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Fix: Fuz Ro Doh got turned off at some point. Likely because pressing spacebar while my mod manager has focus turns things off. I probably turned it off while checking for it!
But still, things stopping working forever is definitely a symptom of Fuz Ro Doh getting turned off, because of rapid-fire comments. So it might be worth remembering if it breaks like that for anyone else.

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What's the story with Evelyn? She just gave me 2 septims immediately after entering the shop and proclaiming we're friends. What are her triggers? I must admit that was weird, as she had no other interactions at all so far.

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On 5/19/2022 at 2:32 AM, belegost said:

So my question is: can the Redwater Skooma be replaced with regular skooma? There doesn't seem to be anything that I can modify in xEdit to achieve that, so I'm assuming this is done by a script, and that is something that I really have no idea about. If it could be done inside the mod itself it would render making an additional patch for SLSW unnecessary. And in my mind the whole point of gaining skooma fame is to get drugged by an event, as a way of getting a fix (SLSW Addicted debuffs are really bad if left unchecked and skooma is really expensive - kinda the point of this mod).

I don't know what's causing the in-game name issue. Are you asking if the "forced" event comments in this mod that use Redwater Den Skooma can be changed to use regular Skooma? They could of course, but then I would lose the great visual effect. But... I could make a copy of Redwater Den Skooma, give it a different name, remove the Redwater Den script effect, and then use that in this mod.  

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On 5/19/2022 at 12:34 PM, belegost said:

In version 3.31 the fox inside Belethor's shop is not disabled when "Bestiality" fame is ticked off.

Thanks for the heads up. My bad. I'll fix in the next version.


EDIT: Actually, Roxy the fox is in the list of animals that gets toggled on and off with the Beastiality events toggle switch. But it's not dynamic. It's tied to the actual MCM toggle. Try toggling the Beastiality events switch on and off again when you're not in Belethor's shop. That should fix it.

Edited by Gristle
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21 hours ago, belegost said:

What's the story with Evelyn? She just gave me 2 septims immediately after entering the shop and proclaiming we're friends. What are her triggers? I must admit that was weird, as she had no other interactions at all so far.

That must be coming from another mod. Evelyn doesn't give any money or proclaim friendship in this mod, though she does become your friend. She has a decent amount of custom fame or nudity-based random "Hello" comments that can trigger any time, plus she has access to a lot of the usual random Hello comments. But she's a bit shy and intimidated by Belethor, so you won't get normal player-initiated mod dialogue options with her until Belethor tries to sell her body to you first.  Belethor's offers to sell her are random Hello comments triggered by Likes Women>10 and Slut>20. Once you "buy" Evelyn via one of Belethor's random comments, then both Belethor and Evelyn will have additional normal player-initiated mod dialogue which can generate SL events (assuming Likes Women events are enabled, and further events if Beastiality events are enabled).


Edit: Note that this is the only normal player-initiated dialogue in the mod so far. Sort of a test for me to learn how to do normal dialogue with fame-based conditions and SL event triggers. Seems to work fine.

Another Edit: Sorry, forgot about another mechanism with Evelyn. She does befriend PCs very quickly. Meaning a lot of her fame-based random "Hello" comments instantly raise your Relationship Rank with her to 1 (Friend) if it is not already 1 or higher.  I did this as an easy way to block her from the "mean" mod comments that NPCs with Relationship Rank of 0 or less normally can say. So, it must be some other mod that is making her give money and proclaim friendship based on the "friend" status she acquires under this mod.

Edited by Gristle
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1 hour ago, Gristle said:

They could of course, but then I would lose the great visual effect.


You should try SLSW some day and see what visual effects some of the drugs in this mod have. Ohhh boy...


However, if you could make a copy of Redwater Skooma that would be even better, as then I could probably just simply swap it with literally any other drug without touching your copy and modifying it.


1 hour ago, Gristle said:

must be some other mod that is making her give money and proclaim friendship based on the "friend" status she acquires under this mod.


That's the thing, there is no other mod that could do this. In am running a LOTD profile that is intentionality very low on adult mods, contrary to my usual setup. Mostly because my previous LOTD save first started falling apart, and then got bricked about 80 hours in due to heavy script load from (I assume) baka mods. Defeat and fame/comments are the only ones I left that have any interactions with NPC's.

Not that it matters, I just wanted to ask about her mechanic, because that was the first time any NPC gave me money just like that, without first wanting a "favour" and it felt weird. 


