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2 hours ago, Roggvir said:


You should find which of those mods does it, and send its creator a harshly written letter, maybe even start a leaflet campaign.



well, the nppexec command list i posted was only my last attempt to verify\understand exactly what you clarified to me, the position in the list (solved many previous errors this way) 

now sexlabframework is again at the top of the list, anyway the two cute little f.....g errors are still there - the battle isn't over yet 

i'll add i tried many things like saving the nppexec command script\closing\reopening notepad++ (sometimes it glitches), no effect

the only script source before sexlabFramework are  skse data, CK and Devious Devices (i tried swapping with DD too, tryng to understand nppexec mechanics)


one bizarre thing i saw during my search for the dependencies was trying SkyUI 5,2 SDK where i had one error about some SKI_Configsomething: i had only one script with that name but at the line reported there was something other (at this point i decided to ask for help, lol) -solved putting sdk 5.1 instead of 5.2 - at least for the moment...


i'm using the last version available here for 1.5.97 so i'm trying to understand if is the final version (i tought it was final)


so at the moment the only 100% reliable thing on my entire rig (pc, windows 8.1, skyrim se and myself) is that couple of errors :D

thanks again for helping me narrowing big time the search field, i will report the casualties when the battle is over


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and finally, success!

Thank you Roggvir, your suggestion about updating sexlab was right on the money :)

found and replaced 1.63 with 1.63b9 aaaaannnd... a LOT of errors. LOL

second attempt, notepad++ without MO2 and now you have a new die-hard fan

thanks so much

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2 hours ago, Roggvir said:

btw. what is this talk i hear about a Open Animation Replacer?


Did somebody tried it?

Is it really happening?


It's backwards compatible with DAR, it has more conditions, it's got an in-game menu (that allows editing conditions), and it supports more sophisticated replacers that can be grouped into mods and submods.


The menu will even show you which animation replacement is active at any given time for any actor.

Edited by markdf
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/2/2023 at 2:56 AM, Roggvir said:

Ok, that sounds absolutely amazing.

I hope we can all get an official release soon, i don't feel like messing with DAR anymore, knowing what's around the corner.

I've been using it for a little while, and it's miles ahead of DAR. 


Aside from the backwards compatibility, Ersh has created his own Dar-like mod animation replacer structure. You can use actual readable names for the animations folders, and all the conditions and priorities are placed inside of json files. Plus, you can get submods - so, DD-wise, you can create an armbinder folder, and a hobbled subfolder inside of that, and then tweak the json's so it'll update the conditions (you can tweak them thru the in-game menu, but I haven't messed with that one too much).


I was trying to make the DD animations using this method, but it's a WIP at the early stages at best.


Plus, it caches the animations, so they aren't recalculated every time you launch, and it has the awesome function of loading behaviors in main menu, so you'll get correct animation on load. 


Highly recommend, well worth a small penny it costs for his Patreon.


P.S. Thank you very much for bringing DD to 2023 with your DAR implementation! 


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Im hoping wish for a DAR/OAR DD animation mod separate from DD itself, so you have that as a dependency and use such animations for non-dd outfits.


This mainly for me wanting to make hobble dresses and some pet suit stuff


might take a look on this as well when OAR comes around publicly

Edited by OpheliaComplex
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  • 2 weeks later...

I did what can only be described as a gamer move and converted the latest DD DAR conversion (from the semi-official DD troubleshooting thread) into OAR's format. The actual program part of OAR appears to be finished, afaik the author's just working on getting the documentation and mod pages written up.


This includes the animations and the combat script (from the same conversion in the troubleshooting thread) but this is just for testing so I hope it's all good.


Also implemented an experimental animation switch between the hobble and hop based on the player's speedmult. It also checks whether the player is running, but I think that check isn't exactly accurate (I don't think it differentiates between walking and running). In any case, DD will need to be modified to allow the player to choose between walking and running, or just enable sprinting with hobble dresses.


Now, I haven't had any issues with this myself but I haven't done any in-depth testing. If any OAR fellas could confirm this also runs well on their end of things, I'll see about using OAR's more advanced features, and also modifying the python script to convert to OAR instead of DAR. Also shouldn't be too difficult to implement male animations as well.


