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7 hours ago, Roggvir said:

Kimy offered to include a complete DD-to-DAR patch in the DD itself as an option when installing DD, but i am supposed to prepare and test the patch, and then give it to her.
The patch is nearly ready, but i still need to setup the bunny hopping as "running" in a hobble dress (the slow hobbling is used only for "walking"), but i don't have the time to do it right now.
So, you need to have a bit more patience, or find somebody else to do it faster. I am sorry.

happy to wait for it, as you can see I am not the only one looking forward to it in anticipation, thank you

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I finally got some time to work on the DD-to-DAR patch for Kimy again, and i noticed a problem:

When trying to use the faster (running) bunny-hopping animations via DAR (while using the slow ones as replacement for walking AND the faster ones for running), it results in a weirdly fast and glitchy-looking movement.
Almost as if the game is trying to play the slower hobbling animation together with the faster bunny-hopping anim and weirdly interpolating between them.

I never saw this happen with any other animations.


It seems to be caused by the two IsWornHasKeyword() DAR conditions used to check if wearing a hobble dress while also not being the "relaxed" version of the dress.
The conditions evaluation is too slow (which isn't really that much of a surprise when you think about it).
I believe this is what happens:


You start moving, DAR starts processing the conditions, but it is taking too long, so the game already starts playing some other animation (possibly the normal vanilla one), but shortly after that the evaluation finishes and DAR replaces the animation with the faster bunny-hopping, the game interpolates from one to the other, and then we get to the next step (i mean a step with the other leg) where this whole mess repeats, and then another step, and so on, until you stop moving.

So, i need to find some other, FASTER condition for DAR to use, and it seems like the best solution is to use IsFactionRankEqualTo() to check the rank of a special faction the actor will be added into by the zadBoundCombatScript (instead of the script calling FNIS AA functions depending on which animation set it determined to be run on the actor, it will instead add the actor into a special faction with certain rank - the rank will be what differentiates between animation sets).

It is annoying, it would have been much nicer if we could simply rely on the worn item keywords without ANY scripting at all, but it is what it is.

On the upside, using the faction rank condition, we can condense several original conditions into a single one - instead of checking for...


IsFemale() AND
IsWornHasKeyword(<kw_hobble_dress>) AND
NOT IsWornHasKeyword(<kw_hobble_dress_relaxed>)

...which DAR does EVERY TIME the movement animation is to play (on evey step), we can use only one condition IsFactionRankEqualTo(<rank>, <faction_for_females>), where the <rank> will be whichever number we assign to a hobble dress anim set, and <faction_for_females> will be our special faction for female actors (male actors will have a different faction).



That being said, this is just the first idea i had, so if anybody thinks about something better, let me please know.
Anyway, i guess this is... progress.

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On 8/2/2022 at 3:42 AM, Roggvir said:

I finally got some time to work on the DD-to-DAR patch for Kimy again, and i noticed a problem:

When trying to use the faster (running) bunny-hopping animations via DAR (while using the slow ones as replacement for walking AND the faster ones for running), it results in a weirdly fast and glitchy-looking movement.
Almost as if the game is trying to play the slower hobbling animation together with the faster bunny-hopping anim and weirdly interpolating between them.

I never saw this happen with any other animations.


It seems to be caused by the two IsWornHasKeyword() DAR conditions used to check if wearing a hobble dress while also not being the "relaxed" version of the dress.
The conditions evaluation is too slow (which isn't really that much of a surprise when you think about it).
I believe this is what happens:

So, i need to find some other, FASTER condition for DAR to use, and it seems like the best solution is to use IsFactionRankEqualTo() to check the rank of a special faction the actor will be added into by the zadBoundCombatScript (instead of the script calling FNIS AA functions depending on which animation set it determined to be run on the actor, it will instead add the actor into a special faction with certain rank - the rank will be what differentiates between animation sets).

It is annoying, it would have been much nicer if we could simply rely on the worn item keywords without ANY scripting at all, but it is what it is.

On the upside, using the faction rank condition, we can condense several original conditions into a single one - instead of checking for...

