM, qui7 said:

Would be nice to be able to set AIpackages for specific masters/types.

I agree but I'd need to work out/learn how, so it's not likely soon.


On 10/22/2022 at 12:19 PM, qui7 said:

Events/ways for other mods to hijack enslaved follower before distribution

If mod authors want to grab slaves, or enslave followers there are ModEvents to support this. It's a question of whether the Authors want to implement.

Edited by Bane Master
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On 10/22/2022 at 12:19 PM, qui7 said:

1.05 has MCM broken on it (Installs fine but then menu gets empty).

1.05's menu works fine, and I'm using it with Experience with no problems.


This is likely the infamous SkyUI bug that has existed forever and usually results in the MCM for some "victim" mod not showing up at all.

Its because the startup initialization has not been able to complete due to load and timing of work going on. So its usually related to having a lot of mods and load.


For Tricks to workaround it see...  Toys MCM or other mod's MCM is not showing by VirginMarie

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What's New in Version 1.06


  • Added gear buyback option when Followers are bought out of slavery
  • Added toggle to return gear or free with only current slave outfit when followers are freed via the MCM
  • Added remote release via ModEvent for external mods (with or without gear)
  • Fixed a bug where friendly fire could cause Followers to be enslaved to party members
Edited by Bane Master
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29 minutes ago, Martianman said:

Wow this is exactly what I was looking for! I hope there is an option added that allows us to decide what gear the follower wears when they are enslaved!

FSM is highly configurable - using a combination of the MCM and FSM JSON files you can control

  • Which NPCs are potential Masters for enslaved Followers
  • Which Locations (Bandit, Warlock or Vampire camps) Follower slaves can be sent to
  • The Outfits that Slaves will be dressed in, Male and Female Slaves have their own outfit sets
  • Whether Slaves will be used as Sex toys, selectable both on the gender of the Slave and that of the Master
  • The animation tags selected if Slaves are used as Sex toys, based both on the gender of the Slave and that of the Master
  • Whether Toys & Love or Sexlab is used for sex scenes

FSM's masters.json file comes pre-loaded with over 100 male NPCs, 83 female NPCs and almost 50 locations (Bandit camps and Warlock or Vampire lairs).


A built in audit report makes it simple to identify records in the JSON and edit them as you wish. The individual groups of Masters (NPC Male, NPC Female, Bandit Camps, Warlock Lairs, Vampire Lairs) can also be disabled/enabed during the game via the MCM.


Similarly the SlaveOutfits.json file includes 6 pre-loaded female outfits (including 3 "Toys" and 3 "Devious Devices" outfits) and 2 male outfits. Again there is an audit report to allow you to easily modify or add your own choice of outfits.

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8 hours ago, Bane Master said:

FSM is highly configurable - using a combination of the MCM and FSM JSON files you can control

  • Which NPCs are potential Masters for enslaved Followers
  • Which Locations (Bandit, Warlock or Vampire camps) Follower slaves can be sent to
  • The Outfits that Slaves will be dressed in, Male and Female Slaves have their own outfit sets
  • Whether Slaves will be used as Sex toys, selectable both on the gender of the Slave and that of the Master
  • The animation tags selected if Slaves are used as Sex toys, based both on the gender of the Slave and that of the Master
  • Whether Toys & Love or Sexlab is used for sex scenes

FSM's masters.json file comes pre-loaded with over 100 male NPCs, 83 female NPCs and almost 50 locations (Bandit camps and Warlock or Vampire lairs).


A built in audit report makes it simple to identify records in the JSON and edit them as you wish. The individual groups of Masters (NPC Male, NPC Female, Bandit Camps, Warlock Lairs, Vampire Lairs) can also be disabled/enabed during the game via the MCM.


Similarly the SlaveOutfits.json file includes 6 pre-loaded female outfits (including 3 "Toys" and 3 "Devious Devices" outfits) and 2 male outfits. Again there is an audit report to allow you to easily modify or add your own choice of outfits.

Oh wow sorry I missed this! Thanks for the highlight!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this a few times and none times I was able to get followers to become slaves. I had to do it all manually using the MCM. So if I'm reading this correctly they all need to have "actortypeNPC" keyword? the problem is even the vanilla followers don't have this... Am I reading this correctly? It just doesn't make sense!! Wuht!? Why!?


If that is infact correct then try this SPID ini. It should add that keyword to npcs in the follower factions.




edit: i tried it again with keyword, still no go. what could be the problem?

Edited by ssskn
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9 hours ago, ssskn said:

I had to do it all manually using the MCM.

