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On 11/24/2023 at 7:37 AM, Whitehatbofh said:

This mod is fantastic!  Thank you for putting so much effort into an amazing add on for this game!  I absolutely love it!


My only frustration is that it does seem that D/s traits don't move much at all with sims outside of the household.  I've tested this multiple times by using Deaderpool's MCCC mod to look at the numeric "Submissive" & "Submissive Trait" statistics both before and after my Dom sim performs various "Dominant" and "D/s Dynamic" actions with sims outside the household.  All sims do have the proper traits, of course.


I would have thought that performing the various Flirty Fetishes Dominant acts would have increased the corresponding Submissive acts of the partner, regardless of that sim being in or outside of the household of the player's sim. 


Is there something I'm missing?  If this is the current behavior, is that something that could be changed to enable such skill growth of sims not within the household?

Hi! I am so glad you like my mod! However, I am not sure I understand what your concern is. Are you speaking about the skills not advancing? Or perhaps the traits occurring to the NPC Sims in the world?


Please elaborate and even provide an example of what you are finding and what you would like to see in contrast. I really want to understand because I REALLY want to help! 

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On 10/25/2023 at 12:20 PM, Kashked said:

Yeah, I agree, it's already kind of in the mod, just not explicit as a "contract", and the player just have to imagine what is being agreed on. But once collaring is done a formal contract, or atleast the option of one is a logical next step.


The hard part would be to have the game keep track of when the contract is broken, but you could make it an manual action I suppose? A mean action like "Accuse of overstepping the contract/limits" which gives the one saying it an angry moodlet, and the accused an embarassed moodlet, along with a drop in relationship. There could even be two versions of the action, one that is (true) and one that is (false), and the false accusation would make both angry and drop the relationship even further. That way the player is still free to do their storyline however the want, since I really can't imagine a system that could automatically check when the bounds get overstepped, atleast for anything related to WW animations or other aspects of gameplay that is outside the direct control of the mod. I guess the mod could keep track of it's internal actions though, like, let's say you have a sub that is into masochism but not humiliation (it happens), and the player uses a humiliating action from this mod. But honestly... that sounds like a lot of effort for little gain and I think the best option would be to leave it up to the player and have it as an always-manual action, just like "Argue about X" is an manual action in vanilla. All that's needed then is using the "Argue about X" animation and a custom moodlet about it and you essentially put the control over the story into the players hand. 

The "Argue about X" even have a sort of "contest" between the sims, with some skills increasing the chance of winning the argument, I don't know exactly what it weighs in, but it could be incorporated as "Argue about limits" too, although that strays into coercion territory.


Thinking about it, just having a non-functional checklist doesn't really add much anyway... Just making a few socials about "Re-negotiate limits" and "Re-affirm limits" (or contract, if you want to use that term) at higher skill-levels would be enough for storytelling purposes. I've found that once I'm past level 1 I seldom use those basic actions any more. Better than a checklist might be if the action to "Negotiate a contract" would produce a book-item, where the player, if they want, can just manually type in what they would like the contract to say if they want to, or leave blank, just like when your sim writes a book in the base game.


Anyway, just brainstorming some nice-to-have, but ultimatly non-critical aspects. Been enjoying the mod for a long time. :)

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I did in fact add the Contract:




It isn't much in this update, but I do plan on really growing it in the months ahead. Thanks for all your feedback!


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On 11/29/2023 at 10:25 PM, EllaNoir said:

Hi! I am so glad you like my mod! However, I am not sure I understand what your concern is. Are you speaking about the skills not advancing? Or perhaps the traits occurring to the NPC Sims in the world?


Please elaborate and even provide an example of what you are finding and what you would like to see in contrast. I really want to understand because I REALLY want to help! 


Thanks for your response.  I am happy to elaborate.  ?

As far as I can tell, Submissive skills do not increase for NPC sims that are not part of the household that I am playing in a game.  I assumed that, if I had my Dominant sim perform a Dominant act on submissive NPC sims outside of my household, that the submissive NPC sims' Submissive skills would correspondingly increase.


