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Trails of Cold Steel 4 (Mod Request)

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14 hours ago, amorrow28 said:


See if you can play Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure before playing CS3/CS4!  It's worth it for sure.

Yeah i'm waiting for the official translation to play them (even if i have the fantrad somewhere on my computer )

I will finish Trails i nthe sky the 3rd and some other game while i'm waiting

Edited by rastafarid
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1 hour ago, rastafarid said:

Yeah i'm waiting for the official translation to play them (even if i have the fantrad somewhere on my computer )

I will finish Trails i nthe sky the 3rd and some other game while i'm waiting

People on the internets are pretty passionate about what order to play, haha. The mods will be here when you’re ready!

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On 5/30/2022 at 9:22 PM, Whayameen said:

@amorrow28 LMAO thank you
I was taking some shots in Bryonia Island and as soon as I saw this guy I was like "Yep, he's in." I'm glad people seem to like my screens because that's the only way my tiny peanut brain can contribute to this modding community ?

By the way, loving to see the progress you and @Switch608 are making on the models swaps! It would be pretty crazy if you two find a way to simplify that whole process. The concert is one thing, but imagine swapping Sara with Angie and making her do high kicks ?

No pressure though, after all you guys have already done an astounding amount of work already (for free!! sheeeesh!!!) so you could stop doing this today and it would be totally understandable. That being said, I do really want to see that final UnSkirt mod. But no pressure tho.

Btw I may be giving away my work but I’m definitely not doing it for free… as far as I can tell, giving away my mod has gotten me 1. nude mods, 2. dozens of screenshots, 3. a gifted-to-me copy of hajimari, 4. the push I needed to get better at texture / modeling / scripting work (I’m really enjoying using my own mod honestly and there’s no way I would have done that much work if it was just for my own use), and 5. did I mention nude best girl?????


I personally see little reason to charge (even when free my mod has barely over 200 downloads), and plenty of legal risk (these assets don’t belong to me).


Honestly I have to keep thanking @Zero_Fucks_Given for gifting Hajimari to a random stranger on the internet, which really opened up the floodgates - I hope he feels he got his money’s worth!

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2 分钟前,amorrow28 说:

顺便说一句,我可能会赠送我的作品,但我绝对不是免费的……据我所知,赠送我的模组让我得到了 1. 裸体模组,2. 几十张截图,3. 有天赋的人-我 hajimari 的副本,4. 我需要在纹理/建模/脚本工作方面做得更好(我真的很喜欢诚实地使用我自己的 mod,如果只是为了我自己,我不可能做那么多工作自己使用),和 5. 我提到过裸体最好的女孩吗????


我个人认为没有什么收费的理由(即使免费时我的 mod 下载量也只有 200 多次),并且存在大量法律风险(这些资产不属于我)。


老实说,我必须继续感谢 @Zero_Fucks_Given 将 Hajimari 赠送给互联网上的一个随机陌生人,这真的打开了闸门 - 我希望他觉得他的钱物有所值!

加油 奥里给?

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Nice to see the Trails of games getting mods finally. Been wanting to play them for a while. This might give me the push I needed
I wish CS1 and 2 had some too, since I basically have to play them before getting to 3 and 4. I understand the PS Vita graphics are less appealing to most people though.

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5 hours ago, rastafarid said:

Yeah i'm waiting for the official translation to play them (even if i have the fantrad somewhere on my computer )

I will finish Trails i nthe sky the 3rd and some other game while i'm waiting

In fairness, the "official translation" is just going to be the fan translation with slight edits (NISA bought the translation and the trailers show it is largely similar), and probably fewer quality of life features. You can always just play the fan translation and buy the official later. I can say from experience that CS3 and 4 get confusing without having played Crossbell first.

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2 minutes ago, undeadclown99 said:

In fairness, the "official translation" is just going to be the fan translation with slight edits (NISA bought the translation and the trailers show it is largely similar), and probably fewer quality of life features. You can always just play the fan translation and buy the official later. I can say from experience that CS3 and 4 get confusing without having played Crossbell first.

Yep i know, maybe i will do this, i already have games and patches so...