A side-note about Evelyn though: she sticks out in my game as the ugly duckling, considering I use overhauls for nearly every single named NPC, males included. In fact, Belethor looks better than her and I'd sooner rent him (Pride of Skyrim).

Edited by belegost
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Sometimes comments stop showing for a long time,and I think is related to conversations started from other mods interrupting this mod's comments,specially if is waiting a response,like a prostitution request (the yes or no menu).Another dialogue gets in,and the mod gets stuck there.


Is there a way to "kick and awake" the quests controlling the comments? Maybe a console line?


Thank you.

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17 hours ago, matekun said:

Sometimes comments stop showing for a long time,and I think is related to conversations started from other mods interrupting this mod's comments,specially if is waiting a response,like a prostitution request (the yes or no menu).Another dialogue gets in,and the mod gets stuck there.


Is there a way to "kick and awake" the quests controlling the comments? Maybe a console line?


Thank you.

The thing is this mod (mostly) just adds additional random "Hello" comments to the game, which is a vanilla game mechanic. The comments are not triggered by scripts or anything like that (though some trigger tiny scripts). The mod just adds additional "Hello" comments to the random stack of vanilla game "Hello" comments for NPCs, and then the vanilla game decides when to trigger a random Hello comment. 


Also, I know that one mod "Hello" comment won't stop another mod "Hello" comment from firing. You'll see that NPCs sometimes talk over each other, and it doesn't appear to cause any problems. Even mod "event" comments that trigger a script (e.g., message box, SL sex start) won't stop other "Hello" comments from firing. In fact, this was a problem in earlier versions of the mod, because a mod "event" comment would fire, and then a non-event comment would trigger, erasing the "event" comment from the screen and thus confusing you as to why the event started, because you didn't see the associated event comment.  To fix this, I made event comments set a "Wait" flag at the beginning of the dialogue, and then clear the flag at the end of dialogue. Then I added checking the Wait flag to all mod comments (except "bump" comments), so they don't talk over an event comment. Theoretically, this flag could get stuck on (i.e., if you save in the middle of an event comment), but I have actually never seen this happen.  In any case, it's easy to check: Just open the console and type "getglobalvalue SLSFC_Wait". If it returns a value of 0, everything is fine and the Wait flag is not set. If it returns a value of 1, then the Wait flag is set and you won't get comments, except for "bump" comments (which don't check this flag) until the flag is reset.  You could reset this flag in the console with "set SLSFC_Wait 1".


The only other non-vanilla condition that globally affects all mod comments is an SLSF comment frequency global variable.  SLSF has an "Allow Comment" global variable that ties into the SLSF MCM "Comment Frequency" setting and gives you a variable that allows comments only in a timeframe that matches the desired SLSF MCM frequency setting. It's possible that something is interfering with this SLSF function. That's the only thing I can think of that could stop all mod comments from firing. One solution might be for me to stop using the SLSF MCM frequency setting, add my own Comment Frequency setting in this mod's MCM, and then replace the associated SLSF Allow Comment conditions with my own comment frequency condition.  This would also have the side benefit of starting to break the link between this mod and SLSF, so for example, it could support other fame mods, like Gossip. 


As an initial step, I think I'll remove the SLSF Allow Comment condition from all "bump" comments. It really doesn't make too much sense to lower the frequency for those particular comments, and it will provide a good way to troubleshoot if this SLSF Allow Comment condition is causing the problem or not, when it occurs.


Edit: Thinking about this, there is another global check, but it's a vanilla game condition, which is the mod comments won't fire if the PC or NPC is in a "Scene," which is a scripted game event. It's possible some other mod is not ending a "Scene" properly. I would hate to have to remove this check. Also, for event comments, I also check to make sure the PCs movement, fighting, menu and activation controls are all enabled, as these are shut down during normal dialogue with NPCs, so that event comments don't occur during such dialogue. But this only effects event comments, so even if it wasn't working right, it would have no effect on non-event mod comments.





Edited by Gristle
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23 hours ago, belegost said:

However, if you could make a copy of Redwater Skooma that would be even better, as then I could probably just simply swap it with literally any other drug without touching your copy and modifying it.

I'll make a copy of Redwater Den Skooma in the next version, rename it to some other type of Skooma, and then use that for the mod's skooma-related "forced" events. I guess I can strip out the Den-related script effect while I'm at it. No need for that for my purposes.