...which DAR does EVERY TIME the movement animation is to play (on evey step), we can use only one condition IsFactionRankEqualTo(<rank>, <faction_for_females>), where the <rank> will be whichever number we assign to a hobble dress anim set, and <faction_for_females> will be our special faction for female actors (male actors will have a different faction).



That being said, this is just the first idea i had, so if anybody thinks about something better, let me please know.
Anyway, i guess this is... progress.


I was wrong - the problem is NOT caused by the conditions taking too long to evaluate.

After some more testing, it seems to be caused by DD lowering the SpeedMult actor value to 50 when wearing a hobble dress.

This is how bunny-hopping looks with SpeedMult 50 (weird jerky movement):

This is how bunny-hopping looks with SpeedMult 100 (this is how it should look):


The problem is that DD needs to lower the SpeedMult to 50, to make the "slow walk" animations look good.
If it would keep SpeedMult at 100, then the slow walk animations will look like this (the movement is too fast and looks bad):


So, i don't think we can keep both the slow-walk and bunny-hop anims for walking and running respectively, because we do not have any sensible means to switch the SpeedMult when player changes pace from walking to running.
Not unless we add a script watching for the actor walk/run changes and keep switching the SpeedMult accordingly, but i am not going to do that as i see that as a BAD solution (the good solution should be to fix the speed of the slow-walk animations so they work without lowering the SpeedMult - but i am not going to do that either, because i don't know how  :)).


Now the question is, what to do...
The original DD install package has an option to use either the slow-walk, or the bunny-hopping animations, so i could just do the same.
Except that DD doesn't take this choice into account at runtime - the SpeedMult is ALWAYS lowered to 50, even when using the bunny-hopping animations in which case it results in the weird movement you see on the 1st video.
That being said, i find it hard to believe that nobody noticed this before, but i don't recall any complaints, questions, or requests for fixing this problem.
Maybe @Kimy could offer some insight?

Edited by Roggvir
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To answer @Rynnes Master's question posted in the DD Framework Development topic:


How does one control DAR from using its animations on the player when she is "bound" by a DD device (hobble dress excluded, perhaps)?


I am not sure i understand the question correctly, are you asking how to make sure DAR won't play bound anims if the actor is not bound? or vice versa?
Anyway, I don't know how to answer any of that in a quick manner, so i will try to answer using a wall of text explaining how i go about building the DAR package for DD, and hopefully you will find the answer to whatever question you are asking in there.

First, you need to organize the Animation Sets by priority into numbered folders under Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\.
(i am not going to describe which files go where - you can get that information from the DD5.1_to_DAR 20220702-1911.ZIP package on the download page, or even use the included Python script to build the Anim Set folders for you)

For DD, the priority (from lowest to highest) i am using in my tests is as follows:

(it is possible it could be slightly different, maybe some folders could be swapped or moved up/down without consequences, but this is what i use and it works well):

  • Anim Sets for Bound Hands only
    (only hands are bound in some way, without any leg binders or hobble dresses etc.)

    - folder name "100001": Elbow tie (no wrists)
    - folder name "100002": Front Cuffs
    - folder name "100003": BB Yoke
    - folder name "100004": Elbowbinder
    - folder name "100005": Yoke
    - folder name "100006": Armbinder or Straitjacket
  • Anim Sets for Pony Animations
    (the leg movement is different here - knees go high, you know... pony animations)

    - folder "100100": Pony Anims only (hands not bound in any way)
    - folder "100101": Elbow tie (no wrists)
    - folder "100102": Front Cuffs
    - folder "100103": BB Yoke
    - folder "100104": Elbowbinder
    - folder "100105": Yoke
    - folder "100106": Armbinder or Straitjacket
  • Anim Sets for Hobble Dress
    (i assume this doesn't need any explanation)

    - folder "100200": Hobble Dress only (hands not bound in any way)
    - folder "100201": Elbow tie (no wrists)
    - folder "100202": Front Cuffs
    - folder "100203": BB Yoke
    - folder "100204": Elbowbinder
    - folder "100205": Yoke
    - folder "100206": Armbinder or Straitjacket
  • Anim Set for Pet Suit
    (the Pet Suit has only one set)

    - folder "100300": Pet Suit

Remember, the higher the folder number, the higher the priority, so it may look a bit counterintuitive - the sets at the top have lower priority than the sets at the bottom.

