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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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as i recall from exploring it "ingame" and some offgame (to check out dialogues)
the potential problems was the extremely uneven terrain (with is a no go with the sex animations)

and the other was the fact that it was very short. (about 10 lines of dialogues from start to end with no mutation)


in other words.

i say and i reference to user29 "you'r not missing anything" or something like that.

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Yes. Those were some problems. Keep in mind that was one of the very first episodes he created. Then he created Bloat-fly episode then the coyote etc. He was new to modding and inexperienced when working on those as well as various problems that probably could be fixed with today's understanding of modding and what the issues were. However not too much to build on that episode anyway. If I remember correctly.. the benefit was you weren't attacked by scorpions.. Could be the side effect of his scripting though.. LOL.


So User was accurate with the statement " you're not missing anything".

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Hey, long time no see once again. So I was.....digging.....around in the new vegas files for meshes. That sort of thing. Ive noticed and wondered about this. While it may be broken beyond hell and back, is there any work around toward getting the last 2 physical outfits for the Ant Mutation working? Ive been using FNVedit for about...well oh say 5 hours so far. Long story short and 7 backups later ive understood nothing, but I do know that I found the branch of connecting dialog to the Caccoon in the chambers in the ant nest leading to a branch of dialog called "Extra Arms" as well as something about a final physical mutation, but it seems a flag is set ontop some mutations such as the Ant Womb having one as "Top Flag" or something like that. If theres a way to get this working Jami, it would be helpful. Honestly ive been trying nightmares to create my own physical modding and skins, managed to make some decent half-assed Cazador mutational skin. Couldent get it working in game but the point is the point. Is there any way to progess "anting?"

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I can't speak for Breeder or jamil however being a member of this community means that if you want to work on some projects even here .. get a texture or mesh working there are individuals here that will help you imporve your skill, create something even if it is in the end only used for your own personal use. ( mod authors don't take that work for example) It is a benefit for members that know how to do things to help others learn. It improves the sites and in time often times create other nice mods that can be used or allows those individuals to contribute to mods being created or modified. For example Breeder future mutations.. :D.


My suggestion barring Jamils assistance ( if not able to provide any on this matter) is to post a topic on specifically how to do task A, then Task B and so forth.  How do I set a flag, i have clipping issues with ths texture. Can't convert this to that. Alpha channels are giving me a headache how to I fix it.. etc so forth and so on. It has been my experience here that many members will start helping those working on something provided they help are willing to do the leg work and really try to fix the issues. Based on your post you seem to have a passion for this project you are trying to accomplish. So you shouldn't have an problems. Who knows in the future if you practice and solve any issues you might start contributing yourself to mods ..perhaps even this one.

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the arms were disabled as they were just hanging there.
they didn't meet user29's expectations.

i believe he hated then for just being there motionless while looking stupid.

evolution wise they didn't bring anything to the table as they never actually touched the ground and ant arms were too small to be used for weapons.


as i see it there's two ways out of this.

one is to animate them as extra arms.

an other way would be to change the entire mutation so that it looks like a Centaur but with ant'ish.


i'd love to see it, and if someone make either i'd gladly implement it.

the second could look quite cool!...walking around with 8 legs that move and possibly 4 arms to hold guns and stuff.

ofc it would be hard to make.



by the way i've started doing some tutorials and experimenting with the Geck

so far i know how to alter existing items and place them.
i followed this tutorial http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45625/

i'll continue in my quest to learn the geck.

if i can i want to understand everything :)

so with my new knowledge i now have a fundamental understanding of a few things (yey)


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well i imagine we could find a modder who could make a script that copies the weapons the player is wielding in there main hands and duplicate any effect to secondary hands....out of my league tho.


i can easily do this in garry's mod...but then again garrys mod is much easier and more modding friendly.



you'r not actually gonna wield 4 weapons. 

you'r gonna wield 1 weapon and 3 "Mimics"    (thats the idea)




ok so i'm learning to do make a vendor with includes dialogue content and creating an npc and other stuff.

i have a problem finding out how to add stuff to the vendor.

i have a the vendor linked to a chest below the floor and it "should" work.
can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

here's the plugin.


and here's the tutorial i followed.


the trader is in Prospector Saloon


(Note: i'm learning the ropes so bare with me)

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I can't speak for Breeder or jamil however being a member of this community means that if you want to work on some projects even here .. get a texture or mesh working there are individuals here that will help you imporve your skill, create something even if it is in the end only used for your own personal use. ( mod authors don't take that work for example) It is a benefit for members that know how to do things to help others learn. It improves the sites and in time often times create other nice mods that can be used or allows those individuals to contribute to mods being created or modified. For example Breeder future mutations.. :D.