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I made some edits to the smaller girls to more closely resemble the original towel body. Namely, I shrunk their shoulders and thighs, as they were pretty large on the original nude model. The comparison image is not great but you should get the general idea. I edited Fie, Tio, Altina, Renne and Tita. Towa was fine without any edits.



I also tried to fix some of the beginner mistakes in my first models. I spent well over an hour trying to fix a weird shape in Altina's armpit. It would have been faster to just remake the model from scratch.




Install by overwriting the files from my earlier release, on the previous page.

small body rework.7z

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4 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

Btw I may be giving away my work but I’m definitely not doing it for free… as far as I can tell, giving away my mod has gotten me 1. nude mods, 2. dozens of screenshots, 3. a gifted-to-me copy of hajimari, 4. the push I needed to get better at texture / modeling / scripting work (I’m really enjoying using my own mod honestly and there’s no way I would have done that much work if it was just for my own use), and 5. did I mention nude best girl?????


I personally see little reason to charge (even when free my mod has barely over 200 downloads), and plenty of legal risk (these assets don’t belong to me).


Honestly I have to keep thanking @Zero_Fucks_Given for gifting Hajimari to a random stranger on the internet, which really opened up the floodgates - I hope he feels he got his money’s worth!

I got a bunch of really fire mods several people re interested in the trails series and several friends the money or what I would get from it never really crossed my mind I just wanted to get a great under looked game the love and attention it deserved not to mention it literally blew up cs3 cs4 and hajimari modding and all you dedicated and wonderful modders brought what I would say a hell of a breath of life into these two games I thank yall and salute yall for yall hard work and dedication to bring your own flavor to this already great game thank you all from the bottom of my heart

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2 hours ago, Zero_Fucks_Given said:

I got a bunch of really fire mods several people re interested in the trails series and several friends the money or what I would get from it never really crossed my mind I just wanted to get a great under looked game the love and attention it deserved not to mention it literally blew up cs3 cs4 and hajimari modding and all you dedicated and wonderful modders brought what I would say a hell of a breath of life into these two games I thank yall and salute yall for yall hard work and dedication to bring your own flavor to this already great game thank you all from the bottom of my heart


If I could like twice, I would!  :)

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 Index of my CS4 tutorials and where to find my mod:


Tutorial time!  Part 2 to this prior tutorial, sorry to leave you all hanging:  https://www.loverslab.com/topic/166239-trails-of-cold-steel-4-mod-request/?do=findComment&comment=3767886


This time let's do some skirt deleting!  Hopefully you don't really need this tutorial specifically (since I will have deleted nearly all the skirts already haha), but it's meant to be used as a springboard to other mods.  But hey, who's to stop you from using this to delete, oh I dunno, Rean's coat or something.




Disclaimer: There are easier ways to do this (like handling = skip, see the fairy tail mod video I linked on page 6).  But for more complex modding, you're gonna want to use Blender.


1. Grab your model, here is the same model of Juna that I grabbed from part 1.  Don't worry that none of the numbers match up, I accidentally deleted the frame dump and had to get a new one.  Look around - hold down mouse wheel click (MWC) to spin around, Shift-MWC to pan, mouse wheel scroll (MWS) to zoom in and out.  Here you can see I've spun around to the back.




2. Switch to edit mode, and face select.




3. In edit mode, it defaults to select all for some reason.  Deselect.  Press Alt-A, or literally MLC anywhere (except the model) and it will deselect all.




4. Once you have an idea of how the whole model looks in relation to the polygons of interest, go ahead and hide all the meshes you don't need.  DON'T SKIP THIS STEP - even if you can't see through the other meshes, Blender assumes you can and will select invisible trianges behind them.  If you don't hide the other meshes, you may well end up deleting things you didn't mean to!




5.  Press C for circle select.  Holding down mouse left click (MLC), you can "paint" the polygons you want to delete.  MLC selects, MWC deselects, and MWS adjusts the size of your circle (brush).  Be sure to do this from multiple angles!  Press mouse right click (MRC) to exit circle select mode so you can move around, then spin/pan/zoom with MWC/Shift-MWC/MWS, then press C to go back into circle select, MLC/MWC to select and deselect more, MRC to exit circle select and look around... You get the idea.