Then you need to specify the DAR conditions for each of the sets listed above.
The conditions for each set are different, relying mostly on keywords attached to worn items.
For example, a Hobble Dress has keyword zad_DeviousHobbleSkirt [KYWD:##05F4BA], but that applies to every Hobble Dress including the relaxed versions, so we need to make sure there isn't also the keyword zad_DeviousHobbleSkirtRelaxed [KYWD:##05FA1E] which is on the "Relaxed" versions of Hobble Dress (only the "Extreme" version is supposed to constrain the leg movement).
So, the DAR conditions for "Extreme" Hobble Dress will look like this:


IsWornHasKeyword("Devious Devices - Integration.esm" | 0x05F4BA) AND
NOT IsWornHasKeyword("Devious Devices - Integration.esm" | 0x05FA1E)


You write these conditions into a _conditions.txt file residing in every Animation Set folder described above, eg.:
(of course, each set requires different conditions, the Hobble Dress conditions above are just an example. If you want to know the conditions for every set, you can find that information in the TXT files contained in the DD5.1_to_DAR 20220702-1911.ZIP package on the download page)



That's about it as far as DAR is concerned.
Side note: if you are using any other DAR animation sets (maybe some weapon-related movesets, etc.), you probably want to make sure the DD folders are at higher priority (their folder numbers must be greater than the folder number of any other animation sets) to ensure the other animation sets won't override the DD anim sets (DD anim sets should be at the highest priority above everything else, i cannot even think of any exceptions).


Now, to really complete the switch of DD from FNIS to DAR, you also need to modify the zadBoundCombatScript.psc that comes with DD, comment out the Alternate Anim sets from DD's FNIS_*.txt files and regenerate corresponding DD behaviors using "FNIS for modders", and then of course run "FNIS for Users".
But i am too lazy to describe all that here - i will soon post a beta patch with everything included.

Does this answer your question?

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Does this answer your question?


Yes, indeed.  Well, I *think* so;  I ought to be able to get my head around all that.  The counter-intuitive part is probably the most important factor that I hadn't understood.  In any event, thank you for taking the time to explain these things to me.  Like most players, I'm not a coder, and scripting is not my favorite thing.  I find I tend to think backwards.


My question may had been posed unclearly;  With DAR animations enabled in my game (which I think is a fantastic ability), a bound character walks and runs "unbound", the normal animations that DAR applies overwrite the bound ones.  It is that result I was asking about;  how to make the bound animations have higher priority.  I believe I see the answer to that included in your reply.   Much appreciated.

Edited by Rynnes Master
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1 hour ago, Rynnes Master said:

My question may had been posed unclearly;  With DAR animations enabled in my game (which I think is a fantastic ability), a bound character walks and runs "unbound", the normal animations that DAR applies overwrite the bound ones.  It is that result I was asking about;  how to make the bound animations have higher priority.  I believe I see the answer to that included in your reply.   Much appreciated.

Aha, now i understand clearly.
At the risk of repeating myself, i will try to recap and hopefuly clarify things further.
Unless i forgot something, your problem may have these different causes:

1.) Some other Animation Set folder, evaluated by DAR as valid for given situation, has higher priority than the Animation Set folder with the bound animations.
If the bound AnimSet folder is named "1000", and that other non-bound AnimSet is in folder named "5000", then the non-bound set has higher priority (5000 is greater than 1000) and DAR will use the non-bound set if it is also deemed valid for given situation (the conditions in _conditions.txt evaluate as true).

The fix should be simple: rename the "1000" folder to "5001" (or anything greater than "5000"), or the other way, rename "5000" to something less than "1000" - when renaming the folders, consider any other sets that may end up at higher or lower priority compared to the folder you are going to rename, so choose the folder to rename and the number to rename it to wisely.


