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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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I am not sure how many nukacolas it took to corrupt Sam however on the last one you reveal the source of the Nuka and how she can get more. Afterwards she goes to one of the guards and has sex. Then you are able to talk to her later again. If she walked away without having the ending conversations something might be wrong. The fact that there is a "non-existent guard" might also be a problem with your game. It has been awhile the last I played the episode was while User was still putting the finishing touches on it. See if you can try an earlier save, one that has the correct guards in place.

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you don't need the nukas to corrupt her. Through the dialogue at various points of the escape you can do it progressively as well.



Sorry for this post, I am sure that it was answered in one of the 80+ previous pages. I have looked in the last couple of pages and the Op and cannot find guidance or understand what to do so I am posting this. Feel free to just give me the post number(s) where there is answers for me to read if necessary.



The Ant episode. I  easily found the location and entered. Looked around and found the queen and took the royal jelly and egg(s). Waited, ate the royal jelly etc. Nothing. I am locked in the chamber and don't know what to do. I see the two other entrances to other chambers but they are locked. I can't progress and can't leave. I looked throughout the rest of the cave and can't find anything but the queen.


I realize that this might be something that User29 wants to keep hush hush so I put it in the Spoilers. Feel free to put any guidance in spoilers as well.























The Mod Configuration Menu.esp









SexoutCheckMeOut - SCR.esp

























Alternative Start.esp



Total active plugins: 57

Total plugins: 57




Thanks for any help and guidance.




I don't expect people to read all 80 pages, but I do expect people to read the last 1 or 2. This problems been solved already.



I already used the info on the last two pages. I had reloaded the mods with the most current stable mods available in preparation for a new run through.  I was running the current sexout .78, SCR Pregnancy and the last breeder update posted on this page. When I had trouble I had upgraded to the beta of the SCR and Pregnancy. Started from a previous non Sexout save and no drone.


I thought I needed to do something else in game to get the episode moving before I entered the mound. If I recall correctly there use to be something outside that you would eat before entering the mound. Apparently I was in error. That was the reason for the post. You didn't have a general walk through in the OP r/t the new Ant episode.

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Thanks, I didn't get the 9 nectars that appear in the cave. I just got stuck in the chamber. I knew there was something missing.


I am currently trying to get the TWW working and had to scrap my current load order to do that. It will have to wait for me to figure out where I went wrong.


One question. Since you are using the current Sexout are you also running SSR? and if so do you have the current Tryouts from the SSR pack found here ?  It is either that or I didn't go far enough backwards and still had something in the save that would create issues.

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Don't run SSR with this mod.


Also make sure you're using sexout version .78 and preg and scr versions 622 and 624.

Nothing's happening when you eat the first nectar because the quest script is crashing, 99% likely I'm using a spell/token that whatever your version of the required mods are using doesn't exist or has changed since then.


I usually run the most current beta mods when running your mod because you run on the bleeding edge, sometimes having to wait for the SCR and Preg to catch up... :P That is almost always a given. That is the reason for not playing your mod for several months. I was waiting for Halstrom to finish the large project he was working on for SCR/Preg. Now that Beta and release is pretty close to each other I decided to try breeder again for the new story line.


I thought SSR might be an issue. Even if it wasn't it is an unknown variable. If I run through a Breeder I will have to remember to remove it as well as many of the other mods like lust and BR etc. Mostly just run SCR, Preg, and Breeder and all required mods. Much like before when I ran through the Deathclaw episode. A dedicated play through only using Breeder and Breeder related / required mods.


I believe my issue was a corrupted save. It was clean but old. Something happened to it. Running a non modded game ( working on getting TWW to work) and had other issues, even with a verify cache still issues. Started new game/ saves and problem solved. It is very likely it was a bad save that was making in wonky.


Thanks for the Help User. A pleasure as always, keep up the great work.

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about the ant episode updates
i think i heard something about attacking the red ant's nest at some point...how do i trigger that?

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Not really feeling the wolves right now (and as you all know, when I don't feel like working on something I don't do it) but I am feeling like going back to the super mutant camp. Now I've got my own ideas, but as always, I"d love to hear what you guys think about it and where you think it should go. Or just any thoughts on it at all really. That one's got a lot of potential.


As far as story goes, this is what I'm thinking.


Out east, the legion found a group of non sterile super mutants. They killed all but a few and enslaved them the rest. Now they're tasked with sneaking into NCR territory and breeding an army to cause havok for the NCR. This changes if you've completed the deathclaw story line up to Novac takeover. In which case the super mutants are there to mess up the deathclaws to lessen the pressure on the Legion.


