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Raider Reform School

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Raider Reform School is a collection of furniture, tats and Baggy Tank Top re-textures and other odds and ends themed around the idea of a reform school aimed at raiders. The aims of the school are twofold.


  • Firstly to re-educate those misguided young women who may have fallen into a raider lifestyle, and to teach them to become productive members of society.
  • Secondly, to keep these same young women pregnant, that their offspring might be raised to be respectable members of society,thereby helping to remedy the persistently low human populations that have plagued the East Coast ever since the Great War.


The mod is generally aimed at a male player who wants to keep a harem of enslaved raiders, but it should work for female or futa players as well. Also, there's nothing to stop you wearing the tops or tats yourself as a female player. (Alas, there are no male versions).




There's no quest as such, just a collection of role-playing aides.


What you get:


  • Seven colored tank tops corresponding to one of the School's seven designations: Prisoner, Breeder, Laborer, Dancer, Whore, Security and Slave
  • Seven matched tats, font and back corresponding to the tops. The tats are full color and glow in the dark to make it easier to find the occasional nighttime runaway.
  • Seven bikini tops as alternatives to the tank tops.
  • Seven slotless, invisible tattoo-only items which can be equipped to get the tattoo without clothing, or matched with other items.
  • The tats are scripted to apply when the tops are equipped. You can set the tats through LooksMenu if you don't like the tops
  • The "Breeder" tattoo detects whether the wearer is pregnant or not, and changes the text to "Breeder" or "fertile" accordingly. So you can tell at a glance which of your charges needs servicing. It should also detect conception and birth,and automatically change to reflect the wearer's new status, although the giving birth aspect hasn't really been tested yet. There are "breeder" and "fertile" versions of the breeder tops too, and these will also change.
  • If your captive is one of the named female bosses, giving her an RRS top will result in her other ass cheek being branded with the her name. Useful for telling who's who when they're all in the pillory. Piper, Cait and Curie, too. Just in case anyone feels the need to put them in their place from time to time. I'm planning on adding one for Nora as well).
  • There's a patch for niston's Fuck Me Shoes so they stay on during sex. The tops also stay on.
  • A script runs every day around midnight and looks for FPE children in need of loving homes. The kids are automatically sent to loving homes situated off-map. 100 caps is deposited in the settlement workbench for each adoption.
  • A couple of Stump| (TM) outfts which zap the wearer's arms and legs, one more extreme than the other.
  • A combination jet-pack, collar and asshook, the Skyhook, intended to justify StumpZ girls when they walk around
  • An Empty Head Brain Amputation headset
  • An Indoctrination headset with glowing visor and integral ballgag.
  • Several unique restraints, including cuffs to pinion miscreats to glass walls, snappable, stackable cages for bulk storage.
  • A triple cuff stand where three sets of cuffs snap to a central pole. Each set can be use separately
  • The Hangspread Device


Oh yes! There's a nifty School Flag too!




Always remember the School Motto: "Retribution, Redemption, Reproduction"


How To Use:



Build the tops in Bodyslide. There's just tank top and one bikini. Then you can build the top and its variations at a chemlab under "Raider Reform School". The tats will auto-apply when the top is worn, or you can use them separately with looksmenu and the console "slm" command.




I've tried to avoid hard depends, but I'm assuming that you're running Just Business here. If not, you may need to do some finagling to make some of the features work as advertised.


AAF if you want to have sex with your charges. I'm assuming most people will.


AAF FPE if you want them to get pregnant. Not strictly required but some scripts may nor work without it.


Baggy Tank Top by jmenaru. The tops won't work right without this.



If you use CBBE, then F-Me Shoes by niston. You don't strictly need it, since the mod just adds a patch, but if you want the shoes, you need that mod.


If you use Fusion Girl, thenthe  FG port of CB Bikini.


And while it's by no means required, I recommend Raider Queens by @Senator Blutarsky since it makes those raider bossgirls a lot easier on the eye.



There are a lot of files.


  • raider_reform_school_<version>.7z file is the main file. Unless you just want the tats, you'll always want this one
  • rrs_tattoos__<version>.7z is the file with the tats and the looksmenu configs. If you don't install this, you'll get tops without matching tats and tattoo builds in the chemlab that don't do anything.
  • rrs_cbbe.7z this just adds an exception for the Fuck-Me Shoes mod so they aren't unequipped during sex. Only really useful if you use CBBE
  • rrs_fb.7z is similar, but uses ChainBikini.esp as the shoe mod. it also adds some workbench configurable combination tops so you can choose what you want out of tops, socks and shoes.