2.) Maybe you somehow messed up the conditions in your bound anim set?
If the conditions do not evaluate as true in given situation, then regardless of priority, the bound set simply won't be used.

Try temporarily replacing the conditions with something very simple - for example, try using just IsFemale() (if your character is female, if you are male then use NOT IsFemale()) as the one and only condition for your bound anim set - if it works, then it suggests that your original conditions were somehow incorrect (post them here, let's have a look at them).

3.) Maybe you somehow messed up that bound animation set?
Are you sure the folder structure is correct? Maybe describe it here so we can check?
Maybe you didn't include the right animations?
Maybe you placed them into a wrong folder structure?

Or maybe you made a mistake when renaming the animation files (they MUST be named according to how the corresponding vanilla animation file is named)?
Best to post the animation file names here, together with the complete path (starting from "Data" is enough) where you placed that animation file?


Also, after starting the game and getting into the situation where the bound animation is supposed to be used and isn't working, look into DAR's log file - it may contain some error message that may help determining the cause of the problem.
You will find the log file in "...\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\DynamicAnimationReplacer.log".
Feel free to post the log file here if you see something weird in it, or something you are not sure the meaning of.


Edited by Roggvir
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I know it might be a bit vague question, would you mind if I ask you any advice of the #6 instruction for script novice?


I thought I prepared all the .psc files needed for compile, but the compiling is still failing.

Which mods(' script source) do I have to set for DDs?

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8 hours ago, Younhee said:

I know it might be a bit vague question, would you mind if I ask you any advice of the #6 instruction for script novice?


I thought I prepared all the .psc files needed for compile, but the compiling is still failing.

Which mods(' script source) do I have to set for DDs?


You need script sources from ALL the following mods:

There may be others like RaceMenu, where you need to extract the script sources from a BSA archive, so keep that in mind.



Organize the sources however you are used to, but i suggest keeping all script sources in separate subfolders in a special "includes" repository, for example:


X:\includes\SKSE 2.0.20
X:\includes\Skyrim 1.5.39
     (vanilla game's script sources)
X:\includes\MfgFix 1.5.4
X:\includes\SkyUI SDK 5.1
X:\includes\RaceMenu 0.4.16
X:\includes\FNIS 7.6
X:\includes\FNIS Sexy Move SE 7.2
X:\includes\XP32MSSE 4.80
X:\includes\SexLab 1.63 final
X:\includes\SexLab Aroused Redux 29
X:\includes\Aradia Devious Devices Integrated 2.0
X:\includes\Bathing In Skyrim 1.11
X:\includes\Skooma Whore 1.0
X:\includes\DD 5.1


And when you run the compiler, you pass it the "includes" (do not forget their order is important) like so:

(obviously, this is just an example, adapt it to whatever compilation pipeline you are using)

"h:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Papyrus compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" -i="X:\includes\SKSE 2.0.20;X:\includes\Skyrim 1.5.39;X:\includes\MfgFix 1.5.4;X:\includes\SkyUI SDK 5.1;X:\includes\RaceMenu 0.4.16;X:\includes\FNIS 7.6;X:\includes\FNIS Sexy Move SE 7.2;X:\includes\XP32MSSE 4.80;X:\includes\SexLab 1.63 final;X:\includes\SexLab Aroused Redux 29;X:\includes\Aradia Devious Devices Integrated 2.0;X:\includes\Bathing In Skyrim 1.11;X:\includes\Skooma Whore 1.0;X:\includes\DD 5.1" -o="X:\output"


Edited by Roggvir
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4 hours ago, cereza3022 said:

Creating a DAR file is successful and works well. However, I compiled the script and modified it, but the battle motion still comes out as the DAR motion I use. It's the same even if I set the folder number the highest, so can you tell me if the script I modified is wrong?


zadBoundCombatScript.psc 9.65 kB · 1 download


Why are you decompiling the pex file, when the DD comes with the source PSC files?

Sorry, but i do not have time to wade through this mess.