For example:

  • Bob is in my household
    • I am playing Bob and I control this sim
    • Bob has the "Dominant" and "Dominant Trait" traits. 
  • Sally is a Non Player Character (NPC) sim who is in a different household than Bob. 
    • I cannot control Sally, I don't see her icon in the bottom left of my screen. 
    • Sally has the "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" traits. 
  • Bob and Sally have a D/s relationship
    • When I am playing Bob and I click on Sally, and I see the corresponding actions on the action wheel (Flirty Fetishes -> Dominant, Demeaning, D/s Dynamic)

Here's an actual experiment I performed in the game.  All scores were read from Deaderpool's MCCC mod.

  • Bob's "Dominant" score is 1863
  • Bob's "Dominant Trait" score is 7902
  • Sally's "Submissive" score is 102
  • Sally'sher "Submissive Trait" score is 108
  • Bob performs "Exude Confidence" on Sally (Click on Sally, choose Flirty Fetishes -> Dominant -> Exude Confidence)
  • Bob's "Dominant" score is now 1908
  • Bob's "Dominant Trait" score is now 8120
  • Sally's "Submissive" score remains 102
  • Sally's Submissive Trait" score remains 108

I want Sally's "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" scores to grow because Bob performs Dominant actions on her. 


But I wonder if the game mechanics are that a Sim will only grow in a trait score if they perform a related action?  That is, Sally does need to be directed by some entity to perform a Submissive action for Bob to increase her "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" trait scores?  (Be that directing entity the player or the game software itself?)


If so, a here are few ideas for changes to your mod to enable NPC sims' dom & sub traits grow without the player having to control them:

  • If a submissive sim is acted upon in a dominant manner by a dominant sim, then their corresponding submissive traits do increase 
    • That is, make Sally's "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" scores increase the way Bob's "Dominant" and "Dominant Traits" scores did after he performed "Exude Confidence"
    • Perhaps in this scenario, the submissive NPC's scores grow by a smaller amount than if the submissive sim performed a submissive act on their own?
    • In Wicked Whims, any sim participating in Sex will get an increase to their "Sexpertise" trait score after the action has completed. 
      • Who initiated the Sex doesn't matter, all parties involved will receive a "Sexpertise" trait score increase
  • Automatically trigger NPC submissive sims to sometimes spontaneously perform submissive actions to/for the player controlled dominant sim
    • If I'm not mistaken, this would use existing game mechanics to thus increase their submissive scores
    • Perhaps this should be limited to NPC sims a D/s relationship with a household dominant sim?
    • Some players might want the reverse?  NPC dom sims to spontaneously perform dom acts on the player's sub sims?
  • Leverage Clubs from the Get Together expansion pack
    • Players can create their own clubs
      • When creating clubs, players can choose Club Activities that member sims will perform during a Club Gathering event
      • This includes NPC sims outside of the played household who are part of the club and attend a Club Gathering event
    • Wicked Whims added "Have Sex" under the "Social Activities" category of available Club Activities to choose from when creating a custom Club.
      • If a Club is created and has "Have Sex" listed as an Club Activity, then sims not under player control will sometimes perform those actions during a Club Gathering
        • This includes both NPC sims and household sims that are not presently controlled by the player.
      • Similarly, Wicked Whims added "Embrace Nudity" under the "Hobbies" category of available Club Activities.
        • Both NPC sims and household sims that are not presently controlled by the player will sometimes spontaneously perform associated actions like undressing.
    • Could you add dominant and submissive behaviors to the list of Club Activities that can be chosen by the player for a custom club?

Thank you again for your mod, it is amazing and fantastic!  You clearly put a lot of work into it and the end result is awesome.  It's very well thought out and adds a fantastic dimension to the game.  I am very happy playing with it in my game, but would love to see some or all of these changes.  I'm guessing some other players would also enjoy the results of those additions. 