6. Once you're reasonably happy, MRC on the field and select "Delete Faces."




7. Tada!  If you're not happy (for example random polygons still there), select and delete more.  Or press Ctrl-Z to undo and adjust your selection.




8. When you're happy go back into object mode.




9. Unhide all the other meshes to see your work as a whole.  (I purposely did a quick and simple mod for this tutorial, it's very possible you might need to change more than one mesh depending on what you're trying to achieve.  Just repeat the steps on each mesh, one at a time.)




10. Export your meshes into a folder inside the Mods folder.




11. Copy in the vb_split.py script and run it.  It will split the buffers and create a skeleton .ini file for you.




12. Edit the .ini file.




You will need the index buffer hash.  First, see what mesh you just saved in Blender, in my case here it's mesh #000032.




Go to the output folder of the frame dump and look up the IB number from the filename for mesh #000032.  Grab the associated pixel shader as well.




Put in the IB hash and uncomment all the code lines for the TextureOverride section.




Go back into the game, and press F10.  If you already have the pixel shader override (from my mod), you're done!




You might be happy at this point, but more likely you'll want to make more changes.  Just export in Blender, run the vb_split.py script again, and reload in game (F10).  vb_split.py will NOT overwrite your .ini file, so you only have to put in the hashes once!


If you don't see any change, first make sure you have mods enabled (F2) and that you reloaded 3Dmigoto (F10)!  If it still doesn't work, then 3Dmigoto probably doesn't know to look for the new files.  Add a pixel shader override section (see step 12 above to see where this goes and how I got the numbers).


hash = 8c1693fc42196c3d
run = CommandListActivate


Still doesn't work?  Or it works intermittently?  Maybe there are 2 pixel shaders.  Look in the log.txt in the frame dump folder (NOT the output folder), and search for your IB hash.  See what pixel shaders are calling it, there may be more than one.


Congrats, now you know how to get a model out of CS4 and into Blender, make a few edits, and inject your changes back into CS4!  I look forward to trying out your mods.  ?


EDIT: Wait, you don't care about skirts (blasphemy!!) but just want, oh, I dunno, huge butts?  You know enough now to try it.  Use part one of my tutorial to grab the model  Use my older tutorial on *ahem* resizing.  Now use this tutorial for saving and injecting.  And once you're happy, share!

Edited by amorrow28
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Its great too see everyone making progress on different verity and types of mods like skirts, costumes, body size n proportion's, you fellas are the real heroe`s ????????


Just haven't been feelin well last few days, a little under the weather, but hope to get back too trying to mod Aurelia relatively soon!

Edited by ludger166
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I have very minimal time for games lately. Between this being a very long RPG and all the other games coming out..I've been playing this slowly on and off for over a year now.


My playthrough started in the swimsuit DLC, moved to towel costumes, then see through towel mod and now full blown nude mod. It's kind of funny to see my single drawn out playthrough change so much. 

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Ok, I've updated my model swap injector script, it can now accept command line arguments (very useful for automation) and it can inject into .pkgs with compressed XML files (CS3/CS4)!  I think this going to be the last update for a while, as I finally beat CS4 and I want to focus on my skirt mod update.


Disclaimer: I've written it to be relatively safe and foolproof, but this is trickier than installing 3Dmigoto mods and you could theoretically break your game to the point of needing to reinstall (but that would be hard if you only use my tools).  In Steam, you do not ever need to reinstall because you can go to {right click game name} Properties -> Local Files -> Verify Integrity of Game Files and it will fix all your broken files.  I am NOT providing any support for these tools.  I am providing these tools so others can make their own mods to share.  Again, these are tools, not mods.  (BUT!  I will include a sample mod that I made for you to try, so keep reading!)


EDIT: Download here: https://github.com/eArmada8/ed8_inject/releases





Newer, more detailed tutorial here!


1. You need to know what models you want to mess with.  Grab my python script that decodes the names table from my github (direct link), and put it in {CS3 / CS4 / Hajimari folder}/data/text/dat_en (or /data/text/dat if using fan translation), and execute it.  It will spit out table.csv, which can be opened in excel or openoffice, etc.