23 hours ago, belegost said:

Not that it matters, I just wanted to ask about her mechanic, because that was the first time any NPC gave me money just like that, without first wanting a "favour" and it felt weird. 

Well I learned something new today. I can't recall any NPC (other than own children) giving my PC a gift, but apparently it's a standard - if a bit rare - game mechanic. Because many of Evelyn's comments trigger instant friendship, you don't have to do a favor for her to become her friend. So, vanilla Skyrim triggered the gift, though this mod made her a friend.

23 hours ago, belegost said:

A side-note about Evelyn though: she sticks out in my game as the ugly duckling, considering I use overhauls for nearly every single named NPC, males included. In fact, Belethor looks better than her and I'd sooner rent him (Pride of Skyrim).

It's grown on me a bit that she's nice but not that pretty, but the real reason is I'm a total novice when it comes to making NPCs. At first I was afraid to even edit her face for fear of the black face bug. Since then I've learned how to package up NPC facegen data in the mod package, so I'm less worried about that now. But I'm still a bit clueless. For example, I don't know how to give her nice hair without making a hair pack a mod dependency. Should I make an "NPC overhaul" add-on for the mod that's dependent upon KS Hairdos? I'm not sure what the recommended practice here is.


This will be increasingly relevant, as I'm working (very slowly) on some questlines right now to serve as alternatives to bounty/arrest for high levels of SLSF fame in the holds (i.e., you get summoned to Jarl and have a choice of a series of mini quests rather than face bounty/arrest), so I'll be adding some more NPCs for that purpose. 

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On 5/21/2022 at 6:47 AM, Gristle said:

Try toggling the Beastiality events switch on and off again when you're not in Belethor's shop. That should fix it.


Just tested it on a new character. The fox was in the shop though I always turn off bestiality toggle in LAL prison cell before starting the game. Walked out of the shop, toggled bestiality on, closed the menu, waited few seconds and toggled it off. Walked into the shop, fox was still there.

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5 hours ago, belegost said:


Just tested it on a new character. The fox was in the shop though I always turn off bestiality toggle in LAL prison cell before starting the game. Walked out of the shop, toggled bestiality on, closed the menu, waited few seconds and toggled it off. Walked into the shop, fox was still there.

I just checked the code, and the fox is in the same list as all the other animals that get disabled: same syntax, correct name, no typos. Maybe save and reload?

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39 minutes ago, Gristle said:

Maybe save and reload?


Too late now, I disabled it through console. But this is the only animal so far that doesn't get removed instantly by a toggle, so clearly there must be something else affecting it. Is it somehow related to Evelyn?

Edited by belegost
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Hey gristle, fantastic work with this mod, 20/10. 

For such a lightweight mod, this already covers so much of adult interactions.

My question pertains to the things you are planning to add in further development(if I missed that type of post on this topic I am sorry, used the search function and nothing came of it).

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9 hours ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Hey gristle, fantastic work with this mod, 20/10. 

For such a lightweight mod, this already covers so much of adult interactions.

My question pertains to the things you are planning to add in further development(if I missed that type of post on this topic I am sorry, used the search function and nothing came of it).

Thanks. Glad you like it. It's really meant to be a complement to, and gap-filler for other SL mods, and to try to tie existing SL mods more into the vanilla Skyrim environment. I like to run with it SLEN for consensual events, and also with DCL for non-consensual events.


As far as further development, I had planned to add a custom set of follower comments for Vilkas, similar to the set for Mjoll, but now that the universal follower comments exist, and support male and female followers, I'm not sure it makes as much sense now to keep creating custom follower sets. They're fun to write, but are a lot of work, and they do tend to be 50% the same as the generic comments, and for the people running voice packs, they would make the huge voice files for this mod even more huge. Also, people run so many different followers, it may not make sense to put so much effort into a single NPC. That said, I really enjoy the followers with existing custom follower comments: Serana, Mjoll and Faendal.


One thing I could do is go back and give Faendal's comment set some SL events (unlike Mjoll and Serana, he currently has none). However, the current set of comments assumes he's gay, so he would only make SL offers to male PCs.


So, it probably makes more sense to expand the universal follower comments, perhaps making them more quest or location or nearby NPC aware. As for general NPC comments, I will definitely keep adding more, for variety's sake if nothing else. 


I had thought about adding a set of spouse comments (jealous, cuckold, etc.), but I'm not sure how many people run SexLab play-thoughs with spouses and house-buying, so this is likely another area that wouldn't get used much.