Thoughts on my ideas?  Do you have questions?

Edited by Whitehatbofh
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On 12/2/2023 at 6:25 AM, Whitehatbofh said:


Thanks for your response.  I am happy to elaborate.  ?

As far as I can tell, Submissive skills do not increase for NPC sims that are not part of the household that I am playing in a game.  I assumed that, if I had my Dominant sim perform a Dominant act on submissive NPC sims outside of my household, that the submissive NPC sims' Submissive skills would correspondingly increase.


For example:

  • Bob is in my household
    • I am playing Bob and I control this sim
    • Bob has the "Dominant" and "Dominant Trait" traits. 
  • Sally is a Non Player Character (NPC) sim who is in a different household than Bob. 
    • I cannot control Sally, I don't see her icon in the bottom left of my screen. 
    • Sally has the "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" traits. 
  • Bob and Sally have a D/s relationship
    • When I am playing Bob and I click on Sally, and I see the corresponding actions on the action wheel (Flirty Fetishes -> Dominant, Demeaning, D/s Dynamic)

Here's an actual experiment I performed in the game.  All scores were read from Deaderpool's MCCC mod.

  • Bob's "Dominant" score is 1863
  • Bob's "Dominant Trait" score is 7902
  • Sally's "Submissive" score is 102
  • Sally'sher "Submissive Trait" score is 108
  • Bob performs "Exude Confidence" on Sally (Click on Sally, choose Flirty Fetishes -> Dominant -> Exude Confidence)
  • Bob's "Dominant" score is now 1908
  • Bob's "Dominant Trait" score is now 8120
  • Sally's "Submissive" score remains 102
  • Sally's Submissive Trait" score remains 108

I want Sally's "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" scores to grow because Bob performs Dominant actions on her. 


But I wonder if the game mechanics are that a Sim will only grow in a trait score if they perform a related action?  That is, Sally does need to be directed by some entity to perform a Submissive action for Bob to increase her "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" trait scores?  (Be that directing entity the player or the game software itself?)


If so, a here are few ideas for changes to your mod to enable NPC sims' dom & sub traits grow without the player having to control them:

  • If a submissive sim is acted upon in a dominant manner by a dominant sim, then their corresponding submissive traits do increase 
    • That is, make Sally's "Submissive" and "Submissive Trait" scores increase the way Bob's "Dominant" and "Dominant Traits" scores did after he performed "Exude Confidence"
    • Perhaps in this scenario, the submissive NPC's scores grow by a smaller amount than if the submissive sim performed a submissive act on their own?
    • In Wicked Whims, any sim participating in Sex will get an increase to their "Sexpertise" trait score after the action has completed. 
      • Who initiated the Sex doesn't matter, all parties involved will receive a "Sexpertise" trait score increase
  • Automatically trigger NPC submissive sims to sometimes spontaneously perform submissive actions to/for the player controlled dominant sim
    • If I'm not mistaken, this would use existing game mechanics to thus increase their submissive scores
    • Perhaps this should be limited to NPC sims a D/s relationship with a household dominant sim?
    • Some players might want the reverse?  NPC dom sims to spontaneously perform dom acts on the player's sub sims?
  • Leverage Clubs from the Get Together expansion pack
    • Players can create their own clubs
      • When creating clubs, players can choose Club Activities that member sims will perform during a Club Gathering event
      • This includes NPC sims outside of the played household who are part of the club and attend a Club Gathering event
    • Wicked Whims added "Have Sex" under the "Social Activities" category of available Club Activities to choose from when creating a custom Club.
      • If a Club is created and has "Have Sex" listed as an Club Activity, then sims not under player control will sometimes perform those actions during a Club Gathering
        • This includes both NPC sims and household sims that are not presently controlled by the player.
      • Similarly, Wicked Whims added "Embrace Nudity" under the "Hobbies" category of available Club Activities.
        • Both NPC sims and household sims that are not presently controlled by the player will sometimes spontaneously perform associated actions like undressing.
    • Could you add dominant and submissive behaviors to the list of Club Activities that can be chosen by the player for a custom club?