2. Grab extract_pka.py here and aa - inject model.py here, as well as the unpackpkg.py library (the pka and pkg libraries are forked from uyjulian, all credit to them).  Put it into {CS3 / CS4 / Hajimari folder}/data/asset/D3D11.  For CS3/CS4, run extract_pkg.py, press enter (first question asks for pka and defaults to assets.pka), then second question asks which files you need.  If you put in a search term, it will match and grab multiple files (typing in CHR087 is like *CHR087*).  You don't need extract_pka for CLE Hajimari since it's not archived in the first place.  If you download my sample mod below, it comes with these three files already - newest versions always at github.


3. Execute aa - inject model.py.  It asks for the source .pkg, then it asks for the target .pkg.  It will make a backup of the target, and then push the source into the target.  If there is a backup of the source, it will always use the backup to inject.  This means: 1. As long as you only use my tool instead of editing your own files, your original files are safe, 2. You can do easy swaps (inject A->B and then B->A will result in a swap, because it will always use the backup original of B to inject), and 3. You can restore the original model by injecting into itself (inject A->B and then B->B will restore B to original, because again it will always use the backup original of B to inject).  It will never overwrite the first backup, so you can literally do A->B, C->B, D->B, and then B->B and you will still end up with B.


NOTE: The injector expects the target to already exist and will refuse to inject into a new file.  This is for two reasons: 1. so that it can make a backup, and you won't be confused on re-injections, and 2. to prevent confusing you if you make a spelling mistake (since it wouldn't otherwise cause an error).  So in CS3/CS4, extract BOTH source and target, not just source.


4. CS4 will read .pkg files preferentially over the .pka file without further fuss.  CS3 will do so as well, BUT you need to move the files to {CS3 folder}/data/asset/D3D11_us (or at least I did with mine - NIS America Steam release).  My suggestion for CS3 is to move everything over except the .pka file and extract_pka.py.  Keep your backups in D3D11_us as well, and you can inject back and forth.


5. To do whole model swaps, you will need to replace at a minimum columns B,D,E in the excel sheet from step 1.  Maybe other parts too, I haven't fully figured this out.  Be careful, the model parts in column E are often shared.  You may also want to swap the .inf files.


So I've been experimenting.  If you've been following the Hajimari thread where @Switch608 and I have been developing this (understandable if you haven't, plenty of spoilers), we've shown that swapping costumes in Hajimari is pretty trivial as the assets are unpacked and the XML files are uncompressed.  We also swapped a few costumes in CS4.  Here's what I've achieved today!


Moving assets between games:  Here is a costume exclusive to CS4, injected into CS3.  Turns out their formats are identical.



@Whayameen wanted to see if whole models could be replaced for the a certain scene.  The answer is sort-of yes.  Here you can see a new character in place on stage!  (Mild spoiler)





Unfortunately, the original character has some fancy physics that the new character lacks, I think.  The new character seems pretty content to just stand there and look pretty.  I'm betting there's something else that needs to be injected (or maybe I injected too much?), I don't know what.





I also figured out the XML compression issue, allowing default costumes to be changed!  (This was an issue because the filenames were of different length - if you don't know what I'm talking about then don't worry about it.)  Here, you can see I've backported Alisa's bathing costume into CS3.  (Implications... HMM...  I'll wait here while you think about this.)



Unfortunately the NISA CS3/CS4 assets are compressed with lz4 and the CLE Hajimari assets are compressed with zstandard, so they aren't compatible with each other.  I think I can make a "convertor" by decompressing the files, but the resultant files will be huge unless I can also figure out how to recompress them.  I'm not going to bother for the moment, but maybe I'll come back to it later.  I have no idea what NISA will do with Hajimari, if they'll use lz4 or zstandard or what.  So no nude Elie in CS4 for now, sorry, but I really want to work on my mod for a while.


As promised here is my sample mod for CS4!  It will achieve the exact thing you see in the spoiler-marked images above.  Extract to {STEAM}\The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV\data\asset\D3D11 and you'll see two batch files, I promise it's obvious which one injects the mod and which one restores the original configuration.  Just double click and enjoy.




And before you say this mod is mostly useless - I'm aware.  This was a super simple mod designed for folks to see how to make their own!  I'm looking forward to seeing what the community does with this.