Take the original script source from DD 5.1 and modify that one.
Then i can use diff to clearly see what you did and where, otherwise i would have to go over the whole script and read every line and that would be insane, i don't do insane things (unless they are fun :)).

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6 hours ago, Roggvir said:


Why are you decompiling the pex file, when the DD comes with the source PSC files?

Sorry, but i do not have time to wade through this mess.

Take the original script source from DD 5.1 and modify that one.
Then i can use diff to clearly see what you did and where, otherwise i would have to go over the whole script and read every line and that would be insane, i don't do insane things (unless they are fun :)).

Oh, I'm sorry. It's because English is not my first language, but a translator. It was my first time to modify the script, so I thought it would be easy to read if I uploaded the psc file ?
Like a screenshot, I added ; and added all the necessary sources to compile without any problems

Instead of kicking or hitting the body while the combat animation the condition of being bound, use the existing combat motion. This file is the DAR attack motion I use



Could you check again where the pex that I modified has a problem?








Edited by cereza3022
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2 hours ago, cereza3022 said:

Oh, I'm sorry. It's because English is not my first language, but a translator. It was my first time to modify the script, so I thought it would be easy to read if I uploaded the psc file ?
Like a screenshot, I added ; and added all the necessary sources to compile without any problems

Instead of kicking or hitting the body while the combat animation the condition of being bound, use the existing combat motion. This file is the DAR attack motion I use

meshes.7z 73.37 kB · 1 download


Could you check again where the pex that I modified has a problem?

zadBoundCombatScript.pex 11.63 kB · 0 downloads







Please, edit your post and put that image into a spoiler, or make it's preview thumbnail really small.
Or even better -  just delete that image, what do you expect me to do with it?
It's not even the complete script! (and no, nonononono, this is not me telling you that you should take screeshots of the whole script and post it as a comics).


I told you to throw away that awul script you decompiled and then modified, and take and modify an original DD 5.1 source script instead, and then post that script (and by that i mean the PSC file, not the fucking PEX).


Please, ok? ?


Edited by Roggvir
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11 hours ago, Roggvir said:


You need script sources from ALL the following mods:

There may be others like RaceMenu, where you need to extract the script sources from a BSA archive, so keep that in mind.



Organize the sources however you are used to, but i suggest keeping all script sources in separate subfolders in a special "includes" repository, for example:

  Reveal hidden contents

X:\includes\SKSE 2.0.20
X:\includes\Skyrim 1.5.39
     (vanilla game's script sources)
X:\includes\MfgFix 1.5.4
X:\includes\SkyUI SDK 5.1
X:\includes\RaceMenu 0.4.16
X:\includes\FNIS 7.6
X:\includes\FNIS Sexy Move SE 7.2
X:\includes\XP32MSSE 4.80
X:\includes\SexLab 1.63 final
X:\includes\SexLab Aroused Redux 29
X:\includes\Aradia Devious Devices Integrated 2.0
X:\includes\Bathing In Skyrim 1.11
X:\includes\Skooma Whore 1.0
X:\includes\DD 5.1


And when you run the compiler, you pass it the "includes" (do not forget their order is important) like so:

(obviously, this is just an example, adapt it to whatever compilation pipeline you are using)

"h:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Papyrus compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" -i="X:\includes\SKSE 2.0.20;X:\includes\Skyrim 1.5.39;X:\includes\MfgFix 1.5.4;X:\includes\SkyUI SDK 5.1;X:\includes\RaceMenu 0.4.16;X:\includes\FNIS 7.6;X:\includes\FNIS Sexy Move SE 7.2;X:\includes\XP32MSSE 4.80;X:\includes\SexLab 1.63 final;X:\includes\SexLab Aroused Redux 29;X:\includes\Aradia Devious Devices Integrated 2.0;X:\includes\Bathing In Skyrim 1.11;X:\includes\Skooma Whore 1.0;X:\includes\DD 5.1" -o="X:\output"



Whoa.. I know DD takes some mods as requirements, but I have never noticed that DD is variously connected..!