EDIT: The good news is that you can pull speed directly from the graph vars and switch between hobbling and hopping just based on that. The bad news is that Skyrim interprets whether you're walking or running via this same speed and not your inputs, which means transitioning from running to standing still results in an abrupt full-body jerk. I'm looking for workarounds but there will come a time when such a workaround will end up less performant than just chucking it in a script.

DD ORA Anims.7z

Edited by Fart N.
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On 5/5/2023 at 2:34 PM, OpheliaComplex said:

Im hoping wish for a DAR/OAR DD animation mod separate from DD itself, so you have that as a dependency and use such animations for non-dd outfits.


This mainly for me wanting to make hobble dresses and some pet suit stuff


might take a look on this as well when OAR comes around publicly

As far as I know, the only real thing that's absolutely required on DD's part animation-wise are the combat scripts. It's likely that this could be redundified via nemesis (although I don't have the know-how as to how) and remove that requirement as well.


Other than that, the DAR and OAR packs just look for keywords in equipped items. If you chuck the hobble dress keyword onto any ol' item and use just the DAR or OAR animation pack without DD, it should still play the corresponding animations - it just won't have the extra DD effects (e.g. slowdown).


EDIT: looked through the code a bit and DD does a few other things to hobble dresses, namely body morph edits and such. Don't know exactly what. The combat script is still the real requirement, though.

Edited by Fart N.
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12 hours ago, Fart N. said:

I did what can only be described as a gamer move and converted the latest DD DAR conversion (from the semi-official DD troubleshooting thread) into OAR's format. The actual program part of OAR appears to be finished, afaik the author's just working on getting the documentation and mod pages written up.

Oh, fantastic, I'll try it out soon - thank you!


10 hours ago, Fart N. said:

EDIT: looked through the code a bit and DD does a few other things to hobble dresses, namely body morph edits and such. Don't know exactly what. The combat script is still the real requirement, though.


This is the link for the modification of a script that does hobble dresses, to stop it from slapping a over-encumbered penalty whenever you equip one.

I think this is the a good place to start for the implementation of the hop to sprint functionality.

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10 hours ago, krzzp said:

Oh, fantastic, I'll try it out soon - thank you!



This is the link for the modification of a script that does hobble dresses, to stop it from slapping a over-encumbered penalty whenever you equip one.

I think this is the a good place to start for the implementation of the hop to sprint functionality.

Oh awesome! I was trying so far to stick with the existing functionality (i.e. over-encumbered and no sprinting) cause making any changes like that was bound to cascade across the entire thing.


But the more I think about it, the more this sprinting thing seems like a better implementation overall. Hobbling at full running speed will still look a bit wonky (I didn't get the same weird shakiness as roggivir, but it's still sped up), but that could be mitigated by further debuffing the player's speed to compensate for sprinting.


Hopefully I'll get a bit of time to make that a reality.

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1 hour ago, finalfrog said:

This sounds interesting! What are the advantages of handling the animations with DAR/OAR instead of FNIS/Nemesis? Does it just skip the generate animation step or does it have other benefits?

Biggest advantage for me was how easy it was to debug in OAR.


I once had an issue where the armbinder fighting stance animation had the PC throw hands for the idle then put them back in the binder to kick. It took me thirty seconds to find the DAR mod overriding that particular animation and fix it.


It also skips the generate animations step, yeah. For this reason and a bunch of others, DAR/OAR is (in my opinion) objectively superior to FNIS/Nemesis when it comes to replacing vanilla animations.

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4 hours ago, finalfrog said:

This sounds interesting! What are the advantages of handling the animations with DAR/OAR instead of FNIS/Nemesis? Does it just skip the generate animation step or does it have other benefits?

Zero script lag, it's 10x faster to apply them to the player - so no immersion breaking slow swapping of animation states, you can easily swap animations with a copy-paste, you can create new ones for different devices and conditions, (I've posted a few new ideas here), it lowers your fnis animation count by about a 1000 leaving more space for your regular dirty horse sexing animations...