The reason for the shoe based addons is that the tops don't have a body mesh. That means you can combine them with other items, and (since shoes tend to hold the body mesh in Fo4) it means that equipping a top won't unequip a girl's high heels. On the other hand, it means that if, in Bodyslide, you build the top to a different shape to your usual body you get clipping. So the idea is that you build a set of shoes to the same body shape as the tops, and if you wear them together, nothing clips.


Or you can just build everything to the same bodyslide shape and you don't need the shoe addons.


Unpack as usual. Build the top and the shoes with your body.


Load raider_reform_school.esp for the main mod


Load raider_reform_school_names.esl to pull in the tats for the raider boss names. If you don't want them, leave this file unchecked.


There is an RRS preset included in the archive. You don't need to use it but it was there so I included it. (It's a tweaked Josie Body mesh, but use anything you want).


There are also a few esl files.


  • raider_reform_school_tattoos.esl just exists for force the load of the tattoo BSA file.
  • raider_reform_school_names.esl loads the named ass-tats for various bosses. So you can see who's who from the rear view of a pillory.
  • raider_reform_school_amputee.esl adds some tats for the less extreme version of StumpZ. This was from an early version and I'm not sure they still fit, to be honest.
  • raider_reform_school_machine_tattoos.esl is a placehodler for the tats intended for the tatoo machine


If all that seems needlessly over-complicated, I'm sure you're right. It is, however, as simple as I can make it.


About The Shoes


What you can do is build the tops to a body with exaggerated sexuality, and then build the rest of the outfits in the game to a more realistic body. That way, the RRS gear has some pre-war high-schience nanoquantum future-tech woven into it. That way, anyone who puts on one of the tops gets morphed into a humiliating caricature of their own sexuality. But if you do that, you need a set of shoes because you need something to supply the body that goes inside the tank tops.


So that's why I was so keen on having a set of always on shoes to go with the tops.


Future Plans


The mod is playable as it is. I would like to get all the tops using dynamic retexturing system so you could change the design on a girl's shirt (and her tats in the process) with a scripted device or holotape.


I want to add a little lore into the game. Just some stuff about the school's original founder.


I plan on adding some recompense for impregnation and births.


Something to remove the children from settlements so the game doesn't collapse under the weight of settlers when the babies start growing up. Maybe a Miss Nanny robot that collects them up and leads them off to be sold to supermutants an cannibals fostered with respectable and carefully vetted couples so that they may be raised as responsible and productive members of society.




Thanks to niston for permission to use his F-Me shoes.


To jmenaru for permission to modify the Baggy Tank Top mesh.


To @Invictusblade for helping me get my head around how LooksMenu tattoos work


Monno and highhthere for the bikini top, taken (in accordance with the creators' permissions) from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13720


To Death for the Leash Laws image, many thanks.


Anyone I missed, let me know and I'll add you in.


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    AAF, AAF FPE, Just Business, Baggy Tank Top, TortureDevices


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Sounds great I'll give it a run my next play through. Question though, if a female player puts on the shoes/shirt/tats will others treat her as a raider in reform? That would be great! especially with Raider pet. Player goes through the Raider pet line and is labeled as a "raider pet" , new faction?, then goes to a settlement and is put in "reform" for her errant ways/brainwashing. Or her companion takes her in hand to "straighten" her out :)

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7 hours ago, Oldwolf58 said:

Question though, if a female player puts on the shoes/shirt/tats will others treat her as a raider in reform?

Currently it's just clothes and tats. The only scripting is to detect pregnancy changes (and I'm not sure that's working since I changed the poll time on the update timer)

7 hours ago, Oldwolf58 said:


That would be great! especially with Raider pet. Player goes through the Raider pet line and is labeled as a "raider pet" , new faction?, then goes to a settlement and is put in "reform" for her errant ways/brainwashing. Or her companion takes her in hand to "straighten" her out :)

Sounds like fun, but it's not on the radar at the moment. Although if there's a Devously Helpless style mod out there,I'll happily make a patch that adds the needed keyword to the tops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/23/2020 at 8:26 AM, ZI0MATRIX said:

I am trying to figure out how to get this working.

Maybe I am to tired at the moment but did you write a step by step guide how this works?

I captured a female raider via Just Business and now I want to get her some of your clothes and tattoos.

Create the clothes at a chemical workbench, under Raider Reform School. Equip the top and the tats will apply automatically. If you want the red pumps, you need F-Me Shoes installed, and they'll be under "Fuck Me Shoes" at the chemlab.


(Sorry for not replying sooner - I've not been getting notification for some reason)

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Coming Soon:


Adoption. I've got a script just about working that will quietly adopt the kids and foster them with good families, somewhere off-game. For each one you'll get an adoption fee deposited in the workbench. I'm considering some options, like being able to exempt certain ids from the process, exempting a female player's own children, maybe disable it all together. Let me know if anyone has any strong feelings on the subject.