Edited by amorrow28
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Yeah ok, I was going to stop.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the whole damn point of this was to have naked Elie in CS4.  Isn't that right, @Switch608?


SO CLOSE!  (This screenshot is CS4)



I have absolutely no idea why, but the nude mods aren't activating for her.  3Dmigoto doesn't seem to like my new package.  Grr.  Maybe Switch608 can figure it out?  There are definitely new pixel shaders involved, since the shaders actually seem to be carried over from Hajimari along with the archive, but I wasn't able to activate overrides.


EDIT: Problem solved, grab the newest version of my inject tools!


Anyway!  Here is my new decompressor tool.  It removes all compression (Elie's bath costume went from 5.3 mb to 14.8 mb) but now CS4 will load it just fine.  My tool should be able to remove both lz4 and zstandard compression, meaning you could forward port CS3/CS4 assets too if you wanted to (I haven't tested it, but I'm sure someone wants to run around with Sharon in bandages?).




It does require my fork of unpackpkg.py to be in the same directory, and you also need to install the zstandard lib.  Type "python -m pip install zstandard" into the command line to install the library.




How to do the Elie towel swap:


Go to {STEAM}\THE LEGEND OF HEROES HAJIMARI NO KISEKI\data\asset\D3D11 in the windows command line and type


"aa - decompresspkg.py" CHR089_C02


It will create a folder called decompressed_output.  Go into that folder and copy CHR089_C02.pkg to the {STEAM}The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV\data\asset\D3D11 folder.


Go to {STEAM}The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV\data\asset\D3D11 in the windows command line and type


extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR089.pkg
"aa - inject model.py" C_CHR089_C02 C_CHR089


Done!  Want to use Elie's swimsuit instead?  substitute C_CHR089_C65 for C_CHR089_C02. Don't try C65, trust me.  It's not a complete model.



Edited by amorrow28
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@amorrow28 Bro if you keep this up you'll figure out how to hack the curse out of the story entirely ?
Incredible work yet again! I've ran into a bit of trouble with the extract part because my asset.pka had some edits in it, but after deleting and re-downloading it everything ran fine. Like you've shown, the injected model has trouble mimicking some animations the replaced character has in cutscenes, BUT they work just fine in combat:



Look at her go! ?
After this I wanted to do one more test to see if less complex animations wouldn't break the injected character. I chose to replace Rose with Altina so she can finally get revenge for all the cuddling Junie does to her. First I had to pass the test though, so I snagged some screens of that (note: I'm not advocating for violence against Allie, this is for demonstration purposes only. Please treat your Oz model with care):



Unfortunately she doesn't turn into a big tiddy vampire milf like Rose, but I suppose being short and cute is part of her appeal anyway.

After that I discovered that the game has a foot fetish which was unexpected but hey, you do you:



And then I finally got to the bath and discovered that... well, see it for yourself:



So the model swapping isn't perfect just yet but it still works really well, and for that I have to thank you my friend! Swapping the models using this method only takes a minute and the fact that it can be easily reversed without messing with the asset.pka file is the cherry on top. Now please the weekend off to rest because you more than earned it LOL

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Holy hell!  Literally this made all the coding worth it!  (well all the screens, but that one is striking!)


@Switch608 - you were 100% correct, I was injecting too many files!  When I reduced it down to two injections (columns B&D in the spreadsheet, they share column E), it achieved exactly what I intended!


extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR085
extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR087

"aa - inject model.py" C_CHR085 C_CHR087
"aa - inject model.py" C_CHR085_FC1 C_CHR087_FC1








Her dress definitely doesn't have the correct physics and her legs clip right through, but that's what skirt delete mods are for I suppose...  ?

Edited by amorrow28
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14 minutes ago, amorrow28 said:

Her dress definitely doesn't have the correct physics and her legs clip right through, but that's what skirt delete mods are for I suppose...  ?

Well Kloe was never meant to do more than simply walk around so they never bothered making her dress make sense for combat or dancing or the like.

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@amorrow28 I think so too! I'm going to try and get more screens like this now that you and Switch opened the doors for easy model swapping.

@Switch608 Oh damn good catch! I didn't see your method before I posted my screenshots. After injecting only the files amorrow mentioned it worked just fine:



Juna still got the last laugh in the end.