My suggestion barring Jamils assistance ( if not able to provide any on this matter) is to post a topic on specifically how to do task A, then Task B and so forth.  How do I set a flag, i have clipping issues with ths texture. Can't convert this to that. Alpha channels are giving me a headache how to I fix it.. etc so forth and so on. It has been my experience here that many members will start helping those working on something provided they help are willing to do the leg work and really try to fix the issues. Based on your post you seem to have a passion for this project you are trying to accomplish. So you shouldn't have an problems. Who knows in the future if you practice and solve any issues you might start contributing yourself to mods ..perhaps even this one.


God......how dare you make me feel like I should do this.....well, seeing as I kinda clocked in over 200+ hours on playing with this mod alone, maybe I should.....ugh, I can just already hate how long it will take just to learn how to do things like that, but maybe.....mmm.


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I am an evil alien.. brain sucker and time waster.. muhaaa..( evil laugh)..


On a serious note. I as well as I believe Jamil isn't a texture master either. Development of these sort of things will only improve the mod that you played "200+ hours"  Taking time.. It will likely take a lot of time to get this anywhere near the vision that Jamil is envisioning so there is that. Finally.. once you learn something .. it is difficult to unlearn it. If you like these sort of projects. ( as you have already tried and tried for hours already ;)). Then you can always use the skills you have elsewhere in modding community. Creature textures, clothing textures etc. Lots of possibilities.. I am a bit jealous as you have something that you can focus on.. :D. I want to learn everything like Jamil. But unlike him haven't done anything.. I am such a lazy alien.. bad alien.. very bad alien.. :D.


Being a part of this community there are many here that can give a pointer here and a pointer there on how to accomplish many of the basic task that you will need to learn. take time ..yes. Impossible.. not really.

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its all about learning the tasks properly.

i just started doing it and because i'm a "VERY" fast learner i actually have the gang of making a basic mod already.
i still need to know more to take on the tasks of this mod.

i don't intend to start doing this before i have a hang of placing objects and create entire new areas.

as well as create quests.

and the bigger challenge (Scripts)

even if i have a "know how" in areas like "C++" half of any and all browser coding, and some others.

it'll take some time.

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Honestly, im shit in life. No im not being depressive here at all XD im glad you guys are looking for help and to be honest, I had ALOT of ideas playing this. Ideas of deathclaw faction fights, ideas involving becoming a Cazador Queen. (Seriously, super poison spreading flying death girls!) Ideas involving using the Ant Questline to wreak havoc on the Bloatfly, and vice versa, sort of a natural insect battle thing. Theres a huge issue stopping me. Im slow, not herp-a-derp slow but the kind that takes my time. I *laughs* Don't have ANYTHING to do in life. I have a part time job, tons of free time, and honestly if I was anyone else, I would of began, learned, and joined this merriment. I have a lot aginst me though, not time that's for sure, but situation. I never was lucky enough to go to a computer school, or a school WITH a computer. Public schools..... *cough* But my main issue is C++. Don't get me wrong, ive figured a lot from trial and error, its my thing. Ive made many cool ideas with RPGMaker and so on. Creating, seeing my ideas come to life, and if I get the chance, you can bet I would join this crusade of perversion. Ive loved this mod even long before I got the game. Heh, shitty pc......but back to the point.
I would honestly love to join this, seriously. but its the C++ and coding that destroys me. Scripting is far above and beyond my skill. I mean if I can get my hands on a book and a study buddy who won't let me skip the lessons, yeah ill start it, but im lazy, im very unproductive, im like one of those shut ins except im not 300 pounds and live off floor cheese. Don't mis-judge me, right now im looking up guides to do this, but every time I see scripts I want to vomit....

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the arms were disabled as they were just hanging there.

i believe he hated then for just being there motionless while looking stupid.

evolution wise they didn't bring anything to the table as they never actually touched the ground and ant arms were too small to be used for weapons.

the second could look quite cool!...walking around with 8 legs that move and possibly 4 arms to hold guns and stuff.



And to idea storm this, sorry for the double postage but I forgot to include this and im not going to edit my older post cause BURN EDITING.