Also, there's currently an unused SLSF fame category, which I could repurpose to track something new (?) in all tracked locations, i.e., a new fame type. I'm also not currently using the following SLSF fame types, because I can't think of any special comment types for these that would be consistent with all scenarios where these fame categories would be gathered (especially since so many SL mods just pick random animations): 

  • Dominant/Master - triggered by SL Aggressive Not Victim
  • GentleLover - triggered by SL Activity (Tag: 'Loving', 'Hugging', 'Cuddling')
  • Group - triggered by SL with more than 2 people
  • Nasty - triggered by SL Activity Naughty/Extreme/Dirty (Tag: 'Dirty', 'Bestiality' and Aggressive without Victim. Lots of cum)

Another thing I'd like to explore is adding more SLSF fame-based normal dialogue (i.e., the kind your PC initiates, not the Hello and Idle comments that are 99% of this mod). Currently, only Belethor and his (new) sister can have this sort of dialogue, and only then once your SLSF fame triggers some initiating Hello comment. I'd like to extend this concept. So, I'd like to think of other scenarios where your PC's fame gives you other dialogue options with NPCs. I don't want to just duplicate what mods like SLEN do, or duplicate what prostitution mods do, however, so it's a bit tricky to come up with scenarios for this. 


Finally, I'm (slowly) learning to make normal quests, and I plan to add a series of mini quests as an alternative to the current bounty/arrest scenario when your PC gets warned by the Jarl when your SLSF fame (usually Slut fame, but it can be Exhibitionism or Beastiality or some others, depending upon Hold) reaches high levels. The idea being that, instead of just getting a large bounty (triggering an arrest scene), you instead get summoned to the Jarl and are given tasks to perform for the Jarl, which might be some form of punishment, but may also mean letting the Jarl take advantage of your perversions in some way for the benefit of the Hold. These would vary by Hold and fame type, so would be a lot of work, meaning I'd likely roll them out one at a time.


Let me know if you or anyone has any comments regarding the above or other ideas.

Edited by Gristle
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I remember the old sexlab fame framework having fame for followers.


It was just a +1 in their mini-fame,it doesn't matter what type of sex,also increased if they were naked or wearing devices.This made npcs make comments directly to them,not just the player,and even the followers responded with another line.


After all,we have to hide or reduce exposure when having sex and the followers can have sex anywhere without consequences.

It will be nice if you can implement/recover something of that.

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@Gristle everything you wrote above is superb. It follows logical progression. Well since you mentioned "redemption" style quests for jarls I could recommend few things, and if you want take them into consideration: 

-For example in Riften jarl could give you assignments to curb the rising criminal activity(either through combat or "other means"). An unique quest could be taking down skooma dealers cartel(which entails a new cell and a few custom npcs...it would play well with the whole SW mod)

-For all holds: Your character is sent as a "diplomat" to a local bandit stronghold, where you can a)negotiate(cash) b)Kill them all c)Be their toy for a day or two(since I saw implementing something like this can be a pain in the ass, a few custom npcs could be the "envoy" near the said strongholds, saves you the implementation of AI behavior for the entire dungeon, which can commonly conflict with a 1001 mods players are using).

-Im sure you noticed, that barring prison overhauls, Skyrim jails are as empty as "Chess club member's" promises. I personally use the populated Skyrim by FactoryClose(with the coming of your mod, Ill play the rest of those only when there are MAJOR updates) for more npcs. Take into consideration that you could make a bunch of npcs(they dont need to be custom made(at least for me, cant speak for others), and give them the roll of prisoners, perverts etc(jarls of the holds could give you quests to calm prison populations/hunt for perverts(with interesting plot twists(your pc was the greatest pervert all along :D )).

-Thematically every hold has its problems(Morthal=vamps, Dawnstar=Giants, Windhelm= khm "racial differences", Riften= Rampart criminal activity, Markarth= Forsworn etc) so if you want you can make theme related original quests.

-Ps: Some bandit "hellos" would be awesome if they are easily implementable. Also more DB comments.


And I absolutely agree with taking them one step at a time(focusing on one jarldom at a time), since more time= more polished and better mod and there is a less chance for a burnout on your part. Will write more once a good idea crosses my mind. Once more thank you for making this mod. ❤️ 


Edited by wHOaMiEH
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13 hours ago, matekun said:

I remember the old sexlab fame framework having fame for followers.