I didn't put the half of the listed source files. lol..


Anyway, the compiling has finished successfully.


It is kind of you to help..

Thank you so much. ;D

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1 hour ago, CChuggers said:

how exactly do i compile the script? I made the edits to the source script in notepad++ but I can't figure out how to compile it

Hmm, i was worried you will ask something like this :)

Judging by the fact that you are asking this, it seems reasonable to assume you don't know much (if anything) about compiling Papyrus scripts.
Which is a problem, not because it would be that difficult, but because i suck at explanining things...


First of all, you need script sources from bunch of other mod's - i recently posted a list here.

Then you need to put those scripts somewhere, and run the compiler, feeding it the script you want to compile while also telling it where it can find all these other scripts it will need.
Actually, that post of mine i linked above, should contain everything you need to know - it may be easier for me, if you first have a look at it, and let me know if there is something you need better explanation for.

Edited by Roggvir
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Just now, Roggvir said:

Hmm, i was worried you will ask something like this :)

Judging by the fact that you are asking this, it seems reasonable to assume you don't know much (if anything) about compiling Papyrus scripts.
Which is a problem, not because it would be that difficult, but because i suck at explanining things...


First of all, you need script sources from bunch of other mod's - i recently posted a list here.

Then you need to put those scripts somewhere, and run the compiler, feeding it the script you want t ocompile while also telling it where it cn find all these other scripts it will need.
Actually, that post of mine i linked to above, should contain everything you need to know - it may be easier for me, if you first have a look at it, and let me know if there is something you need better explanation for.

Yeah sorry hehe

I saw that post and downloaded the scripts, I am just not sure HOW exactly to run the compiler

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20 minutes ago, CChuggers said:

Yeah sorry hehe

I saw that post and downloaded the scripts, I am just not sure HOW exactly to run the compiler


You need Creation Kit. With it comes the Papyrus Compiler and the vanilla game's scripts.

I hope you already have that installed, because i just realized i don't even know where can you get the CK now - i keep using an old installation package that you used to download from Bethesda.net, but i think they nuked that some time ago already, and i think it should be now available on Steam, but that is all i know :)

If you installed Creation Kit, then you should have a "Papyrus Compiler" folder inside your game directory (ie. something like X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Papyrus Compiler).
Inside this "Papyrus Compiler" folder, is "PapyrusCompiler.exe" and bunch of other files.
What you need to do, is to run this exe file while passing it some commandline arguments which tells it what script to compile, where to find other scripts that it may need during the process, and where to save the compiled script.
This should be described in that post of mine we talked about - if you download all those other script sources and placed them in the folders as described in that post of mine (of course, change the paths as you need), you can then run the compiler using the command i posted there (but make sure you replace all the paths with whichever paths you are using).

Edited by Roggvir
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21 minutes ago, CChuggers said:

Looking at the output error... It seems it wants the source scripts for ConsoleUtil? Which it looks like aren't available anymore?

Aha, luckily, that script is really simple.

Create a new file called "consoleUtil.psc", and paste this in:

scriptName ConsoleUtil

function ExecuteCommand(string a_command) global native
objectReference function GetSelectedReference() global native
function SetSelectedReference(objectReference a_reference) global native
string function ReadMessage() global native
function PrintMessage(string a_message) global native
int function GetVersion() global native



btw. i realized i can actually post all the source files that you need to compile that DD script, without needing anybody's permissions.
The trick is not to post the scripts at all. Papyrus Compiler only needs the structure, it doesn't care about the actual code.

So, later today, after i get back to my computer, i will upload a complete package with a batchfile and everything that is needed to recompile that one DD script.
You will still need to edit the DD script yourself, but you won't need to mess with any other script sources and just run the included batch file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to the patch being a part of Devious Devices. Last time I tried to install DD I ran into a few issues with the animations. I suspect it happened due to using DAR with several animation related mods like Movement Behavior Overhaul. Hopefully it will work better when DD is also using DAR.


Thanks for working on it, Roggvir! Hopefully I'll be able to add DD back into my load order again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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