If you could enslave followers via the MCM then they have the Keyword, enslavement is working as intended and your issue lies elsewhere



9 hours ago, ssskn said:

So if I'm reading this correctly they all need to have "actortypeNPC" keyword? the problem is even the vanilla followers don't have this...

Yes that is correct they need to have the ActorTypeNPC keyword -  and yours do have it since you are able to enslave them via the MCM.  No SPID ini is necessary, vanilla followers and well designed custom followers such as those in Interesting NPC's have it as well.


9 hours ago, ssskn said:

none times I was able to get followers to become slaves

What was the scenario in which you think enslavement should have taken place but it did not?

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22 minutes ago, Bane Master said:

If you could enslave followers via the MCM then they have the Keyword, enslavement is working as intended and your issue lies elsewhere



Yes that is correct they need to have the ActorTypeNPC keyword -  and yours do have it since you are able to enslave them via the MCM.  No SPID ini is necessary, vanilla followers and well designed custom followers such as those in Interesting NPC's have it as well.


What was the scenario in which you think enslavement should have taken place but it did not?


Scenario as in outcome for SS+? I was using kidnapped by rieklings, which isn't one of the default outcomes built into the SS mod. After the auction ends, that scenario starts I get the message slaves are sold off. OOoh wow I think I found the issue... as i type this... Its because that cell isn't navmeshed so followers can't enter, and there's a distance requirement. So followers show up after that scenario ends at an inn.


Although, in the mcm manually enslaving an out of the cell follower didn't matter. After they came near me they would get enslaved properly. I will test again.


I got these in my log each time:



[11/18/2022 - 04:49:50PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed to function DSC_UniversalEquip.Enable(). Expected 0, got 4 instead!.
    <empty stack>
[11/18/2022 - 04:49:50PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed to function fsm_utilityscript.OnEnslaveFollower(Form akFollower,Form akMaster,string astrType,bool abFallback). Expected 4, got 5 instead!.
    <empty stack>
[11/18/2022 - 04:49:50PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed to function fsm_utilityscript.OnEnslaveFollower(Form akFollower,Form akMaster,string astrType,bool abFallback). Expected 4, got 5 instead!.
    <empty stack>
[11/18/2022 - 04:49:50PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed to function fsm_utilityscript.OnEnslaveFollower(Form akFollower,Form akMaster,string astrType,bool abFallback). Expected 4, got 5 instead!.
    <empty stack>


@HexBolt8I use more informative console; selecting followers or any NPCs shows their keywords. Also I checked in xEdit, almost none of the vanilla followers have that keyword. Only enemies seemed to have it. Maybe it gets added to NPCs by other means.

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8 minutes ago, ssskn said:

I use more informative console; selecting followers or any NPCs shows their keywords. Also I checked in xEdit, almost none of the vanilla followers have that keyword.

You probably just didn't look deep enough in xEdit.  Did you look at some follower records and stop there?  The ActorTypeNPC keyword is assigned to all the NPC races.  Unless you're using mods that intentionally remove ActorTypeNPC from all the races (which would break a lot of things), vanilla followers get that keyword from their race.  For example, Marcurio is an Imperial, and ImperialRace has the ActorTypeNPC keyword.  That's why I encouraged you to actually test for the presence of the keyword in your game by using the HasKeyword command, rather than relying on what some tool is showing you.


If you truly don't have ActorTypeNPC on your followers (as well as on other NPCs of all the playable races, such as Belethor, etc.), then you have something installed that's removing the keyword from the playable races (or assigning all NPCs to custom races), and that's going to cause you a lot of trouble.  Many, many mods test for ActorTypeNPC, not just this one.

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23 minutes ago, ssskn said:

[11/18/2022 - 04:49:50PM] Error: Incorrect number of arguments passed to function fsm_utilityscript.OnEnslaveFollower(Form akFollower,Form akMaster,string astrType,bool abFallback). Expected 4, got 5 instead!.
    <empty stack>

This is a bug! - Simple to fix, should have an update up in a few minutes 

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14 minutes ago, Bane Master said:

This is a bug! - Simple to fix, should have an update up in a few minutes 


Tried DCL scenario, same errors. I also got these in the papyrusutil log. Not sure if that's what you fixed.


JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCUtility.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCSSLVPlugin.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCSlaveOutfits.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCSDPlusPlugin.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCMasters.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCDefeatPlugin.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...
JSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../FSM/JCAnimationTags.json
JSON: File does not exist, init empty root object...


Looks like the file names are off. should be : [blahblah/>>>> /jc/utility.json]


I will try the update.

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