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SexLab - Solutions 2013-10-19 OUTDATED

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I really wish that the gender restriction was dropped too but by options

You know, in the dialogs conditions there would be something like


(ismale = true || NoGenderRequirement = true) && (israce = 'nord' || NoRaceRequirement = true)


I know it's not actual papyrus code but you get the idea, I don't mind having to fire the console for these options too...


I'm not an immersion fan myself especially since the line beetween what would be immersive and what is boring or too restricting change from one person to another, although I can understand that people like it. If I had time and an easy way to modify the conditions I would have done it for myself already, also in the CK I couldn't find a way to show only the lines modified by the mod...


But as I said time is missing so didn't take much time on it (you kow work and all :s )



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I'm also against removing completely the gender restriction. Would make it all less immersive and shallow for every NPCs to be indifferent to your gender. But of course, there may be someone which is bisexual... or Broom may decide some NPCs to be gay and restrict him/her to same sex instead of opposite sex. 

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I'm glad to see you're back to working on this, this is one of my favorites! I'm looking forward to seeing more things added to this. 


Just my personal input, but I'm all for removing the gender check, to me an option is only immersion breaking if you actually use it. I'm also bisexual, so I'll admit my opinion is somewhat biased as it's in no way immersion breaking to me. If people were really bent out of shape over it though, you could just drop a really simple mcm menu or console code for it.

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I guess my feeling can be summed up as:

remove restriction, people who want it can use, people who don't can ignore options they don't want, everyone wins.

keep restriction, people who want to use either cannot, people who want restriction get restriction, you have losers.

It is ultimately up to the one doing the work, but as a random voice here, it feels like there is a win/win and win/lose, and I don't see the appeal of win/lose over win/win

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Just to kill the discussion about restrictions or not:

In the version I am working on now (Not sure when release, but give me a while) I have added a simple MCM menu with three checks:

1. Let there be racism! - this activates the chance based on the NPCs racial preference (This will be the last fully added since it requires quite a lot of extra lines at every quest.)

2. I Hate Gay People! - This removes the options for NPCs of same sex

3. I See Sex As A Reward - This enables NPCs talking you into doing something by offering sex and scenarios like that. 


All these will be off by default and you will have to go into MCM to change them.


I have made the MCM script and they all work fine, but I haven't added them to the quests yet so they do nothing at the moment.



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Glad to hear work on this mod has been resumed, welcome back Bromm :) Not sure if it has been suggested before but another possible quest that could be added to the list is the one where you convince Sapphire to stop extorting Shadr in Riften - using a different means of persuasion rather than just a plain verbal persuasion check :P

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The immersive breaking thing is not you trying to get sexual with everybody.  Is everybody reply "yes" to your advances. It doesnt feel like all NPC are bisexuals. It feels more like they have no sexual personality at all. 
And the marriage stuff I would say the same. The fact that everybody says yes to your marriage proposal It's as "vanilla"  as the fact that there is no cold effect in snowy area to me. 


Ok sorry sorry.. I know the discussion should be over... I just cannot resist to theoretical debate about immersiveness in Skyrim.

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Now some debugging maybe... 



I've had twice the same problem at the gate of whiterun. When the guards proposes for sex to get inside the site. Both times I went the persuade option. All seem to go alright with the dialogue...  but the gates remain closed. The only way to make them open is to go for the Sex option.

Could be the case that, SL solution is overriding the others lines?


And by the way, thanks for the great mod!

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I believe at the very least gender restrictions should be removed for any marriagable NPCs (like Camilla Valerius).  They don't care about gender for marriage, so by inference they must be bisexual.

It will be removed on "all" (in other words most, as I am bound to have some dialogue troubles with some and I don't have the time to make those changes right now), as long as you don't tick the "I Hate Gay People" box. 


The immersive breaking thing is not you trying to get sexual with everybody.  Is everybody reply "yes" to your advances. It doesnt feel like all NPC are bisexuals. It feels more like they have no sexual personality at all. 

And the marriage stuff I would say the same. The fact that everybody says yes to your marriage proposal It's as "vanilla"  as the fact that there is no cold effect in snowy area to me. 


Ok sorry sorry.. I know the discussion should be over... I just cannot resist to theoretical debate about immersiveness in Skyrim.

I agree. But I don't intend to put in the work it requires to fix that right now...


Now some debugging maybe... 



I've had twice the same problem at the gate of whiterun. When the guards proposes for sex to get inside the site. Both times I went the persuade option. All seem to go alright with the dialogue...  but the gates remain closed. The only way to make them open is to go for the Sex option.

Could be the case that, SL solution is overriding the others lines?


And by the way, thanks for the great mod!

They are problematic... And I will fix them or take them out of the mod...

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New version up! 


Please go test "Few And Far Between", "A Few Words With You", "A Cornered Rat", "The Lovers Requital", "Erik The Slayer", "Odmund's Request", "The Foresworn Conspiracy", "Forgetting About Fjola", "Bothela's Discreet Delivery", "Brelyna's Practice", "Caught Red Handed", "The Mind Of Madness" and "The Spiced Wine" for the gay toggle.



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As far as I know, these only effect dialogue checks that happen the moment you talk to someone at the right part of the quest, then regardless of your choice it will advance the stage according to the choice you made. So pretty much you could upgrade, downgrade, sidewaysgrade mid game as many times as you want with this and it will have no negative effects on your game.

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