Thank you again for your mod, it is amazing and fantastic!  You clearly put a lot of work into it and the end result is awesome.  It's very well thought out and adds a fantastic dimension to the game.  I am very happy playing with it in my game, but would love to see some or all of these changes.  I'm guessing some other players would also enjoy the results of those additions. 

Thoughts on my ideas?  Do you have questions?


Wow! Amazing feedback. Thank you for being so specific. It truly helps. I believe the proof is evident that--for whatever reason I have not ever considered before--NPCs do not progress. I am not sure why, but I am going to look into this! And I will meditate all your suggestions and will get back to you when I can with any questions and/or conclusions. 


Thanks again for your detailed response. This specific lack of detail and its solution is going to add to a lot of future gameplay and I appreciate you speaking out about it! My number one priority is to create gameplay with quality and depth. I will be in touch! 

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23 hours ago, sirenscall7 said:

Hello lovely, I adore the FF mod and the storylines i can create! My question, is there anyway to cheat up a sims Dominant level to have them have more experience? Tysm in advance ?

Heyyy. I am honored you enjoy my mod ? as of now, using Deaderpool's MCCC mod (or other cheats) to set skill and increase it to the level you would like is the only option. I am working on better and more fun ways to progress the Dominant skill!

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On 12/7/2023 at 7:36 AM, Keffka said:

Hello, sorry to bother but which are the translations for this mod? could you put the best ones, or what you think are the best ones, in the main page? thank you in advance and sorry for being a bother

Hi, no bother! Translations for which language? 

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On 12/8/2023 at 6:39 AM, b0ngkut332 said:

Hi, does this mod conflict with the new updated version?


8 hours ago, WarPawn said:

It does. 

Hi, I am not sure if there are any conflicts. WarPawn, could you elaborate since you seem to know? I will look into them to see if I am able to a hotfix until the Early Access version becomes public next week :)

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Hello Ella, your mod is very cool. I just updated it along with my other mods but I don't see the FF option pop up in the options when I click on any of my sims. Not sure if it conflicts with something because it does not seem to be in the game anymore.


I hope to see more extremes from this in the future! I can see the sadist/masochist tying in very well with Sacrificial Sims Extreme Violence mod too! Extreme Masochists could get excited, aroused, and happy when getting beat up, slapped, etc, and do not lose their relationship levels. 

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On 12/10/2023 at 9:04 PM, CuriosityCat9 said:

Hello Ella, your mod is very cool. I just updated it along with my other mods but I don't see the FF option pop up in the options when I click on any of my sims. Not sure if it conflicts with something because it does not seem to be in the game anymore.


I hope to see more extremes from this in the future! I can see the sadist/masochist tying in very well with Sacrificial Sims Extreme Violence mod too! Extreme Masochists could get excited, aroused, and happy when getting beat up, slapped, etc, and do not lose their relationship levels. 

Hi! Have you added the BDSiM traits to your Sims? 


Great suggestions, thank you!

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On 12/14/2023 at 2:15 PM, aassasas111111111 said:

Hi! do you know why the option for collaring is not available for me? Also the "ask to be in a d/s relationship" is always present regardless of having done it already. Thanks!

Hello! The Dominant Sim must have maxed the Dominant major skill to level 10 and received the Master/Mistress trait as well as the submissive Sim maxed the Submissive Major skill and has the slave trait. These are not to be confused with the Dominant trait skill and Submissive trait skill. 


Also, the D/s relationship social should be gone with the update I just uploaded. I noticed this as well! 

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Hi! This is a wonderful mod from description and I can't wait to try it! however, there seems to be a bug (maybe it's an issue on my side so apologies in advance if it is) on relationship bits, as it seems to replace a version of the best friends relationship bit between my sibling sims, and instead shows up as a contract of consent relationship bit?