OAR is an upgrade on the DAR technology, but both are way superior and easier for the regular user than the current FNIS AA implementation.

I mean, DD has a few standalone scripts specifically dedicated to achieve the functionality, that can now be done with an animation folder and a text file.


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On 5/18/2023 at 9:42 PM, Fart N. said:

But the more I think about it, the more this sprinting thing seems like a better implementation overall. Hobbling at full running speed will still look a bit wonky (I didn't get the same weird shakiness as roggivir, but it's still sped up), but that could be mitigated by further debuffing the player's speed to compensate for sprinting.

I've ran a quick test with your file and can confirm that it works, thanks for the conversion ?


Even the hop-step movement change worked, however my Skyrim decided to be weird about it - it didn't change the speed if I tried doing by simply pressing Caps Lock, however, if I went to sneak mode, I was able to switch from running to walking, thus changing the animations after I went to regular walk back from sneak.

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So, I'm continuing to butcher the zadBoundCombat script (and learning how to Papyrus as I go).


There is a function, called ClearAA.



Function ClearAA(actor akActor)
;This function forcibly reverts animations to the vanilla state
;On its own it is used in transitions between different animation sets
;In order to revert to animations from compatible AA mods, remember to use ResetExteralAA() afterwards

    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_h2heqp", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_h2hidle", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_h2hatkpow", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_h2hatk", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_h2hstag", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_jump", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_sneakmt", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_sneakidle", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_sprint", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)

    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_shout", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_mtx", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_mt", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_mtturn", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(akActor, "_mtidle", 0, 0, "DeviousDevices", Config.LogMessages)
    akActor.SetAnimationVariableInt("FNIS_abc_h2h_LocomotionPose", 0)
    if akActor != libs.PlayerRef && !akActor.isDead()
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(akActor, "IdleForceDefaultState")


Now, I roughly understand what it does, it gets called whenever we need to unequip something, and set the animations to their regular states.

Why on earth should we leave it as it is, when reverting animations to defaults is being done by DAR is beyond me.


More so, if you dare to use *gasp* Nemesis - this function stack dumps like there's no tomorrow.



[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] Error:  (00000014): cannot fetch variable named Nemesis_AA_Priority_h2hstag of type int, returning .
    [ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupCore() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 56
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupLoad() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 28
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 23
    <unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 4
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadboundcombatscript.ClearAA() - "------------------------" Line 172
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.ClearAA() - "zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.psc" Line 103
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.EvaluateAA() - "zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.psc" Line 64
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 193
    [alias Player on quest zadQuest (0800F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 62
[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] ERROR: Unknown Nemesis AAgroupID. Failed to GetGroupOrder (AA Group ID: 68)
[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] Nemesis CompareAnimVar (AnimGroup: _h2hstag, Value: 0, Priority: 0, Mod: DeviousDevices, Group: -1
[05/29/2023 - 04:08:03AM] Error:  (00000014): cannot fetch variable named Nemesis_AA_Priority_jump of type int, returning 0.
    [ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupCore() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 56
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupLoad() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 28
    <unknown self>.nemesis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "Nemesis_AA.psc" Line 23
    <unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 4
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadboundcombatscript.ClearAA() - "------------------------" Line 173
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.ClearAA() - "zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.psc" Line 103
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.EvaluateAA() - "zadBoundCombatScript_UDPatch.psc" Line 64
    [zadQuest (0800F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 193
    [alias Player on quest zadQuest (0800F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 62

 So, my proposition is to delete every mention of FNIS from that.



Function ClearAA(actor akActor)
;This function forcibly reverts animations to the vanilla state
;On its own it is used in transitions between different animation sets
;In order to revert to animations from compatible AA mods, remember to use ResetExteralAA() afterwards                                     
    if akActor != libs.PlayerRef && !akActor.isDead()
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(akActor, "IdleForceDefaultState")


I've attached the updated file in case anyone wants to test it.

The un-equipping seems a little faster, and the logs don't get bloated.


I'll update the conversion if the tests go well.



zadBoundCombatScript.pex zadBoundCombatScript.psc

Edited by krzp
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