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Elden ring nude

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 BC1 sRGB DX 10+ for the body texture, BC7 linear DX 11+ for the normal. It is pretty tempermental, not acceptng other formats or compressions. I'm no pro at Elden ring textures either, Hopefully one of the more experienced guys/gals sees this and can help too. Im looking at the stuff unpacked and seeing if I missed anything. This latest patch screwed up my game too so I have to mess with that too. ?

Edited by DorkDiva
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1 hour ago, megnamon said:

 Open Mesh. Before you edit the mesh, scroll down abit and youll see "Delete faceset only" option. Tick it and it will preserve the cloth physics.

That worked, awesome, thank you.

Skimpy Fell Omen Cloak if anyone is interested. bd_f_2240.partsbnd.dcx Don't have time to make the low version today(and I also don't know when it shows up to test it)

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:37 AM, TRX_Trixter said:

I decide to create a special topic for collecting all skimpy armor mod releases. Only posts with armor mods and no discussions.



So you csn post there any of your works or links to mod pages. I think in this way process will be more organized.

I have a question. Why is the yapped edits necessary? Shouldn't the modified part files be enough? Like with the hero set.

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2 hours ago, urielmanx7 said:

I have a question. Why is the yapped edits necessary? Shouldn't the modified part files be enough? Like with the hero set.

Basically, all the armors that cover larger parts of your body (like full plate armor sets) make the body underneath invisible. That stops any clipping on the armor pieces closer to the body, and it's just generally not necessary to display the body if it's hidden from head to toe by steel. 

The yapped edits turn that invisibility off. The invisibility is decided per body part, so that an armor that shows the lower arms but has sleeves down to the elbows can make the upper arms and the rest of the upper body invisible, but the lower arms are still being displayed. So for example mask 14 might hide the hole lower body, while mask 15 hides only the upper thighs, and mask 16 hides the lower legs. 

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You will probably have to stick to how the engine handles textures. It has The base texture, a specular, and then the normal. While I was messing around with the textures, not once was there an albedo, or a roughness. IDK what those even are honestly so I can't help there. The texture paths will probably have to be set up just like the regular body's texture paths too, so it will show up as intended. Just my ideas.

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21 hours ago, DorkDiva said:

It wont show up right unless the parts are set to zero in yapped in the regulaion.bin unfortunalety. 

Can't wait unitl the CE talbe adds the model ID masks like in DaS3 to make the process painless. Back then I set a hot key to skimpify armors, just select one, click a key and it done.
Although the problem is that not all armors can be skimpyfied, and some require specific masks, so you can't do a one in all solution.

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On 3/23/2022 at 6:14 AM, banana33rd said:


i replaced the files in game\parts....

and used Yapped on regulations.bin file....

changed all the mask slots as instructed and pressed save...

but the skin part is still invisible... is still invisible...

what did i do wrong?


kaiden armor download page instructions are wrong. Try these at page 12:


Slots masking (works on latest patch)


Armor: 50100

00-14 = 0 ; 15, 16 = 1 ; 17 = 0; 18, 19 = 1; 20-70 = 0; 71 = 1 and all others = 0


Legs: 50300

00-17 = 0;  18, 19 = 1;  20-40 = 0; 41-43 = 1; 44 = 0; 45 = 1; 46 = 0; 47-51 = 1; 52 = 0; 53 = 1; 54 = 0; 55-57 = 1; 58 =0; 59 = 1; 60-66 = 0;   67-69 = 1; 70-72 = 0; 73=1;

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Well, maybe that is the thing, the channels might well be there, but I pulled everything apart in these folders. The only textures I can find on anything we are messing around with are base texture, specular, normal. That is for like player models, armor, weapons, npc's. I did not go into environment stuff or monsters becuase that has nothing to do with what people are trying to do. So while the environment may use those channels for albedo or roughness ( and I don't know for certain mind you,Because I just don't ), these player models and armors, ect are probably not. It's pretty basic/standard texture use on the player models, looks the same for the npc's, human type mind you. And as for how the engine itself deligates what is using what, I have no idea, I never did anything for a souls type game until Elden Ring. So I'm still learning. Maybe he/we can try to just mimic the base player models texture paths, same way they are used/set up. They may be read then and show up, and then experimant some more and go from there. The game wants to read things the way it knows how, so something that is not supposed to be there won't show up probably, at least not as intended. This isn't like modding for an elder scrolls game where it's all right there ready to go and easy. This has proven to be difficult just to do small things for elden ring. So instead of calling each other necklords or whatever, maybe try to work together to come up with a solid solution or work around, as friends in a community? Arguing sucks.

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so for skin texture i use albedo(base color)\normal\roughness the only map work right is albedo if i put roughness and normal the skin look wet or shine and i dont know why and for the eye and hair did this games use same maps as ds3 bc nothing work for me





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6 hours ago, DorkDiva said:

Well, maybe that is the thing, the channels might well be there, but I pulled everything apart in these folders. The only textures I can find on anything we are messing around with are base texture, specular, normal. That is for like player models, armor, weapons, npc's.


Using a weapon material with metalness on it:


Albedo is obvious enough.



Where it gets rough: Normal is encoded on the normal maps R and G. It discards the B channel and instead uses the B channel for glossiness (inverse roughness). The Alpha channel is I believe... specularity or... glossiness. I'm not hundred percent sure on the B and A channels - I ended up setting them to similar values. Metalness uses a seperate grayscale map.


The setup is wonky, but the channels are all there, and it does affect the materiality in game.


image.png.47bb2f08aff99990f31d3555bc76da46.pngScreen Cap of a mod I'm working on right now (still working on her, so don't ask for it, will post when ready). The (shiny) metalness is super clear here - because the maps don't have a ton of details to obfuscate how shiny things can actually get.


Edited by LovelyLad
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8 hours ago, Havoc1337 said:

@27X @LovelyLad Guys... Bros.... relax.


Absolutely nobody gives a shit which one of you is right. And your squabble doesn't produce results.

DS3 had channels for albedo, specular map, emissive, metalness and normal maps and the engine could make use of all of them, basic PBR stuff. Sekiro didn't use PBR for specular anymore but still for metalness. IDK what engine changes ER had. Whether it's in-engine or not (whatever that means) doesn't really change the workflow.


Let's agree to disagree or something.

On one side is information. On the other side misinformation. If you want good results from the modding scene, you should care about good information. If you don't, well, we're simply not going to see eye to eye.

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