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I voted on RND. But after some thinking, creating your own mod which include the best features from all the basic needs mods would be the best. I guess every1 would be happier if all features would be included in 1 mod, rather than 2 or 3 completely separate mod.

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Hi, not sure if this is a bug or not, but once my character's bowels and bladder max, nothing happens and the bladder debuff goes away. Not sure if this is what happens or if theres something wrong. All it does at this point is remind me of it. Also, where is the doctor, or is that not implemented? One last thing, is the wetting yourself option bugged or also not implemented yet?


P.S. Im using the 3.0 alpha file


Thanks =)

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I'd like to vote, but I've only used RND for needs. Didn't realize there were so many.


Btw, all BM sounds are in this release? Can I take down my mod, or should I leave it up for people using the last version? It would serve no purpose if you put the sounds in this release, unless people haven't upgraded yet (I haven't. I've been playing Mass Effect).

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I voted for RND but I did not realize you were planning an full on Needs Mod. That would be great, too. RND works well with all the water mods. There are patches for drinking at water sources. That is why I stick with it. For my taste it is too script intensive. If it would make the development of PN easier a new Needs Mod would be fantastic.


I was running with three mods to do the best immersion.

  • PN 2.11 for private
  • RND for drink/eat/sleep
  • Drink Eat Sleep Bathe for batheing as it has dirt textures

So for the sake of consolidation yes for the best solution. I like where the new one is going and will definatly upgrade once at least compatiblity with outhouses are back.

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Unsure if it is possible, but when there is a bladder or bowel failure that the front or back of the pants getting damp. (Not really realistic for a bowel failure, unless after a all you can eat curry night, heh.)

Anyway unsure if it is even possible but figured cannot hurt to ask.

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I voted for RND but I did not realize you were planning an full on Needs Mod. That would be great, too. RND works well with all the water mods. There are patches for drinking at water sources. That is why I stick with it. For my taste it is too script intensive. If it would make the development of PN easier a new Needs Mod would be fantastic.


I was running with three mods to do the best immersion.

  • PN 2.11 for private
  • RND for drink/eat/sleep
  • Drink Eat Sleep Bathe for batheing as it has dirt textures

So for the sake of consolidation yes for the best solution. I like where the new one is going and will definatly upgrade once at least compatiblity with outhouses are back.


I am working on upgrading my outhouses of Solsthiem and will be looking into upgrading the outhouse of skyrim mod.  Most of it involves in removing the old PN as a master and reassigning the new PN as master.  Will be testing as I go.  Wish me luck.  Once all is successfully updated, will be sending to Richard for a once over.  Will let him post them if he so chooses.

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I'm using RND with this but everytime I try to run Skyrim with the rnd patch I ctd. same with the sexlab patch.

I've just done a fresh install of Skyrim because I decided to get all of my mods up to date and uninstalling and updating each individual mod was too time consuming.

I have no idea what the problem is, it was working before and now it's not. Any ideas?

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i've installed this twice, and have started a new save twice, but my mcm has various $ type symbols in it, and when i activate the hygiene option, i get the message on the screen saying that it's activated, but i don't have a "Bathe" ability like in the previous versions.  Advice?


On a whim, i used TESVEdit to change the master for the Outhouse and T-Bucket mods from PrivateNeeds.esp to PrivateNeedsNew.esp.  It didn't work very well.  The PC can sit in the outhouse, but nothing actually happens.  Should've known it wouldn't be that simple. :P

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The $ symbols are a Papyrus issue. It's not caused by this mod. I forget what causes it, but I haven't seen it lately.


Well, this is the only mod whose menu looks like this.  I can't find a solution on google, other than verify game cache, but i really don't want to do that for just one mod glitch.

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Here is the translation file that i'm using:




$30 [30] Head
$31 [31] Hair
$32 [32] Torso
$33 [33] Hands
$34 [34] Forearms
$35 [35] Amulet
$36 [36] Ring
$37 [37] Feet
$39 [38] Calves
$39 [39] Shield
$40 [40] Tail
$41 [41] Long Hair
$42 [42] Circlet
$43 [43] Ears
$44 [44] Face/Mouth
$45 [45] Neck
$46 [46] Chest
$47 [47] Back
$48 [48] Misc Slot
$49 [49] Pelvis/Outergarnments
$52 [52] Pelvis/Undergarnments
$53 [53] Legs/Right Leg
$54 [54] Legs/Left Leg
$55 [55] Face/Jewelry
$56 [56] Chest/Undergarnments
$57 [57] Shoulders
$58 [58] Arms/Left Arm/Undergarnments
$59 [59] Arms/Right Arm/Outergarnments
$60 [60] Misc Slot
$61 [61] Misc Slot
$Weapons [--] Weapons
$General General
$UrinationOptions Urination Options
$DefecationOptions Defecation Options
$HygieneOptions Hygiene Options
$Togglemain Toggle Urinate and Defecate
$Urinatetoggle Urinate Toggle
$Defecatetoggle Defecate Toggle
$GeneralSettings GeneralSettings
$Privacy Privacy
$FastTravelSlowRate Fast Travel Slow Rate
$FacialExpressionToggle Facial Expression Toggle
$FacialExpressionType Facial Expression Type
$FacialExpressionIntensity Facial Expression Intensity
$TreatasFemale Treat as Female
$TreatasMale Treat as Male
$PNHotkey PNHotkeys
$Urinate/DefecatePNHotkey Urinate/Defecate PNHotkey
$CheckPrivateNeedsHotkey Check Private Needs Hotkey
$unequipslots Slots to unequip while urinating or defecating
$UrinationOptions Urination Options
$Wetyourself Wet yourself
$Bladderpointsperhour Bladder points per hour
$AnimationSelection Animation Selection
$MaleAnimations Male Animations
$FemaleAnimations Female Animations
$SelfWettingThreshold Self Wetting Threshold
$PercentageHealth Percentage Health
$AnimationLength Animation Length
$DefecationOptions Defecation Options
$ConstipationToggle Constipation Toggle
$Excrementpointsperhour Excrement points perhour
$AnimationSelection Animation Selection
$MaleAnimations Male Animations
$FemaleAnimations Female Animations
$AnimationLength Animation Length
$Level1Duration Level 1 Duration
$Level2Duration Level 2 Duration
$Level3Duration Level 3 Duration
$Level4Duration Level 4 Duration
$Level5Duration Level 5 Duration
$HygieneOptions Hygiene Options
$TurnonHygiene Turn on Hygiene
$TurnoffHygiene Turn off Hygiene
$BathingPrivacy Bathing Privacy
$EnableSoaps Enable Soaps
$BladderAdded Bladder Added
$BladderRemoved Bladder Removed
$BowelsAdded Bowels Added
$BowelsRemoved Bowels Removed
$ExitMenu ExitMenu
$TurnonHygiene Turn on Hygiene
$TurnoffHygiene Turn off Hygiene
$Hygienepointsperhour Hygiene Deterioration Rate
$BathingPrivacy Bathing Privacy
$EnableSoaps Enable Soaps during bathing
$maleanim 1: Standing Hand one hand on Hip  2: Standing one hand on back  3: Standing both hands on hips  4: Squatting  5: Doggy  6: Standing hands tied behind back
$femaleanim 1: Squatting legs open  2: Squatting legs closed  3: Standing one hand on groin  4: Standing both hands on hips  5: Doggy  6: Squatting hands tied behind back
$expressionHighlight 8: Angry 9: Fearful 10: Happy 11: Sad 12: Surprised 13: Puzzled 14: Disgusted
$newoptions Activate Private Needs 3.0Alpha
$PNInfo Player Information 
$PlayerWeight Player Weight
$BladderSize Bladder Size
$BladderRate Bladder Fill Rate
$BowelSize Bowel Size
$BowelRate Bowel Fill Rate
$weightinfo This will not scale your character's actual size

Most of the mcm menu works fine, just like with previous versions of this mod.  It's just these lines:
$PNInfo Player Information 
$PlayerWeight Player Weight
$BladderSize Bladder Size
$BladderRate Bladder Fill Rate
$BowelSize Bowel Size
$BowelRate Bowel Fill Rate
$weightinfo This will not scale your character's actual size
that have the $ on them in the MCM menu.
Also, has bathing not been activated yet?  I get the message that it's activated, but no spell/power/skill shows up in my magick menu like before.


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So, I remember if we installed something like WATER along with the old version of the mod, we could wash cum off. I can't remember if we could just swim to get it off, or bathing did it. But, I really liked that system. Is there a way to have it without external mods or is WATER (or pure waters) the only way to make sources to wash off in? Just wondering.

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I really loved the old 2.11 version of this, i've read through the pages since the new beta but I can't get any clear indication if the beta is stable/working enough to use on a new play through? If I could upgrade it later on without problems I would like that as well. Thanks for this mod btw it really does add realism.

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With the 3.0 Alpha I get a bunch of papyrus errors on starting, even with a new game. It appears these scripts are in the old 2.11 rar, but not in the 3.0.


Also the Alpha 3.0 Devious Devices file's bsa has the script in /script rather than /scripts

[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "excrementTimerScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "BathScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "UrinateDefecateScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "selfwetscript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "RemoveBowelsScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "BathWaterfallScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "AddBowelsScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "urinetimerscript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "selfwettingmonitorscript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "AddHygienicsScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "RemoveHygienicsScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "DefecateScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "AddBladderScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "BathHouseEffectScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "RemoveBladderScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "ConstipatedMiniGameScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "Urinatescript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "BurstScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "Soap03Script", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "HygieneTimerScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "BathSwimmingScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "CheckPrivateNeedsScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "OuthouseScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_FollowerUrinateQuest_03013185", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_FollowerUrinateQuest_03013185 to FollowerUrinateQuest (16013185) because their base types do not match
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "AddSoapScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "bathhousescript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script bathhousescript to PNHygieneQuest (1601EEBE) because their base types do not match
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "RateModifierScript", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_FollowerUrinateScene_03013705", missing file?
[05/28/2014 - 10:31:15PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SF_FollowerUrinateScene_03013705 to  (16013705) because their base types do not match
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There will be an update next week that should improve and make the alpha much stable. I have read all the posts the bugs and issues, but I'm a bit too exhausted to reply to each one individually. 

No worries.  We all appreciate the work you put into this.  :)

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There will be an update next week that should improve and make the alpha much stable. I have read all the posts the bugs and issues, but I'm a bit too exhausted to reply to each one individually. 

Damn, rereading my own post makes me want to throw up from the grammatical errors. I'm usually quite careful about grammar and here I am reading my own post and wondering how I got through high school English.


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There will be an update next week that should improve and make the alpha much stable. I have read all the posts the bugs and issues, but I'm a bit too exhausted to reply to each one individually. 

Damn, rereading my own post makes me want to throw up from the grammatical errors. I'm usually quite careful about grammar and here I am reading my own post and wondering how I got through high school English.



I always blame the keyboard... whos stupid idea was it to NOT put the keys in alphabetical order anyway? :P

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