Pregnancy Indicators. I'm considering extending the Breeder tat script so that all tops change their tats to "Fertile" if the wearer is in fact ready to breed. I find I'm doing a lot of this:

  • open girl's inventory
  • remove top so old tat gets removed
  • close inventory
  • open girl#s inventory
  • equip breeder top
  • close inventory
  • see if she's pregnant
  • repeat to restore usual top

It's better than faffing on with the FPE debug function in MCM, but could be easier. So maybe some indicator that works for all tops is what we need.


Alternative Tops. I looked at the girls following me and thought it would be nice to put her in a color coded bikini top. So I re-textured a Monno's Bikini Top




Looks like it ought to work. The bikini has the same scripting as the tank top, so the same tats apply. I'm thinking about what I can do for a decoration on the fabric.


With a bit of luck, I might get some of this out in the next week.




Not sold on this design:




There's not a lot of useful geometry on those fabric patches, so whatever goes on there has to be fairly simple. I could probably get away with "SLAVE" though.





On the other hand...




... that works rather well. I think we have a winner, folks.


Works with a Dicky's Pin-Up jacket, too.




Yeah, I know, I'm just a big softy. Letting her wear a jacket, what is the world coming to...?


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I love the tattoo idea. Makes it easy to find slaves and followers in the dark.

But I'm not at all crazy about the clothing component. The whole idea of having slaves is to keep them naked!!!

Might I suggest an alternative? 

Virtually every slave in the game ( plus any other NPC you want to decorate including you ) is wearing a Real Handcuffs shock collar. Perhaps the author of Real Handcuffs could add a coller configuration option in the pipboy setup that would allow us to assigne a code to a variable supplied by the coller to other mods. The code list of valid codes would come from your mod.

When a code is selected, your mod would display the appropriate tattoos on the body. Just remove a code to clear the body.

You could then add new codes and tattoo sets without needing additional clothes.

To chang tattoos on a NPC, just plug pipboy in and pick a new code. No looking for a chem station to make new tops.

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4 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Dayum, dat ass in thumbnail. ? :heart:

I know what you mean :) 


2 hours ago, Aria1989 said:

i have a problem the the tank tops doesn't appear only the tatts


I think I might know what that one is. I'll look into it.


2 hours ago, Aria1989 said:

and the raiders not assign in their devices they leave and follow me all the time i guess is a" just buissness" issue

Have you told them to "Go Home"? Doing that pops up a list of settlements. Choose the current settlement, and then they'll take assignment. Otherwise they just shrug it off.


18 minutes ago, carlj67 said:

But I'm not at all crazy about the clothing component. The whole idea of having slaves is to keep them naked!!!

I confess, one of the things I love about those tops is that they draw attention to the wearer's assets without offering anything in the way of protection or concealment. I'm going for a "more naked than naked" vibe.


But yeah, I can absolutely see where you're coming from. I'll have a think about the Real Handcuffs idea. Certainly I can tie that to the collar. Let me think about it.



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I'm having a hard time finding this mods forum entry in the Fallout 4 forum listings. You don't seem to be showing up in any of the three forums - AAF, Adult, or non-adult. Are you missing a Tag?



Might be why you're not being notified?

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10 hours ago, Aria1989 said:

i have a problem the the tank tops doesn't appear only the tatts.the and the and the raiders not assign in their devices they leave and follow me all the time i guess is a" just buissness" issue


OK. There's a few places in the where the paths are wrong, either because they point at "raiders_reform_school" rather than "raider_reform_school", in a couple of palces where I've use the initials "RSS" instead of RRS.


I'll get a fixed build out shortly. It just needs packaging up.


6 hours ago, carlj67 said:

I'm having a hard time finding this mods forum entry in the Fallout 4 forum listings. You don't seem to be showing up in any of the three forums - AAF, Adult, or non-adult. Are you missing a Tag?


Should be under Adult and Sex Mods. I can see it.




There was some foolishness with the initial version of this mod being deleted, so it could be database issue. Let me know if you still can't see it and I'll ping the mods.


6 hours ago, carlj67 said:

Might be why you're not being notified?


I checked my settings. For some reason the "notify me" boxes were unchecked. I must have done it during one of my less active periods and then forgotten about it. Anyway, won't happen again.


5 hours ago, carlj67 said:

Me, I'm a STEM major. I just hate to open the same present twice.?


I was a STEM major before they started calling it STEM :) 


Anyway, I had a bit think. I reckon I can intercept the Real Handcuffs collar OnEquip event and apply a tat when the collar first is equipped. I'm less sanguine about hacking into the pipboy connect menu though. I might have another look at the handheld controller I was thinking about. That would work regardless.