That's all I've got.




An idea... since you did ask.. :D


After producing 2 or 3 offspring and giving proper respect you are given an option to recruit other women to the camp to save your uterus. Different options for recruitment. Offer drug stash party to wastelander women "come an party with my friends, they will keep you high". Slavery, and other devious trickery. You don't get off easy. You are given a slave collar however unlike other collars this one has a timer. If you fail to return in proper time,,, beep beep zap. No boom. they will come and recover you and punish you. .. gang bang several more pregnancies and then another opportunity to recruit. Why give the opportunity for recruitment. Well giving birth to SM offspring are very taxing to the health of the women. They would have to give someone a break anyway or risk death during childbirth. This way they give the break, circulate the women, and gain more breeding opportunities.


All during this time you can gather up supplies and stash them somewhere.. with a slight risk that they get stolen every so often. These supplies will give you an opportunity while in captivity to escape. An option possible anytime you complete the original arch of the story line. Except now you have a better chance at defending yourself. Perhaps even after "offering yourself to various raiders like Cook Cook and Motorunner you can bargain for assistance at a given time to free yourself. Lots of different avenues to take.



Hope that helps get the ideas a flowing.

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Iono always love dem mutations + super mutants could be interesting... what am i saying LOLz it would be great :D. 


As for the Ant ep length ya it shorter then Deathclaw but still really good pacing... also whatever next you add to mobile or production room/end quests for the ants will make it probably just the right length. 


I like Deathclaw not only cause its good but you invest alot of time in it and the story keeps going and changing at  a good pace as well. + Where it ends now leaves room for more.. its like constant add on DLC content but free :D.



One thing I did notice is that I could only breed 1 ant per type using the mobile ant womb... I'm curious to know if this happened to anyone else or just me. 


And when using the jump height changer with the deathclaws then switching saves to a game that does not have the jump height toggled on causes that character to be able to jump high as well...

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If you are thinking of some sort of mutation for supermutant it can be as easy as hardened skin. One would need tougher skin to help protect against the roughness of the supermutants. Since it is cause by an offspring perhaps the logic would be some of the FEV has been transferred however massively diluted. (placenta crossing) Maybe a little strength not much but a little. Maybe a perk of not being able to be knocked down. That perk is already in game however this way one wouldn't have to waste a valuable perk option they would get it free. .. well after about a dozen offspring. Don't need to make it easy if you are considering the recruitment option. Something like "Due to carrying many SM offsprings you developed your lower body muscles and now find you can withstand almost any attack without being knocked down. "


You can add some coloring to the skin to make it different, no real need for changes in body for this episode.  Nice change from the other episodes.

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With the ant episode, is there a possibility you could make it so mating with the Drone is only done manually instead of him wanting to impregnate you constantly. Seems like he always wants to do this at inopportune times like when I'm trying to orgasm on the egg or when I'm being invaded, he even tries to impregnate me when I'm already pregnant cause I have so much of his sperm in me. I just ended up killing him cause I have all the mutations so I get eggs from that lol.Really fun episode though besides the minor Drone annoyance.

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With the ant episode, is there a possibility you could make it so mating with the Drone is only done manually instead of him wanting to impregnate you constantly. Seems like he always wants to do this at inopportune times like when I'm trying to orgasm on the egg or when I'm being invaded, he even tries to impregnate me when I'm already pregnant cause I have so much of his sperm in me. I just ended up killing him cause I have all the mutations so I get eggs from that lol.Really fun episode though besides the minor Drone annoyance.


A toggle would probably be the perfect thing for that. Automatic for convenience and to keep things going while you're doing other things, or manual.

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you'll need 15 soldiers I think. Might be less than that.

ah got it


i loved every part of it ^_^...

btw the part when you escape the nest when red ants are right outside?... perhaps consider putting the "hidden exit" up were you had the breeding room entry before?


and for bugs?...

well hmm...didn't find any and it's CERTAINLY much more stable now xD

tho i may tell you to at least cover up the part were the breeder entry previously were (i walked into the light =O!...and i saw....i saw....THE VOID! and it was just outside my reach...)


the army system works great (tho i am still testing it)

oh and perhaps add a "leave" option to the army menu back in the hive when its added when you win


well i guess that's all for now o.o...

i'll most likely try the deathclaw episode's from the start ones more now that you finished some updates for it.



also i seem to be unable to "breakdown mutation"...or could anyone explain how that works?   alternatively would i delete any item related with "showinventory" and "player.removeitem"   but i have the idea that's not what you had in mind o.o

(Note it seemed to work 40% in previous release but failed to delete the moderate mutation and perhaps some triggers but i dunno)

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With the ant episode, is there a possibility you could make it so mating with the Drone is only done manually instead of him wanting to impregnate you constantly. Seems like he always wants to do this at inopportune times like when I'm trying to orgasm on the egg or when I'm being invaded, he even tries to impregnate me when I'm already pregnant cause I have so much of his sperm in me. I just ended up killing him cause I have all the mutations so I get eggs from that lol.Really fun episode though besides the minor Drone annoyance.


