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For my end I am slowly working on overhauling the animations that currently exist and adding a few more animations per creature to the mix.  Some will be rape themed and some more consensual.


I know it's further down in the line, but since you do the animations, might i already propose replacing the existing 2 horse anims, with three (doggy, missionary, blowjob), since that should cover all the basics?


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Vanilla creatures have no dicks and no dicks are equipped during sex.

LoversCreatures only use creatures meshes with dicks for the LoversCreatures summon spell creatures. And those creatures be summoned with dicks and have dicks till they disappear, no equip, unequip dicks.

And the overwriten files are ok all the same in Lovers bitch gone wild 1.51 and Crowningisle. And LoversCreatures must overwrite two esp from LAPF to function.(that's why you must install LC2 after LAPF)


While things have become easier with creatures2, i think there is still room for improvement in the deployment departmant, compared to LAPF. The two things i can think of are:


1. What you mentioned. Afaik, some other plugin called loverscreature_sexual organs addressed this? Or was it a mesh patch? I can't remember anymore. This stuff still is a bit complicated.


2. Is loverssoundcreature still needed? I'm not even sure it works anymore - doesn't seem to do anything here, since i got no sound from creatures anymore.


If the above two features were merged into the creatures 3 package, then install could become as easy as current LAPF.

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Never used loverscreature_sexual organs and loverssoundcreature.

LoversCreatures3 will add dicks/bodies with dicks during sex (all creatures, vanilla andsummoned creatures )

Until then I use my Vanilla Creatures replacer with dicks, OK all creatures have permanent hard-on ( probably Viagra in food  :D )

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I thought i would share some personal Re-textures i made for Lovers Unicorn, but works great for the Gray Horses.

i included a .psd you can edit freely to your own desire.

But i don't own the Meshes or skeleton. so thanks to who ever made them!

here are some screen shots.







Horse Penis Retextured.rar

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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprise treat today!
Attached is a compatibility patch to allow creatures added by Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul to work with Lovers Creatures, at least for those with directly matching existing Oblivion creatures.  Compatibility with new creatures that use movesets similar to existing creatures (ex: Gargoyles, Xivilai Lords) require a LC function call that won't exist until LC 3.0.
Supported MOO creatures: Bear, Clannfear, Daedroth, Dog/Wolf, Gnarl, Goblin, Imp, Land Dreugh, Minotaur, Mountain Lion, Mud Crab, Ogre, Rabbit (uses Rat animations, only makes sense with the MotionNT anim), Rat, Scamp, Sheep, Skeleton, Slaughterfish, Troll, Wraith, Zombie.
In addition to the .esp there are two script files included, one for Windows XP and one for Vista/7/8.  The script creates links to the existing animation files where Oblivion would be looking for them for the new MOO creatures. (Ex: Creates link at Data\meshes\MOO\Bear\IdleAnims\ani2 that points to Data\meshes\creatures\Bear\IdleAnims\ani2). Creating links in this manner is better than copying for both space conservation and so that updating the LC animations from either the creature overhaul thread or when LC 3.0 is released will immediately update them for MOO creatures.
The script needs to be run as an Administrator from the Data directory.  For Windows XP there is an extra pre-step. XP doesn't include the command to make directory links by default, you need to install the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools and copy linkd.exe from \Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\ first. After running the script you can delete it and linkd.exe(if appropriate) from Data\.
The .esp should be placed after both LoversIdleAnimPriority.esp and Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp in the load order.


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So after reading about various things related to this creatures mod across the site, I finally tried extracting the mod to a folder, replacing the Motion NT files, though I'm still not sure what those are for... then overwriting with the sexual organs mod, followed by the FCOM patch... and then this MOO Patch, put it all together into one Omod and installed it. Then I ran the bat file for the MOO patch in the data folder, did BSA Redirection just in case, set up my LO again and rebuilt the patch. Seems maybe I'm seeing some dicks that weren't there before... but wolves and dogs still don't have any. Imps, Minotaurs and well, what seems like most creatures I encounter just have animations that never line up with my Player Character (a female Dark Siren). Imps just make me fly up into the air in the most awkward position, not anywhere near the Imp. Minotaurs usually end up in front of me facing forward when trying to hump from behind. I've tried using the number keys or whatever to change the position; this never worked for me in this mod nor Lovers. The ones that do mostly work are trolls and Ogres. Ogres don't quite line up so the ogre dick isn't actually penetrating. Some modded ogre variations still don't work at all; just stand there. Same thing with a lot of wolves. Deer pretty much look like they're clipping right through my PC even on level ground. So... what did I do wrong? I guess I'll post my Load Order (without the merged plugins) in case it could be a problem with that.