It was just a +1 in their mini-fame,it doesn't matter what type of sex,also increased if they were naked or wearing devices.This made npcs make comments directly to them,not just the player,and even the followers responded with another line.


After all,we have to hide or reduce exposure when having sex and the followers can have sex anywhere without consequences.

It will be nice if you can implement/recover something of that.

It's an interesting idea but would take a lot of overhead to implement. If I'm understanding the SLSF documentation correctly, SLSF can't track the fame of individual NPCs or followers, but can track the general fame of all NPCs in a tracked location. So, I couldn't rely on SLSF to track follower fame, and it would be too much scripting and overhead for my mod to track. 


But, I do like the idea of NPCs interacting with followers, and of course you don't need to track fame to have an NPC detect that a follower is naked, wearing a device, or in a SL animation. There's a bit of NPC-to-follower interaction in the mod now, but only with the followers with custom comment sets. For example, Serana might ask you if you want a threesome with a nearby NPC, or ask if you mind if she has sex with a nearby NPC, or suggest you have sex with a nearby NPC. As another example, an NPC might ask the PC for a threesome with the PC and Mjoll.  It's easier in these cases because I have written the comment with a specific follower and a specific NPC in mind, meaning I can detect them easily by their ID and put them in a SL animation easily via their ID.  But suppose your PC has multiple followers. Now the mod has to figure out that you have followers, identify them, and then trigger comments that are specific to a particular follower.  That would (to my knowledge) require constantly running scripts, which the mod currently does not have. Everything right now is driven through the normal Skyrim dialogue systems. 


So, using the Skyrim dialogue systems and no scripts, I could have NPCs comment on follower nudity, device wearing, or SL activity, but because I need the follower's unique ID to do this, each comment would have to be unique to and triggered by a specifically pre-identified (meaning vanilla Skyrim) follower. I don't know how to refer to specific followers without scripts. Also, I'm not sure how the NPC would refer to the follower. It might be odd if you walk into a new town and everyone knows your follower's name. With the current references to Serana and Mjoll, NPCs refer to them with terms like the "raven-haired beauty" or the "buxom Nord," but such descriptions require the mod to know exactly who is being referred to. 

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On 5/25/2022 at 6:45 AM, wHOaMiEH said:

-For example in Riften jarl could give you assignments to curb the rising criminal activity(either through combat or "other means"). An unique quest could be taking down skooma dealers cartel(which entails a new cell and a few custom npcs...it would play well with the whole SW mod)

-For all holds: Your character is sent as a "diplomat" to a local bandit stronghold, where you can a)negotiate(cash) b)Kill them all c)Be their toy for a day or two(since I saw implementing something like this can be a pain in the ass, a few custom npcs could be the "envoy" near the said strongholds, saves you the implementation of AI behavior for the entire dungeon, which can commonly conflict with a 1001 mods players are using).

-Im sure you noticed, that barring prison overhauls, Skyrim jails are as empty as "Chess club member's" promises. I personally use the populated Skyrim by FactoryClose(with the coming of your mod, Ill play the rest of those only when there are MAJOR updates) for more npcs. Take into consideration that you could make a bunch of npcs(they dont need to be custom made(at least for me, cant speak for others), and give them the roll of prisoners, perverts etc(jarls of the holds could give you quests to calm prison populations/hunt for perverts(with interesting plot twists(your pc was the greatest pervert all along :D )).

-Thematically every hold has its problems(Morthal=vamps, Dawnstar=Giants, Windhelm= khm "racial differences", Riften= Rampart criminal activity, Markarth= Forsworn etc) so if you want you can make theme related original quests.

Those are great ideas, and I like the idea of tying the mini quests into the particular problems of each Hold capital. But I would also like to tie each of the mini quests into the type of fame that is attracting the Jarl’s attention and triggering the quest. That currently varies a bit by Hold, with each Hold having 1-3 different fame triggers for a Jarl warning (see spoiler box). (However, I could expand these as needed.) I can imagine, for example, a Jarl having different tasks or punishments for a woman known as a slut vs. beast-lover vs. exhibitionist, for example.



