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Offical Sevennity Body replacer + bbp

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Guest wellbredbitch

errmm could some one tell me what is going on with my girls feet? they look like i have two inch thick bits of foot shaped wood attached to her soles. i will attach a screen shot when i get onethat shows it clearly.

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Like to chime and say congrats on a wonderful body replacer, I truly believe this body will give CBBE and UNPB a run with the right support and conversions of armor. With this body replacer I have finally stopped using CBBE and now use this body. Please do keep working on this amazing body and to those with the capability to convert armors to this sevenbase body I do hope more and more armors will be available.


Thanks to all those involved.

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I hate you..I hate you all.


First you make me change from the UNPB with which I had grown comfortable, had finally satisified myself with a blended skin, normals etc etc blablabbity, and had a large volume of armours for


AND! Not happy with that, you make SEVERAL variations and want me to choose just 1...


and yes, you DID make me change. You can't give a man keys to a 70' Corvette, and expect him to hand them back and drive home in his honda civic...show me that man, I will show you a lobotomite!








with lots of love on top!! and a few flaming rabid wombats (I have some to spare)




What this dude said x 2.

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Nothing entirely wrong with a full breast. Just...full doesn't exactly mean stuck to the top of a womans chest :D which the original Sevennity does and the Sevennity2 does even more, I'm looking at another mesh Arngrim sent me atm though.


Overall not saying the breasts need to "hang" they just need a slight deviation down and slightly out...least when a woman is naked thats how breasts tend to go.


Far as Bodyslide goes....I feel its needed because as much as I like this body at 100 weight, the shoulders need softening and I don't want to say...hey alter the mesh and make the shoulders more feminine...cause you might like a broader shoulder that fits a higher muscularity, whereas I prefer a softer shoulder that fits a softer muscularity....Bodyslide is where we can meet in the middle...even on the breast issue, because it can allow individuals to suit the breast position a little more to their taste, and then build their armors (that are BS compatible) around their own tastes...which is always nice.\


Heres a look at one of Arngrim's latest edits showing more closely what I mean. Big thanks to Arngrim for asking for my input.20130528136971367812468.bmp


mind if i ask where the amulet is from?



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What I am currently tossing up between (still working on making a nice skin for her tho)






What I really want is a combination of natural and bombshell...love the legs of bombshell with the shapely calves, but I much prefer the 'sit' of naturals breasts (bombshell are too round for my tastes...I can't help but want to smash them gameshow buzzer style).


What is the lower half of Arngrim's edit? I am liking those breasts from semipro's pic, but it doesn't show the legs.

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An older version can be found here. The file is under the spoiler tag. It's a newer version compared to  SemiPro's image but at the same time older than what I have been testing out atm. The base file used was Bombshell 3.1 I believe. I will prop post my own updated version before long. I work slowly.

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What I am currently tossing up between (still working on making a nice skin for her tho)






What I really want is a combination of natural and bombshell...love the legs of bombshell with the shapely calves, but I much prefer the 'sit' of naturals breasts (bombshell are too round for my tastes...I can't help but want to smash them gameshow buzzer style).


What is the lower half of Arngrim's edit? I am liking those breasts from semipro's pic, but it doesn't show the legs.

I pray you release this, I am loving this!

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An older version can be found here. The file is under the spoiler tag. It's a newer version compared to  SemiPro's image but at the same time older than what I have been testing out atm. The base file used was Bombshell 3.1 I believe. I will prop post my own updated version before long. I work slowly.


As far as I know, I've never posted on this forum but I gotta say that the version in that link is gorgeous. 


I'd love to see it in my game. 


I have to agree with catbellu that my ideal body would be a combination of the chest of the natural body and the lower body of the bombshell.


I"m really interested in trying to convert armors for this body but I don't want to start until it comes closer to what I'm looking for.


For now, I must sit and hope.

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Here is the current version. Shots are a bit dark and I'm to lazy to redo them lol. The hip and leg size are reduced in size compared to the original on the weight 0. The breast position doesn't change a lot but it does change. Oh and a bonus shot of my old Tights refitted almost finished with them. Sorry about the different camera angle on the front weight 100 hit the wrong key and it messed it up.




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I'm not getting too tied up on the differences between Bombshell and Natural til Sevennity gets time to get SevenBase 3.3 out...which is on the table...just no ETA.


I agree that Natural from Crosscrusade looks a lot better in the chest, but Sevennity did a fantastic job with the legs on Bombshell. Given Sevennity's talents....I rather doubt the obvious improvements some breast refinement for Bombshell could achieve have escaped their notice.


That's good to know, I thought the shape of bombshell's breasts was entirely on purpose, and that was the shape and look Sevenn was going for.


In that case, I will continue converting, and won't put too much effort into the chest until the newest batch of bods is up for grabs.

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I see.


I was also under the impression that bombshell 3.2 was kind of the final design.


I don't mind a little lift but bombshell feels a little over the top. That being said, the lower body is a work of art and what attracted me in the first place.


Which brings me to a question... Is the cleavage model, that seems most intended for armor making, built with bombshell or original's lower body. If it is the original, is there any chance that we may see a cleavage with a bombshell lower body?



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