Her hands are a smidge off the mark but that's inevitable since Rose is a little bit shorter than Altina. Maybe she will grab 'em just right if I swap Juna for someone taller like Laura or Sara. Now that the floodgates are open there's a lot to try out! ?

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1 hour ago, Whayameen said:

Her hands are a smidge off the mark but that's inevitable since Rose is a little bit shorter than Altina. Maybe she will grab 'em just right if I swap Juna for someone taller like Laura or Sara. Now that the floodgates are open there's a lot to try out! ?

I mean the obvious solution is to have a mod made for Rose.  Considering the smaller bodies already exist for Altina and the like that shouldn't be that difficult should it?

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On 6/1/2022 at 1:16 PM, coomi said:

I made some edits to the smaller girls to more closely resemble the original towel body. Namely, I shrunk their shoulders and thighs, as they were pretty large on the original nude model. The comparison image is not great but you should get the general idea. I edited Fie, Tio, Altina, Renne and Tita. Towa was fine without any edits.



I also tried to fix some of the beginner mistakes in my first models. I spent well over an hour trying to fix a weird shape in Altina's armpit. It would have been faster to just remake the model from scratch.

  Reveal hidden contents



Install by overwriting the files from my earlier release, on the previous page.

small body rework.7z 1.26 MB · 68 downloads

I forgot to say thank you in the chaos of developing the asset swap tools! I’ll try these out asap, looks like everyone is already downloading them though. ?

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6 hours ago, Whayameen said:

@amorrow28 I think so too! I'm going to try and get more screens like this now that you and Switch opened the doors for easy model swapping.

@Switch608 Oh damn good catch! I didn't see your method before I posted my screenshots. After injecting only the files amorrow mentioned it worked just fine:

  Hide contents


Juna still got the last laugh in the end.

Her hands are a smidge off the mark but that's inevitable since Rose is a little bit shorter than Altina. Maybe she will grab 'em just right if I swap Juna for someone taller like Laura or Sara. Now that the floodgates are open there's a lot to try out! ?



A Tale of Two Altinas, by Charles @Whayameen  ?


At first I wondered why you didn't just swap the models so that Juna hugs Rose at the end, but as I scrolled down I realized the genius of your storytelling.  That last shot really rounds out the story, it's like Altina #1 intended to get Altina #2 a hug all along!  (It kind of reminds me of Vivi and Linde from CS1/CS2 haha)


EDIT: Seriously, I'm obsessed with this sequence.  The casting, the directing, the cinematography!  (Altina's expression in #5 and #7!  The single line of dialogue!)

Edited by amorrow28
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@undeadclown99 I'm not sure if someone would go out of their way to make a mod for just one quick scene, but I'd certainly welcome it! I'm going to try some other combinations later and see how if they work out better.

@amorrow28 O-oh yeah...! That's exactly it! It's not like I forgot to swap Altina for Rose and didn't want to re-do the whole battle again or anything. I'm glad you were able to recognize my genius. *flips hair*

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1 hour ago, Whayameen said:

@undeadclown99 I'm not sure if someone would go out of their way to make a mod for just one quick scene, but I'd certainly welcome it! I'm going to try some other combinations later and see how if they work out better.

@amorrow28 O-oh yeah...! That's exactly it! It's not like I forgot to swap Altina for Rose and didn't want to re-do the whole battle again or anything. I'm glad you were able to recognize my genius. *flips hair*


Oh no, of course not.  Of course everything was deliberate.  ?


On the topic of offering advice you already know btw, there is always god mode and one-hit kill!  When I need to prototype costume changes in models (or shaders) that literally only appear for a few seconds between battles, cheat engine has saved my life.  I can't be bothered to beat bosses over and over again just to see what it looks like when I change the color of someone's underwear.  ?


Although now that I have beaten the game, I can use the debug room with reckless abandon!  Use this save file, and you can watch any cutscene to your heart's content, for the most part.


ed8_psv4 debug room.7z





Although weirdly it's buggy compared to the CS3 debug room.  Watching the fairy spring cutscene, for example, it won't load Randy and keeps giving errors (just hit enter to proceed).  Which of course, no Randy, total dealbreaker I'm sure.

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