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12 hours ago, stockphoto said:

Hi! This is a wonderful mod from description and I can't wait to try it! however, there seems to be a bug (maybe it's an issue on my side so apologies in advance if it is) on relationship bits, as it seems to replace a version of the best friends relationship bit between my sibling sims, and instead shows up as a contract of consent relationship bit?

Hi! So just to make I sure I understand, between the siblings it replaces best friends relationship with Contract of Consent? 

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11 hours ago, zzl275407434 said:

Will this master-servant obedience relationship give rise to a harem relationship in the future? It would be great if I could!

Hi, thank you for suggestion. I will see about adding this possibly in the future! I think this would be really great actually. Do you have anything you'd like to see specifically with it?

Edited by EllaNoir
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HI! I'm comming in with a question!
It's about relationship bits "Contract of Consent". Now, I didn't explore your mod so much because I don't have it for so long, I didn't had the chance to explore it yet, so I'm not sure what was the intent and/or if that's a bug or something. I just had my child sim give his girl BFF a friendship bracelet and they got "Contract of Consent" on their profile, I find it quite disturbing tbh. Attaching a file just in case, idk. Is that a bug or something? can I undo it?

The Sims™ 4 24.12.2023 23_16_01.png

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On 12/24/2023 at 6:16 PM, Achrista said:

HI! I'm comming in with a question!
It's about relationship bits "Contract of Consent". Now, I didn't explore your mod so much because I don't have it for so long, I didn't had the chance to explore it yet, so I'm not sure what was the intent and/or if that's a bug or something. I just had my child sim give his girl BFF a friendship bracelet and they got "Contract of Consent" on their profile, I find it quite disturbing tbh. Attaching a file just in case, idk. Is that a bug or something? can I undo it?

Oh my gosh!!! Definitely a bug! NOT INTENDED and yes, quite disturbing. I apologize greatly! I just created the this relbit in November and have still been ironing out some details. I will try to fix this immediately! I apologize once again.


To undo, remove the BFF relbit. 


Edit 12:05pm - @Achrista I seemed to have fix the issue! Please download the November_1 version available on my file page as you would any other time. Let me know if you have any further concerns and thanks for letting me know about this! I can imagine how unsettling that must have been.  It was an armature mistake on my part which included not changing a simple code to my custom one, so the game keep reading any BFF as the contract. Sorry!

Edited by EllaNoir
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On 12/24/2023 at 1:53 AM, EllaNoir said:
2023 年 12 月 24 日凌晨 1:53,EllaNoir 说道:

Hi, thank you for suggestion. I will see about adding this possibly in the future! I think this would be really great actually. Do you have anything you'd like to see specifically with it?

Like now, the upgrade is needed to activate the master-servant relationship.The master-servant relationship/harem relationship should not be easily initiated (unless cheating).


Simply put, it means one master and multiple servants.
Specifically, a menu is used to manage the harem.

1. Preserve the autonomy of harem members, no need to join the family, similar to a club, they come when summoned and leave when called.
2. (Important)Harem members are prohibited from having sex or marrying anyone other than the master and members of the harem.(preferably made selectable in the menu).
3. Flirting is allowed, leading to stealing someone from another person's harem to become their own.
4. The fame of both the master and harem members increases as the number of harem members grows.
5. Some buffs:"I am satisfied with my harem","All these sisters belong to me","The master's harem is amazing; I want xxx to join too","Someone from our household became someone else's harem? How shameful/exciting..."
6. Master's occupation: Harem management; Servant's occupation: Harem training. Set higher earnings for them.
7. Interactions between harems have an impact.
8. The master may lose a member of their harem due to insufficient dominance/love points, etc.


A personal small idea, hoping to be of help to you.

Edited by zzl275407434
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Love the mod. However I get this error when trying to sign a contract:


  • Last Module Called: resolver.py
  • Last Function Called: __call__
  • Error message: Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception running Element (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'expected_kwargs'), CategoryID: resolver:119

Any idea what is causing this?

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