A toggle would probably be the perfect thing for that. Automatic for convenience and to keep things going while you're doing other things, or manual.


or just every time the drone gets dirty thoughts Check if the queen is doing something else (detecting for orgasm on egg sequence or heroicly defending the nest event)

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Not really feeling the wolves right now (and as you all know, when I don't feel like working on something I don't do it) but I am feeling like going back to the super mutant camp. Now I've got my own ideas, but as always, I"d love to hear what you guys think about it and where you think it should go. Or just any thoughts on it at all really. That one's got a lot of potential.


As far as story goes, this is what I'm thinking.


Out east, the legion found a group of non sterile super mutants. They killed all but a few and enslaved them the rest. Now they're tasked with sneaking into NCR territory and breeding an army to cause havok for the NCR. This changes if you've completed the deathclaw story line up to Novac takeover. In which case the super mutants are there to mess up the deathclaws to lessen the pressure on the Legion.


That's all I've got.




Hello there, I always wondered if that epsiode would be worked on again, after all the talk and love the Deathclaws receive <_<

I only went through the Supermutants twice for the fun of it, and if you ask for feedback, alright:


Personally, I wouldn't use a connection to the Legion for this. For me, the Legion is too much about racial purity, genetical superiority of mankind and especially honour to use such a tactic. Hey, even those frumentarii and their spy-actions etc. are rather looked down upon. Of course, this is only my view on it.


Maybe something like this: After you get enslaved you find out more and more about the Camp and their goals, and what made them come here. Beneath the camp could be a long forgotten vault where they found a counter to the FEV-impurity. I'd like some mad scientist-stuff here...someone that walks in the footsteps of the Master from Fallout 1, who after a while of imprisonment takes your char into the vault to experiment on, and of course gives opportunities to mutate your char. A Fallout-Overthetop-EdWoodesque-Frankenstein...why do I suddenly see Christopher Walken before me...? Or that perverted doctor in Woody Allen's "everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask"...


You could either stick with this Mad Master and his evil ideas for conquering the Mojave, or just pretend to do so, and maybe "free" the Mutants of his influence (and make a connection to Marcus and his lads maybe? an exodus? A Mutant Utopia with plenty of girls freely breeding for them, and partying!), or even use the NCR to bring an end to all of it if you want to.


Just some random ideas. This episode always had a more lighthearted feel to me, though I can't put my finger on why exactly. Maybe the party-stuff, dancing (more of it!) and all this. Also Supermutants always are slightly comic relief, if they talk. And I don't think you should try to "copy" the whole Deathclaw-epicness (and, to some extend, darkness....), and instead make something that feels a little more different.


Just some random ideas, but whatever you do, I am sure it'll be good anyway! :D

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For the spore plant, I cant get it to do anything once it gets to its biggest size and I get the popup messages when I go to take care of it.  Didnt get a 'what the heck was that?' dialogue or anything, and never got the glowy spore thing :( is that supposed to happen in this version? I've already double checked I have the latest of both SCR and Preg, and started a completely new character after reinstalling the mod (and SCR and Preg)

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Not really feeling the wolves right now (and as you all know, when I don't feel like working on something I don't do it) but I am feeling like going back to the super mutant camp. Now I've got my own ideas, but as always, I"d love to hear what you guys think about it and where you think it should go. Or just any thoughts on it at all really. That one's got a lot of potential.


As far as story goes, this is what I'm thinking.


Out east, the legion found a group of non sterile super mutants. They killed all but a few and enslaved them the rest. Now they're tasked with sneaking into NCR territory and breeding an army to cause havok for the NCR. This changes if you've completed the deathclaw story line up to Novac takeover. In which case the super mutants are there to mess up the deathclaws to lessen the pressure on the Legion.


That's all I've got.




You could link them with the deathclaws so the super mutants are an apposing force to the death claws.


Example: If you do the deathclaw stuff and continue their expansion you have to take on the super mutants who are expanding into the same areas. And if you do the super mutant camp you have to eventually take on the deathclaws with conflict between the 2 factions and such.

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