A great alternative to this would be to link the lower arm motions to the upper arms, keep it like correct as an invisible string connecting the arms to the character's above it, and have it drop slightly lower when your not in combat mode so it appears as the arms are resting, but when you move, raise it slightly, and have the hands follow the motion of the character's so it will appear as all 4 arms moving along. Weapon wise if you have acid hand equipped, have the characters, as well as the hands of the arms glow green like how the Bloatfly in the cave is, though that's easier said than done, an alternative would be just a texture over the hands and the ant hands that would have say a hole with green goo inside it, so the combat pose would have the ant hands opening up and your hands as well, though the weapon wise, rather than dual shooting, you could have a rapid increase in attack speed, like x2 for the new set of hands. Or do a shotgun effect making you shoot two+ acid balls leading your vision to believe both sets are throwing acid.

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*removed depressing text o.o*

you talked about ant arms and Cazador Queen.
thanks for telling me about the idea of boosting the "Weapon" instead of making crazy scripts to shoot 4 guns at ones.
i didn't think of that..guess i was stuck in my advanced crazy idea.
about Cazador Queen.
yea its clearly one of those things i want to work on if i get the chance.


Edit: woa alot of typing errors. (sorry about that)

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Oh sir I am NOT depressed. OwO Im playing it as a joke. I am NEVER funny, get used to it~ Honestly im REALLY happy. I have a lot in my life. Im sorry it came off that way. XD In a better way of saying this. Its not that, its that I have no experience with a lot of stuff because my school sucked and I dident care enough to solo study C++ or Ruby coding. Im very content with myself :3 and I would love to help make more content in this mod if I have help. Like a kick in the ass.

P.S. Very inspirational story. Thank you for caring about me. But I promise I would never do something pathetic as suicide when I know I got a lot left to live for and see.

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ah ok ^^....well pardon me :) i've always been the slowest to get the jokes.
(my humor is pretty black)

anyway i'll ask around some were else if someone knows what i'm doing wrong (geck)

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Oh sir I am NOT depressed. OwO Im playing it as a joke. I am NEVER funny, get used to it~ Honestly im REALLY happy. I have a lot in my life. Im sorry it came off that way. XD In a better way of saying this. Its not that, its that I have no experience with a lot of stuff because my school sucked and I dident care enough to solo study C++ or Ruby coding. Im very content with myself :3 and I would love to help make more content in this mod if I have help. Like a kick in the ass.


P.S. Very inspirational story. Thank you for caring about me. But I promise I would never do something pathetic as suicide when I know I got a lot left to live for and see.



Don't look at this as a hard thing. Look at it as a fun thing. I have been here for over 2 years. I have connections with some of the biggest mod creators on this site. I have been pm'ing and being pm'ed by them and others r/t mod creations and all sorts of good stuff.  I have discussed mods that are in production, have been produced worked on and modified. I have tested new textures for mod authors and gave feedback. Tested all sorts of mods for them while they were still alpha! Many of the mods, resources and such haven't even see the light of day on this or other sites as the author decided not to release them. Some are beautiful. I have a set of elf eyes for Skyrim that are just fucking unbelievably beautiful .. Hauntingly realistic. ..


yet I haven't even made one change to a mod that has been distributed or uploaded. ( I have done private fixes and alterations.. basic stuff really) I have focused on what is inspiring me at that time and what I can reasonably do. I have given extensive tech support for mods that I used so that the author can focus on what he does best and develop. I have created tutorials one being for SCR and tamed that wild beast and helped make it easier for others to install that into a simple "resource" folder. This was simple since I learned it in my time here.


The key is to have fun. See something.. try it out. Like doing it .. do it.. Nothing difficult or hard. Inspired by helping others.. It is a very nice thing to do. Learn about the modding process, install process, and the mods you enjoy.. then answer questions. Dont' worry about making a mistake. Others will speak up and correct any errors. then learn.. In time you will be turned to for many answers. Perhaps see a spot where your understanding can help others? create a tutorial. In time your skill will increase and perhaps it might even be stickies as some of mine has been.


Perhaps learn about mods and offer alpha/beta testing. That is always welcome and modding and GECK knowlege isn't a requirement for many testing. It is invaluable for mod authors to see others playing and testing and giving valid feedback on what is going on. Sometimes it might require using their debug script ( don't freak out .. you aren't scripting just punching in a command to activate it.. ;)) and give the log back to them. Trust me.. there is a great need for this. Perhaps even for Breeder once Jamil starts working on this mod and cleaning it up. ( had to make this giant post somewhat related to this thread!... :D lol)


Like the idea of Modding.. While looking through some tutorials. find something you can do and do it. Offer help to other authors in that/those skill(s). Learn how to import textures/sound/meshes into the game.. Great. Simple task and can be very boring for a moder to do.. They would greatly appreciate this. Halstrom is looking for someone to help rework the Maternity resources into smaller modules. If you learn that it can be very useful. I was approached on this and even attempted to do this but quickly got overwhelmed. Perhaps this might be your cup of tea.. Soon I might take another look into doing this myself again.. :D.