Whiterun Slut Fame
Whiterun Khajiit Fame
Whiterun Beastiality Fame
Dawnstar Slut Fame
Falkreath Lesbian Fame
Falkreath Beastiality Fame
Markarth Exhibitionist Fame
Morthal Slut Fame
Riften Beastiality Fame
Solitude Public Slut Fame
Windhelm Argonian Fame
Winterhold Anal Fame

I could see tying Morthal slut fame into vamps. Dawnstar-giants would work better for beastiality fame, though that's not currently a thing in Dawnstar. Windhelm would work well with Argonians, but perhaps not so well with Dark Elves. Riften I figured was a place that tolerated just about everything, which is why I went with beastiality there, but I could add a slut fame quest. Markarth I went with exhibitionist fame, due to the Temple of Dibella. Perhaps that could work with Forsworn as well, as they tend to be half dressed. Anyway, each one takes a long time, so I'm starting in Whiterun.

On 5/25/2022 at 6:45 AM, wHOaMiEH said:

-Ps: Some bandit "hellos" would be awesome if they are easily implementable. Also more DB comments.

Bandit hellos are easy, but you're already in combat with them by the time you get in Hello dialogue range. Does Hello dialogue work during combat? I don't even know. Have to check. (Your followers have combat "detect" and "taunt" mod comments for bandits in any case.) More DB comments is easy. I'll plan on adding more in the next version.

Edited by Gristle
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6 hours ago, Gristle said:

Those are great ideas, and I like the idea of tying the mini quests into the particular problems of each Hold capital. But I would also like to tie each of the mini quests into the type of fame that is attracting the Jarl’s attention and triggering the quest. That currently varies a bit by Hold, with each Hold having 1-3 different fame triggers for a Jarl warning (see spoiler box). (However, I could expand these as needed.) I can imagine, for example, a Jarl having different tasks or punishments for a woman known as a slut vs. beast-lover vs. exhibitionist, for example.


  Hide contents

Whiterun Slut Fame
Whiterun Khajiit Fame
Whiterun Beastiality Fame
Dawnstar Slut Fame
Falkreath Lesbian Fame
Falkreath Beastiality Fame
Markarth Exhibitionist Fame
Morthal Slut Fame
Riften Beastiality Fame
Solitude Public Slut Fame
Windhelm Argonian Fame
Winterhold Anal Fame

I could see tying Morthal slut fame into vamps. Dawnstar-giants would work better for beastiality fame, though that's not currently a thing in Dawnstar. Windhelm would work well with Argonians, but perhaps not so well with Dark Elves. Riften I figured was a place that tolerated just about everything, which is why I went with beastiality there, but I could add a slut fame quest. Markarth I went with exhibitionist fame, due to the Temple of Dibella. Perhaps that could work with Forsworn as well, as they tend to be half dressed. Anyway, each one takes a long time, so I'm starting in Whiterun.

Bandit hellos are easy, but you're already in combat with them by the time you get in Hello dialogue range. Does Hello dialogue work during combat? I don't even know. Have to check. (Your followers have combat "detect" and "taunt" mod comments for bandits in any case.) More DB comments is easy. I'll plan on adding more in the next version.


Completely agree with the things you wrote here. Regarding Windhelm, slut fame could be tied with Dark Elves(since they are basically in a ghetto, and their tavern can be used a place of certain "activities"(but again that would require time to implement and maybe a connected cell for those activities). A situation where pc is nord woman could lead to interesting outcomes("repairing" relations with DE). 


Well from what I've seen from Babo dialogue mod, you could implement them like taunts during combat( the said mod basically replaces vanilla taunts if you set them to 100). What are the chances that you could implement offers for sex from bandits(like from regular ncps)? Just asking, since bandit faction is basically enemy faction, it could be that such implementation would be tedious.


Also if you want I could write some lines for npcs,bandits etc and if you like them, you can implement them. Since I cant contribute with CK(would have to go through thousand tutorials all over again).

Edited by wHOaMiEH
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15 hours ago, Gristle said:

Those are great ideas, and I like the idea of tying the mini quests into the particular problems of each Hold capital. But I would also like to tie each of the mini quests into the type of fame that is attracting the Jarl’s attention and triggering the quest. That currently varies a bit by Hold, with each Hold having 1-3 different fame triggers for a Jarl warning (see spoiler box). (However, I could expand these as needed.) I can imagine, for example, a Jarl having different tasks or punishments for a woman known as a slut vs. beast-lover vs. exhibitionist, for example.