Alternatively, I can probably do you a bodyslide zap for the tops themselves. You'd still need to make them and equip them, but your slave would still be naked for all intents and purposes.


For those of you who don't mind pretty wrapping paper on your presents: waht do you think?




I'm a bit torn between that and the simpler SLAVE design at the moment. Anyone have a preference?


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New release.


Mainly it's a bugfix release, although that slave bikini top is included. So are the adoption scripts, but they don't do anything yet because I want to test them a bit more.


I've also included the bodyslide files, the RRS preset used in the screenies and the source for the scripting. All of which was there before but either in the wrong place, or inaccessible due to the ba2 archive.


12 hours ago, Aria1989 said:

i have a problem the the tank tops doesn't appear only the tatts


I've fixed a number of path errors in the esp and bodyslide files. Install the new version, build the tops again in Bodyslide, and let me know if that fixes the problem



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On 5/1/2020 at 3:03 PM, DocClox said:

Create the clothes at a chemical workbench, under Raider Reform School. Equip the top and the tats will apply automatically. If you want the red pumps, you need F-Me Shoes installed, and they'll be under "Fuck Me Shoes" at the chemlab.


(Sorry for not replying sooner - I've not been getting notification for some reason)

Thank you for the explanation!

And now all works fine. I use it without just business .

I have some clipping issues with the baggy tops which might be due some physics stuff or my character is just "too big" for them.

Because of that I had an idea for those who want to have the tats trigger without the top. Maybe use something like a collar that triggers the tats change. 

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8 minutes ago, ZI0MATRIX said:

I have some clipping issues with the baggy tops which might be due some physics stuff or my character is just "too big" for them.

Because of that I had an idea for those who want to have the tats trigger without the top. Maybe use something like a collar that triggers the tats change. 

Yeah. I find if I build it with the CBBE Physics body, it clips like crazy. If I build it with the non-physics version and let OCBP take care of the bouncing, it's fine.


Alternatively, build the shoes with the same preset as the top, and wear them together. That always works.


I'm looking into a better way to manage tats without tops. Simplest is probably going to be a zap for the whole top. Something collar based would be nice, but it's going to take a little more time

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8 hours ago, DocClox said:

Yeah. I find if I build it with the CBBE Physics body, it clips like crazy. If I build it with the non-physics version and let OCBP take care of the bouncing, it's fine.


Alternatively, build the shoes with the same preset as the top, and wear them together. That always works.


I'm looking into a better way to manage tats without tops. Simplest is probably going to be a zap for the whole top. Something collar based would be nice, but it's going to take a little more time

I checked again my physics mods because of your comment and found part of the issue. I went back from fusion girl to cbbe because FPE has the option of lasting pregnancy effect on the body that are nice for the boobs but the body fat becomes clippy. What I forgot was to turn off all Fusion Girl physics. Now after I cleaned that up the clipping has been reduced.

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OK. For those of you that don't want the tops, I added a zap




Tick "Zap Outfit" in bodyslide, and you can still make them at a chemlab, but now they don't show up on your character. The tats still do however, so you can use the tank tops to manage the tats.


I haven't bothered with zaps for the bikini tops, party because they're not all done, partly because if you don't like them, you won't make them.


Speaking of bikini tops:






I'm not sure that the prisoner one wouldn't look better with darker lettering. Also The tat is the laborer tattoo. That needs fixing.


Ironically, the laborer variant has the same problem...




I'll say this:




... This is a fun mod to test :)

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31 minutes ago, ZI0MATRIX said:

I checked again my physics mods because of your comment and found part of the issue. I went back from fusion girl to cbbe because FPE has the option of lasting pregnancy effect on the body that are nice for the boobs but the body fat becomes clippy. What I forgot was to turn off all Fusion Girl physics. Now after I cleaned that up the clipping has been reduced.

That's good. Might be worth rebuilding the body and tops and making sure they're using the same preset. 



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4 hours ago, Froggy said:

Would you be so kind as to throw those detection scripts onto this outfit?

Can do. Got one done, five more to go. I might blog this up as I go, or else I can imagine there being a lot of these requests.


Be advised: the tats tend to apply over the top of some clothing. Not sure why, and if anyone knows how to stop it, I'd appreciate it. It's odd because they apply on top of the dress




... but underneath the panties, which are presumably worn underneath the dress.




Don't dwell on the geometry of that, it'll make your head spin.


Same dress, different girl:







I'll post the patch once I'm done.





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7 hours ago, Froggy said:

Would you be so kind as to throw those detection scripts onto this outfit?

OK, here's a patch file. Load it after Night Dress and Raider Reform School both. Also, you owe me 18 units of adhesive. You can pay me later.


Anyone else wants this, the writeup is on by blog:




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