Okay so looks like there's a creature sexual organ plugin for dogs somewhere? what about bears etc?

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I've tried using the number keys or whatever to change the position; this never worked for me in this mod nor Lovers.

What does "never worked" mean?


I'm used to animations not lining up at first, and having to manually fix them via number keys and loversbackup - but i can usually get them to line up. Only exception has been the hands of actors, for some non-creature anims, but that's simply because i don't use luftballon cupsizes. So yeah, what does "never worked" mean here?


Oh, also - what race are you playing? All animations were made for races with bodies close to the standard scale of x1.00 (i.e. imperials - but most vanilla races should be close)


EDIT: One more thing - even with animations having been manually lined up and saved, things tend to not line up on non-even ground. There's a lovers setting (toggle TCL) that might fix non-even ground alignment, but it has other issues, including actors falling through the ground.


EDIT2: LO doesn't look too bad. Might want to try reducing the number of mods loading after loversPK, and with your bashed patch position, you need to be careful to not include lovers mods in the patch.

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The number keys work very slowly, but if they don't work at all, my bet is on loadorder, or a conflicting mod.


There's plenty to do for your non-lovers mods in the LO, but i'll ignore them for now and just link this: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28162-newbies-5-simple-ways-to-avoid-most-crashes-and-bugs/


As for lovers mods: For testing disable all non-lover ESPs, that are currently loading after lovers ESPs. Remember to rebuild the patch - and don't include any lovers mods.


If things work, then you know the problem is either one of those mods, or them loading after lovers.


If things still don't work. We'll have to take a closer look.

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Reorder the last lovers ESPs in your LO like this:




-->nothing below this<---

This is important. Half of your lovers LO can be screwed up and things still work - but if the above isn't the case, stuff breaks quickly.

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Okay, so does that mean MB2 and the 3D orgasm should be loaded right above Idle Anims, or can I leave it where BOSS puts it?

Most of the keys do actually seem to be working, I just didn't know to hold them down. 5 and 6 are turn left and right, 7 and 8 up and down, 9 and 0 are... also up and down. 1-4 don't seem to do anything though. Are they supposed to go forward/backward, straight left and right?

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BOSS does not know how to sort lovers mods in general. It works okay for most other mods, but it gets lovers mods wrong all the time.


loversMB2 and lovers3dorgasmMB2 MIGHT work if further up, but i'm not sure about that. However, those three:





ALWAYS need to be at the bottom. Else stuff breaks. Technical reasons: All three of those ESPs are in a contest for who screams the loadest for priority, but all of them scream at the same volume, so it is loadorder only that determines the correct priority. Those three are also the plugins that control all the sex animations and positions, so guess what happens, if something goes wrong with that priority thing.


About the keys: The keys >4 control altitude and rotation of both characters, BUT in the infinite wisdom of original LPK programmers (japanese folks), those adjustments aren't saved. Only 1-4 are saved, and they usually control X position per character, as well as Y position (height) per character. X for some animations is instead exchanged for Z pos.


EDIT: Yes, the keys work very slowly. If animations are entirely off, you have to hold them down for a long time. Again, remember that uneven ground can result in animations being off in general, so don't adjust positions while on uneven ground - else, it will be all wrong, once the same animation plays on even ground.


If you like to switch between savegames, you might want to consider loversbackup. With loversbackup, you can save and load adjustments from a file, and thus i.e. import your adjustments into a savegame.

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Okay well the 1 and 2 keys actually do go left to right but the 3 and 4 keys just go up and down. I can't get it to move forward or backward. Why do so many keys go up and down...

EDIT: Okay you said they control X position and Y (height). With just the 1-4 keys is there something I'm missing just to go forward and backward along the X, not side to side...


Well I'm gonna make a separate thread about my load order. I want to troubleshoot all the other bugs in my game, cause at this point I have no clue what's causing them. Mostly my game's pretty stable though and this creatures mod is working better than I thought.


Back on topic, I'm still completely lost on how to get the sexual organs for wolves, bears etc. Is this just still being worked on for OOO/FCOM/MOO and I have to wait? And what do you mean that only the 1-4 keys can be saved? They are the only ones that can be saved into lovers backup? And sorry I sound like a noob, but I don't know where this "file" is or how to use it.