  Reveal hidden contents

Whiterun Slut Fame
Whiterun Khajiit Fame
Whiterun Beastiality Fame
Dawnstar Slut Fame
Falkreath Lesbian Fame
Falkreath Beastiality Fame
Markarth Exhibitionist Fame
Morthal Slut Fame
Riften Beastiality Fame
Solitude Public Slut Fame
Windhelm Argonian Fame
Winterhold Anal Fame

I could see tying Morthal slut fame into vamps. Dawnstar-giants would work better for beastiality fame, though that's not currently a thing in Dawnstar. Windhelm would work well with Argonians, but perhaps not so well with Dark Elves. Riften I figured was a place that tolerated just about everything, which is why I went with beastiality there, but I could add a slut fame quest. Markarth I went with exhibitionist fame, due to the Temple of Dibella. Perhaps that could work with Forsworn as well, as they tend to be half dressed. Anyway, each one takes a long time, so I'm starting in Whiterun.

Bandit hellos are easy, but you're already in combat with them by the time you get in Hello dialogue range. Does Hello dialogue work during combat? I don't even know. Have to check. (Your followers have combat "detect" and "taunt" mod comments for bandits in any case.) More DB comments is easy. I'll plan on adding more in the next version.

Damn those are really good ideas, but I think Sexist Guards Dialogue voiced totally overhauls all the bandit taunts and hellos.

But actually getting missions from a jarl as a result of fame? That's wild. All these ideas are wild. I'd update for it though. That sounds amazeballs.

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3 hours ago, LynErso666 said:

Damn those are really good ideas, but I think Sexist Guards Dialogue voiced totally overhauls all the bandit taunts and hellos.

But actually getting missions from a jarl as a result of fame? That's wild. All these ideas are wild. I'd update for it though. That sounds amazeballs.


Thank you for making me aware of sexist guards. Havent looked at it for a few years...to say it got expanded upon would be an understatement.

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On 5/27/2022 at 3:19 AM, wHOaMiEH said:

Completely agree with the things you wrote here. Regarding Windhelm, slut fame could be tied with Dark Elves(since they are basically in a ghetto, and their tavern can be used a place of certain "activities"(but again that would require time to implement and maybe a connected cell for those activities). A situation where pc is nord woman could lead to interesting outcomes("repairing" relations with DE).

Windhelm is tricky because you can imagine the scenario playing out differently if your PC is a Dark Elf vs. Nord vs. other race. Ideally, would have different quests there, though that's a lot of work. Or, maybe could make the same basic quest work, just with altered dialogue based on race.  That would be a lot easier than multiple quests.

On 5/27/2022 at 3:19 AM, wHOaMiEH said:

Well from what I've seen from Babo dialogue mod, you could implement them like taunts during combat( the said mod basically replaces vanilla taunts if you set them to 100). What are the chances that you could implement offers for sex from bandits(like from regular ncps)? Just asking, since bandit faction is basically enemy faction, it could be that such implementation would be tedious.

I'll take another look at bandit taunts. Last time I tried I couldn't get them to work. I'll take a look at the Sexist Guards code. In any case, as LynnErso666 suggests, Sexist Guards has bandits well covered in the meantime.

On 5/27/2022 at 3:19 AM, wHOaMiEH said:

Also if you want I could write some lines for npcs,bandits etc and if you like them, you can implement them. Since I cant contribute with CK(would have to go through thousand tutorials all over again).

I'm happy to take suggestions for NPC comments. Please keep in mind though that I've tried to keep the comments all at least somewhat fitting to the "fantasy Norse/Viking/middle ages" (or whatever you want to call Skyrim) setting for sake of immersion. Which means I've tried hard to avoid modern slang, as for me at least that destroys the immersion. This is very challenging sometimes, to the point where I've had to make up Skyrim slang. 


Also keep in mind the rich set of dialogue conditions that can be used to trigger comments: fame types and levels, nudity, cum, devices, dirt, gender, race, SLA arousal levels, relationship ranks, factions, clothing/armor, locations, time of day, weather, quest stages, presence of magic effects, disease, whether NPC has talked to PC before, weapon out, whether PC is riding horse, etc.  General fame comments are fine, but comments tied to specific sets of conditions are even more interesting and immersive.


Also, note that there are two main categories of comments for non-follower NPCs: 1) normal "Hello" comments, and 2) "Hello" and "Idle" comments that only trigger when the PC is engaged in a SL animation and when the NPC is in line of sight. Unfortunately for the latter set, I don't currently know any way to tell what kind of SL animation the PC is in, or with whom (could just be solo masturbation), which makes this set of comments very challenging.  