Like writing stories? check into dialogue in GECK. Learn how to do that and you can help improve many mods here with unique conversations and interactions.. Many authors are so creative in textures and scripts.. yet fall sort on dialogue. Several months ago I was approached for assistance in dialogue for a mod being developed .. that's right.. Nothing but dialogue.


There are tools that convert armors and such to other bodies. It is automatic and from what I was told pretty easy.. perhaps explore those avenues? Then learn some re-texturing?. You would be in such high demand provided you enjoy that sort of work.


There are many other things you can do. If you don't understand some parts of something post a question on a thread. you will find an answer soon. The more you develop yourself and interact and help the quicker and more individuals here will be willing to help you. Eventually you might even find yourself scripting and all matters of modding .. :D. The beauty of this is there is no time limit on this.. Remember I have been here for two years.. No mods.. ;)..


I am getting very interested in increasing my skills with the GECk now as I am starting to feel limited in my skill set and outgrowing the previous things that I have done. It might indeed be time for me to move to some new skills myself. Perhaps I should learn about some cleaning and other tools FNVedit has as well.. HUm.. Dam I wish I wasn't so lazy.. lol.


Sorry for the derail Jamil.. I love helping members find some niche that they feel comfortable in and helping them develop. Perhaps he might help with some future testing, dialogue etc. ;).




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Ritual, thank you, a lot for that read. Honestly I have a wild imagination. Unfortunately wild enough that my keyboard refuses to type it all out correctly. My spelling is garbage and that's without saying. As well as my "Proper English" like when to use commas is also garbage. Yet I would love to join in on writing. At the same time I am a very investive learner on things I see as interesting. Like this. I want to start making something, anything, yet I have no start. If you could help me with one thing, ill see where it leads. Maybe back to here. I would love to work on this amazing modification, even for myself. Double if I get even a single bit of data into something like this. I need to know how to begin. Give me guides, even small ones on what to start off with. Im not meaning in your useful links signature. I mean I need a single link to a decent tutorial about beginning altering this game, about how to use C++, even simply about "how to make a character in the game and make them do actions" or something. Even if you simply give me a single step by step guide in a "hidden" link to do the simplest action like "Step 1, download, step 2, press E, step three, they are now set to say "Tacos"" or something, by using a basis and doing it once and again and over and over ill end up finding a lot out.

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proper teacher?...i do believe i know a good website to learn c++ and other stuff...let me see what i can dig.


ok that website i knew was website programming only.


i don't know any "super" unique and intuitive guides/tutorials to c++

but c++ is in general easier then most others to understand so you should have little problem with that.


here's the best c++ teaching website i found so far.
there's an awful lot of text but it seems to be very well made....that being said it seems to be slightly heavy read :)

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Ritual, thank you, a lot for that read. Honestly I have a wild imagination. Unfortunately wild enough that my keyboard refuses to type it all out correctly. My spelling is garbage and that's without saying. As well as my "Proper English" like when to use commas is also garbage. Yet I would love to join in on writing. At the same time I am a very investive learner on things I see as interesting. Like this. I want to start making something, anything, yet I have no start. If you could help me with one thing, ill see where it leads. Maybe back to here. I would love to work on this amazing modification, even for myself. Double if I get even a single bit of data into something like this. I need to know how to begin. Give me guides, even small ones on what to start off with. Im not meaning in your useful links signature. I mean I need a single link to a decent tutorial about beginning altering this game, about how to use C++, even simply about "how to make a character in the game and make them do actions" or something. Even if you simply give me a single step by step guide in a "hidden" link to do the simplest action like "Step 1, download, step 2, press E, step three, they are now set to say "Tacos"" or something, by using a basis and doing it once and again and over and over ill end up finding a lot out.




Install GECK.. create your esp so that any work you do can be captured in it.. That is a basic start. I am not a coder so I can't give info on that. Search GECK or Modding tutorials and view some on youtube. Watch a few minutes..if you don't like it... move on. I am in the same boat as you so if you find something that is good for you let me know.. ( PM.. lol taking up too much of jamils threads  lol)


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GECK scripting isn't really C++ it's similar to it as it is to BASIC, it's a possibly a lot easier from a beginners point of view, don't expect to be an expert overnight, most us only opened GECK in last 2-5 years. If that's too long to learn, maybe you're just too old :)

You have more information and help at your fingertips than ever before in history. Just jump in, 5 years time you'll be modding Fallout 4 :)

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