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Okay well the 1 and 2 keys actually do go left to right but the 3 and 4 keys just go up and down. I can't get it to move forward or backward. Why do so many keys go up and down...

EDIT: Okay you said they control X position and Y (height). With just the 1-4 keys is there something I'm missing just to go forward and backward along the X, not side to side...


Exactly. There's always one axis missing, and it's an annoying limitation. A while ago, i proposed that this be changed in LPK, but the answer basically was that LPK is a magick black box, originally programmed by some guys from japan, who now no longer maintain it. This is why so little about LPK itself (the core, not the many extensions) has changed since then.


About sexual organs and so on - someone else will have to help with that - i'm using a different approach (fejeena's stuff) to get creatures to have dicks, and mixing this with your current setup will probably only cause more chaos.

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Aww that is annoying. I hope in the next version, or eventually they make the animations work as well as humans, without so much need for adjustments... anyway thanks for all your help. I just needed some clarification because getting this to work seemed like total chaos with different downloads scattered everywhere... and my eyes were getting blurry from reading so many threads.

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I know that chaos and confusion about all kinds of threads and versions quite well - it was even worse about a year ago >_>


Back then, even LPK itself and creatures, was spread all over the place, when now instead it's two consolidated packages (plus wappy's patch for the overhaul).


It also is one of the many reasons why i refuse to use MBP.... things are already enough of a mess, without a 1 freaking gigabyte large megapack of over a dozen races, replacers and what not.

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Aww that is annoying. I hope in the next version, or eventually they make the animations work as well as humans, without so much need for adjustments... anyway thanks for all your help. I just needed some clarification because getting this to work seemed like total chaos with different downloads scattered everywhere... and my eyes were getting blurry from reading so many threads.


"They" is mostly "me" and I am working on it:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/21315-creatures-overhaul-workshop/


Overhauling animations is a very slow process.  It took me over 9 months to do all the animations in the LAPF.  It will likely take as long to do the creatures.

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Sorry, i completely missed this one:


And what do you mean that only the 1-4 keys can be saved? They are the only ones that can be saved into lovers backup?

When you use the number keys, to align animations, the changes are remembered in your savegame. So, when the same animation plays in the future, your changes automatically get applied (this is why you shouldn't use the number keys, to fix alignment on uneven ground). However, only the adjustments you made via keys 1-4 are saved. Changes like rotation aren't remembered (you will notice this for places like beds: if chars are the wrong away around in the bed, for a given animation, and you fix it via the number keys, then the next time the same animation plays in a bed, the chars are again the wrong way around).


If you start a new game, or like to switch back and forth between savegames, then your adjustments are gone again, since they are stored in savegames. This is where loversbackup comes in: Lovers backup has a spell that lets you save all currently active adjustments to a file, or load adjustments from that file into your current game. This works across savegames. The "only keys 1-4" limitation still applies.

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Hello Mr. Clueless Visitor #50001. Thank you for stopping by.


Please allow me to give you the basic guidelines on how to request help:

Before everything, double-check to see that you downloaded and installed all the requirements for the mod. After that, get Wrye Bash and click on the esp in question to see that you have all the requirements active.


Still doesn't work? Follow these three easy steps and we will be able to help you in no-time!

First, you have to provide your load order.

Second, you have to provide information regarding which script-extender mods you have installed. This means OBSE, Pluggy, MenuQueue and their versions.

Third, you provide information as to when the crashes\errors occur. This means, while loading up the game? While loading a save? When you encounter a creature? When the animations start?


Remember, if you follow these three steps every time you ask for help we will be able to help you quickly & efficiently, without snarky\sarcastic remarks or comments.

Thank you for reading, and have a good day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, No , No, Yes

Like Lovers with PK or LAPF this mod does nothing without other mods. With Lovers raper creatures can rape, or LoversJoburg and LSMN creatures stalk Player/NPCs, or in BravilUnderground you can train slaves with creatures, ......

The only thing LoversCreatures have is a summon creatures spell and these creatures have a penis (and fuck NPCs or Player)

If you want all creatures with penis http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/276-creatures-replacers-with-dicks/

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Ahah - thx!

This lovers raper i already dled but i guess

i must loot the entire download index page to

find all necessary stuffs like bondaged and

what not - anyway i wanna make small new

worlds where all those angel soul consuming

thing happen.

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