Edited by Gristle
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On 5/21/2022 at 3:53 PM, Gristle said:

The thing is this mod (mostly) just adds additional random "Hello" comments to the game, which is a vanilla game mechanic. The comments are not triggered by scripts or anything like that (though some trigger tiny scripts). The mod just adds additional "Hello" comments to the random stack of vanilla game "Hello" comments for NPCs, and then the vanilla game decides when to trigger a random Hello comment. 


Also, I know that one mod "Hello" comment won't stop another mod "Hello" comment from firing. You'll see that NPCs sometimes talk over each other, and it doesn't appear to cause any problems. Even mod "event" comments that trigger a script (e.g., message box, SL sex start) won't stop other "Hello" comments from firing. In fact, this was a problem in earlier versions of the mod, because a mod "event" comment would fire, and then a non-event comment would trigger, erasing the "event" comment from the screen and thus confusing you as to why the event started, because you didn't see the associated event comment.  To fix this, I made event comments set a "Wait" flag at the beginning of the dialogue, and then clear the flag at the end of dialogue. Then I added checking the Wait flag to all mod comments (except "bump" comments), so they don't talk over an event comment. Theoretically, this flag could get stuck on (i.e., if you save in the middle of an event comment), but I have actually never seen this happen.  In any case, it's easy to check: Just open the console and type "getglobalvalue SLSFC_Wait". If it returns a value of 0, everything is fine and the Wait flag is not set. If it returns a value of 1, then the Wait flag is set and you won't get comments, except for "bump" comments (which don't check this flag) until the flag is reset.  You could reset this flag in the console with "set SLSFC_Wait 1".


The only other non-vanilla condition that globally affects all mod comments is an SLSF comment frequency global variable.  SLSF has an "Allow Comment" global variable that ties into the SLSF MCM "Comment Frequency" setting and gives you a variable that allows comments only in a timeframe that matches the desired SLSF MCM frequency setting. It's possible that something is interfering with this SLSF function. That's the only thing I can think of that could stop all mod comments from firing. One solution might be for me to stop using the SLSF MCM frequency setting, add my own Comment Frequency setting in this mod's MCM, and then replace the associated SLSF Allow Comment conditions with my own comment frequency condition.  This would also have the side benefit of starting to break the link between this mod and SLSF, so for example, it could support other fame mods, like Gossip. 


As an initial step, I think I'll remove the SLSF Allow Comment condition from all "bump" comments. It really doesn't make too much sense to lower the frequency for those particular comments, and it will provide a good way to troubleshoot if this SLSF Allow Comment condition is causing the problem or not, when it occurs.


Edit: Thinking about this, there is another global check, but it's a vanilla game condition, which is the mod comments won't fire if the PC or NPC is in a "Scene," which is a scripted game event. It's possible some other mod is not ending a "Scene" properly. I would hate to have to remove this check. Also, for event comments, I also check to make sure the PCs movement, fighting, menu and activation controls are all enabled, as these are shut down during normal dialogue with NPCs, so that event comments don't occur during such dialogue. But this only effects event comments, so even if it wasn't working right, it would have no effect on non-event mod comments.





Oh man, so I had noticed recently that fame comments stopped triggering in my game. Dived down the rabbit hole to figure out what was going wrong. Pulled up both "SLSFC_Wait" and "SLSF_AllowComment" as the only things keeping comments from firing, via xEdit. I believed the Allow Comment was stuck, since I wasn't sure how to flip the GV via SLF. Pressed the menu key and used "Update Equip Status" as it seemed the be the only quick method of refreshing SLF. The GV flipped to 1 after that. Maybe it was stuck, maybe not, since I wasn't aware of this information at the time. Comments still not working though, so I fell back to wondering how SLFC_Wait functioned. No idea if I should manually console command the GV or what. Thinking that I might just be able to glean some info from the support thread, and what a gift this post was. An entire explanation of everything I wondered.  

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Ran into something that I'm not sure is a feature or a bug.  


Entered Dragonsreach and my player was punished by order of the Jarl.  After that was done, my player was still naked and the triggers on my controller completely stopped working.  Other buttons were fine.  


Loaded an earlier save to make sure it wasn't something with the controller and the triggers worked fine. 


Is this some sort of timed event to keep the Dragonborn from fighting the punishment?


I have a heavily modded game but nothing that I can identify that would cause this behavior.  Just FYI, I've been running your mod with the Babo mods (Dialogue, SLAPP, SLHH, etc.) and its been super awesome til now.


If this is a bug, any troubleshooting advice would be welcome.  If not, how long does this feature last?


I'm really enjoying this mod!

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