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Elder Scrolls Online Beta - Got Invite


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I played in the last beta event and really didn't care for the game. The character models look pretty poor, dark elves looked less silly than Nords though. Landscapes are meh, everything feels sort of washed out, probably because I have grown accustomed to saturation from ENB. The combat feels less impactful than does Skyrim's, quite floaty and not terribly exciting. The questing areas suffer from the massive number of people presently in them IMO. I mean, I always thought adventuring in Elder Scrolls games with friends would be fun, but I don't enjoy sharing my hero fantasy with 80 other people. Seriously, running through a draugr barrow is far worse when there are 50 other players around every corner of the place. Even once I made it out of snowy doldrums starting land the game didn't really pick up. All the drama and adventure is sapped from the experience. For me, it was dull. That said, I really didn't love vanilla Skyrim, so I suppose I could never deal with an unmoddable game like this one. I think that if you really liked vanilla you might enjoy it. Also, the game was very stable, no bugs that I could find, just mediocrity. IMO. 


Edit: Sorry if this is sort of unreadable, I just wrote on stream of thought.

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You have to remember this game sadly will in no way resemble what those of us who play the single player version experience and enjoy, it is from what I have seen an okay mmo with a TES skin.


People forget that if you look at bethsoft and zenimax they never give us a great game what they give us is a framework and tools to make our own game, none of that will be in the ESO.


I can still dream of what could have been for a fraction of the money and talent a co-op wrapper for TES including custom server and mod basically you could join your friends game download the same mods and go adventure with him, bring back items and trophies to your own game.


What they are giving us is another mmo we don't need.


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Well, regardless, I'm enjoying testing it, I've never played ANY MMO before, it's something to add to my life experiences. I was a primary beta tester for Shadowgrounds Surivior for Linux Game Publishing and I just hope some of the work I did improved the quality of the game.

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WoW with nicer graphics.....


that's the mistake that every so-called *AAA* title has made since 2004.


Seriously..... check this list:




Since the release of WoW (and the immediate influx of millions of instant gratification starved *cool kids*), nearly EVERY title considered AAA has gone F2P after the first year or two, or tacked on some crappy cash shop system where one can buy their *ubereliteness* for a couple bucks, just to keep it's remaining servers afloat.


The Elder Scrolls Online will be no different. Strong out of the gate, only to fade into oblivion (pun intended  :P ) a relatively short time later.


They would have been much better off striving to create the first mod-able multi-player game. With multiple servers hosting small scale 4-8 player group games (like a mix of LoL and GW2).


But alas, they all seek the illustrious crown, and end up getting the carthorse dung in the end.....

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i  can not understand why so many people still care , this whole ESO thing , it is  and always will be a attempt tograb  quick money on a already overcrowded MMO market by using a well known franchise


the whole thing   is a mix  of game mechanics they ( zenimax ) bought the license for the  basic game foncepts are actually the old Dark age of Camelot  for those who remember that mmo


It is not a secret that most of the people they hired  to test their alpha told them their game was  flawed  and the news from the closed beta testers isn't much different contrary even worse , it seems they are more concerned  making the game ready for launch than to make it   a true TES game


You might think 10 mil+ copies od sjyrim sold  would be a great  target audience to create a multiplayer TES game like so many of the fans  asked for  for years


but no they want  WoW subscripers so they make another WoW clone  and stick the TES name on it , knowing that  many of us would buy anything with  the TES name stamped on it


The fans  asked for a multi player TES game  where you and  a few friends  could  enjoy the game  not  a fziled MMO turned into TES

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, regardless, I'm enjoying testing it, I've never played ANY MMO before, it's something to add to my life experiences. I was a primary beta tester for Shadowgrounds Surivior for Linux Game Publishing and I just hope some of the work I did improved the quality of the game.

if you have played other MMO s you would look at it different


ESO is  already failling before it is even launched 

because it  offers nothing new

everything i  did in the beta i ve seen before in  ussualy a better way


t is no secret that alot of the people  who they hired to test their alpha told them their game was flawes

si zeni  selected  a bunch of people for their beta  that had little or no experience in beta testing  andwere  dedicated  fans of ESO

Even then alot of them left dissapointed


and now suddenly they are developing a console version of ESO aswell

something  that never was talked about planned before


no my friend they  know  that their game  isn't going to be the succes of the year  because it has  the TES named stamped on it

They know  that alot of the fans  are turning away from this  cheap WoW clone


the whole game  looks cheap and has little to offer than repetitive gameplay with little or no content

and the PVP .

even my daughter Hello kitty online has better hardcore PVP content

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